#' Extract a file name from a full path
#' A wrapper function for regex extraction of filename. Given a
#' character string ("data/0005/00/00050060.dpa"), it will return only
#' the file name without the extension ("00050060").
#' @param string A path to file, including file name. Can be nested in
#' many directories or in none.
#' @return An extracted filename, a character string.
#' @references
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47678725/how-to-do-str-extract-with-base-r
extract_dpa_name <- function(string) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
perl = TRUE
"[", 1
} else {
## windows uses backward slashes, so convert them to froward slashes for regex
string <- gsub("\\\\", "/", string)
perl = TRUE
"[", 1
## tidyverse alternative: str_extract( "data/00040001.dpa", regex("[\\w-]+?(?=\\.)"))
#' Read a single resistance-drilling density profile measurement file (*.dpa)
#' Reads a single *.dpa file and returns a \code{dp} object,
#' constructed from two lists: \code{data} and \code{footer}. The
#' former one contains actual measurement values, the latter includes
#' supplementary data recorded by the Resistograph® device, such as
#' time, firmware number...
#' @param file A path to file, including file name.
#' @return A \code{dp} object.
#' @seealso dpload
read_dpa <- function(file) {
## check if the file ends in *.dpa
if (!grepl("\\.dpa$", file)) {
stop("not a *.dpa file")
dpa.read <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
## newer versions of resistograph leave out FOOTER, only providing a HEADER that has also changed
if (any(dpa.read == "[FOOTER]") == FALSE){
n_data <- which(dpa.read == "[DATA]")
data <- data.frame(amplitude = utils::tail(dpa.read, n = -n_data))
} else {
data <- data.frame(amplitude = utils::tail(utils::head(dpa.read,
n = -14), -3))
if (nrow(data) != 0) {
data$position <- 1:nrow(data)
data$amplitude <- as.numeric(as.character(data$amplitude))
} else {
warning(paste0("empty density profile: ", file, ", skipped "))
data$ID <- extract_dpa_name(file)
row.names(data) <- NULL
if (any(dpa.read == "[FOOTER]") == FALSE){
## newer file format
footer <- paste(utils::head(dpa.read, n = n_data), collapse = "\n")
footer <- utils::read.csv(text = footer, check.names = FALSE,
header = F, col.names = "footer")
footer$name <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(footer$footer),
"="), "[", 1)
footer$value <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(footer$footer),
"="), "[", 2)
footer$footer <- NULL
footer <- footer[!(footer$name == "[HEADER]" | footer$name=="[DATA]"),]
footer$ID <- extract_dpa_name(file)
footer <- stats::reshape(footer, idvar = "ID", timevar = "name",
direction = "wide")
names(footer) <- gsub("(value\\.y\\.|value\\.)", "", names(footer))
attributes(footer)$reshapeWide <- NULL
} else {
## older file format
footer <- paste(utils::tail(dpa.read, n = 13), collapse = "\n")
footer <- utils::read.csv(text = footer, check.names = FALSE,
header = F, col.names = "footer")
footer$name <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(footer$footer),
"="), "[", 1)
footer$value <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(footer$footer),
"="), "[", 2)
footer$footer <- NULL
footer$ID <- extract_dpa_name(file)
footer <- stats::reshape(footer, idvar = "ID", timevar = "name",
direction = "wide")
names(footer) <- gsub("(value\\.y\\.|value\\.)", "", names(footer))
attributes(footer)$reshapeWide <- NULL# strip reshaping attributes
d <- list("data" = data, "footer" = footer)
class(d) <- "dp"
#' Load a single density profile measurement file (*.dpa) or a directory
#' of *.dpa files.
#' Loads either a single .dpa file or a list of .dpa files. If
#' dpa.file is specified, it will load a single file. If dp.directory
#' is specified, it will search for all dpa files in that directory
#' (recursively in all subfolders, can be turned off) and return a
#' list of dp files. It will use pbapply to display progress, if
#' loading a directory.
#' NOTE: for now this function only supports loading density profiles
#' created by the Rinntech Resistograph® resistance drilling device
#' (*.dpa). It was tested to work on files produced by R650-RC drill.
#' @param dp.file A path to a single file, including file name.
#' @param dp.directory A directory with .dpa files.
#' @param recursive Also look for density profiles files in subfolders?
#' @param name Either \code{c("file", "folder")}, used for naming of
#' list items. If "file", only file name without the complete path
#' will be used for naming ("00050060"). If "folder", the complete
#' path along with file name will be used to name the dpa objects
#' ("data/0005/00/00050060"). *.dpa ending is removed from the name
#' in both cases.
#' @return A \code{dp} object or a list of \code{dp} objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load a single file
#' dpload(system.file("extdata", "00010001.dpa", package = "densitr"))
#' dp <- dpload(system.file("extdata", "00010001.dpa", package = "densitr"))
#' ## load all files in directory
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
dpload <- function(dp.file = NULL, dp.directory = "",
recursive = TRUE, name = "file") {
if (is.null(dp.file)) {
## read the whole directory, possibly recursively
if (dir.exists(dp.directory)) {
## in 2022 list.files with *.dpa$ stopped working on windows for some reason,
## so the pattern is changes to .dpa instead
dp.files <- list.files(path = dp.directory, recursive = recursive, pattern = ".dpa")
dp.files <- file.path(dp.directory, dp.files)
message("found ", length(dp.files), " density profiles, loading...")
if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE)) {
dp.list <- pbapply::pblapply(dp.files, read_dpa)
} else {
ptm <- proc.time()
dp.list <- lapply(dp.files, read_dpa)
stop <- proc.time() - ptm
message("loading took ", round(stop[3], 0), " seconds, consider installing pbapply to show progress using a progress bar")
if (name == "file") {
## name only using file names
names(dp.list) <- extract_dpa_name(dp.files)
} else if (name == "folder") {
## if recursive, name them properly also using folders
names(dp.list) <- gsub("*.dpa$", "", dp.files)
dp.list <- dp.list[lengths(dp.list) != 0] # delete all NULL entries
message("loaded ", length(dp.list), " density profiles")
} else {
## fail directory doesn't exist
warning("given directory does not exist")
} else {
## read a single file
## check if file exists and is not a directory
if (utils::file_test("-f", dp.file)) {
dp <- read_dpa(dp.file)
# class(dp) <- 'dp'
} else {
## fail reading a single file
warning("file not found")
#' Combines footer data from a dp object list into a single data
#' frame
#' Given a dp object list, this function will extract all footers
#' (the additional measurement data) from all dp objects in a given
#' list and combine them in a single data frame. Will not work if
#' trying to combine footer from newer and older format of data.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, either from loading several
#' files using dpload or combined manually. Note: the list should
#' include only dp objects!
#' @return A data frame, combining all footer data from dp.list
#' @seealso dpload, combine_data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load all files in directory
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' combine_footers(dp.list)
combine_footers <- function(dp.list) {
info <- do.call("rbind", lapply(dp.list, function(x) x$footer))
rownames(info) <- NULL
#' Combines density measurement from a dp object list into a single
#' data frame
#' Given a dp object list, this function will extract all density
#' measurement data from all dp objects in a given list and combine
#' them in a single data frame.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, either from loading several
#' files using dpload or combined manually. Note: the list should
#' include only dp objects!
#' @return A data frame, combining all density data from dp.list
#' @seealso dpload, combine_footer.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load all files in directory
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' combine_data(dp.list)
combine_data <- function(dp.list) {
message("\ncombining data from ", length(dp.list), " density profiles...")
data <- lapply(dp.list, function(x) x$data)
data <- do.call("rbind", data)
rownames(data) <- NULL
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