
Defines functions buffer_area breaks br_add bin_projection_df bin_by_expansion bin_by_angle barcodesToImageAnnotation

Documented in barcodesToImageAnnotation bin_by_angle bin_by_expansion buffer_area

#' @title Create image annotations from a list of barcodes
#' @description Creates image annotations from a list of barcodes by identifying
#' the spots that outline the area covered by them. See details for more information.
#' @param object A valid `spata2` object.
#' @param barcodes Character vector. A vector of barcode-spots that cover histological
#' areas that are supposed to annotated as image annotations.
#' @param id Name of the created image annotation. If multiple areas are identified (see details)
#' this name is suffixed with a number.
#' @param tags Character vector or NULL. If character, the tags for the image annotation selection.
#' See section Selection of image annotation with tags for more information.
#' @param force1 Logical value. If `TRUE`, the function assumes that the barcodes
#' cover one contiguous area and creates only one image annotation.
#' @param concavity Given to `concaveman::concaveman()`.
#' @param eps Distance measure. Converted to pixel unit and given to `eps` of
#' `dbscan::dbscan()`. Defaults to the center-to-center distance multiplied with 1.25.
#' @param minPts Given to `minPts` of `dbscan::dbscan()`. Defaults to 3.
#' @param sep Character value. The separator between image annotation id and suffix.
#' @param expand_outline Distance measure. Defines how much the identified outline of each
#' area is buffered. If 0, no buffering is performed and the outer barcode-spots of
#' each area are representative of the outline.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Set to `TRUE` in order to overwrite existing image
#' annotations.
#' @param verbose Logical. If set to `TRUE` informative messages regarding the computational
#'  progress will be printed.
#' @return An updated `spata2` object
#' @details The functions filters the coordinates data.frame obtained via `getCoordsDf()`
#' based on the input of argument `barcodes`. If `force1` is not `TRUE`, the
#' Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) is applied
#' to identify multiple areas covered by the barcodes denoted in `barcodes`.
#' `concaveman::concaveman()` creates a polygon for each area identified by
#' `dbscan` that is required to outline the area. Each polygon is used to create
#' an image annotation combining input for `id` with a numeric suffix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(SPATA2)
#' data(spatial_segmentations)
#' object <- downloadSpataObject("313_T")
#' # add 'histology' variable
#' object <-
#'  addFeatures(
#'   object = object,
#'   feature_df = spatial_segmentations[["313_T"]]
#'    )
#' plotImageGgplot(object) + plotSurface(object, color_by = "histology", pt_alpha = 0.5)
#' # obtain list of barcodes that cover necrotic areas
#' necrotic_barcodes <-
#'  getFeatureDf(object) %>%
#'  dplyr::filter(histology == "necrosis") %>%
#'  dplyr::pull("barcodes")
#' print(necrotic_barcodes)
#' # convert list of barcodes to image annotations with default setting
#' object_ex1 <-
#'  barcodesToImageAnnotation(
#'   object = object,
#'   barcodes = necrotic_barcodes,
#'   id = "necrosis",
#'   )
#' plotImageAnnotations(object_ex1, expand = "1mm")
#' # skip algorithm to detect multiple areas
#' object_ex2 <-
#'  barcodesToImageAnnotation(
#'   object = object,
#'   barcodes = necrotic_barcodes,
#'   id = "necrosis",
#'   force1 = TRUE
#'   )
#' plotImageAnnotations(object_ex2, expand = "1mm")
#' # manipulate the outline via `expand_outline`
#' object_ex3 <-
#'  barcodesToImageAnnotation(
#'   object = object,
#'   barcodes = necrotic_barcodes,
#'   id = "necrosis",
#'   expand_outline = getCCD(object)*4.5 # *4.5 is too high, defaults to *1.25
#'   )
#' plotImageAnnotations(object_ex3, expand = "1mm")
barcodesToImageAnnotation <- function(object,
                                      tags = NULL,
                                      force1 = FALSE,
                                      concavity = 2,
                                      eps = getCCD(object, unit = "px")*1.25,
                                      minPts = 3,
                                      sep = "_",
                                      expand_outline = getCCD(object, unit = "px")/2,
                                      overwrite = FALSE,
                                      verbose = NULL){


  # check input validity
  expand_outline <- as_pixel(expand_outline, object = object, add_attr = FALSE)

  eps <- as_pixel(eps, object = object, add_attr = FALSE)

  confuns::is_value(x = id, mode = "character")

