
Defines functions reverse.irr asset.val lease.combinations prd collect.past calc.average projections.by.day cash.flow output.subset mthSummary mthIncomeSummary yrSummary lease.returns irr.day irr.month cash.by.day cash.by.month expected.vs.due incomeStatement saveToSheet

Documented in asset.val calc.average cash.by.day cash.by.month cash.flow collect.past expected.vs.due incomeStatement irr.day irr.month lease.combinations lease.returns mthIncomeSummary mthSummary output.subset prd projections.by.day reverse.irr saveToSheet yrSummary

#' The reverse.irr function
#' This function calculates the irr of a lease (as if it was a loan) given an
#' initial value and a payment schedule, used here as a helper for asset.val
#' @param init.val is the starting value of the lease, or the amount of money lent
#' @param pay schedule is a vector of payments in the lease, make sure it has no gaps in the schedule
#' @return a number representing the IRR of the inputs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reverse.irr(init.val = 1200, pay.schedule = rep(200,10))
reverse.irr <- function(init.val,
  f <- function (y){
    sum(pay.schedule / (1 + y)^(1: length(pay.schedule))) - init.val
  uniroot(f, c(-1,1))$root

#' The asset.val function
#' This function calculates the asset value of a lease given an initial value and a payment schedule
#' @param init.val is the starting value of the lease, or the amount of money lent
#' @param pay schedule is a vector of payments in the lease
#' @return a vector representing the value of the asset over the pay.schedule
#' @export
#' @examples
#' asset.val(init.val = 1200, pay.schedule = c(200,0,0,200,0,200,0,200,0,200,200,0,0,200,200,0,200,0,200))
asset.val <- function(init.val,
  relevant.pay.indexes <- c(which(pay.schedule != 0))
  relevant.pay <- pay.schedule[relevant.pay.indexes]

  temp = rep(init.val, length(relevant.pay))
  toReturn <- rep(0,length(pay.schedule))

  temp[1] = init.val - (relevant.pay[1] - reverse.irr(init.val = init.val, pay.schedule = relevant.pay) * init.val)

  for (x in 2:length(relevant.pay)){
    temp[x] = temp[x-1] -
      (relevant.pay[x] - reverse.irr(init.val = init.val, pay.schedule = relevant.pay) * temp[x-1])
    toReturn[relevant.pay.indexes[x-1] : (relevant.pay.indexes[x] - 1)] <- temp[x-1]
  toReturn[1: relevant.pay.indexes[1] - 1] <- init.val
  toReturn[which(toReturn < 0)] <- 0


#' The lease.combinations function
#' This function calculates the all possible combinations of leases given a set of attributes
#' @param lease.att, a list of lists that represent different distributions of lease traits
#' @return a data frame where each row represents a lease
#' @export
lease.combinations <- function(lease.att = default.lease.att) {

  combs <- expand.grid(lease.length = lease.att$lease.length$param.types,
                       markup = lease.att$markup$param.types,
                       sales.price = lease.att$sales.price$param.types,
                       init.pay.pct = lease.att$init.pay.pct$param.types,
                       pay.freq = lease.att$pay.freq$param.types,
                       pay.manner = lease.att$pay.manner$param.types)
  calc.weights <- function(a.row){
    lease.att$lease.length$param.dist[which(lease.att$lease.length$param.types == as.numeric(a.row['lease.length']))] *
      lease.att$markup$param.dist[which(lease.att$markup$param.types == as.numeric(a.row['markup']))]*
      lease.att$sales.price$param.dist[which(lease.att$sales.price$param.types == as.numeric(a.row['sales.price']))] *
      lease.att$init.pay.pct$param.dist[which(lease.att$init.pay.pct$param.types == as.numeric(a.row['init.pay.pct']))] *
      lease.att$pay.freq$param.dist[which(lease.att$pay.freq$param.types == a.row['pay.freq'])] *
      lease.att$pay.manner$param.dist[which(lease.att$pay.manner$param.types == a.row['pay.manner'])]
  combs$weights = apply(combs, 1, calc.weights)

test.lease.combinations <- lease.combinations()

#' The prd function
#' This function calculates a predicted payments vector given data about previous payments and installments
#' @param co.indicator, a boolean indicating whether the lease is charged off.
#'    If charged off, predicted payments vector is just 0s.
#' @param past.payments, A vector containing past payments.
#' @param past.pay.dates, A vector containing the dates of past payments (corresponds 1:1 with past.payments)
#' @param installments, A vector with all the installments of the lease
#' @param installment.states, A vector containing the states of all installments (corresponds 1:1 with installments)
#' @param installments.balance, A vector with the balance remaining of all installments. Is 0 if the installment is
#'    paid. (corresponds 1:1 with installments)
#' @param installment.dates, A vector containing the dates each installment is due (corresponds 1:1 with installments)
#' @param installment.pay.dates, A vector containing the dates paid installments were paid. Corresponds 1:1 with installments,
#'    but is NA for installments that have not been paid.
#' @param installment.indexes, A vector containing the indexes of each installment in the larger data frame. (corresponds
#'    1:1 with installments)
#' @param pay.gap, An integer representing the number of days between scheduled payments
#' @param start.index, An integer representing the index matching this lease's start date in the larger data frame
#' @param start.date, The start date of the lease
#' @param paid.buckets, Vector of integers representing different "buckets" of ranges for leases that have already been partially
#'    paid. Should be same lenghth as paid.bucket.vals
#' @param paid.bucket.vals, Vector of values that correspond to each bucket in paid.buckets. Index 1 in paid.bucket.vals
#'    corresponds with values under index 1 in paid.buckets, Index 2 in paid.bucket.vals corresponds with values between
#'    indexes 1 and 2 in paid.buckets, and so on.
#' @param new.buckets, Vector of integers representing different "buckets" of ranges for brand new lesases. Should be same length as
#'    new.bucket.vals
#' @param new.bucket.vals: Vector of values that correspond to each bucket in new.buckets.Indexes correspond the same way as paid.bucket.vals
#'    and paid.buckets.
#' @param assumptions: constant values, represented as a list
#' @param default.rate: default rate represented as a vector 1000 long with values between 0 and 1
#' @return A vector representing the predicted payments for the future.
#' @export

prd <- function(co.indicator = FALSE, past.payments, past.pay.dates, installments, installment.states,
                installments.balance, installment.dates, installment.pay.dates, installment.indexes,
                pay.gap, start.index, start.date, paid.buckets = c(0,5,20,40,1000),
                paid.bucket.vals = c(.1,.5,1,2,4), new.buckets = c(0,30,60,1000), new.bucket.vals = c(.5,.5,.75,1),
                assumptions = default.constants.list, default.rate = norm.default.rate){
  if (!co.indicator){
    # Leases only have predicted future payments if they aren't charged off.
    paid.indexes = which(installment.states == "paid")
    unpaid.indexes = which(installment.states == "unpaid")

    if (length(past.payments) != 0){
      # If there have been past payments that data is taken into account when predicting future payments

      if (length(paid.indexes) == 0){
        # If no installments have been fully paid yet
        future.payments <- installments.balance[unpaid.indexes]
        average.days.late = sum(past.pay.dates - installment.dates[1])
      } else {
        # If installments have already been paid in the past
        last.paid = (which(installment.states == "unpaid")[1] - 1)
        average.prop.paid = sum(past.payments[which(past.pay.dates <= installment.pay.dates[last.paid])]) /
        average.days.late = round(mean(installment.pay.dates[paid.indexes] - installment.dates[paid.indexes]))

        if (average.prop.paid > 1){
          # If people "overpay" on installments, they get a discount and potentially less payments total
          future.payments = sum(installments.balance[unpaid.indexes]) - cumsum(installments.balance[unpaid.indexes])
          + ((average.prop.paid-1) * installments.balance[unpaid.indexes] / (1 - assumptions$early.pay.discount))
          future.payments[which(future.payments < 0)] <- 0
          future.payments <- pmin(future.payments,average.prop.paid * installments.balance[unpaid.indexes])
        } else {
          future.payments <- installments.balance[unpaid.indexes]
      # Depending on how many days late payments are, the default rate will be amplified to a certain extent
      default.amp = paid.bucket.vals[min(which(paid.buckets > average.days.late))]

      # if for some reason a lease is longer than 1000 days
      temp = installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes] - start.index
      temp[which(temp > 999)] = 999
      future.payments <- future.payments *
        cumprod(default.rate[1 + temp]^(pay.gap * 12 / 365 * default.amp))
    } else if (length(past.payments) == 0){
      # If there have been no past payments
      average.days.late = (Sys.Date() - start.date)
      # Depending on how late the first payment has been outstanding, default rate will be amplified
      default.amp = new.bucket.vals[min(which(new.buckets > average.days.late))]

      # If it's over 1000 days for some reason
      temp = installment.indexes - start.index
      temp[which(temp > 999)] = 999

      future.payments <- installments.balance[unpaid.indexes] *
        cumprod(default.rate[1 +temp]^(pay.gap * 12 / 365 * default.amp))
  } else {
    # If lease is charged off, predicted payments are just 0s
    return(rep(0, length(which(installment.states == "unpaid"))))

#' The collect.past function
#' This function takes in a dataframe (default.past.leases) containing data about leases,
#'   and returns a dataframe with financial parameters
#' @param dataframe with data about leases. Needs to have fields for lease status, pay frequency, price,
#'   down payment, start date,installments, installment dates, installment balances, installment pay dates,
#'   installment states, payments, and payment dates.
#' @param assumptions, list of constant values
#' @return A by-day dataframe with financial parameters payment.due, payment.expected, payment.process.cost,
#'   asset.acq.outflow, total.assets.linear, total.assets.loan, lease.depreciation, bad.debt
#' @export
collect.past <- function(leases = default.past.leases,
                         assumptions = default.constants.list){
  toReturn <- data.frame(dates = seq(min(leases$start.date) - 10, by = "day",
                                     length.out = (max(leases$start.date) - min(leases$start.date) + 1012)),
                         payment.due = 0,
                         payment.expected = 0,
                         payment.process.cost = 0,
                         asset.acq.outflow = 0,
                         total.assets.linear = 0,
                         total.assets.loan = 0,
                         lease.depreciation = 0,
                         bad.debt = 0,
                         leases.booked = 0,
                         no.stores = 0,
                         ongoing.leases = 0,
                         payments.sum = 0)
  # Iterate through each lease
  for (x in 1: nrow(leases)) {
    payments.vector = rep(0,length(toReturn$payment.expected))
    pdue.vector = rep(0,length(toReturn$payment.due))

    if (leases$status[x] == "returned"){
      # If leases are "returned" they basically don't exist except for payments arleady made

      past.payment.indexes <- unlist(sapply(leases$payment.dates[[x]], function(date){which(date == toReturn$dates)}))

      # Group the past payments so that payments on same days are combined
      unique.pay.indexes = unique(past.payment.indexes)
      unique.payments = rep(0, length(unique.pay.indexes))

      for (i in 1:length(past.payment.indexes)){
        unique.payments[which(unique.pay.indexes == past.payment.indexes[i])] =
          unique.payments[which(unique.pay.indexes == past.payment.indexes[i])] +

