
Defines functions pull_slot project_on_vector project_on_trajectory process_seurat_object process_sce_bayes_space process_ranges process_expand_input process_axis process_angle_justification printGeneSetOverview printDefaultInstructions printDeaOverview printAutoencoderSummary pick_vars

Documented in printAutoencoderSummary printDeaOverview printDefaultInstructions printGeneSetOverview process_expand_input process_ranges process_seurat_object project_on_trajectory project_on_vector

# pick --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @keywords internal
pick_vars <- function(df, input, order_by, neg_log){


    var_names <-
      purrr::keep(.x = input, .p = is.character) %>%
      purrr::flatten_chr() %>%

    out_df_names <-
      dplyr::filter(df, variables %in% {{var_names}})

    n <-
      purrr::keep(.x = input, .p = is.numeric) %>%
      purrr::flatten() %>%

    if(base::length(n) == 0){

      out_df <- out_df_names

    } else if(base::length(n) == 1){


        out_df <-
          dplyr::group_by(df, models) %>%
          dplyr::slice_max(order_by = !!rlang::sym(order_by), n = n) %>%

      } else {

        out_df <-
          dplyr::group_by(df, models) %>%
          dplyr::slice_min(order_by = !!rlang::sym(order_by), n = n) %>%


      out_df <-
        base::rbind(out_df, out_df_names) %>%

    } else {

      stop("Numeric input for argument `label_vars` must be of length 1.")


  } else if(base::is.character(input)){

      input = input,
      against = df$variables

    out_df <- dplyr::filter(df, variables %in% {{input}})

  } else if(base::is.numeric(input)){

    confuns::is_value(x = input, mode = "numeric")


      out_df <-
        dplyr::group_by(df, models) %>%
        dplyr::slice_max(order_by = !!rlang::sym(order_by), n = input) %>%

    } else {

      out_df <-
        dplyr::group_by(df, models) %>%
        dplyr::slice_min(order_by = !!rlang::sym(order_by), n = input) %>%


  } else {

    out_df <- df[base::rep(FALSE, base::nrow(df))]




# print -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Print autoencoder summary
#' @description Prints a human readable summary about the set up of the last neural network that
#' was constructed to generate a denoised expression matrix.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit print_family return
#' @export

printAutoencoderSummary <- function(object, mtr_name = "denoised", of_sample = ""){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  info_list <- object@information$autoencoder[[of_sample]][["nn_set_ups"]]

  info_list <- getAutoencoderSetUp(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, mtr_name = mtr_name)


    base::stop("Could not find any information. It seems as if function 'runAutoEncoderDenoising()' has not been run yet.")


  feedback <- glue::glue("{introduction}: \n\nActivation function: {activation}\nBottleneck neurons: {bn}\nDropout: {do}\nEpochs: {epochs}\nLayers: {layers}",
                         introduction = glue::glue("The neural network that generated matrix '{mtr_name}' was constructed with the following adjustments"),
                         activation = info_list$activation,
                         bn = info_list$bottleneck,
                         do = info_list$dropout,
                         epochs = info_list$epochs,
                         layers = glue::glue_collapse(x = info_list$layers, sep = ", ", last = " and "))



#' @title Print overview of all conducted de-analysis
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit print_family return
#' @export

printDeaOverview <- function(object, of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  dea_list <- object@dea[[of_sample]]

    test = !base::is.null(base::names(dea_list)),
    ref_x = "any DEA results",
    ref_fns = "runDeaAnalysis()"

  msg_dea <-
      .x = dea_list,
      .f = ~ base::names(.x) %>%
        glue::glue_collapse( sep = "', '", last = "' and '") %>%
    ) %>%
    confuns::glue_list_report(prefix = "- '", separator = "' with methods: ")

  msg <-
      "DEA results exist for grouping {ref1}:\n{msg_dea}",
      ref1 = confuns::adapt_reference(base::names(dea_list), sg = "variable", pl = "variables"))



