
#' EM Algorithm Estimator for Gaussian-Gaussian Model
#' @description old version. kept for debugging.
#' @param d_vec binary integer vector of assignment
#' @param w_vec numeric vector of observed running variable
#' @param cutoff threshold value for assignment
#' @param reltol relative tolerance requied
#' @param maxit maximum number of iteration
#' @param integrate_options controls to pass to \code{\link{integrate}}
#' @param quiet if false, progress is reported
#' @param ... currently not used
#' @return List
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat <- gen_data(500, 0.2, 0)
#' em_gauss_gauss(dat$d, dat$w, 0)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
em_gauss_gauss <- function(d_vec, w_vec, cutoff,
                           reltol = 1e-6, maxit = 200L,
                           integrate_options = list(),
                           quiet = FALSE, ...)
  ## input validation
  if (!is.integer(d_vec)) d_vec <- as.integer(d_vec)


  stopifnot(length(reltol) > 0)
  reltol <- reltol[1]

  stopifnot(length(maxit) > 0)
  maxit <- maxit[1]

  stopifnot(length(quiet) > 0)
  quiet <- quiet[1]

  ## integrate options
  ## default values
  integrate_reltol <- 1e-6
  integrate_abstol <- 1e-6
  integrate_subdiv <- 100L
  ## overwrite
  if ("rel.tol" %in% names(integrate_options))
    integrate_reltol <- integrate_options[["rel.tol"]]
  if ("abs.tol" %in% names(integrate_options))
    integrate_abstol <- integrate_options[["abs.tol"]]
  if ("subdivisions" %in% names(integrate_options))
    integrate_subdiv <- integrate_options[["subdivisions"]]

  ## remove NAs, if any
  flg <- !is.na(d_vec) & !is.na(w_vec)
  d_vec <- d_vec[flg]
  w_vec <- w_vec[flg]
  n <- sum(flg)
  stopifnot(n > 1)
  stopifnot(all(d_vec %in% c(0L, 1L)))

  ## mean of x is already identified
  mu_x <- mean(w_vec)

  ## standard error of w is useful later
  sd_w <- sd(w_vec)

  ## set initial guess for parameters
  ## we need: sd_x, sigma
  ## here, we assume equal variance that is consistent with sd_w
  sd_x  <- sqrt(sd_w^2/2)
  sigma <- sd_x

  ## place holders
  hfunc <- NULL
  cur_value <- -Inf
  cur_value_vec <- rep(-Inf, n)

  ## function update value and return the increment
  update_value <- function()
    func <- Map(function(m, w) {
      function(x) dnorm(x, m, sd_x) * dnorm(w-x, sd = sigma)
    }, mu_x, w_vec)

    values <- rep(list(), n)
    values[d_vec == 1L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 1L], integrate, cutoff, Inf,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values[d_vec == 0L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 0L], integrate, -Inf, cutoff,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values <- unlist(lapply(values, `[[`, "value"))

    new_value <- mean(log(values))
    increment <- new_value - cur_value

    ## update
    cur_value_vec <<- values
    cur_value <<- new_value

  ## function to update parameters using the current h function
  update_parameters <- function()
    func_sigma <- Map(function(m, w, d) {
      function(x) {
        dnorm(x, m, sd_x) * dnorm(w-x, sd = sigma) / d * (w-x)^2
    }, mu_x, w_vec, cur_value_vec)
    values_sigma <- rep(list(), n)
    values_sigma[d_vec == 1L] <- lapply(func_sigma[d_vec == 1L], integrate,
                                        cutoff, Inf,
                                        rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                        abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                        subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values_sigma[d_vec == 0L] <- lapply(func_sigma[d_vec == 0L], integrate,
                                        -Inf, cutoff,
                                        rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                        abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                        subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    new_sigma <- sqrt(mean(unlist(lapply(values_sigma, `[[`, "value"))))

    func_sdx <- Map(function(m, w, d) {
      function(x) {
        dnorm(x, m, sd_x) * dnorm(w-x, sd = sigma) / d * (x-mu_x)^2
    }, mu_x, w_vec, cur_value_vec)
    values_sdx <- rep(list(), n)
    values_sdx[d_vec == 1L] <- lapply(func_sdx[d_vec == 1L], integrate,
                                      cutoff, Inf,
                                      rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                      abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                      subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values_sdx[d_vec == 0L] <- lapply(func_sdx[d_vec == 0L], integrate,
                                      -Inf, cutoff,
                                      rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                      abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                      subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    new_sdx <- sqrt(mean(unlist(lapply(values_sdx, `[[`, "value"))))