      # Past payments
      toReturn$payment.expected[unique.pay.indexes] = toReturn$payment.expected[unique.pay.indexes] + unique.payments
    } else {
      start.index <- which(toReturn$dates == leases$start.date[x])

      toReturn$leases.booked[start.index] <- toReturn$leases.booked[start.index] + 1
      toReturn$no.stores[start.index] <- max(toReturn$no.stores[start.index], toReturn$leases.booked[start.index] / assumptions$leases.per.store)

      toReturn$no.stores[(start.index+1):nrow(toReturn)] <- pmax(toReturn$no.stores[(start.index+1):nrow(toReturn)], toReturn$no.stores[start.index])

            # Payment gap
      pay.gap = if (leases$freq[[x]] == "weekly") 7
      else if (leases$freq[[x]] == "biweekly") 14
      else if (leases$freq[[x]] == "monthly") 365/12
      else if (substr(leases$freq[[x]],1,11) == "semimonthly") 15

      # Add down payment in payment vectors
      toReturn$payment.due[start.index] <- toReturn$payment.due[start.index] + leases$down.payments[x]
      toReturn$payment.expected[start.index] <- toReturn$payment.expected[start.index] + leases$down.payments[x]
      pdue.vector[start.index] <- pdue.vector[start.index] + leases$down.payments[x]
      payments.vector[start.index] <- payments.vector[start.index] +leases$down.payments[x]

      # Indexes of installments in toReturn
      installment.indexes <- unlist(sapply(leases$installment.dates[[x]], function(date){which(date == toReturn$dates)}))

      # Payments Due
      toReturn$payment.due[installment.indexes] = toReturn$payment.due[installment.indexes] + leases$installments[[x]]
      pdue.vector[installment.indexes] = pdue.vector[installment.indexes] + leases$installments[[x]]

      # Indexes of payments in toReturn
      past.payment.indexes <- unlist(sapply(leases$payment.dates[[x]], function(date){which(date == toReturn$dates)}))

      # Group the past payments so that payments on same days are combined
      unique.pay.indexes = unique(past.payment.indexes)
      unique.payments = rep(0, length(unique.pay.indexes))

      for (i in 1:length(past.payment.indexes)){
        unique.payments[which(unique.pay.indexes == past.payment.indexes[i])] =
          unique.payments[which(unique.pay.indexes == past.payment.indexes[i])] +

      # Past payments
      toReturn$payment.expected[unique.pay.indexes] = toReturn$payment.expected[unique.pay.indexes] + unique.payments
      payments.vector[unique.pay.indexes] = payments.vector[unique.pay.indexes] + unique.payments

      # Asset.Acq.Outflow
      toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[start.index] <- toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[start.index] + leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x]

      # Linear Asset Valuation

      # How long a lease lasts
      lease.length.days <- if (leases$status[[x]] == "paid") (as.numeric(max(leases$payment.dates[[x]]) - leases$start.date[x]) + 1)
      else (as.numeric(max(leases$installment.dates[[x]]) - leases$start.date[x]) + 1)

      # How long after the start.date until first payment
      first.pay.gap <- leases$installment.dates[[x]][1] - leases$start.date[x]
      if (first.pay.gap < 0) first.pay.gap = 0

      if (lease.length.days < 0){
        # If lease is paid off before its start.date it has no value as an asset
        temp.linear = 0
      } else if (lease.length.days < first.pay.gap) {
        # If the lease is paid off before its first installment is due value goes to 0 from that point on
        coeff <- (leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x])  / lease.length.days
        temp.linear = rep(0, length(toReturn$total.assets.linear))
        temp.linear[(start.index + 1): (start.index + lease.length.days + 1)] = leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x]
        toReturn$ongoing.leases[start.index : (start.index + lease.length.days)] =
          toReturn$ongoing.leases[start.index : (start.index + lease.length.days)] + 1
      } else {
        # Else, the lease value is a flat line until the first installment is due, when it depreciates linearly
        coeff <- (leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x])  / lease.length.days
        temp.linear = rep(0, length(toReturn$total.assets.linear))
        temp.linear[(start.index + 1): (start.index + first.pay.gap + 1)] = leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x]
        temp.linear[(start.index + first.pay.gap + 2): (start.index + lease.length.days)] =
          leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x] - coeff*c(1:(lease.length.days - first.pay.gap - 1))
        toReturn$ongoing.leases[start.index : (start.index + lease.length.days)] =
          toReturn$ongoing.leases[start.index : (start.index + lease.length.days)] + 1

      # Loan assets valuation

      if (lease.length.days < 30){
        # If lease length is small, just make it the same as the linear valuation
        temp.loan = temp.linear
      } else {
        # If lease length is large, use asset.val to generate an asset curve
        temp.loan <- if (leases$status[[x]] == "paid") (asset.val(init.val = leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x], pay.schedule = payments.vector))
        else (asset.val(init.val = leases$price[x] + leases$down.payments[x], pay.schedule = pdue.vector))
        temp.loan[1:start.index] <- 0

      # Predicting payments
      unpaid.indexes = which(leases$installment.states[[x]] == "unpaid")
      if (leases$status[[x]] == "active" && length(unpaid.indexes) != 0){
        # Only active payments will have future payments
        if ((Sys.Date() - leases$installment.dates[[x]][unpaid.indexes[1]]) > assumptions$charge.off.time && length(leases$lease.payments[[x]]) != 0){
          # If the lease hasn't had any new payments for a certain time, it's charged off and the asset value/bad debt is changed to reflect that
          temp.linear[which(toReturn$dates == leases$installment.dates[[x]][unpaid.indexes[1]] + assumptions$charge.off.time) : length(temp.linear)] <- 0
          temp.loan[which(toReturn$dates == leases$installment.dates[[x]][unpaid.indexes[1]] + assumptions$charge.off.time) : length(temp.loan)] <- 0
          bad.debt.temp = leases$installments.balance[[x]][unpaid.indexes]
          toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] = toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] + bad.debt.temp
        } else if ((Sys.Date() - leases$start.date[x]) > assumptions$charge.off.time && length(leases$lease.payments[[x]]) == 0) {
          # If the lease hasn't had any payments at all for a certain time, it's charged off and the asset value/bad debt is changed
          temp.linear <- rep(0, length(temp.linear))
          temp.loan <- rep(0,length(temp.loan))
          bad.debt.temp = leases$installments.balance[[x]]
          toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes] = toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes] + bad.debt.temp
        } else {
          # Else, use prd to predict payments and add those payments to the appropriate vectors
          toAdd <-   prd(past.payments = leases$lease.payments[[x]], past.pay.dates = leases$payment.dates[[x]],
                         installments = leases$installments[[x]], installment.states = leases$installment.states[[x]],
                         installments.balance = leases$installments.balance[[x]], installment.dates = leases$installment.dates[[x]],
                         installment.pay.dates = leases$installment.pay.dates[[x]], installment.indexes = installment.indexes,
                         pay.gap = pay.gap, start.index = start.index, start.date = leases$start.date[x])
          toReturn$payment.expected[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] =
            toReturn$payment.expected[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] + toAdd

          payments.vector[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] =
            payments.vector[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] + toAdd

          bad.debt.toAdd = leases$installments.balance[[x]][unpaid.indexes] - toAdd
          bad.debt.toAdd[which(bad.debt.toAdd < 0)] = 0
          toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] = toReturn$bad.debt[installment.indexes[unpaid.indexes]] + bad.debt.toAdd

      # Now, update the toReturn linear and loan assets
      toReturn$total.assets.linear <- toReturn$total.assets.linear + temp.linear
      toReturn$total.assets.loan <- toReturn$total.assets.loan + temp.loan

      # Deal with payments sum
      toReturn$payments.sum[start.index: length(payments.vector)] <- toReturn$payments.sum[start.index: length(payments.vector)] +
        (sum(payments.vector[start.index : length(payments.vector)]) -cumsum(payments.vector[start.index : length(payments.vector)])) *

      # Lease Depreciation
      pay.indexes <- which(payments.vector != 0)
      pay.indexes <- pay.indexes[which(pay.indexes > start.index)]
      if (length(pay.indexes) == 0){
        # If there are no payments after the start date, the lease just completely depreciates at that date
        pay.indexes = start.index + 1
        deprec.values = temp.linear[start.index + 1]
      } else if (length(pay.indexes) == 1) {
        # If there is only 1 payment after the start date, the lease completely depreciates at that payment
        deprec.values = temp.linear[start.index + 1]
      } else{
        # If there are multiple payments, use an algorithm to calculate depreciation values between payments
        deprec.values <- 1:length(pay.indexes)
        deprec.values[1] = temp.linear[start.index + 1] - temp.linear[pay.indexes[1]]
        for (i in 2: length(pay.indexes)){
          deprec.values[i] = temp.linear[pay.indexes[i - 1]] - temp.linear[pay.indexes[i]]
        if (temp.linear[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)]] != 0){
          deprec.values[length(pay.indexes)] = deprec.values[length(pay.indexes)] + temp.linear[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)]]

      # Check if any payments are NA, if so just set to 0.
      if (any(is.na(deprec.values))){
        deprec.values = 0

      toReturn$lease.depreciation[pay.indexes] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[pay.indexes] + deprec.values

  # Payment.process.cost is just a percentage of the payment.expected
  toReturn$payment.process.cost = toReturn$payment.expected * assumptions$pay.process.pct

test.collect.past <- collect.past()

#' The calc.average function
#' Calculates an average lease given a large distribution of leases
#' @param leases, a data.frame where each row is a lease
#' @param assumptions, list of constant values
#' @param default.rate, a vector representing the default rate, must be 1000 length with values between 0 and 1
#' @param early.default.rate, a vector representing the early default rate, must be 1000 length with values between 0 and 1
#' @return a data frame representing cash flow metrics of the average of input leases
#' @export
calc.average <- function(leases = test.lease.combinations,
                         assumptions =  default.constants.list,
                         default.rate = norm.default.rate,
                         early.default.rate = norm.early.default.rate){

  # Initialize the data.frame, set days to 2 years
  toReturn <- data.frame(days = c(1:1000),
                         payment.due = 0,
                         payment.expected = 0,
                         payment.process.cost = 0,
                         asset.acq.outflow = 0,
                         total.assets.linear = 0,
                         total.assets.loan = 0,
                         lease.depreciation = 0,
                         bad.debt = 0,
                         payments.sum = 0)
  for (x in 1: nrow(leases)) {
    # multiply sales price by weight
    this.sales.price <- leases[x, 'sales.price']*leases[x, 'weights']

    # time between each payment depends on lease type
    payment.gap <- if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "w") 7
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "b") 14
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "s") floor(365/24)
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "m") floor(365/12)

    # the number of payments if this was a normal lease
    no.payments.norm <- if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "w") c(1:floor(leases[x, 'lease.length'] * 365 / 84))
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "b") c(1:floor(leases[x, 'lease.length'] * 365 / 168))
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "s") c(1: (leases[x, 'lease.length'] * 2))
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "m") c(1: leases[x, 'lease.length'])

    # First values representing the initial payment,same for pay due, pay expected, and asset acquisition cost
    initial.pay <- this.sales.price * leases[x, 'init.pay.pct']
    toReturn$payment.due[1] = toReturn$payment.due[1] + initial.pay
    toReturn$payment.expected[1] = toReturn$payment.expected[1] + initial.pay
    toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[1] = toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[1] + initial.pay