  # check that no unknown barcodes are among input
  confuns::is_vec(barcodes, mode = "character", min.length = 3) # need three spots to build polygon

  coords_df <-
    getCoordsDf(object) %>%
    dplyr::filter(barcodes %in% {{barcodes}}) %>%
    dplyr::select(x, y)


      input = id,
      against = getImgAnnIds(object),
      ref.against = "image annotation IDs"

    outline_plg <-
        points = base::as.matrix(coords_df),
        concavity = concavity
      ) %>%
      base::as.data.frame() %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(value = c("x", "y")) %>%
      buffer_area(buffer = expand_outline)

    object <-
        object = object,
        tags = tags,
        id = id,
        area = list(outer = outline_plg)

  } else {

    eps <- base::as.numeric(eps)
    minPts <- base::as.numeric(minPts)

    coords_df_flt <-
      add_dbscan_variable(coords_df, eps = eps, minPts = minPts, name = "dbscan_img_ann") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(dbscan_img_ann) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n()) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      # remove areas of two or fewer spots
      dplyr::filter(dbscan_img_ann != "0" & count >= 3)

    n_outlier <- base::nrow(coords_df) - base::nrow(coords_df_flt)

    if(n_outlier > 0){

      ref <- base::ifelse(n_outlier > 1, yes = "spots", no = "spot")
      ref2 <- base::ifelse(n_outlier > 1, yes = "were", no = "was")

        msg = glue::glue("{n_outlier} {ref} {ref2} identified as spatial outliers and removed."),
        verbose = verbose


    # create future image annotation IDs and prevent unwanted overwriting
    areas <- base::unique(coords_df_flt$dbscan_img_ann)

    img_ann_ids <- stringr::str_c(id, 1:base::length(areas), sep = sep)

      input = img_ann_ids,
      against = getImgAnnIds(object),
      ref.against = "image annotation IDs",
      overwrite = overwrite

    for(i in base::seq_along(img_ann_ids)){

      area <- areas[i]

      coords_mtr <-
        dplyr::filter(coords_df_flt, dbscan_img_ann == {{area}}) %>%
        dplyr::select(x, y) %>%

      outline_plg <-
        concaveman::concaveman(points = coords_mtr, concavity = concavity) %>%
        base::as.data.frame() %>%
        tibble::as_tibble() %>%
        magrittr::set_colnames(value = c("x", "y")) %>%
        buffer_area(buffer = expand_outline)

      object <-
          object = object,
          id = img_ann_ids[i],
          tags = tags,
          area = list(outer = outline_plg)





#' @title Bin barcode-spots by angle
#' @description Bins barcode-spots according to their angle towards the position
#' specified with argument \code{center}.
#' @param center Numeric vector of length two that is named. Value named \emph{x}
#' provides position on the x-axis. Value named \emph{y} provides position on
#' the y-axis.
#' @param min_bins_circle Numeric value or NULL. Indiates the minimum
#' number of circle bins the angle bin groups must have in order not
#' to be renamed or removed. Ignored if NULL.
#' @param remove Logical value. If TRUE, barcode-spots that fall into
#' angle bins that do feature less circle bins than input for
#' argument \code{min_bins_circle} are removed. Ignored if
#' \code{min_bins_circle} is NULL.
#' @param rename Logical value. If TRUE, barcode-spots that fall into
#' angle bins that feature less circle bins than input for argument
#' \code{min_bins_circle} are renamed to \emph{'Outside'}. Ignored if \code{min_bins_circle} is NULL.
#' Set \code{remove} to FALSE in order not to remove the renamed
#' barcode-spots.
#' @inherit bin_by_expansion params
#' @export
bin_by_angle <- function(coords_df,
                         n_bins_angle = 1,
                         angle_span = c(0,360),
                         min_bins_circle = NULL,
                         rename = FALSE,
                         remove = FALSE,
                         drop = TRUE,
                         var_to_bin = "barcodes",
                         verbose = verbose){

  confuns::is_vec(x = angle_span, mode = "numeric", of.length = 2)

  angle_span <- c(from = angle_span[1], to = angle_span[2])

  range_span <- base::range(angle_span)

  if(angle_span[1] == angle_span[2]){

    stop("Invalid input for argument `angle_span`. Must contain to different values.")