#' @title Print current default settings
#' @inherit check_object params
#' @inherit print_family return
#' @export

printDefaultInstructions <- function(object){


  dflt_instructions <- getDefaultInstructions(object)

  slot_names <- methods::slotNames(x = dflt_instructions)

  default_list <-
    base::vector(mode = "list", length = base::length(slot_names)) %>%
    purrr::set_names(nm = slot_names)

  for(slot in slot_names){

    slot_content <- methods::slot(object = dflt_instructions, name = slot)


      slot_content <-
        glue::glue_collapse(x = slot_content, width = 100, sep = ", ") %>%

    default_list[[slot]] <- slot_content


  feedback <-
    glue::glue("The spata object uses the following as default input for recurring arguments: {report}",
               report = confuns::glue_list_report(lst = default_list))



#' @title Print overview about the current gene sets
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit print_family return
#' @export

printGeneSetOverview <- function(object){

  # lazy check

  # main part
  gene_sets_df <- dplyr::ungroup(object@used_genesets)

  gene_sets <- object@used_genesets$ont

  if(base::nrow(gene_sets_df) == 0){

    base::message("Gene-set data.frame is empty.")

  } else {

    gene_set_classes <- stringr::str_extract(string = gene_sets, pattern = "^.+?(?=_)")

    dplyr::mutate(gene_sets_df, gs_type = gene_set_classes) %>%
      dplyr::select(-gene) %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
      dplyr::pull(gs_type) %>%
      base::table() %>%
      base::as.data.frame() %>%
      magrittr::set_colnames(value = c("Class", "Available Gene Sets"))



# process -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
process_angle_justification <- function(angle, angle_just, clockwise){


    angle_out <- angle + angle_just

    if(angle_out >= 360){

      angle_out <- 360 - angle_out


  } else {

    angle_out <- angle - angle_just

    if(angle_out < 0){

      angle_out <- 360 + angle_out





#' @keywords internal
process_axis <- function(axis){

    input = axis,
    against = c("h", "horizontal", "v", "vertical")

  if(axis %in% c("h", "horizontal")){

    out <- "horizontal"

  } else {

    out <- "vertical"




#' @title Process expand input
#' @return Returns always a list of length two. Two slots named h (height)
#' and x (width).
#' @section Expand: this is a new section.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
process_expand_input <- function(expand){

  # not a list -> applied to width AND height
  if(!confuns::is_list(expand) & base::is.vector(expand)){

    check_expand(expand, error = TRUE)

    # expand input type 1 -> nothing happens
    if(base::length(expand) == 0){

      expand <- list(x = c(0,0), y = c(0,0))

      # input for expand is applied to min and max of axis span
    } else if(base::length(expand) == 1){

      expand <- base::rep(expand, 2)

      expand <- list(x = expand, y = expand)

    } else { # at least of length 2

      expand <- list(x = expand[1:2], y = expand[1:2])


  } else if(confuns::is_list(expand)){


      stop("If specified as a list, input for `expand` must be named.")

    } else {

      expand <-
          .x = confuns::lselect(expand, dplyr::any_of(c("x", "y"))),
          .f = function(axis_expand, axis){


                glue::glue("Expand input for {axis}-axis must be a vector.")


            if(base::length(axis_expand) == 0){

              axis_expand <- c(0, 0)

            } else if(base::length(axis_expand) == 1){

              axis_expand <- base::rep(axis_expand, 2)

            } else {

              axis_expand <- axis_expand[1:2]


            valid <- check_expand(axis_expand)


              which_ref <-
                base::which(valid == FALSE) %>%
                base::as.character() %>%
                confuns::scollapse(sep = ", ", last = " and ")

              stop(glue::glue("Expand input for axis-{axis} is invalid at position {which_ref}."))




      for(axis in c("x", "y")){ # fill empty slots with c(0,0) -> no expansion

        if(!axis %in% base::names(expand)){

          expand[[axis]] <- c(0,0)





  expand <-
      .x = expand,
      .f = function(input, axis){


          if(!base::identical(input[1], input[2])){

                "Invalid input for {axis}-axis. Exclam input must not differ within one and the same axis."