    # payment due is calculated as if lease was normal
    payment.amt <- (this.sales.price - initial.pay) * leases[x, 'markup'] / length(no.payments.norm)
    toReturn$payment.due[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <-
      toReturn$payment.due[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] + payment.amt

    # Asset acquisition outflow is also always the same
    toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[assumptions$delivery.time] <-
      toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[assumptions$delivery.time] + assumptions$discount*(this.sales.price - initial.pay)

    # payment expected (and processing cost) depends on type of lease
    if (leases[x, 'pay.manner']  == "90D"){
      no.payments.actual <-
        if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "w") c(1: floor((90 + assumptions$delivery.time - assumptions$first.pay.gap)/7))
      else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "b") c(1:floor((90 + assumptions$delivery.time - assumptions$first.pay.gap)/14))
      else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "s") c(1: floor((90 + assumptions$delivery.time - assumptions$first.pay.gap) / 365 * 24))
      else if (leases[x, 'pay.freq'] == "m") c(1: floor((90 + assumptions$delivery.time - assumptions$first.pay.gap) / 365 * 12))

      payment.amt.actual <- (this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$ninetyD.markup

      toReturn$payment.expected[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] <-
        toReturn$payment.expected[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] + payment.amt.actual

      toReturn$payment.process.cost[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] <-
        toReturn$payment.process.cost[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] + payment.amt.actual * assumptions$pay.process.pct

      coeff <- ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)  / (length(no.payments.norm) * (payment.gap - 1) + 1 - assumptions$first.pay.gap)
      temp.depr <- rep(0,1000)
      temp.depr[1:(assumptions$first.pay.gap - 1)] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)
      temp.depr[assumptions$first.pay.gap : 1000] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay) - coeff*c(1:(1000 - assumptions$first.pay.gap + 1))
      temp.depr[(assumptions$first.pay.gap + assumptions$ninetyD.gap) : 1000] <- 0

      toReturn$total.assets.linear <- toReturn$total.assets.linear + temp.depr
      toReturn$total.assets.loan <- toReturn$total.assets.loan + temp.depr

      # toReturn$lease.depreciation[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] =
      #   toReturn$lease.depreciation[assumptions$delivery.time + assumptions$ninetyD.gap] + temp.depr[1]
    else if (leases[x, 'pay.manner'] == "early"){

      # the amount they actually pay, should be more than the supposed amount
      actual.pay <- payment.amt * (1 + assumptions$early.pay.amt)

      # the amount their payment actually counts towards their balance
      effective.pay <- payment.amt+ payment.amt*assumptions$early.pay.amt/(1 - assumptions$early.pay.discount)

      # the last payment is different because it's whatever's left of their balance they owe
      no.payments.actual <- c(1:(1+((length(no.payments.norm) * payment.amt) %/% effective.pay)))
      last.payment <- ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * leases[x, 'markup'] )%%effective.pay

      # temporary vector to hold expected payments
      temp <- rep(0,length(toReturn$payment.expected))
      temp[((no.payments.actual-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <- actual.pay
      temp[max(which(temp != 0))] <- last.payment

      amt.financed <- (this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay

      tempdue <- rep(0,1000)
      tempdue[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <- payment.amt

      temp2 <- asset.val(init.val = amt.financed, pay.schedule = tempdue)
      temp2[(assumptions$first.pay.gap + (length(no.payments.actual) * payment.gap)) : 1000] <- 0

      temp2[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] = temp2[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] * early.default.rate[1:(1000 - assumptions$charge.off.time + 1)]

      toReturn$total.assets.loan = toReturn$total.assets.loan + temp2

      # account for default rate
      temp[((no.payments.actual-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <-
        temp[((no.payments.actual-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] *
        cumprod(early.default.rate[(no.payments.actual -1) * payment.gap + 1]^(payment.gap/(365/12)))

      bad.debt <- rep(0, length(toReturn$payment.expected))
      bad.debt[which(temp != 0)] <- actual.pay - temp[which(temp!= 0)]
      bad.debt[max(which(temp != 0))] <- last.payment - temp[max(which(temp != 0))]
      toReturn$bad.debt <- toReturn$bad.debt + bad.debt

      toReturn$payment.expected <- toReturn$payment.expected + temp
      toReturn$payment.process.cost <- toReturn$payment.process.cost + temp*assumptions$pay.process.pct

      coeff <- ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)  / ((length(no.payments.norm)-1) * (payment.gap))
      temp.depr <- rep(0,1000)
      temp.depr[1:(assumptions$first.pay.gap - 1)] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)
      temp.depr[assumptions$first.pay.gap : 1000] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay) - coeff*c(1:(1000 - assumptions$first.pay.gap + 1))
      temp.depr[(assumptions$first.pay.gap + (length(no.payments.actual) * payment.gap)) : 1000] <- 0

      temp.depr[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] = temp.depr[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] * early.default.rate[1:(1000 - assumptions$charge.off.time + 1)]

      toReturn$total.assets.linear <- toReturn$total.assets.linear + temp.depr
      pay.indexes <- which(temp != 0)
      deprec.values <- 1:length(pay.indexes)
      deprec.values[1] = temp.depr[1] - temp.depr[pay.indexes[1]]
      for (i in 2: length(pay.indexes)){
        deprec.values[i] = temp.depr[pay.indexes[i - 1]] - temp.depr[pay.indexes[i]]

      if ((sum(deprec.values)+ temp.depr[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)]]) != temp.depr[1]){
        print("420 blaze it")

      # toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(temp != 0)] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(temp != 0)] + deprec.values
      # # Chargeoff any leftover residue
      # toReturn$lease.depreciation[max(which(temp != 0)) + assumptions$charge.off.time] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[max(which(temp != 0)) + assumptions$charge.off.time]
      #   + temp.depr[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)]]
    else {
      # temporary vector to hold expected payments
      temp <- rep(0,length(toReturn$payment.expected))
      temp[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <- payment.amt
      amt.financed <- (this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay

      tempdue <- rep(0,1000)
      tempdue[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <- payment.amt
      temp2 <- asset.val(init.val = amt.financed, pay.schedule = tempdue)

      temp2[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] = temp2[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] * early.default.rate[1:(1000 - assumptions$charge.off.time + 1)]

      toReturn$total.assets.loan = toReturn$total.assets.loan + temp2

      # account for default rate
      temp[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] <-
        temp[((no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap) + assumptions$first.pay.gap] *
        cumprod(default.rate[(no.payments.norm-1) * payment.gap + 1]^(payment.gap/(365/12)))

      bad.debt <- rep(0, length(toReturn$payment.expected))
      bad.debt[which(temp != 0)] <- payment.amt - temp[which(temp!= 0)]
      toReturn$bad.debt <- toReturn$bad.debt + bad.debt

      toReturn$payment.expected <- toReturn$payment.expected + temp
      toReturn$payment.process.cost <- toReturn$payment.process.cost + temp*assumptions$pay.process.pct
      coeff <- ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)  / ((length(no.payments.norm)-1) * (payment.gap))
      temp.depr <- rep(0,1000)
      temp.depr[1:(assumptions$first.pay.gap - 1)] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay)
      temp.depr[assumptions$first.pay.gap : 1000] = ((this.sales.price - initial.pay) * assumptions$discount + initial.pay) - coeff*c(1:(1000 - assumptions$first.pay.gap + 1))

      temp.depr[which(temp.depr < 0)] <- 0
      temp.depr[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] = temp.depr[assumptions$charge.off.time:1000] * default.rate[1:(1000 - assumptions$charge.off.time + 1)]

      toReturn$total.assets.linear <- toReturn$total.assets.linear + temp.depr
      pay.indexes <- which(temp != 0)
      deprec.values <- 1:length(pay.indexes)
      deprec.values[1] = temp.depr[1] - temp.depr[pay.indexes[1]]
      for (i in 2: length(pay.indexes)){
        deprec.values[i] = temp.depr[pay.indexes[i - 1]] - temp.depr[pay.indexes[i]]
      # toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(temp != 0)] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(temp != 0)] + deprec.values
      # if (sum(deprec.values) != temp.depr[1]){
      #   print("420 blaze it")
      # }
#       toReturn$lease.depreciation[max(which(temp != 0)) + assumptions$charge.off.time] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[max(which(temp != 0)) + assumptions$charge.off.time] +
#         temp.depr[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)-1]] - temp.depr[pay.indexes[length(pay.indexes)]]


  all.payment.indexes <- which(toReturn$payment.expected != 0)
  total.deprec <- 1:length(all.payment.indexes)
  total.deprec[1:length(all.payment.indexes)] = 0
  total.deprec[1] <- toReturn$total.assets.linear[1] - toReturn$total.assets.linear[all.payment.indexes[1]]
  for (i in 2: length(total.deprec)){
    total.deprec[i] <- toReturn$total.assets.linear[all.payment.indexes[i-1]] - toReturn$total.assets.linear[all.payment.indexes[i]]
  toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(toReturn$payment.expected != 0)] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[which(toReturn$payment.expected != 0)] + total.deprec

  toReturn$payments.sum <- (sum(toReturn$payment.expected) - cumsum(toReturn$payment.expected)) *
    sum(toReturn$payment.due) / sum(toReturn$payment.expected)


test.average.lease <- calc.average()

#' The projections.by.day function
#' This function projects future lease volume given a start date, end date, and projections
#' @param start.date, the first date for projections to be shown
#' @param end date, the last date for projections to be shown
#' @param growth.projections, a dataframe with dates, rates, and a "per what"
#' @return a projections for each day
#' @export
projections.by.day <- function(start.date = head(as.Date(default.growth.rates$Dates, "%m/%d/%Y"), 1),
                               end.date= tail(as.Date(default.growth.rates$Dates, "%m/%d/%Y"), 1),
                               growth.projections = data.frame(date = as.Date(as.vector(default.growth.rates$Dates), "%m/%d/%Y"),
                                                               rate = as.vector(default.growth.rates$Leases),
                                                               per.what = 28)) {
  # check start.date and end.date attributes
  if((class(start.date) %in% "Date") == FALSE) stop ("start.date must be an object of class Date")
  if((class(end.date) %in% "Date") == FALSE) stop ("end.date must be an object of class Date")
  if((length(start.date) == 1) == FALSE) stop ("start.date must contain 1 date")
  if((length(end.date) == 1) == FALSE) stop ("end.date must contain 1 date")

  start.date.out <- min(c(start.date,growth.projections$date))
  end.date.out <- max(c(end.date,growth.projections$date))
  # create a data frame to hold the daily volume projections
  len <- as.numeric(end.date.out - start.date.out + 1)
  out <- data.frame(date=seq(start.date.out, by=1, len=len),

  # order the growth projections in case not ordered
  growth.projections <- growth.projections[order(growth.projections$date),]

  # check there are enough growth projections for algorithm to run
  ngp <- nrow(growth.projections)
  if(ngp < 1) stop("At least 1 date needs to be provided in growth.projections")