  } else if(base::min(angle_span) < 0 | base::max(angle_span) > 360){

    stop("Input for argument `angle_span` must range from 0 to 360.")


  from <- angle_span[1]
  to <- angle_span[2]

    msg = glue::glue("Including area between {from}° and {to}°."),
    verbose = verbose

  if(n_bins_angle > 1){

      msg = glue::glue("Binning included area in {n_bins_angle} angle-bins."),
      verbose = verbose


  if(confuns::is_list(center)) {

    base::stopifnot("border" %in% base::colnames(coords_df))

    prel_angle_df <-
        .x = center,
        .f = function(c, b){

          dplyr::filter(coords_df, border == {{b}}) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(var_to_bin)) %>%
              angle = compute_angle_between_two_points(
                p1 = c(x = x, y = y),
                p2 = {{c}}


  } else {

    # compute angle
    prel_angle_df <-
      dplyr::group_by(.data = coords_df, !!rlang::sym(var_to_bin)) %>%
        angle = compute_angle_between_two_points(
          p1 = c(x = x, y = y),
          p2 = center


  # create angle bins
  if(angle_span[["from"]] > angle_span[["to"]]){

    range_vec <- c(

    nth <- base::floor(base::length(range_vec)/n_bins_angle)

    bin_list <- base::vector(mode = "list", length = n_bins_angle)

    for(i in 1:n_bins_angle){

      if(i == 1){

        sub <- 1:nth

      } else {

        sub <- ((nth*(i-1))+1):(nth*i)


      bin_list[[i]] <- range_vec[sub]



      bin_list[[(n_bins_angle)-1]] <-
        c(bin_list[[(n_bins_angle-1)]], bin_list[[n_bins_angle]]) %>%

      bin_list[[n_bins_angle]] <- NULL


    all_vals <- purrr::flatten_dbl(bin_list)

    bin_list[[n_bins_angle]] <-
      c(bin_list[[n_bins_angle]], range_vec[!range_vec %in% all_vals])

    prel_angle_bin_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(prel_angle_df) %>%
      dplyr::filter(base::round(angle) %in% range_vec) %>%
        angle_round = base::round(angle),
        bins_angle = ""

    bin_names <- base::character(n_bins_angle)

    for(i in base::seq_along(bin_list)){

      angles <- bin_list[[i]]

      bin_names[i] <-
          "(", angles[1], ",", utils::tail(angles,1), "]"

      prel_angle_bin_df[prel_angle_bin_df$angle_round %in% angles, "bins_angle"] <-


    prel_angle_bin_df$angle_round <- NULL

    prel_angle_bin_df$bins_angle <-
        x = prel_angle_bin_df$bins_angle,
        levels = bin_names

  } else {

    range_vec <- range_span[1]:range_span[2]

    sub <-
        from = 1,
        to = base::length(range_vec),
        length.out = n_bins_angle+1
      ) %>%

    breaks <- range_vec[sub]

    prel_angle_bin_df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(prel_angle_df) %>%
      dplyr::filter(base::round(angle) %in% range_vec) %>%
        bins_angle = base::cut(x = base::abs(angle), breaks = breaks)


  bins_angle_levels <-
    base::levels(prel_angle_bin_df[["bins_angle"]]) %>%
    c("Core", ., "Outside") %>%

  bins_circle_levels <-
    base::levels(prel_angle_bin_df[["bins_circle"]]) %>%
    c("Core", ., "Outside") %>%

  # add to input data.frame
  angle_df <-
      x = coords_df,
      y = prel_angle_df[,c(var_to_bin, "angle")],
      by = var_to_bin
    ) %>%
      x = .,
      y = prel_angle_bin_df[,c(var_to_bin, "bins_angle")],
      by = var_to_bin
    ) %>%
      bins_angle = base::as.character(bins_angle),
      bins_angle = dplyr::case_when(
        !base::is.na(bins_angle) ~ bins_angle,
        TRUE ~ "Outside"
      bins_angle = base::factor(bins_angle, levels = bins_angle_levels)

