
Defines functions cv.CausalANOVA

Documented in cv.CausalANOVA

#' Cross validation for the CausalANOVA.
#' \code{cv.CausalANOVA} implements cross-validation for \code{CausalANOVA} to
#' select the \code{collapse.cost} parameter.  \code{CausalANOVA} runs this
#' function internally when defaults when \code{collapse.type=cv.min} or
#' \code{collapse.type=cv.1Std}.
#' See Details in \code{CausalANOVA}.
#' @aliases cv.CausalANOVA plot.cv.CausalANOVA
#' @param formula a formula that specifies outcome and treatment variables.
#' @param int2.formula (optional). A formula that specifies two-way
#' interactions.
#' @param int3.formula (optional). A formula that specifies three-way
#' interactions.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible
#' by 'as.data.frame' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model.
#' If not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)',
#' typically the environment from which 'CausalANOVA' is called.
#' @param nway With \code{nway=1}, the function estimates the Average Marginal
#' Effects (AMEs) only.  With \code{nway=2}, the function estimates the AMEs
#' and the two-way Average Marginal Interaction Effects (AMIEs).  With
#' \code{nway=3}, the function estimates the AMEs, the two-way and three-way
#' AMIEs. Default is 1.
#' @param diff A logical indicating whether the outcome is the choice between a
#' pair.  If \code{diff=TRUE}, \code{pair.id} should specify a pair of
#' comparison. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param pair.id (optional).Unique identifiers for each pair of comparison.
#' This option is used when \code{diff=TRUE}.
#' @param cv.collapse.cost A vector containing candidates for a cost parameter
#' ranging from 0 to 1.  1 corresponds to no regularization and the smaller
#' value corresponds to the stronger regularization.  Default is
#' \code{c(0.1,0.3,0.7)}.
#' @param nfolds number of folds - default is 5. Although nfolds can be as
#' large as the sample size (leave-one-out CV), it is not recommended for large
#' datasets.
#' @param screen A logical indicating whether select significant factor
#' interactions with \code{glinternet}.  When users specify interactions using
#' \code{int2.formula} or \code{int3.formula}, this option is ignored.
#' \code{screen} should be used only when users want data-driven selection of
#' factor-interactions.  With \code{screen.type}, users can specify how to
#' screen factor interactions. We recommend to use this option when the number
#' of factors is large, e.g., more than 6. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param screen.type Type for screening factor interactions. (1)
#' \code{"fixed"} select the fixed number (specified by \code{screen.num.int})
#' of factor interactions. (2) \code{"cv.min"} selects factor-interactions with
#' the tuning parameter giving the minimum cross-validation error. (3)
#' \code{"cv.1Std"} selects factor-interactions with the tuning parameter
#' giving a cross-validation error that is within 1 standard deviation of the
#' minimum cv error.
#' @param screen.num.int (optional).The number of factor interactions to
#' select. This option is used when and \code{screen=TRUE} and
#' \code{screen.type="fixed"}. Default is 3.
#' @param family A family of outcome variables. \code{"gaussian"} when
#' continuous outcomes \code{"binomial"} when binary outcomes.  Default is
#' \code{"binomial"}.
#' @param cluster Unique identifies with which cluster standard errors are
#' computed.
#' @param maxIter The number of maximum iteration for \code{glinternet}.
#' @param eps A tolerance parameter in the internal optimization algorithm.
#' @param seed an argument for \code{set.seed()}.
#' @param fac.level optional. A vector containing the number of levels in each
#' factor. The order of \code{fac.level} should match to the order of columns
#' in the data. For example, when the first and second columns of the design
#' matrix is "Education" and "Race", the first and second element of
#' \code{fac.level} should be the number of levels in "Education" and "Race",
#' respectively.
#' @param ord.fac optional. logical vectors indicating whether each factor has
#' ordered (\code{TRUE}) or unordered (\code{FALSE}) levels. When levels are
#' ordered, the function uses the order given by function \code{levels()}. If
#' levels are ordered, the function places penalties on the differences between
#' adjacent levels. If levels are unordered, the function places penalties on
#' the differences based on every pairwise comparison.
#' @param verbose whether it prints the value of a cost parameter used.
#' @return \item{cv.error}{The mean cross-validated error - a vector of length
#' \code{length(cv.t)}.} \item{cv.min}{A value of \code{t} that gives minimum
#' \code{cv.missclass}.} \item{cv.1Std}{The largest value of \code{t} such that
#' error is within 1 standard error of the minimum.} \item{cv.each.mat}{A
#' matrix containing cross-validation errors for each fold and cost parameter.}
#' \item{cv.cost}{The \code{cv.collapse.cost} used in the function.}
#' @author Naoki Egami and Kosuke Imai.
#' @seealso \link{CausalANOVA}.
#' @references Post, J. B. and Bondell, H. D. 2013. ``Factor selection and
#' structural identification in the interaction anova model.'' Biometrics 69,
#' 1, 70--79.
#' Egami, Naoki and Kosuke Imai. 2019. Causal Interaction in
#' Factorial Experiments: Application to Conjoint Analysis, Journal of the American Statistical Association.
#' \url{http://imai.fas.harvard.edu/research/files/int.pdf}
#' @examples
#' data(Carlson)
#' ## Specify the order of each factor
#' Carlson$newRecordF<- factor(Carlson$newRecordF,ordered=TRUE,
#'                             levels=c("YesLC", "YesDis","YesMP",
#'                                      "noLC","noDis","noMP","noBusi"))
#' Carlson$promise <- factor(Carlson$promise,ordered=TRUE,levels=c("jobs","clinic","education"))
#' Carlson$coeth_voting <- factor(Carlson$coeth_voting,ordered=FALSE,levels=c("0","1"))
#' Carlson$relevantdegree <- factor(Carlson$relevantdegree,ordered=FALSE,levels=c("0","1"))
#' ## ####################################### 
#' ## Collapsing Without Screening
#' ## ####################################### 
#' #################### AMEs and two-way AMIEs ####################
#' ## We show a very small example for illustration.
#' ## Recommended to use cv.collapse.cost=c(0.1,0.3,0.5) and nfolds=10 in practice.
#' fit.cv <- cv.CausalANOVA(formula=won ~ newRecordF + promise + coeth_voting + relevantdegree,
#'                          int2.formula = ~ newRecordF:coeth_voting,
#'                          data=Carlson, pair.id=Carlson$contestresp,diff=TRUE,
#'                          cv.collapse.cost=c(0.1,0.3), nfolds=2,
#'                          cluster=Carlson$respcodeS, nway=2)
#' fit.cv
#' @export
cv.CausalANOVA <- function(formula, int2.formula=NULL, int3.formula=NULL,
                           data, nway=1, pair.id=NULL, diff=FALSE,
                           cv.collapse.cost=c(0.1,0.3,0.7), nfolds=5,
                           screen=FALSE, screen.type="fixed", screen.num.int=3,                                                
                           family="binomial", cluster=NULL,                   
                           maxIter=50, eps=1e-5, seed=1234,         
                           fac.level=NULL,ord.fac=NULL, verbose=TRUE){