  # before the earliest and after the last growth projections, the rate of growth is constant
  out$booked.unrounded[which(out$date <= growth.projections$date[1])] <- growth.projections$rate[1]/growth.projections$per.what[1]
  out$booked.unrounded[which(out$date >= growth.projections$date[ngp])] <- growth.projections$rate[ngp]/growth.projections$per.what[1]

  if(ngp > 1) {
    for(j in 2:ngp) {
      len <- as.numeric(growth.projections$date[j] - growth.projections$date[(j-1)])
      weights <- c(0:len) / len
      out$booked.unrounded[which(out$date >= growth.projections$date[(j-1)] &
                                   out$date <= growth.projections$date[j])] <- 1/growth.projections$per.what[1] *
        ((1-weights)*growth.projections$rate[(j-1)] + (weights)*growth.projections$rate[j])

  # calculate the estimated booked deals on each day
  rcm <- round(cumsum(out$booked.unrounded))
  out$booked <- rcm - c(0,rcm[1:(length(rcm)-1)])

  # only allow outputted dates within the start and end dates
  out <- out[which(out$date >= start.date & out$date <= end.date),c("date","booked")]


test.projections.by.day = projections.by.day()

#' The cash.flow function
#' This function calculates cash flow metrics over a period of time given growth projections,
#'   average lease data, and historical lease data.
#' @param hist.leases, data frame with information of historical leases
#' @param average.lease, data on cash metrics of the average lease
#' @param lease.growth, growth projections for future leases
#' @param assumptions, a list of constant values
#' @param emp.sheet, information about employees
#' @return a data frame with aggregate cash flow metrics over a period of time
#' @export
cash.flow <- function(hist.leases = test.collect.past,
                      average.lease = test.average.lease,
                      lease.growth =  test.projections.by.day,
                      assumptions = default.constants.list,
                      emp.sheet = default.employees){
  # Initialize the data.frame, set f
  toReturn <- data.frame()
  # Find the first day of the month of the earliest lease, this is the date where data.frame will start
  first.of.month <- as.Date(paste(substr(hist.leases$dates[1],1,8),"01",sep=""))

  toReturn <- data.frame(dates = seq(first.of.month, by="day",length.out = (max(lease.growth$date) -
                                                                              hist.leases$dates[1] + 1000)))

  # Initialize all the parameters of the data frame, most are 0 except costs that are constant across days
  toReturn$apps.per.month <- 0
  toReturn$average.app.per.day <- 0
  toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff <- 0
  toReturn$leases.booked <- 0
  toReturn$no.stores <- 0
  toReturn$new.stores <- 0
  toReturn$ongoing.leases <- 0
  toReturn$payment.due <- 0
  toReturn$payment.expected <- 0
  toReturn$asset.acq.outflow <- 0
  toReturn$total.assets.linear <- 0
  toReturn$total.assets.loan <- 0
  toReturn$lease.depreciation <- 0
  toReturn$payment.process.cost <- 0
  toReturn$no.employees <- 0
  toReturn$no.csm <- 0
  toReturn$no.salesperson <- 0
  toReturn$total.salaries <- 0
  toReturn$other.salaries <- 0
  toReturn$sales.salaries <- 0
  toReturn$csm.salaries <- 0
  toReturn$employee.tax <- 0
  toReturn$employee.benefit <- 0
  toReturn$rent.cost <- 0
  toReturn$utilities.cost <- 0
  toReturn$travel.cost <- 0
  toReturn$marketing.cost <- 0
  toReturn$misc.cost <- 0
  toReturn$third.pt.data.cost <- 0
  toReturn$it.cost <- floor(assumptions$it.base * 12 / 365 * 100)/100
  toReturn$legal.cost <- floor(assumptions$legal.base.month * 12 / 365 * 100) / 100
  toReturn$ops.cost <- 0
  toReturn$payments.sum <- 0

  past.indexes <- (1 + hist.leases$dates[1] - toReturn$dates[1]) : (nrow(hist.leases) + hist.leases$dates[1] - toReturn$dates[1])
  toReturn$payment.due[past.indexes] = toReturn$payment.due[past.indexes] + hist.leases$payment.due
  toReturn$payment.expected[past.indexes] = toReturn$payment.expected[past.indexes] + hist.leases$payment.expected
  toReturn$payment.process.cost[past.indexes] = toReturn$payment.process.cost[past.indexes] + hist.leases$payment.process.cost
  toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[past.indexes] = toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[past.indexes] + hist.leases$asset.acq.outflow
  toReturn$total.assets.linear[past.indexes] = toReturn$total.assets.linear[past.indexes] + hist.leases$total.assets.linear
  toReturn$total.assets.loan[past.indexes] = toReturn$total.assets.loan[past.indexes] + hist.leases$total.assets.loan
  toReturn$lease.depreciation[past.indexes] = toReturn$lease.depreciation[past.indexes] + hist.leases$lease.depreciation
  toReturn$bad.debt[past.indexes] = toReturn$bad.debt[past.indexes] + hist.leases$bad.debt
  toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes] = toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes] + hist.leases$leases.booked
  toReturn$no.stores[past.indexes] = toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes] + hist.leases$no.stores
  toReturn$ongoing.leases[past.indexes] = toReturn$ongoing.leases[past.indexes] + hist.leases$ongoing.leases
  toReturn$payments.sum[past.indexes] = toReturn$payments.sum[past.indexes] + hist.leases$payments.sum

  # Third party data costs increase with number of apps, so they increase whenever a new lease happens
  toReturn$third.pt.data.cost[past.indexes] <- toReturn$third.pt.data.cost[past.indexes] +

  # Legal costs generally increases with growth of business, small constant ties it to each lease
  toReturn$legal.cost[past.indexes] <- toReturn$legal.cost[past.indexes] + toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes]*assumptions$add.legal.cost

  # Marketing and misc costs tied to leases
  toReturn$marketing.cost[past.indexes] <- toReturn$marketing.cost[past.indexes] + toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes]*3

  toReturn$misc.cost[past.indexes] <- toReturn$misc.cost[past.indexes] + toReturn$leases.booked[past.indexes]*3

  past.months <- unique(format.Date(toReturn$dates[past.indexes], format = "%m %y"))
  for (b in 1 : length(past.months)){
    this.month <- which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == past.months[b])

    toReturn$apps.per.month[this.month] <- toReturn$apps.per.month[this.month] + sum(toReturn$leases.booked[this.month]) /  assumptions$app.conversion.rt
    toReturn$it.cost[this.month] <- toReturn$it.cost[this.month] + (sum(toReturn$leases.booked[this.month]) /  assumptions$app.conversion.rt)^.7 * assumptions$it.rate / 365 * 12

  for (x in 1: length(lease.growth$date)) {
    start.index <- which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])

    rel.indexes1 <- which(average.lease$payment.due != 0)
    toReturn$payment.due[start.index + rel.indexes1 - 1] <-
      toReturn$payment.due[start.index + rel.indexes1 - 1] +

    rel.indexes2 <- which(average.lease$payment.expected != 0)
    toReturn$payment.expected[start.index + rel.indexes2 - 1] <-
      toReturn$payment.expected[start.index + rel.indexes2 - 1] +

    rel.indexes3 <- which(average.lease$asset.acq.outflow != 0)
    toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[start.index + rel.indexes3 - 1] <-
      toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[start.index + rel.indexes3 - 1] +

    rel.indexes4 <- which(average.lease$payment.process.cost != 0)
    toReturn$payment.process.cost[start.index + rel.indexes4 - 1] <-
      toReturn$payment.process.cost[start.index + rel.indexes4 - 1] +

    rel.indexes5 <- which(average.lease$total.assets.linear != 0)
    toReturn$total.assets.linear[start.index + rel.indexes5 - 1] <-
      toReturn$total.assets.linear[start.index + rel.indexes5 - 1] +

    rel.indexes6 <- which(average.lease$total.assets.loan != 0)
    toReturn$total.assets.loan[start.index + rel.indexes6 - 1] <-
      toReturn$total.assets.loan[start.index + rel.indexes6 - 1] +

    rel.indexes7 <- which(average.lease$lease.depreciation != 0)
    toReturn$lease.depreciation[start.index + rel.indexes7 - 1] <-
      toReturn$lease.depreciation[start.index + rel.indexes7 - 1] +

    rel.indexes8 <- which(average.lease$payments.sum != 0)
    toReturn$payments.sum[start.index + rel.indexes8 - 1] <-
      toReturn$payments.sum[start.index + rel.indexes8 - 1] +

    # Third party data costs increase with number of apps, so they increase whenever a new lease happens
    toReturn$third.pt.data.cost[start.index] <- toReturn$third.pt.data.cost[start.index] +

    # Legal costs generally increases with growth of business, small constant ties it to each lease
    toReturn$legal.cost[start.index] <- toReturn$legal.cost[start.index] + lease.growth$booked[x]*assumptions$add.legal.cost

    # Marketing
    toReturn$marketing.cost[start.index] <- toReturn$marketing.cost[start.index] + lease.growth$booked[x] * 3

    # Misc
    toReturn$misc.cost[start.index] <- toReturn$misc.cost[start.index] + lease.growth$booked[x]*2

    # Leases booked
    toReturn$leases.booked[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <- toReturn$leases.booked[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +

    # Number of stores
    if (x == 1){
      toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <- toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +
    } else if (x == 2) {
      toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <- toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +
    } else if (x > 2){
    toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <- toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +

#     # New stores
#     if (x = 1){
#       toReturn$new.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <-     toReturn$new.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +
#         ceiling(lease.growth$booked[x]/5)
#     } else {
#       toReturn$new.Stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] <-     toReturn$new.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] +
#         toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x])] - toReturn$no.stores[which(toReturn$dates == lease.growth$date[x-1])]
#     }

    # Applications for month, for each lease started in that month increment apps per month by 1 divided by app-to-lease conversion rate
    relevant.dates <- which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(lease.growth$date[x], format = "%m %y"))
    toReturn$apps.per.month[relevant.dates] <- toReturn$apps.per.month[relevant.dates] + lease.growth$booked[x]/ assumptions$app.conversion.rt

    # Number of ongoing leases on any day
    toReturn$ongoing.leases[which(toReturn$dates >= lease.growth$date[x] &
                                    toReturn$dates < (lease.growth$date[x] + assumptions$avg.lease.length * 365 / 12))] <-
      toReturn$ongoing.leases[which(toReturn$dates >= lease.growth$date[x] &
                                      toReturn$dates < (lease.growth$date[x] + assumptions$avg.lease.length * 365 / 12))] + lease.growth$booked[x]

    # additional monthly IT cost depending on number of new applications in that month
    relevant.dates2 <- which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(lease.growth$date[x], format = "%m %y"))
    toReturn$it.cost[relevant.dates2] <- toReturn$it.cost[relevant.dates2] + toReturn$apps.per.month[relevant.dates2]^.7 * assumptions$it.rate / 365 * 12

  # First of month costs
  toReturn$payment.process.cost[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%d") == "01")] <- assumptions$pay.process.month