    ) %>%
      .x = .,
      .f = ~ purrr::set_names(.x, nm = c("min", "max"))



#' @title Process input ranges
#' @description Processes x- and y-ranges.
#' @param expand Parameter to adjust how the image is expanded. See section
#' Image expansion for more information.
#' @param persp If *image*, adjusts the logic of the function to the fact
#' that the height of images starts on top and not on the bottom.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return List of 4 slots. Named *xmin*, *xmax*, *ymin* and *ymax*. Adjusted range
#' in pixel.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
process_ranges <- function(xrange = getImageRange(object)$x,
                           yrange = getImageRange(objet)$y,
                           expand = 0,
                           persp = "image",
                           object = NULL,
                           ranges = NULL){


    xrange <- ranges$x
    yrange <- ranges$y


  # process input
  expand_input <- process_expand_input(expand)

  # image meta data
  img_dims <- getImageDims(object)

  img_xmax <- img_dims[1]
  img_ymax <- img_dims[2]

  # convert ranges to pixel

    xrange <- as_pixel(input = xrange, object = object, as_numeric = TRUE)



    yrange <- as_pixel(input = yrange, object = object, as_numeric = TRUE)

    # input for x- and yrange often come from the perspective of the
    # coordinates. however, the yaxis is flipped in the image and starts
    # from the top
    # -> flip range

    if(persp == "image"){

      yrange <- c((img_ymax - yrange[1]), (img_ymax - yrange[2]))

      # switch yrange min and max back to first and last place
      yrange <- base::rev(yrange)

      expand_input[["y"]] <- base::rev(expand_input[["y"]])



  xrange_out <-
      range = xrange,
      expand_with = expand_input[["x"]], # width
      object = object,
      ref_axis = "x-axis",
      limits = c(0, img_xmax)

  yrange_out <-
      range = yrange,
      expand_with = expand_input[["y"]],
      object = object,
      ref_axis = "y-axis",
      limits = c(0, img_ymax)

  out <- list(
    xmin = xrange_out %>% base::min(),
    xmax = xrange_out %>% base::max(),
    ymin = yrange_out %>% base::min(),
    ymax = yrange_out %>% base::max()



#' @keywords internal
process_sce_bayes_space <- function(sce,
                                    spatialPreprocess = list(),
                                    qTune = list(qs = 3:7),
                                    spatialCluster = list(),
                                    verbose = TRUE

    msg = "Running BayesSpace::spatialPreprocess().",
    verbose = verbose

  sce <-
      fn = "spatialPreprocess",
      fn.ns = "BayesSpace",
      default = list(
        sce = sce,
        log.normalize = TRUE,
        skip.PCA = FALSE,
        assay.type = "logcounts",
        BSPARAM = BiocSingular::ExactParam()


    optimal_cluster <- spatialCluster$q[1]

    spatialCluster$q <- NULL

  } else if(base::length(qTune$qs) >= 2){

      msg = "Running BayesSpace::qTune().",
      verbose = verbose

    sce <-
        fn = "qTune",
        fn.ns = "BayesSpace",
        default = list(sce = sce)

    logliks <- base::attr(sce, "q.logliks")

    optimal_cluster <-
        x = logliks$q,
        y = logliks$loglik)$x %>%

      msg = glue::glue("Calculated optimal input for `q`: {optimal_cluster}."),
      verbose = verbose

  } else if(base::length(qTune$qs) == 1){

    optimal_cluster <- qTune$qs

  } else {

    stop("Need either `q` or `qs` as input.")


    msg = "Running BayesSpace::spatialCluster().",
    verbose = verbose

  sce <-
      fn = "spatialCluster",
      fn.ns = "BayesSpace",
      default = list(sce = sce, q = optimal_cluster, use.dimred = "PCA")



#' @title Wrapper around Seurat processing functions
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit transformSpataToSeurat params
#' @param seurat_object A valid seurat-object.
#' @return A processed seurat-object.
#' @keywords internal
process_seurat_object <- function(seurat_object,
                                  assay_name = NULL,
                                  calculate_rb_and_mt = TRUE,
                                  remove_stress_and_mt = TRUE,
                                  SCTransform = FALSE,
                                  NormalizeData = TRUE,
                                  FindVariableFeatures = TRUE,
                                  ScaleData = TRUE,
                                  RunPCA = TRUE,
                                  FindNeighbors = TRUE,
                                  FindClusters = TRUE,
                                  RunTSNE = TRUE,
                                  RunUMAP = TRUE,
                                  verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  base::stopifnot(methods::is(object = seurat_object, class2 = "Seurat"))

  confuns::is_value(x = assay_name, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)


    assay_name <- base::names(seurat_object@assays)

    if(base::length(assay_name) != 1){

      msg <- glue::glue("Found more than one assay in provided seurat-object. Please specify one of the options '{ref_assays}' using argument 'assay_name'.",
                        ref_assays = glue::glue_collapse(x = assay_name, sep = "', '", last = "' or '"))

