
Defines functions RDTEfficiencyBound RDTOpt RDTEstimator RDLFFunction RDgbC Q

Documented in RDTEfficiencyBound

## Calculate minimax optimal estimators, tests, and confidence sets for RD
## problem under second-order Taylor smoothness class

## Compute inverse modulus squared divided by 4,
## \eqn{\omega^{-1}(2b)^2/4=sum_{i} g(x_i)^2/sigma^2(x_i)},
## @param d Object of class \code{"RDData"}
## @param f Least favorable function of class \code{"RDLFFunction"}
Q <- function(d, f) sum(f(d$X)^2/d$sigma2)

## Solution to inverse modulus problem in RD under Taylor(2) class
## Compute function \eqn{g_{b, C}(x)} that solves the inverse modulus problem
## \eqn{omega^{-1}(2b,C)} in RD under second-order Taylor class with smoothness
## parameter \eqn{C} by solving for parameters \eqn{d_{+}}, \eqn{d_{-}}, and
## \eqn{b_{-}}
## @param d Object of class \code{"RDData"}.
## @param b Jump at zero
## @param C smoothness parameter for Taylor class, second derivative at zero is
## bounded by \code{2*C}.
## @return Object of class \code{"RDLFFunction"}
RDgbC <- function(d, b, C) {
    ## Sacks-Ylvisaker function: g(x)=(b+dx-Cx^2)_{+} - (b+dx+Cx^2)_{-}
    SY <- function(x, b, d, C) pmax(b+d*x-C*x^2, 0) + pmin(b+d*x+C*x^2, 0)

    ## Find d for SY function
    dstar <- function(X, b, C, sigma2) {
        FindZero(function(d) sum(SY(X, b, d, C)*X/sigma2))
    ## Find b_{-}
    eq <- function(bm) {
        dm <- dstar(d$X[d$m], bm,   C, d$sigma2[d$m])
        dp <- dstar(d$X[d$p], b-bm, C, d$sigma2[d$p])

        sum(SY(d$X[d$p], b-bm, dp, C) / d$sigma2[d$p]) -
            sum(SY(d$X[d$m], bm, dm, C)/d$sigma2[d$m])

    bm <- FindZero(eq, b)
    bp <- b-bm
    dp <- dstar(d$X[d$p], bp, C, d$sigma2[d$p])
    dm <- dstar(d$X[d$m], bm, C, d$sigma2[d$m])

    function(x) SY(x, bp, dp, C) * (x>=0)-SY(x, bm, dm, C) * (x<0)

## Solve modulus problem in RD under second-order Taylor class
## Compute function \eqn{g_{b(\delta), C}(x)} that solves the modulus problem
## \eqn{omega(\delta, C)} in RD under second-order Taylor class with smoothness
## parameter \eqn{C}.
## @param delta \eqn{\delta}
## @inheritParams RDgbC
RDLFFunction <- function(d, C, delta) {
    RDgbC(d, FindZero(function(b) 4*Q(d, RDgbC(d, b, C)) - delta^2,
                      negative=FALSE), C)

## Compute optimal estimator based on solution to modulus problem, and CIs
## around it
## \eqn{hat{L}_{delta, C}}
## @param d Object of class \code{"RDData"}
## @param f RDLFFunction
RDTEstimator <- function(d, f, alpha, se.method, J) {
    den <- sum(f(d$X[d$p]) / d$sigma2[d$p]) # denominator
    ## By (S3) in 1511.06028v2, this = sum(f(d$X[d$m]) / d$sigma2[d$m])

    W <- f(d$X) / (d$sigma2*den)
    q <- Q(d, f)
    ## If not NN then it's suppled var
    if (se.method=="nn") {
        d$sigma2[d$p] <- sigmaNN(d$X[d$p], d$Y[d$p], J=J)
        d$sigma2[d$m] <- sigmaNN(d$X[d$m], d$Y[d$m], J=J)
    Lhat <- sum(W * d$Y)
    b <- f(0)-f(-1e-10)
    sd <-  sqrt(sum(W^2 * d$sigma2))
    maxbias <- b - q/den                # b-q/den

    r.u <- NPReg(d, max(abs(d$X[W!=0])), kern="uniform")
    eff.obs <- r.u$eff.obs*sum(r.u$w^2)/sum(W^2)
    d$est_w <- W
    names(Lhat) <- colnames(d$X)
    co <- data.frame(term="Sharp RD parameter", estimate=Lhat, std.error=sd,
                     maximum.bias=maxbias, conf.low=NA, conf.high=NA,
                     conf.low.onesided=NA, conf.high.onesided=NA,
                     bandwidth.m=NA, bandwidth.p=NA, eff.obs=eff.obs,
                     leverage=max(W^2)/sum(W^2), cv=NA, alpha=alpha,
                     method="Taylor", M=NA, M.rf=NA, M.fs=NA, first.stage=NA,
                     kernel="optimal", p.value=NA)
    structure(list(coefficients=fill_coefs(co), data=d, delta=sqrt(4*q),