  # Accounting for employees

  # Hired Employees, not csm or salespeople
  emp.sheet$start.date <- as.Date(emp.sheet$start.date, "%m/%d/%y")
  emp.sheet$end.date <- as.Date(emp.sheet$end.date, "%m/%d/%y")
  for (i in 1:nrow(emp.sheet)) {
    toReturn$no.employees[which(toReturn$dates >= as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$start.date) &
                                  toReturn$dates < as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$end.date))] <-
      toReturn$no.employees[which(toReturn$dates >= as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$start.date) &
                                    toReturn$dates < as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$end.date))] + 1

    toReturn$other.salaries[which(toReturn$dates >= as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$start.date) &
                                    toReturn$dates < as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$end.date))] <-
      toReturn$other.salaries[which(toReturn$dates >= as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$start.date) &
                                      toReturn$dates < as.vector(emp.sheet[i,]$end.date))] +
      emp.sheet[i,]$salary / 365

  firsts.of.month <- toReturn$dates[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%d") == "01" &
                                            format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") != format.Date(first.of.month, format = "%m %y"))]
  for (i in seq_along(c(first.of.month,firsts.of.month))) {
    toReturn$average.app.per.day[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(c(first.of.month,firsts.of.month)[i], format = "%m %y"))] =
      sum(toReturn$leases.booked[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(c(first.of.month,firsts.of.month)[i], format = "%m %y"))] / assumptions$app.conversion.rt)/
      length(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(c(first.of.month,firsts.of.month)[i], format = "%m %y")))

  #Change in average apps per day
  toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format= "%m %y") == format.Date(first.of.month, format = "%m %y"))] <- toReturn$average.app.per.day[1]
  for (i in seq_along(firsts.of.month)){
    toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff[which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(firsts.of.month[i], format = "%m %y"))] <-
      toReturn$average.app.per.day[which(toReturn$dates == firsts.of.month[i])] - toReturn$average.app.per.day[which(toReturn$dates == firsts.of.month[i]) - 1]

  # Number of customer service managers, tied to the number of ongoing leases
  toReturn$no.csm[which(toReturn$ongoing.leases != 0)] <- ceiling(toReturn$ongoing.leases[which(toReturn$ongoing.leases != 0)] / assumptions$leases.per.csm)

  # Number of salespeople, tied to apps per month and app difference per month
  toReturn$no.salesperson[which(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff > 0)] <- ceiling(toReturn$average.app.per.day[which(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff > 0)] / assumptions$apps.per.salesp +
                                                                                     toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff[which(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff > 0)] / assumptions$n.apps.per.salesp)
  toReturn$no.salesperson[which(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff<= 0)] <-  ceiling(toReturn$average.app.per.day[which(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff<= 0)] / assumptions$apps.per.salesp)

  # increment number of employees and total salaries based on number of csm and salespeople
  toReturn$no.employees <- toReturn$no.employees + toReturn$no.csm + toReturn$no.salesperson

  toReturn$csm.salaries <- floor(toReturn$total.salaries + toReturn$no.csm * assumptions$csm.salary / 365 * 100) / 100
  toReturn$sales.salaries <- floor(toReturn$no.salesperson * assumptions$sales.salary / 365 * 100) / 100
  toReturn$total.salaries <- toReturn$csm.salaries + toReturn$sales.salaries + toReturn$other.salaries

  # Employee benefits
  toReturn$employee.tax <- toReturn$total.salaries * assumptions$employee.tax
  toReturn$employee.benefit <- toReturn$total.salaries * assumptions$employee.benefits

  # #Travel costs
  # toReturn$travel.cost <- toReturn$travel.cost + toReturn$no.employees * 5
  # #Misc
  # toReturn$misc.cost <- toReturn$misc.cost + toReturn$no.employees * 4

  # Round everything
  toReturn$apps.per.month <- round(toReturn$apps.per.month)
  toReturn$average.app.per.day <- floor(toReturn$average.app.per.day * 100) / 100
  toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff <- floor(toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff * 1000) / 1000
  toReturn$payment.due <- floor(toReturn$payment.due * 1000)/1000
  toReturn$payment.expected <- floor(toReturn$payment.expected * 100) / 100
  toReturn$payment.process.cost <- floor(toReturn$payment.process.cost * 100) / 100
  toReturn$asset.acq.outflow <- floor(toReturn$asset.acq.outflow * 100) / 100
  toReturn$total.assets.linear <- floor(toReturn$total.assets.linear * 100) / 100
  toReturn$total.assets.loan <- floor(toReturn$total.assets.loan * 100) / 100
  toReturn$lease.depreciation <- floor(toReturn$lease.depreciation * 100) / 100
  toReturn$third.pt.data.cost <- floor(toReturn$third.pt.data.cost * 100) / 100
  toReturn$it.cost <- floor(toReturn$it.cost * 100)/100
  toReturn$legal.cost <- floor(toReturn$legal.cost * 100) / 100
  toReturn$ops.cost <- floor(toReturn$ops.cost * 100) / 100

  toReturn$cash.flow <- toReturn$payment.expected - toReturn$ops.cost - toReturn$asset.acq.outflow

  toReturn <- filter(toReturn, dates < last(lease.growth$date))

  temp = data.frame(dates = c(first.of.month, firsts.of.month[which(firsts.of.month < last(lease.growth$date))]),
                    #                    month = 1:length(c(first.of.month, firsts.of.month[which(firsts.of.month < last(lease.growth$date))])),
                    apps.per.month = 0,
                    leases.booked = 0,
                    no.stores = 0,
                    new.stores = 0,
                    average.app.per.day = 0,
                    average.app.per.day.diff = 0,
                    ongoing.leases = 0,
                    payment.due = 0,
                    payment.expected = 0,
                    asset.acq.outflow = 0,
                    total.assets.linear = 0,
                    total.assets.loan = 0,
                    lease.depreciation = 0,
                    payment.process.cost = 0,
                    no.employees = 0,
                    no.csm = 0,
                    no.salesperson = 0,
                    total.salaries = 0,
                    other.salaries = 0,
                    sales.salaries = 0,
                    csm.salaries = 0,
                    employee.tax = 0,
                    employee.benefit = 0,
                    rent.cost = 0,
                    travel.cost = 0,
                    utilities.cost = 0,
                    marketing.cost = 0,
                    third.pt.data.cost = 0,
                    it.cost = 0,
                    legal.cost = 0,
                    ops.cost = 0,
                    cash.flow = 0,
                    payments.sum = 0,
                    legal.base = assumptions$legal.base.month,
                    it.base = assumptions$it.base
  for (i in 1:nrow(temp)){
    temp$apps.per.month[i] <- toReturn$apps.per.month[(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i]))]
    temp$leases.booked[i] <- sum(toReturn$leases.booked[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    if (i == 1) {
      temp$no.stores[i] <- ceiling(sum(toReturn$leases.booked[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])/assumptions$leases.per.store)
    } else {
      temp$no.stores[i] <- max(temp$no.stores[i-1],ceiling(sum(toReturn$leases.booked[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])/assumptions$leases.per.store))
      #ceiling(sum(toReturn$no.stores[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))]))
    temp$average.app.per.day[i] <-toReturn$average.app.per.day[(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i]))]
    temp$average.app.per.day.diff[i] <-toReturn$average.app.per.day.diff[(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i]))]
    temp$ongoing.leases[i] <- round(sum(toReturn$ongoing.leases[which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])]) / length(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])))
    temp$payment.due[i] <- sum(toReturn$payment.due[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$payment.expected[i] <- sum(toReturn$payment.expected[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$asset.acq.outflow[i] <- sum(toReturn$asset.acq.outflow[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$total.assets.linear[i] <- toReturn$total.assets.linear[(max(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y"))))]
    temp$total.assets.loan[i] <- toReturn$total.assets.loan[(max(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y"))))]
    temp$lease.depreciation[i] <- sum(toReturn$lease.depreciation[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$payment.process.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$payment.process.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$no.employees[i] <- round(sum(toReturn$no.employees[which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])]) / length(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])))
    temp$no.csm[i] <- round(sum(toReturn$no.csm[which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])]) / length(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])))
    temp$no.salesperson[i] <- round(sum(toReturn$no.salesperson[which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])]) / length(which(toReturn$dates == temp$dates[i])))
    temp$total.salaries[i] <- sum(toReturn$total.salaries[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$other.salaries[i] <- sum(toReturn$other.salaries[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$csm.salaries[i] <- sum(toReturn$csm.salaries[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$sales.salaries[i] <- sum(toReturn$sales.salaries[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$employee.tax[i] <- sum(toReturn$employee.tax[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$employee.benefit[i] <- sum(toReturn$employee.benefit[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    # temp$rent.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$rent.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    # temp$travel.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$travel.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$marketing.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$marketing.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$misc.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$misc.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$third.pt.data.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$third.pt.data.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$it.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$it.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$legal.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$legal.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$ops.cost[i] <- sum(toReturn$ops.cost[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$cash.flow[i] <- sum(toReturn$cash.flow[(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y")))])
    temp$payments.sum[i] <- toReturn$payments.sum[(max(which(format.Date(toReturn$dates, format = "%m %y") == format.Date(temp$dates[i], format = "%m %y"))))]

    #    temp$year =  ceiling((temp$month-6)/12) - 1

  temp$new.stores[1] <- temp$no.stores[1]
  temp$new.stores[2:nrow(temp)] <- temp$no.stores[2:nrow(temp)] - temp$no.stores[1:nrow(temp)-1]

  #Calculate costs
  temp$rent.cost = temp$no.employees * 150
  temp$travel.cost = temp$no.employees * 150
  temp$utilities.cost = temp$rent.cost * 0.08
  temp$misc.cost = temp$misc.cost + temp$no.employees * 120
  #adjust marketing cost by new stores
  temp$marketing.cost = temp$marketing.cost + temp$new.stores*40

  # Add up all the costs
  temp$ops.cost = temp$payment.process.cost + temp$total.salaries + temp$employee.tax +
    temp$employee.benefit + temp$rent.cost + temp$third.pt.data.cost + temp$it.cost + temp$legal.cost +
    temp$travel.cost + temp$marketing.cost + temp$utilities.cost + temp$misc.cost

  toReturn <- temp

test.cash.flow = cash.flow()