    ## ############################ 
    ## HouseKeeping (the same as CausalANOVA function)
    ## ############################
    cv.cost <- cv.collapse.cost
    if(missing(fac.level)) fac.level <- NULL
    if(missing(ord.fac)) ord.fac <- NULL    
    if(any(cv.cost > 1) | any(cv.cost < 0) ){
        stop("Specify 'cost.cv' between 0 and 1")
    if(diff==TRUE & is.null(pair.id)==TRUE){
        stop("When 'diff=TRUE', specify 'pair.id'.")
    if((nway %in% c(1, 2,3))==FALSE){
        stop("'nway' should be 1, 2 or 3.")
    if(screen==TRUE & nway==1){
        warning("When 'nway=1', no screening is needed ('screen=FALSE').")
        screen <- FALSE
    if((family %in% c("gaussian","binomial"))==FALSE){
        stop("'family' should be 'gaussian' or 'binomial'.")
    y <- model.frame(formula,data=data)[,1]
    if(family=="gaussian" & is.numeric(y)==FALSE){
        stop("When 'family=gaussian', outcomes should be 'numeric'.") 
    if(family=="binomial" & all(y %in% c(0,1))==FALSE){
        stop("When 'family=binomial', outcomes should be 0 or 1.") 
    if((screen.type %in% c("fixed","cv.min","cv.1Std"))==FALSE){
        stop("'screen.type' should be 'fixed', 'cv.min' or 'cv.1Std'.")
    if(is.null(int3.formula)==FALSE & nway!=3){
        warning("When 'int3.formula' is specified, 'nway=3'.")
        nway <- 3
    if(is.null(int2.formula)==TRUE & is.null(int3.formula)==FALSE){
        stop("Cannot specify 'int3.formula' without specifying 'int2.formula'.")
    if(is.null(int2.formula)==FALSE & screen==TRUE){
        warning("When 'int2.formula' is specified, 'screen' should be FALSE.")
        screen <- FALSE
    if(nway==3 & screen==TRUE & screen.type=="fixed" & screen.num.int < 3){
        stop("'screen.num.int >=3' when 'nway=3'.")

    ## Factors only
    all.fac <- all(unlist(lapply(model.frame(formula,data=data)[,-1],
                                 FUN=function(x) is.element("factor",class(x)))))
    if(all.fac==FALSE) stop("Design matrix should contain only factors.")
    ## when int.formual != NULL
        internal.int <- TRUE
    }else if(is.null(int2.formula)==FALSE){
        internal.int <- FALSE
            formula <- as.formula(paste(as.character(formula)[2], "~",
                                        as.character(formula)[3], "+", as.character(int2.formula)[2], sep=""))
        }else if(is.null(int3.formula)==FALSE){
            formula <- as.formula(paste(as.character(formula)[2], "~",
                                        "+", as.character(int2.formula)[2],
                                        "+", as.character(int3.formula)[2],
    ## ######################################
    ## #####################################
    ## ###################################### 