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")



  for(fn in seurat_process_fns){

    input <- base::parse(text = fn) %>% base::eval()

    if(base::is.data.frame(input) | (!base::isTRUE(input) && !base::is.list(input) &&!base::isFALSE(input))){

      base::stop(glue::glue("Invalid input for argument '{fn}'. Must either be TRUE, FALSE or a named list."))



  # calculate ribosomal and mitochondrial percentage

    msg <- "Calculating percentage of ribosomal and mitochondrial genes."

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

    seurat_object[["percent.mt"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(seurat_object, pattern = "^MT.")
    seurat_object[["percent.RB"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(seurat_object, pattern = "^RPS")


  # remove stress and mitochondrial genes

    msg <- "Removing stress genes and mitochondrial genes."

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

    exclude <- c(base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]])[base::grepl("^RPL", base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]]))],
                 base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]])[base::grepl("^RPS", base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]]))],
                 base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]])[base::grepl("^MT-", base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]]))],

    seurat_genes <- base::rownames(seurat_object@assays[[assay_name]])
    feat_keep <- seurat_genes[!seurat_genes %in% exclude]

    seurat_object <- base::subset(x = seurat_object, features = feat_keep)


  # 2. Process seurat object ------------------------------------------------

  functions_to_call <- seurat_process_fns

  for(fn in functions_to_call){

    input <-
      base::parse(text = fn) %>%


      msg <- glue::glue("Running 'Seurat::{fn}()' with default parameters.")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

      args <- base::list("object" = seurat_object)

      if(fn == "ScaleData"){

        args <- base::append(x = args, values = list("features" = base::rownames(seurat_object)))


      # ensure that function is called from Seurat-namespace
      fn <- stringr::str_c("Seurat::", fn, sep = "")

      seurat_object <- base::tryCatch(

        rlang::invoke(.fn = base::eval(base::parse(text = fn)), args),

        error = function(error){

          msg <- glue::glue("Running'Seurat::{fn}()' resulted in the following error: {error$message}. Abort and continue with next function.")

          confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = TRUE)



    } else if(base::is.list(input) &

      msg <- glue::glue("Running 'Seurat::{fn}()' with specified parameters.")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

      args <- purrr::prepend(x = input, values = seurat_object)

      if(fn == "ScaleData" && !"features" %in% base::names(args)){

        args <- base::append(x = args,
                             values = list("features" = base::rownames(seurat_object)))


      # ensure that function is called from Seurat-namespace
      fn <- stringr::str_c("Seurat::", fn, sep = "")

      seurat_object <- base::tryCatch(

        rlang::invoke(.fn = base::eval(base::parse(text = fn)), args),

        error = function(error){

          msg <- glue::glue("Running'Seurat::{fn}()' resulted in the following error: {error$message}. Abort and continue with next function.")

          confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = TRUE)




    } else {

      msg <- glue::glue("Skip running '{fn}()' as it's argument input is neither TRUE nor a list.")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)





# project -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Project barcode spots on a trajectory
#' @description Projects every barcode spot that falls in to the rectangle
#' defined by the trajectory and the width parameter on the trajectory
#' and saves the projection length in a vector.
#' @param segment_df A data.frame specifying each segment of the whole
#' trajectory with variables \code{x, y, xend, yend}.
#' @param width Numeric value that determines the width of the
#' trajectory.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @return A data.frame containing the variables \emph{barcodes, sample, x, y}
#' as well as
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\emph{projection_length}: indicating the position of every barcode-spot
#'  with respect to the direction of the trajectory-part. The higher the barcode-spots
#'  value is the farther away it is from the starting point of the trajectory-part
#'  it belongs to. }
#'  \item{\emph{trajectory_part}: indicating the part of the trajectory the barcode-spot
#'   belongs to.}
#'   }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
project_on_trajectory <- function(coords_df,