#' The debt.calc function
#' This function calculates debt metrics given cash flow data
#' @param df, the data frame output from the cash.flow function
#' @param assumptions, a list of constant values
#' @param il.sheet, information about interest and leverage
#' @return a data frame with debt metrics added on to cash flow metrics
#' @export
debt.calc <- function (df = test.cash.flow,
                       assumptions = default.constants.list,
                       il.sheet = default.int.lev) {
  total.assets = df$total.assets.linear
  find.index <- function(a.date){
    toReturn = 1
    for (i in 2: length(il.sheet$Date)) {
      if (a.date >=  as.Date(il.sheet$Date[i], "%m/%d/%Y")){
        toReturn = i

  il.sheet.indexes <- sapply(df$dates, find.index)

  debt.borrowed <- if (assumptions$depr.method == 2) df$total.assets.loan * il.sheet$Leverage[il.sheet.indexes]
  else if (assumptions$depr.method == 1) df$total.assets.linear * il.sheet$Leverage[il.sheet.indexes]
  debt.difference <- c(debt.borrowed[1],
  debt.cost <- debt.borrowed * (il.sheet$Interest[il.sheet.indexes]  / 12)

  asset.change <- rep(0, length(debt.borrowed))
  asset.change[1] = total.assets[1]
  for (i in 2:length(asset.change)){
    asset.change[i] = total.assets[i] - total.assets[i-1]
  df$ebitda = df$payment.expected - df$ops.cost - df$asset.acq.outflow + asset.change
  df$gross.profit = df$ebitda + df$ops.cost
  df$pre.tax.profit = floor((df$ebitda - debt.cost) * 100) / 100
  calendar.years = unique(format.Date(df$dates, format = "%y"))
  profit.by.year = rep(0,length(calendar.years))
  for (i in 1: length(calendar.years)){
    profit.by.year[i] = sum(df$pre.tax.profit[which(format.Date(df$dates, format = "%y") == calendar.years[i])])
  income.tax = rep(0, length(profit.by.year))
  income.tax[1] = if (profit.by.year[1] > 0) profit.by.year[1] * fed.tax.rate else 0
  for (i in 2: length(income.tax)){
    if (sum(profit.by.year[1:i]) < 0) income.tax[i] = 0
    else if (sum(profit.by.year[1:i]) > 0 && income.tax[i-1] == 0) income.tax[i] = sum(profit.by.year[1:i]) * assumptions$fed.tax.rate
    else if (sum(profit.by.year[1:i]) > 0  && income.tax[i-1] > 0) income.tax[i] = profit.by.year[i] * assumptions$fed.tax.rate
  df$taxed.income = rep(0, length(df$dates))
  for (i in 1: length(profit.by.year)) {
    rel.months <- which((format.Date(df$dates, format = "%m-%y") == paste("03-",calendar.years[i], sep = "") |
                           format.Date(df$dates, format = "%m-%y") == paste("06-",calendar.years[i], sep = "") |
                           format.Date(df$dates, format = "%m-%y") == paste("09-",calendar.years[i], sep = "") |
                           format.Date(df$dates, format = "%m-%y") == paste("12-",calendar.years[i], sep = "")))
    df$taxed.income[rel.months] = floor(income.tax[i] / 4 * 100) / 100
  df$net.income = df$pre.tax.profit - df$taxed.income

  df$cash.flow = df$ cash.flow - df$taxed.income
  df$total.assets = floor(total.assets)
  df$cash.flow.debt = floor((df$cash.flow + debt.difference - debt.cost) * 100)/100
  df$debt.interest = floor(debt.cost * 100) / 100
  df$debt.borrowed = floor(debt.borrowed * 100) / 100

  df$cum.cash.with.debt <- cumsum(df$cash.flow.debt)
  df$cum.cash.without.debt <- cumsum(df$cash.flow)
  df$MoneyForEmp <- df$payment.expected - df$asset.acq.outflow +
    debt.difference -
    df$payment.process.cost - df$rent.cost - df$third.pt.data.cost -
    df$it.cost - df$legal.cost

test.debt.calc = debt.calc()

#' The output.subset function
#' This function subsets a data frame to a desired time frame
#' @param df, the data frame to subset
#' @param first.month, the first month to be shown
#' @param last.month, the last month to be shown
#' @return the subset of df within first.month and last.month
#' @export
output.subset <- function(df= test.debt.calc, first.month=default.output.start.month, last.month=default.output.end.month) {
  out.df <- df[which(df$dates >= first.month & df$dates <= last.month),]

  out.df$month <- c(1:nrow(out.df))
  out.df$year <- ceiling((out.df$month)/12)

test.output.subset <- output.subset()

#' The mthSummary function
#' Summarizes cash flow data by month
#' @param df, cash flow data
#' @return a data.frame with data organized by month
#' @export
mthSummary <- function(df = test.output.subset){
  toReturn <- df %>%
    group_by(month) %>%
    summarise(Date = dates,
              EmployeesMonthEnd = no.employees,
              AdministrativeEmployees = no.employees - no.csm - no.salesperson,
              ServicingEmplomployees = no.csm,
              SalesEmployees = no.salesperson,
              AppsPerMonth = apps.per.month,
              TotalLeasesBooked = leases.booked,
              OngoingLeases = ongoing.leases,
              TotalLeaseAssetsMonthEnd = total.assets,
              SumOfPaymentsDue = payments.sum,
              PaymentDue = payment.due,
              Revenue = payment.expected,
              LeaseDepreciation = lease.depreciation,
              GrossProfit = gross.profit,
              TotalExpenses = ops.cost,
              MoneyForEmployee = MoneyForEmp,
              ._TotalLabor = total.salaries + employee.tax + employee.benefit,
              .___LaborSales = sales.salaries,
              .___LaborServicing = csm.salaries,
              .___LaborNonOps = other.salaries,
              .___LaborBenefitsTaxes = employee.tax + employee.benefit,
              ._StoreMarketing = marketing.cost,
              ._Rent = rent.cost,
              ._Legal = legal.cost,
              ._Travel = travel.cost,
              ._Utilities = utilities.cost,
              ._Misc = misc.cost,
              ._ITinfrastructure = it.cost,
              ._ThirdPartyData = third.pt.data.cost,
              ._PaymentProcessing = payment.process.cost,
              EBITDA = ebitda,
              ._Interest = debt.interest,
              Profit = pre.tax.profit,
              LeaseAcquisition = asset.acq.outflow,
              CashFlowWithoutDebt = cash.flow + taxed.income,
              DebtBorrowed = debt.borrowed,
              CashFlowWithDebt = cash.flow.debt  + taxed.income)

test.mthSummary <- mthSummary()

#' The mthIncomeSummary function
#' Summarizes cash flow data by month
#' @param df, cash flow data
#' @return a data.frame with data organized by month
#' @export
mthIncomeSummary <- function(df = test.output.subset){
  df$quarters = as.numeric(format.Date(df$dates, format = "%m"))

  df$quarters <- floor((df$quarters-1)/3)+1
#   df$quarters[which(df$quarters %% 12 != 0)] = ceiling(df$quarters[which(df$quarters %% 12 != 0)]/3) %% 4
#   df$quarters[which(df$quarters %% 12 == 0)] = 4
  df$quarters = paste(format.Date(df$dates, format = "%Y"), "Q", df$quarters)

  toReturn <- df %>%
    group_by(quarters) %>%
    summarise(Date = dates[which.min(dates)],

              TotalLeasesBooked = sum(leases.booked),
              Revenue = sum(payment.expected),

              # Cost of Sales
              LeaseDepreciation = sum(lease.depreciation),

              # Profit = revenues - cost of sales
              GrossProfit = Revenue - LeaseDepreciation,

              # Operating Expenses

              # Non Labor Expenses
              ThirdPartyData = sum(third.pt.data.cost),
              PaymentProcessing = sum(payment.process.cost),
              Legal = sum(legal.cost),
              IT = sum(it.cost),
              StoreMarketing = 3 * TotalLeasesBooked + 40 * sum(new.stores),
              TravelExpense = 150 * 3 * round(mean(no.employees)),
              Rent = 150 * 3 *round(mean(no.employees)),
              Utilities = .08 * Rent,
              Misc = 3 * (120 * round(mean(no.employees))) + 2 * TotalLeasesBooked,
              TotalNonLaborExpenses = ThirdPartyData + PaymentProcessing + Legal + IT +
                StoreMarketing + TravelExpense + Rent + Utilities + Misc,

              # Labor Expenses
              SalesLabor = sum(sales.salaries),
              ServicingLabor = sum(csm.salaries),
              AdministrativeLabor = sum(other.salaries),
              BenefitsTaxes = sum(employee.tax + employee.benefit),
              TotalLaborExpenses = SalesLabor + ServicingLabor + AdministrativeLabor + BenefitsTaxes,

              # Total Expenses
              TotalExpenses = TotalNonLaborExpenses + TotalLaborExpenses,

              # Earnings
              EBIT = GrossProfit - TotalExpenses,

              Interest = sum(debt.interest),
              EBT = EBIT - Interest,

              IncomeTaxes = sum(taxed.income),
              NetEarnings = EBT - IncomeTaxes)

test.incomeSummary = mthIncomeSummary()

#' The yrSummary function
#' Summarizes cash flow data by year
#' @param df, cash flow data
#' @return a data.frame with data organized by year
#' @export
yrSummary <- function(df = test.output.subset){
  toReturn <- df %>%
    group_by(year) %>%
    summarise(EmployeesYearEnd = no.employees[which.max(dates)],
              AdministrativeEmployees = no.employees[which.max(dates)] - no.csm[which.max(dates)] - no.salesperson[which.max(dates)],
              ServicingEmplomployees = no.csm[which.max(dates)],
              SalesEmployees = no.salesperson[which.max(dates)],
              TotalLeasesBooked = sum(leases.booked),
              TotalLeaseAssetsYearEnd = total.assets[which.max(dates)],
              SumOfPaymentsDue = payments.sum[which.max(dates)],
              Revenue = sum(payment.expected),
              LeaseDepreciation = sum(lease.depreciation), #"not sure"
              GrossProfit = sum(gross.profit),
              TotalExpenses = sum(ops.cost),
              ._TotalLabor = sum(total.salaries) + sum(employee.tax) + sum(employee.benefit),
              .___LaborSales = sum(sales.salaries),
              .___LaborServicing = sum(csm.salaries),
              .___LaborNonOps = sum(other.salaries),
              .___LaborBenefitsTaxes = sum(employee.tax) + sum(employee.benefit),
              ._StoreMarketing = sum(marketing.cost),
              ._Rent = sum(rent.cost),
              ._Legal = sum(legal.cost),
              ._Travel = sum(travel.cost),
              ._Utilities = sum(utilities.cost),
              ._Misc = sum(misc.cost),
              ._ITinfrastructure = sum(it.cost),
              ._ThirdPartyData = sum(third.pt.data.cost),
              ._PaymentProcessing = sum(payment.process.cost),
              EBITDA = sum(ebitda), #not sure
              ._Interest = sum(debt.interest),
              PreTaxProfit = sum(pre.tax.profit), #not sure
              ._Taxes = sum(taxed.income),
              NetIncome = sum(net.income),
              LeaseAcquisition = sum(asset.acq.outflow), #not sure
              CashFlowWithoutDebt = sum(cash.flow),
              DebtBorrowed = debt.borrowed[which.max(dates)],
              CashFlowWithDebt = sum(cash.flow.debt)
  toReturn$SalesExpense_NumLeases = floor(toReturn$.___LaborSales / toReturn$TotalLeasesBooked * 100) / 100
  toReturn$Labor_Assets = floor(toReturn$._TotalLabor / toReturn$TotalLeaseAssetsYearEnd * 100) / 100
  toReturn$TotalExpenses_Assets = floor(toReturn$TotalExpenses / toReturn$TotalLeaseAssetsYearEnd * 100) / 100
  toReturn$Revenue_Assets = floor(toReturn$Revenue / toReturn$TotalLeaseAssetsYearEnd * 100) / 100
  toReturn$TotalExpenses_Revenue = floor(toReturn$TotalExpenses / toReturn$Revenue * 100) / 100
  toReturn$EBITDA_Revenue = floor(toReturn$EBITDA / toReturn$Revenue * 100) / 100


test.yrSummary <- yrSummary()