  # denote barcodes to remove due to insufficient number of circles in angle_bin

    min_bins_circle <- 0


  bins_to_keep <-
    dplyr::select(angle_df, dplyr::any_of(c("bins_circle")), bins_angle) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::filter(bins_angle != "Outside") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(bins_angle) %>%
    dplyr::tally() %>%
    dplyr::filter(n >= {{min_bins_circle}}) %>%
    dplyr::pull(bins_angle) %>%


    angle_df <-
        .data = angle_df,
        bins_angle = base::as.character(bins_angle),
        bins_angle = dplyr::case_when(
          bins_circle == "Core" ~ "Core",
          bins_circle == "Outside" ~ "Outside",
          !bins_angle %in% {{bins_to_keep}} ~ "Outside",
          TRUE ~ bins_angle
        bins_circle = base::as.character(bins_circle),
        bins_circle = dplyr::case_when(
          bins_angle == "Outside" ~ "Outside",
          TRUE ~ bins_circle
        bins_circle = base::factor(bins_circle, levels = bins_circle_levels),
        bins_angle = base::factor(bins_angle, levels = bins_angle_levels)



    angle_df <- dplyr::filter(angle_df, bins_angle %in% {{bins_to_keep}})



    angle_df <-
        .data = angle_df,
        bins_angle = base::droplevels(bins_angle),
        bins_circle = base::droplevels(bins_circle)




#' @title Bin barcode-spots by area extension
#' @description Bins barcode-spots by consecutively expanding a polygon.
#' @param coords_df The coordinates data.frame whose barcode-spots are supposed
#' to be binned.
#' @param area_df Data.frame with variables \emph{x} and \emph{y} describing the
#' vertices of the polygon that encircles the area based on which the barcode-spots
#' are binned. E.g. slot @@area of \code{ImageAnnotation}-objects.
#' @param remove Character or logical. If character, denotes circle bins that
#' are removed. If TRUE, bins \emph{'Core' and 'Outside'} are removed. If FALSE,
#' ignored.
#' @param drop Logical value. If TRUE, unused levels of the \emph{bins_circle}
#' variables are dropped.
#' @inherit imageAnnotationScreening params
#' @export
bin_by_expansion <- function(coords_df,
                             remove = FALSE,
                             bcsp_exclude = NULL,
                             drop = TRUE,
                             arrange = TRUE){

  n_bins_circle <- base::max(n_bins_circle)

  circle_names <- stringr::str_c("Circle", 1:n_bins_circle, sep = " ")

  circles <-
      x = c((1:n_bins_circle)*binwidth),
      nm = circle_names

  binwidth_vec <- c("Core" = 0, circles)

  # create new variable. Default is 'Outside'.
  # values will be overwritten with every additional loop
  coords_df$bins_circle <- "Outside"
  coords_df$border <- NA_character_

  # if outer circles exist
  if("outer" %in% area_df[["border"]]){

    outer_df <- dplyr::filter(area_df, border == "outer")

    expansions_pos <-
        .x = binwidth_vec,
        .f = ~ buffer_area(df = outer_df[c("x", "y")], buffer = .x)

    for(exp in base::names(expansions_pos)){

      exp_df <- expansions_pos[[exp]]

      coords_df$pt_in_plg <-
          point.x = coords_df$x,
          point.y = coords_df$y,
          pol.x = exp_df$x,
          pol.y = exp_df$y

      coords_df <-
          .data = coords_df,
          bins_circle = dplyr::case_when(
            # if bins_circle is NOT 'Outside' it has already bin binned
            bins_circle == "Outside" & pt_in_plg %in% c(1,2) ~ {{exp}},
            TRUE ~ bins_circle
          border = dplyr::case_when(
            pt_in_plg %in% c(1,2) ~ "outer",
            TRUE ~ border


  # if inner circles exist
  if("inner1" %in% area_df[["border"]]){

    holes <-
      stringr::str_subset(area_df[["border"]], pattern = "inner") %>%

    # correct binwidth vec for screening towards the inside
    binwidth_vec_neg <-
        x = (-binwidth_vec[1:(n_bins_circle-1)]),
        nm = base::names(binwidth_vec)[2:n_bins_circle]

    for(h in base::seq_along(holes)){

      hole <- holes[h]

      hole_df <- dplyr::filter(area_df, border == {{hole}})

      expansions_neg <-
          .x = binwidth_vec_neg,
          .f = ~ buffer_area(df = hole_df[c("x", "y")], buffer = .x)
        ) %>%
        purrr::discard(.p = base::is.null) %>%
        purrr::map(.f = tibble::as_tibble)

      for(exp in base::rev(base::names(expansions_neg))){

        exp_df <- expansions_neg[[exp]]

        coords_df$pt_in_plg <-
            point.x = coords_df$x,
            point.y = coords_df$y,
            pol.x = exp_df$x,
            pol.y = exp_df$y

        coords_df <-
            .data = coords_df,
            bins_circle = dplyr::case_when(
              # if bins_circle is NOT 'Outside' it has already bin binned
              # if bins_circle is 'Core' it can be overwritten as 'Core'
              # means everything inside the outer border
              bins_circle %in% c("Outside", "Core") & pt_in_plg %in% c(1,2) ~ {{exp}},
              TRUE ~ bins_circle
            border = dplyr::case_when(
              pt_in_plg %in% c(1,2) ~ {{hole}},
              TRUE ~ border