    Gorder <- nway
    formula.orig <- formula
    ## We convert the data into the data only with necessary variables. 
    data.main <- model.frame(formula,data=data)
    data.x <- model.frame(formula,data=data)[,-1]
    ## Extract information.
        fac.level <- unlist(lapply(data.x,FUN=function(x) length(levels(x))))
    n.fac <- length(fac.level)
        ord.fac <- unlist(lapply(data.x,FUN=function(x) is.ordered(x)))
    for(i in 1:ncol(data.x)){
            data.main[,(i+1)] <- factor(data.main[,(i+1)],ordered=FALSE)

        if(verbose==TRUE) cat("Note: binary factors are recoded to unordered.")
        ord.fac[fac.level==2] <- FALSE
    ## Print the status
        print.fac <- cbind(fac.level,as.data.frame(ord.fac))
        colnames(print.fac) <- c("levels","ordered")
        cat("\nCheck: the number of levels for factors and whether they are ordered.\n")
        print(print.fac); rm(print.fac)

    ## We need Formula (when user specified), internal.int
    data <- model.frame(formula,data=data.main); rm(data.main)    
    data.orig <- data

    ## ############################
    ## (0.3) Take Differences for Paired Data
    ## ############################ 
        data <- data[order(pair.id),]
        side <- rep(c(1,0),times=nrow(data)/2)
        side <- NULL
        data1 <- data[side==1,]
        data2 <- data[side==0,]
        y <- model.frame(formula,data=data1)[,1]
    }else if(diff==FALSE){
        y <- model.frame(formula,data=data)[,1]

    ## We always Regularize, so no need for cost==1

    ## ############################
    ## (2.0) CV Setting
    ## ############################ 
    foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = length(y)))
    cv.result <- as.list(seq(nfolds))
    for (i in seq(nfolds)) {
        which = foldid == i
            data.cv <- rbind(data1[!which, ],data2[!which, ])
            pair.cv <- rep(seq(1:nrow(data1[!which,])),2)
            data1.cv.u <- data1[which,]
            data2.cv.u <- data2[which,]
            data.cv <- data[!which, ]
            data.cv.u <- data[which, ]
            pair.cv <- NULL
        ## By screening, formula can be different!
        coef.cv <- list()
        X.l <- list()
        for(z in 1:length(cv.cost)){
            ## Special is data=data.cv,cost=cv.cost[z],pair.id=pair.cv,
            ## For different cost, I would get different data. 
            gash.cv  <- CausalANOVAFit(formula=formula, internal.int=internal.int,
                                       nway=Gorder, diff=diff, eps=eps, family=family,
                                       verbose=FALSE, cluster=NULL,
                                       screen=screen, screen.type=screen.type,
            coef.cv[[z]] <- c(gash.cv$intercept, unlist(gash.cv$coefs))
                ## Model.matrixBayes expand the matrix, even if there is no variation!!
                ## This is why we do not need to see errors here!
                X1.l <- model.matrixBayes(gash.cv$formula, data=data1.cv.u)
                X2.l <- model.matrixBayes(gash.cv$formula, data=data2.cv.u)
                X.l[[z]] <- X1.l - X2.l 
            }else if(diff==FALSE){
                X.l[[z]] <- model.matrixBayes(gash.cv$formula,data=data.cv.u)
        ## Compute Missclassification        
        if (is.matrix(y)) y.left = y[which,] else y.left = y[which]
        y.pred <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(cv.cost), nrow=sum(which))
        for(z in 1:length(cv.cost)){
            y.pred[1:sum(which),z] <- cbind(1,X.l[[z]]) %*% coef.cv[[z]]
        y.left.mat <- matrix(rep(y.left,length(cv.cost)),ncol=length(cv.cost)) ## True outcomes
            y.pred.bin <- y.pred > 0.5
            cv.result[[i]] <- y.left.mat - y.pred.bin
        }else if (family=="gaussian"){
            cv.result[[i]] <- y.left.mat - y.pred
        print(paste(round(i*(100/nfolds)),"% done.",sep=""))

    cv.result.mat <- do.call(rbind,cv.result)
        cv.error  <- apply(cv.result.mat,2,function(x) 1-mean(x==0))
        cv.each.list <- lapply(X=cv.result,FUN=function(x) apply(x,2,function(x) 1-mean(x==0)))
    }else if(family=="gaussian"){
        cv.error  <- apply(cv.result.mat,2,function(x) mean(x^2))
        cv.each.list <- lapply(X=cv.result,FUN=function(x) apply(x,2,function(x) mean(x^2)))
    names(cv.error) <- cv.cost
    cv.min <- cv.cost[which.min(cv.error)]
    cv.each.mat <- do.call(rbind,cv.each.list)
    colnames(cv.each.mat) <- cv.cost

    cv.sd.each <- apply(cv.each.mat,2,sd)
    cv.sd1.value <- min(cv.error) + cv.sd.each[which.min(cv.error)]
    cv.sd1 <- min(cv.cost[cv.error < cv.sd1.value])
    output <- list("cv.min"=cv.min,"cv.1Std"=cv.sd1,
    class(output) <- "cv.CausalANOVA"
kosukeimai/FindIt documentation built on March 19, 2024, 11:25 a.m.