  projection_df <-
      .x = 1:base::nrow(segment_df),
      .f = function(i){

        # One dimensional part ----------------------------------------------------

        trajectory_part <- segment_df[i,1:4]

        start_point <- base::as.numeric(trajectory_part[,c("x", "y")])
        end_point <- base::as.numeric(trajectory_part[,c("xend", "yend")])

        trajectory_vec <- end_point - start_point

        # factor with which to compute the width vector
        trajectory_magnitude <- base::sqrt((trajectory_vec[1])^2 + (trajectory_vec[2])^2)
        trajectory_factor <- width / trajectory_magnitude

        # orthogonal trajectory vector
        orth_trajectory_vec <- (c(-trajectory_vec[2], trajectory_vec[1]) * trajectory_factor)

        # Two dimensional part ----------------------------------------------------

        # determine trajectory frame points 'tfps' making up the square that embraces
        # the points
        tfp1.1 <- start_point + orth_trajectory_vec
        tfp1.2 <- start_point - orth_trajectory_vec
        tfp2.1 <- end_point - orth_trajectory_vec
        tfp2.2 <- end_point + orth_trajectory_vec

        trajectory_frame <-
            x = c(tfp1.1[1], tfp1.2[1], tfp2.1[1], tfp2.2[1]),
            y = c(tfp1.1[2], tfp1.2[2], tfp2.1[2], tfp2.2[2])

        # calculate every point of interests projection on the trajectory vector using 'vector projection'  on a local
        # coordinate system 'lcs' to sort the points according to the trajectories direction

        lcs <- data.frame(
          x = c(tfp1.1[1], tfp1.1[1]),
          y = c(tfp1.1[2], tfp1.1[2]),
          xend = c(tfp2.2[1], tfp1.2[1]),
          yend = c(tfp2.2[2], tfp1.2[2]),
          id = c("local length axis", "local width axis")

        positions <-
            point.x = coords_df$x,
            point.y = coords_df$y,
            pol.x = trajectory_frame$x,
            pol.y = trajectory_frame$y

        # Data wrangling part -----------------------------------------------------

        # points of interest data.frame
        points_of_interest <-
          dplyr::mutate(.data = coords_df, position = {{positions}}) %>%
          dplyr::filter(position != 0) %>% # filter only those that fall in the trajectory frame
          dplyr::select(-position) %>%
          dplyr::group_by(barcodes) %>%
            projection_length = project_on_vector(lcs = lcs, x = x, y = y),
            trajectory_part = stringr::str_c("Part", i, sep = " ")
          ) %>%
          dplyr::arrange(projection_length) %>%  # arrange barcodes according to their projection value




#' @title Perform vector projection
#' @description Helper function for trajectory-analysis to use within
#' \code{dplyr::mutate()}. Performs vector-projection with a spatial position
#' and a local coordinates system to arrange the barcodes that fall into a
#' trajectory square according to the trajectory direction.
#' @param lcs A data.frame specifying the local coordinates system with variables
#' \code{x, y, xend, yend} and the observations \emph{local length axis} and
#' \emph{local width axis}.
#' @param x x-coordinate
#' @param y y-coordinate
#' @return The projected length.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
project_on_vector <- function(lcs, x, y){

  # vector from point of interest to origin of local coord system: 'vto'
  vto <- c((x - lcs$x[1]), (y - lcs$y[1]))

  # define local length axis (= relocated trajectory): 'lla'
  lla <- c((lcs$xend[1] - lcs$x[1]), (lcs$yend[1] - lcs$y[1]))

  # define lambda coefficient
  lambda <-
    ((vto[1] * lla[1]) + (vto[2] * lla[2])) / base::sqrt((lla[1])^2 + (lla[2])^2)^2

  # projecting vector on length axis
  pv <- lambda * (lla)

  # compute the length of the projected vector
  res <- base::sqrt((pv[1])^2 + (pv[2])^2)



# pull --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
pull_slot <- function(lst, slot, out_null = NULL){


    out <- out_null

  } else {

    out <- lst[[slot]]



kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.