  # Option bcsp_exclude: Rename manually selected spots to "Outside"
    if(any(!bcsp_exclude %in% coords_df$barcodes)){
      warning("Barcode(s) given in `bcsp_exclude` not found in spata object. Is the format correct?")
    coords_df[coords_df$barcodes %in% bcsp_exclude,]$bins_circle <- "Outside"

  bin_levels <- c(base::names(binwidth_vec), "Outside")

  out_df <-
      .data = coords_df,
      bins_circle = base::factor(x = bins_circle, levels = bin_levels),
      # as.numeric uses level order, -1 cause 'Core' is first, should be Circle 1
      bins_order = (base::as.numeric(bins_circle) - 1),
      pt_in_plg = NULL


    out_df <- dplyr::filter(out_df, !bins_circle %in% {{remove}})

  } else if(base::isTRUE(remove)){

    out_df <- dplyr::filter(out_df, !bins_circle %in% c("Core", "Outside"))



    out_df <- dplyr::mutate(out_df, bins_circle = base::droplevels(bins_circle))



    out_df <- dplyr::arrange(out_df, bins_order)




#' @export
bin_projection_df <- function(projection_df, n_bins = NULL, binwidth = NULL){

  # prioritize n_bins cause binwidth is defined by default with getCCD()
  # if n_bins is valid numeric input it has been set manually
  if(base::is.numeric(n_bins) & !base::is.na(n_bins)){

    binned_projection_df <-
        .data = projection_df,
        proj_length_binned = base::cut(projection_length, breaks = n_bins),
        order_numeric = base::as.numeric(proj_length_binned)

  } else {

    is_dist_pixel(input = binwidth, error = TRUE)

    binned_projection_df <-
        .data = projection_df,
        proj_length_binned = plyr::round_any(x = projection_length, accuracy = {{binwidth}}, f = base::ceiling),
        order_numeric = base::as.factor(proj_length_binned) %>% base::as.numeric()




#' @keywords internal
br_add <- function(height, break_add = NULL){


    x <- base::ceiling((height - 400)/100)

    out <- x*5

  } else {

    out <- break_add




#' @keywords internal
breaks <- function(n){

  base::rep("<br>", n) %>%
    stringr::str_c(collapse = "") %>%


#' @title Buffer area
#' @description Buffers the area of a polygon.
#' @param df Data.frame with variables \emph{x} and \emph{y} describing the
#' vertices of the polygon that encircles the area based on which the barcode-spots
#' are binned. E.g. slot @@area of \code{ImageAnnotation}-objects. Note that the order of
#' observations in the data.frame must correspond to the order of vertices
#' of the polygon.
#' @param buffer The distance by which to consecutively expand the
#' area that covers the image annotation screening. Given to argument
#' \code{dist} of function \code{sf::st_buffer()}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  library(ggplot2)
#'  object <- downloadSpataObject("313_T")
#'  object <- setImageAnnotation(object, img_ann = image_annotations[["313_T"]][["necrotic_center"]])
#'  outline1 <- getImgAnnOutlineDf(object, ids = "necrotic_center")
#'  print(outline1)
#'  outline2 <- buffer_area(outline1, buffer = 20)
#'  print(outline2)
#'  plotSurface(object) +
#'   geom_polygon(data = outline1, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), color = "black", fill = NA, size = 2) +
#'   geom_polygon(data = outline2, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), color = "red" , fill = NA, size = 2)
buffer_area <- function(df, buffer, close_plg = TRUE){

  frow <- df[1, c("x", "y")] %>% base::as.numeric()
  lrow <- df[base::nrow(df), c("x", "y")] %>% base::as.numeric()

  if(!base::identical(frow, lrow) & base::isTRUE(close_plg)){

    df <- close_area_df(df)


  area_grown <-
    sf::st_polygon(x = list(base::as.matrix(df[,c("x", "y")]))) %>%
    sf::st_buffer(dist = buffer) %>%
    base::as.matrix() %>%


    out <- NULL

  } else {

    out <-
      magrittr::set_colnames(area_grown, value = c("x", "y")) %>%



kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.