#' The lease.returns function
#' This calculates 12 month, 18 month, and total returns given average lease data
#' @param a.lease, data on cash metrics of the average lease
#' @param assumption.list, a list of constant values
#' @return a list with 12 month, 18 month, and total returns
#' @export
lease.returns <- function(a.lease = test.average.lease,
                          assumption.list = default.constants.list){
  toReturn <- list()
  toReturn$twelve.m.return <-round(sum(a.lease$payment.expected[c(2:365)])/(sum(a.lease$asset.acq.outflow[c(2:365)])) , 2)
  toReturn$eighteen.m.return <- round(sum(a.lease$payment.expected[c(2:547)]) / (sum(a.lease$asset.acq.outflow[c(2:547)])), 2)
  toReturn$total.return <- round(sum(a.lease$payment.expected[c(2:1000)]) / (sum(a.lease$asset.acq.outflow[c(2:1000)])),2)

#' The irr.day function
#' Calculates IRR on a by-day basis
#' @param df, average.lease data
#' @param no.days, number of days to calculate for
#' @return a number, the IRR
#' @export
irr.day <- function(df = test.average.lease,
                    no.days = 1000) {
  f <- function(x){
    cashflows <- sum(df$payment.expected / (1 + x)^(1:no.days))
    cashflows - sum(df$asset.acq.outflow)
  uniroot(f, c(-.5,1), tol=.000001)$root  * 365

#' The irr.month function
#' Calculates IRR on a by-month basis
#' @param df, average.lease data
#' @param no.days, number of days to calculate for
#' @return a number, the IRR
#' @export
irr.month <- function(df = test.average.lease,
                      no.months = 24) {
  f <- function (y){
    days.index = (1:no.months) * 28
    cashflows = rep(0, no.months)
    cashflows[1] = sum(df$payment.expected[which(df$days <= days.index[1])])
    for (z in 2 : no.months){
      cashflows[z] = sum(df$payment.expected[which(df$days <= days.index[z] & df$days > days.index[z-1])])
    cashflows2 <- sum(cashflows / ((1 + y)^((1:no.months)-0.5)))
    cashflows2 - sum(df$asset.acq.outflow)
  uniroot(f, c(-.6,.2))$root * 13

#' The cash.by.day function
#' Graphs cumulative cash received per lease by day
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @param assumptions, a list of constant values
#' @return The graph of cumulative cash received per lease by day
#' @export
cash.by.day <- function(a.lease = test.average.lease,
                        file = NULL,
                        text.size = 12,
                        small.text.size = 4,
                        assumptions = default.constants.list) {
  cash <- cumsum(a.lease$payment.expected - a.lease$asset.acq.outflow)
  df <- data.frame(days = 1:1000, cash = cash)
  toReturn <- (ggplot(data = df, aes(x = days)) + geom_line(aes(y = cash, colour = "cumulative cash"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Days"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "Cumulative Cash"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Cumulative Cash over Time"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Min:", as.character(floor(min(toReturn$data$cash) * 100)/100), "on day", as.character(which.min(toReturn$data$cash))), x = 600, y = min(toReturn$data$cash), size = small.text.size,colour = "black") +
    annotate("text", label =  paste("Max:", as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$cash) * 100)/100), "from day", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$cash)), "on"), x = 600, y = min(toReturn$data$cash)+100, size = small.text.size,colour = "black")
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The cash.by.month function
#' Graphs cumulative cash received per lease by month
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @param assumptions, a list of constant values
#' @return The graph of cumulative cash received per lease by month
#' @export
cash.by.month <- function(a.lease = test.average.lease,
                          file = NULL,
                          text.size = 12,
                          small.text.size = 4,
                          assumptions = default.constants.list) {
  cash <- cumsum(a.lease$payment.expected - a.lease$asset.acq.outflow)
  df <- data.frame(months = 1:26, cash = cash[(1:26) * 28 - 14])
  toReturn <- (ggplot(data = df, aes(x = months)) + geom_line(aes( y = cash, colour = "cumulative cash"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Months"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "Cumulative Cash"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Cumulative Cash over Time"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Min:", as.character(floor(min(toReturn$data$cash) * 100)/100), "on month", as.character(which.min(toReturn$data$cash))), x = 21, y = min(toReturn$data$cash), size = small.text.size,colour = "black") +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Max:", as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$cash) * 100)/100), "from month", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$cash)), "on"), x = 21, y = min(toReturn$data$cash) + 100, size = small.text.size,colour = "black")
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The cash.by.month function
#' Graphs cumulative cash received per lease by month
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @return The graph of cumulative cash received per lease by month
#' @export
expected.vs.due <- function(a.lease = test.average.lease,
                            file = NULL,
                            text.size = 12,
                            small.text.size = 4) {
  expected <- cumsum(a.lease$payment.expected)
  due <- cumsum(a.lease$payment.due)
  df <- data.frame(months = 1:26, expected = expected[(1:26) * 28], due = due[(1:26)*28])
  toReturn <- (ggplot(df, aes(months)) +
                 geom_line(aes(y = expected, colour = "actual payment")) +
                 geom_line(aes(y = due, colour = "payment due"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Months"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "Cumulative Cash"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Expected Cash Flow vs. Cash Flow Due"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    geom_text(x = 7, y = 300, label = paste("Min:",as.character(floor(min(toReturn$data$due) * 100) / 100), "on month", as.character(which.min(toReturn$data$due))), size = small.text.size, colour = 5) +
    geom_text(x = 7, y = 400, label = paste("Min:",as.character(floor(min(toReturn$data$expected) * 100) / 100), "on month", as.character(which.min(toReturn$data$expected))), size = small.text.size, colour = 2) +
    geom_text(x = 21, y = 2350, label = paste("Max:",as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$due) * 100) / 100), "from month", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$due)), "on"), size = small.text.size, colour = 5) +
    geom_text(x = 21, y = 1700, label = paste("Max:",as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$expected) * 100) / 100), "from month", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$expected)), "on"), size = small.text.size, colour = 2)
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The bad.debt.month function
#' Graphs bad debt received as a percentage of asset value on a by-month basis
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @return The graph of bad debt by month
#' @export
bad.debt.month <- function (a.lease = test.average.lease,
                            file = NULL,
                            text.size = 12,
                            small.text.size = 4) {
  bad.debt <- c(rep(0,120), cumsum(a.lease$bad.debt / sum(a.lease$asset.acq.outflow)))
  df <- data.frame(months = 1:30, bad.debt = bad.debt[(1:30)*28])
  toReturn <- (ggplot(data = df, aes(x = months)) +  geom_line(aes(y = bad.debt, colour = "bad debt as % of assets"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Months"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "Bad Debt as Percent of Assets"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Cumulative Bad Debt Over Time"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Min: 0 from months", as.character(min(which(toReturn$data$bad.debt == 0))), "to", as.character(max(which(toReturn$data$bad.debt == 0)))), x = 25, y = 0.1, size = small.text.size, colour = "black") +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Max:", as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$bad.debt) * 100) / 100), "from month", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$bad.debt)), "on"), x = 25, y = 0, size = small.text.size,colour = "black")
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The bad.debt.to.pay function
#' Graphs bad debt received as a percentage of payment expected at that point
#'   on a by-month basis
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @return The graph of bad debt by month
#' @export
bad.debt.to.pay <- function (a.lease = test.average.lease,
                             file = NULL,
                             text.size = 12,
                             small.text.size = 4){
  toReturn <- ggplot(data = a.lease, aes(x = days)) +
    geom_line(aes(y = cumsum(bad.debt) / cumsum(payment.expected),
                  colour = "Bad debt as cumulative % of expected payments")) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Days"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "% of expected payment that has defaulted"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Bad Debt to Payments over time"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    annotate("text", label = paste(as.character(floor(max(cumsum(a.lease$bad.debt) / cumsum(a.lease$payment.expected)) * 100)), "% of payers default by day",
                                   as.character(which.max(cumsum(a.lease$bad.debt) / cumsum(a.lease$payment.expected)))), x = 600, y = 0, size = small.text.size,colour = "black")
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The bad.debt.total.pdue function
#' Graphs bad debt received as a percentag of total payments due on a by-month basis
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @return The graph of bad debt by month
#' @export
bad.debt.total.pdue <- function (a.lease = test.average.lease,
                                 file = NULL,
                                 text.size = 12,
                                 small.text.size = 4) {
  bad.debt <- c(rep(0,120), cumsum(a.lease$bad.debt / sum(a.lease$payment.due)))
  df <- data.frame(months = 1:30, bad.debt = bad.debt[(1:30)*28])
  toReturn <- (ggplot(data = df, aes(x = months)) +  geom_line(aes(y = bad.debt, colour = "bad debt as % of total payments due"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Months"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "Bad Debt as Percent of Total Payments Due"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Bad Debt Over Payment.due"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Min: 0 from months", as.character(min(which(toReturn$data$bad.debt == 0))), "to", as.character(max(which(toReturn$data$bad.debt == 0)))), x = 20, y = 0.05, size = small.text.size, colour = "black") +
    annotate("text", label = paste("Max:", as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$bad.debt) * 100) / 100), "from month", as.character(which.max(toReturn$data$bad.debt)), "on"), x = 20, y = 0, size = small.text.size,colour = "black")
  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The cum.default.rate function
#' Graphs the cumulative % of payers who have defaulted by month.
#' @param a.lease, average lease data
#' @param file, if this isn't null, the graph will be saved as this file
#' @param text.size, text size for graph titles and sides
#' @param small.text.size, text size for the smaller text inside the graph
#' @param assumptions, a list of constant values
#' @param default.rate, a vector representing the default rate, must be 1000 in length with values between 0 and 1
#' @return The graph of default rate by month
#' @export
cum.default.rate <- function (a.lease = test.average.lease,
                              file = NULL,
                              text.size = 12,
                              small.text.size = 4,
                              assumptions = default.constants.list,
                              default.rate = norm.default.rate) {
  df <- data.frame(months = 1:assumptions$avg.lease.length, default.rate = 1- cumprod(default.rate[(0:(assumptions$avg.lease.length-1))*28 + 1]))
  toReturn <- (ggplot(data = df, aes(x = months)) +  geom_line(aes(y = default.rate, colour = "% of payers who have defaulted"))) + theme_bw()
  toReturn$labels$x <- "Time in Months"
  toReturn$labels$y <- "% of payers who have defaulted"
  toReturn$labels$title <- "Cumulative Default Rate over time"
  toReturn$labels$colour <- ""
  toReturn <- toReturn + annotate("text", label = paste(as.character(floor(max(toReturn$data$default.rate) * 100)), "% of payers default by month", as.character(assumptions$avg.lease.length)), x = 10, y = 0, size = small.text.size, colour = "black")

  toReturn$theme$text$size = text.size
  if (!is.null(file)){
    ggsave(toReturn, filename = file, width = 5, height = 2.5)

#' The incomeStatement function
#' This function formats results into an income statement sheet, optionally saving it to a file
#' @param file, the name of the file the sheet will be saved as. If null the file won't be esaved
#' and the workbook will be returned.
#' @param yrdata, cash flow information by year, from the yrSummary function
#' @param mthdata, cash flow information by year, from the mthSummary function
#' @param avg.data, data representing an average lease, from the calc.average function
#' @param assumptions, constants represented in the original data frame form
#' @param d.assumptions, constants related to interest and leverage in original data frame form
#' @param emp.data, data on employees
#' @param growth.data, growth.rates data
#' @param d.rate, default rate expressed as length 1000 vector with numbers between 0 and 1
#' @return a data frame with debt metrics added on to cash flow metrics
#' @export
incomeStatement <- function(file = NULL,
                            mthdata = test.incomeSummary){
  mthdates <- data.frame(
    Projections = colnames(mthdata)[2]

  mthtemp <- data.frame(
    Projections = colnames(mthdata)[3:length(colnames(mthdata))]
  for (i in 1 : nrow(mthdata)){
    mthdates[,mthdata[i,][1][[1]]] <- mthdata[i,][2]
    mthtemp[,mthdata[i,][1][[1]]] <- as.numeric(mthdata[i,][3:length(colnames(mthdata))])