## Optimal inference in RD under Taylor class
RDTOpt <- function(d, M, opt.criterion, alpha, beta, se.method, J) {
    ## First check if sigma2 is supplied
    if (is.null(d$sigma2))
        d <- PrelimVar(d, se.initial="EHW")
    if (!is.null(d$clusterid))
        warning(paste0("Optimal kernel can only be used with independent data.",
                       "Ignoring clusterid"))

    C <-  M/2
    ## Find optimal delta, see Supplement to 1511.06028v2
    if (opt.criterion=="OCI") {
        lff <- RDLFFunction(d, C, stats::qnorm(1-alpha)+stats::qnorm(beta))
    } else if (opt.criterion=="MSE") {
        eq <- function(b) {
            r <- RDgbC(d, b, C)
            C*sum(d$X^2*abs(r(d$X)) / d$sigma2) - 1
        lff <- RDgbC(d, FindZero(eq, negative=FALSE), C)
    } else if (opt.criterion=="FLCI") {
        eq <- function(b) {
            r <- RDgbC(d, b, C)
            q1 <- Q(d, r)
            ## Instead of using the above formula from page S5 of 1511.06028v2,
            ## optimize half-length directly
            den <- sum(r(d$X[d$p]) / d$sigma2[d$p]) # denominator
            hse <- sqrt(q1)/den                   # standard deviation
            maxbias <- b - q1/den                # b-q/den
            CVb(maxbias/hse, alpha) * hse # Half-length
        ## eq is convex, start around MSE optimal b
        bs <- RDTOpt(d, M, "MSE", alpha, beta, se.method, J)$omega/2
        lff <- RDgbC(d, stats::optimize(eq, c(bs/2, 3*bs/2))$minimum, C)

    ## Compute optimal estimator
    r <- RDTEstimator(d, lff, alpha, se.method, J)

    ## Two bandwidths in this case
    r$coefficients[c("bandwidth.m", "bandwidth.p", "M")] <-
        c(sqrt(-lff(-1e-10)/C), sqrt(lff(0)/C), M)

#' Finite-sample efficiency bounds for minimax CIs
#' Compute efficiency of minimax one-sided CIs at constant functions, or
#' efficiency of two-sided fixed-length CIs at constant functions under
#' second-order Taylor smoothness class.
#' @param object An object of class \code{"RDResults"}, typically a result of a
#'     call to \code{\link{RDHonest}}.
#' @param opt.criterion Either \code{"FLCI"} for computing efficiency of
#'     two-sided CIs, or else \code{"OCI"} for minimax one-sided CIs.
#' @param beta Determines quantile of excess length for evaluating minimax
#'     efficiency of one-sided CIs. Ignored if \code{opt.criterion=="FLCI"}.
#' @return Efficiency bound, a numeric vector of length one.
#' @references{
#' \cite{Timothy B. Armstrong and Michal Kolesár. Optimal inference in a class
#' of regression models. Econometrica, 86(2):655–683, March 2018.
#' \doi{10.3982/ECTA14434}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' r <- RDHonest(voteshare ~ margin, data=lee08,
#'               subset=abs(margin)<10, M=0.1, h=2)
#' RDTEfficiencyBound(r, opt.criterion="OCI")
#' @export
RDTEfficiencyBound <- function(object, opt.criterion="FLCI", beta=0.5) {
    d <- object$data
    alpha <- object$coefficients$alpha
    C <- object$coefficients$M/2
    d <- PrelimVar(d, se.initial="EHW")

    if (opt.criterion=="OCI") {
        delta <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha)+stats::qnorm(beta)
        r1 <- RDTEstimator(d, RDLFFunction(d, C, delta), alpha,
        r2 <- RDTEstimator(d, RDLFFunction(d, C, 2*delta), alpha,
        return(r2$omega / (r1$delta*r1$coefficients$std.error+r1$omega))
    } else {
        ## From proof of Pratt result, it follows that the expected length is
        ## int pnorm(z_{1-alpha}-delta_t) dt, where delta_t is value of inverse
        ## two-class modulus omega{delta, F, 1}, or omega{delta, 1, F},
        ## depending on whether t > 0 or < 0.
        deltat <- function(t) sqrt(Q(d, RDgbC(d, t, C))) # delta_t
        integrand <- function(t) {
            stats::pnorm(stats::qnorm(1-alpha)-vapply(t, deltat, numeric(1)))
        ## By symmetry, half-length is given by value of integral over R_+. The
        ## integrand equals 1-alpha at zero, need upper cutoff
        upper <- 10
        while (integrand(upper)>1e-10) upper <- 2*upper
        den <- RDTOpt(d, 2*C, opt.criterion="FLCI", alpha, beta,
        den <- (den$conf.high-den$conf.low)/2
        return(stats::integrate(integrand, 1e-6, upper)$value / den)
kolesarm/RDHonest documentation built on April 14, 2024, 3:27 a.m.