    sigma <<- new_sigma
    sd_x <<- new_sdx

  ## estimate
  convergence <- 1L
  for (i in 1:maxit)
    inc <- update_value()
    if (!quiet) {
        "iter %d: sigma = %.3f, sd_x = %.3f, value = %.3f, increment = %1.3e\n",
        i, sigma, sd_x, cur_value, inc, "\n"))
    if (abs(inc) < reltol*(abs(cur_value) + reltol)) {
      convergence <- 0L

  ## compute asymptotic variance
  lfunc_para3 <- function(param)
    sigma <- param[1]
    mu_x <- param[2]
    sd_x <- param[3]

    func <- Map(function(m, w) {
      function(x) dnorm(x, m, sd_x) * dnorm(w-x, sd = sigma)
    }, mu_x, w_vec)

    values <- rep(list(), n)
    values[d_vec == 1L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 1L], integrate, cutoff, Inf,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values[d_vec == 0L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 0L], integrate, -Inf, cutoff,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values <- unlist(lapply(values, `[[`, "value"))
  lfunc_each <- function(param)
    sigma <- param[1]
    mu_x <- param[2]
    sd_x <- param[3]

    # returns the full vector of likelihood
    # used for jacobian computation
    func <- Map(function(m, w) {
      function(x) dnorm(x, m, sd_x) * dnorm(w-x, sd = sigma)
    }, mu_x, w_vec)

    values <- rep(list(), n)
    values[d_vec == 1L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 1L], integrate, cutoff, Inf,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values[d_vec == 0L] <- lapply(func[d_vec == 0L], integrate, -Inf, cutoff,
                                  rel.tol = integrate_reltol,
                                  abs.tol = integrate_abstol,
                                  subdivisions = integrate_subdiv)
    values <- unlist(lapply(values, `[[`, "value"))

  get_avar <- function()
    # implements Murphy and Topel (1985), section 5.1
    R1 <- matrix(1/sd_w^2, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)  ## for mu_x
    # tmp <- numDeriv::hessian(lfunc_para3, c(sigma, mu_x, sd_x))
    # R2 <- -tmp[c(1,3), c(1,3)]  ## corresponds to sigma, mu_x
    # R3 <- -tmp[2, c(1,3), drop = FALSE]
    # tmp1 <- cbind((w_vec-mu_x)/sd_w^2)
    # tmp2 <- numDeriv::jacobian(lfunc_each, c(sigma, sd_x))
    # R4 <- crossprod(tmp1, tmp2) / n
    jaco1 <- cbind((w_vec-mu_x)/sd_w^2)
    jaco2 <- numDeriv::jacobian(lfunc_each, c(sigma, mu_x, sd_x))
    R2 <- crossprod(jaco2[, c(1,3)]) / n
    R3 <- crossprod(jaco2[, 2, drop = FALSE], jaco2[, c(1,3)]) / n
    R4 <- crossprod(jaco1, jaco2[, c(1, 3)]) / n

    o11 <- solve(R1)
    o12 <- solve(R1) %*% (R4 - R3) %*% solve(R2)
    o22 <- solve(R2) + solve(R2) %*% (t(R3) %*% solve(R1) %*% R3 -
                                        t(R4) %*% solve(R1) %*% R3 -
                                        t(R3) %*% solve(R1) %*% R4) %*% solve(R2)
    o <- rbind(cbind(o11, o12), cbind(t(o12), o22))

    # give names and reorder
    rownames(o) <- c("mu_x", "sigma", "sd_x")
    colnames(o) <- c("mu_x", "sigma", "sd_x")
    o[c("sigma", "mu_x", "sd_x"), c("sigma", "mu_x", "sd_x")]

  avar <- get_avar()
  list(estimate = c(sigma = sigma, mu_x = mu_x, sd_x = sd_x),
       stderr = sqrt(diag(avar/n)),
       avar = avar,
       convergence = convergence)
kota7/rddsigma documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:11 p.m.