  # Write final results to one big spreadsheet
  wb <- createWorkbook()
  boldstyle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold = TRUE)
  currency <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")
  comma <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("#,##0.00")
  wholecomma <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("#,##0")

  create.style.list <- function(style, startIndex, endIndex){
    toReturn = list()
    for (i in startIndex:endIndex){
      eval(parse(text = paste("toReturn$`",i,"`<-",style, sep = "")))

  mth.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Income Statement")
  mGrowthMetrics <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 1), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mGrowthMetrics, "Credda Income Statement")
  setCellStyle(mGrowthMetrics, boldstyle)
  mProfitAndLoss <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 2), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mProfitAndLoss, "Revenues")
  setCellStyle(mProfitAndLoss, boldstyle)
  mCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 5), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mCashFlow, "Cost of Sales")
  setCellStyle(mCashFlow, boldstyle)
  mCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 7), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mCashFlow, "Gross Profit")
  setCellStyle(mCashFlow, boldstyle)
  mCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 9), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mCashFlow, "Operating Expenses")
  setCellStyle(mCashFlow, boldstyle)
  mCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 28), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mCashFlow, "Earnings")
  setCellStyle(mCashFlow, boldstyle)

  tempQuarters <- data.frame(Projections = colnames(mthdates)[2:length(colnames(mthdates))])

  addDataFrame(colnames(mthdates), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow=1,startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = list('1' = boldstyle), byrow = TRUE)
#   addDataFrame(data.frame(mthdates), mth.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
#                colStyle = list(`1` = boldstyle))
  # Revenues
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[1,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 3, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "wholecomma", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[2,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 4, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  # Lease Depreciation
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[3,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 6, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))

  # Gross Profit
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[4,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 8, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  # Non Labor
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[5:14,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 10, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  # Labor
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[15:19,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 21, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  # Total
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[20,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 27, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[21,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 29, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  #Interest and EBT
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[22:23,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 31, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  # Income taxes and Net Earnings
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[24:25,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 34, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle), create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)

  autoSizeColumn(sheet = mth.sheet, colIndex = 1:(ncol(mthtemp) +1))

  if (!is.null(file)){
    saveWorkbook(wb, file = file)


#' The saveToSheet function
#' This function writes the results into an excel spreadsheet and saves it
#' @param file, the name of the file the sheet will be saved as. If null the file won't be esaved
#' and the workbook will be returned.
#' @param yrdata, cash flow information by year, from the yrSummary function
#' @param mthdata, cash flow information by year, from the mthSummary function
#' @param mth.idata, incomeSummary information, from mthIncomeSummary function
#' @param avg.data, data representing an average lease, from the calc.average function
#' @param assumptions, constants represented in the original data frame form
#' @param d.assumptions, constants related to interest and leverage in original data frame form
#' @param emp.data, data on employees
#' @param growth.data, growth.rates data
#' @param d.rate, default rate expressed as length 1000 vector with numbers between 0 and 1
#' @return a data frame with debt metrics added on to cash flow metrics
#' @export
saveToSheet <- function(file = NULL,
                        yrdata = test.yrSummary,
                        mthdata = test.mthSummary,
                        mth.idata = test.incomeSummary,
                        avg.data = test.average.lease,
                        assumptions = default.constants.table,
                        d.assumptions = default.int.lev,
                        emp.data = default.employees,
                        growth.data = default.growth.rates,
                        d.rate = norm.default.rate){

  temp.assumptions.list <- as.list(assumptions$Values)
  names(temp.assumptions.list) <- assumptions$Names

  yrtemp  <- data.frame(
    Projections = colnames(yrdata)[2:length(colnames(yrdata))]

  for (i in 1 : nrow(yrdata)) {
    yrtemp[,paste("Year_", i, sep = "")] <- as.numeric(yrdata[i,][2:length(colnames(yrdata))])

  mthdates <- data.frame(
    Projections = colnames(mthdata)[2]

  mthtemp <- data.frame(
    Projections = colnames(mthdata)[3:length(colnames(mthdata))]

  for (i in 1 : nrow(mthdata)){
    mthdates[,paste("Month_",i,sep = "")] <- mthdata[i,][2]
    mthtemp[,paste("Month_",i,sep = "")] <- as.numeric(mthdata[i,][3:length(colnames(mthdata))])

  # Write final results to one big spreadsheet
  wb <- incomeStatement(file = NULL, mthdata = mth.idata)

  boldstyle <- CellStyle(wb) + Font(wb, isBold = TRUE)
  currency <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")
  comma <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("#,##0.00")
  wholecomma <- CellStyle(wb) + DataFormat("#,##0")

  create.style.list <- function(style, startIndex, endIndex){
    toReturn = list()
    for (i in startIndex:endIndex){
      eval(parse(text = paste("toReturn$`",i,"`<-",style, sep = "")))

  yr.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Yearly Summary")
  yGrowthMetrics <- createCell(createRow(yr.sheet, rowIndex = 2), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(yGrowthMetrics, "GrowthMetrics")
  setCellStyle(yGrowthMetrics, boldstyle)
  yProfitAndLoss <- createCell(createRow(yr.sheet, rowIndex = 9), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(yProfitAndLoss, "ProfitAndLoss")
  setCellStyle(yProfitAndLoss, boldstyle)
  yCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(yr.sheet, rowIndex = 27), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(yCashFlow, "CashFlow")
  setCellStyle(yCashFlow, boldstyle)
  yKeyRatios <- createCell(createRow(yr.sheet, rowIndex = 36), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(yKeyRatios, "KeyRatios")
  setCellStyle(yKeyRatios, boldstyle)
  addDataFrame(data.frame(yrtemp[1:4,]), yr.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle),
                                 create.style.list(style = "wholecomma", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(yrtemp))))
  addDataFrame(data.frame(yrtemp[5:33,]), yr.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 6, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle),
                                 create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(yrtemp))))
  addDataFrame(data.frame(yrtemp[34:39,]), yr.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 35, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = list(`1` = boldstyle))
  createFreezePane(yr.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet=yr.sheet, colIndex = 1: (ncol(yrtemp)+1))

  mth.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Monthly Summary")
  mGrowthMetrics <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 2), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mGrowthMetrics, "GrowthMetrics")
  setCellStyle(mGrowthMetrics, boldstyle)
  mProfitAndLoss <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 13), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mProfitAndLoss, "ProfitAndLoss (before taxes)")
  setCellStyle(mProfitAndLoss, boldstyle)
  mCashFlow <- createCell(createRow(mth.sheet, rowIndex = 32), colIndex = 1)[[1,1]]
  setCellValue(mCashFlow, "CashFlow (before taxes)")
  setCellStyle(mCashFlow, boldstyle)

  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthdates), mth.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = list(`1` = boldstyle))
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[1:7,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 3, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle),
                                 create.style.list(style = "wholecomma", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  addDataFrame(data.frame(mthtemp[8:37,]), mth.sheet, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 10, startColumn = 2, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = append(list(`1` = boldstyle),
                                 create.style.list(style = "currency", startIndex = 2, endIndex = ncol(mthtemp))))
  createFreezePane(mth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = mth.sheet, colIndex = 1:(ncol(mthtemp) +1))

  const.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Assumptions")
  addDataFrame(assumptions, const.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, colnamesStyle = boldstyle, colStyle = list(`2` = comma))
  createFreezePane(const.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 1)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = const.sheet, colIndex = 1:ncol(assumptions))

  debt.c.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Debt Assumptions")
  addDataFrame(d.assumptions, debt.c.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, colnamesStyle = boldstyle)
  createFreezePane(debt.c.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 1)
  dMethod <- createCell(createRow(debt.c.sheet, rowIndex = (nrow(d.assumptions) + 2)), colIndex = 4)[[1,1]]
  if (temp.assumptions.list$depr.method == 1){
    setCellValue(dMethod, "Linear Depreciation Method")
  } else {
    setCellValue(dMethod, "Loan Depreciation Method")
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = debt.c.sheet, colIndex = 1:ncol(d.assumptions))

  irr <- data.frame(AnnualIRR=irr.month(df = avg.data))
  irr$BackForEveryDollar <- lease.returns(a.lease = avg.data, assumption.list = temp.assumptions.list)$total.return
  irr.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "LeaseIRR")
  addDataFrame(irr, irr.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, colnamesStyle = boldstyle, colStyle = list(`2` = comma))
  cash <- cumsum(avg.data$payment.expected - avg.data$asset.acq.outflow)
  temp.df <- data.frame(Month = 1:26, Net_Cash = cash[(1:26) * 28 - 14])
  addDataFrame(data.frame(temp.df), irr.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, startRow = 3, colnamesStyle = boldstyle,
               colStyle = list(`2` = currency))
  createFreezePane(irr.sheet, rowSplit = 4, colSplit = 1)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = irr.sheet, colIndex = 1:ncol(irr))

  emp.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Employees")
  addDataFrame(emp.data, emp.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, colnamesStyle = boldstyle, colStyle = list(`3` = currency))
  createFreezePane(emp.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 3)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = emp.sheet, colIndex = 1:ncol(emp.data))

  growth.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Growth Projections")
  addDataFrame(growth.data, growth.sheet, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, colnamesStyle = boldstyle, colStyle = list(`2` = wholecomma))
  createFreezePane(growth.sheet, rowSplit = 2, colSplit = 1)
  autoSizeColumn(sheet = yr.sheet, colIndex = 1:ncol(growth.data))

  default.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Default Rate")
  cum.default.rate(a.lease = avg.data, file = "dtoAdd.png", small.text.size = 2, text.size = 8, default.rate = d.rate)
  addPicture(file = "dtoAdd.png", sheet = default.sheet)

  lease.cf.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Lease Cash Flow")
  cash.by.month(a.lease = avg.data, file = "cbmtoAdd.png",small.text.size = 2, text.size = 8)
  addPicture(file = "cbmtoAdd.png", sheet = lease.cf.sheet)

  bad.debt.sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "Bad Debt")
  bad.debt.to.pay(a.lease = avg.data, file = "bdptoAdd.png", small.text.size = 2, text.size = 8)
  addPicture(file = "bdptoAdd.png", sheet = bad.debt.sheet, startRow = 1)
  bad.debt.total.pdue(a.lease = avg.data, file = "bdtotalAdd.png", small.text.size = 2, text.size = 8)
  addPicture(file = "bdtotalAdd.png", sheet = bad.debt.sheet, startRow = 38)
  bad.debt.month(a.lease = avg.data, file = "bdtoAdd.png", small.text.size = 2, text.size = 8)
  addPicture(file = "bdtoAdd.png", sheet = bad.debt.sheet, startRow = 75)

  if (!is.null(file)){
    saveWorkbook(wb, file = file)
ksyan/CreddaLeases documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:04 p.m.