
Defines functions isTrajectory isSpatialTrajectory isNumericVariable isFlipped isFeature isGeneSet isGene is_unit_dist is_unit_area is_spatial_measure is_percentage is_numeric_input is_number is_image_dir is_exclam is_dist_pixel is_dist_si is_dist are_all_area_or_dist is_area_si is_area_pixel is_area intersect_polygons inferSingleCellGradient include_tissue_outline imageAnnotationToSegmentation imageAnnotationScreening img_ann_highlight_group_button identifyTissueOutline identifyTissueSections

Documented in are_all_area_or_dist identifyTissueOutline identifyTissueSections imageAnnotationScreening imageAnnotationToSegmentation include_tissue_outline inferSingleCellGradient intersect_polygons is_area is_area_pixel is_area_si is_dist is_dist_pixel is_dist_si is_unit_area is_unit_dist

# id ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Identify tissue sections
#' @description Identifies how many non-contiguous tissue sections
#' the data set contains and maps the barcode-spots to them.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit dbscan::dbscan params
#' @return An updated `spata2` object. The coordinates data.frame
#' as obtained by `getCoordsDf()` contains an additional, character
#' variable named *section* indicating the tissue section a barcode
#' spot was mapped to.
#' @export
identifyTissueSections <- function(object, eps = getCCD(object, "px")*1.25, minPts = 3){

  coords_df <-
    getCoordsDf(object) %>%
      coords_df = .,
      ccd = eps,
      name = "section",
      minPts = minPts

  object <- setCoordsDf(object, coords_df = coords_df)



#' @title Identify tissue outline
#' @description Identifies the barcode-spots that lie on the edge
#' of each tissue section and, thus, outline it. Requires `identifyTissueSections()`
#' results.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit dbscan::dbscan params
#' @return An updated `spata2` object. The coordinates data.frame
#' as obtained by `getCoordsDf()` contains an additional, logical
#' variable named *outline* indicating whether the spot belongs
#' to the outline spots of the respective tissue section indicated by
#' variable *section*.
#' @export
identifyTissueOutline <- function(object){


  coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object)

  coords_df <-
      .x = base::unique(coords_df[["section"]]),
      .f = function(section){

        coords_df_sub <-
          dplyr::filter(coords_df, section == {{section}})

        coords_mtr <-
          tibble::column_to_rownames(coords_df_sub, "barcodes") %>%
          dplyr::select(x, y) %>%

        out <-
          concaveman::concaveman(points = coords_mtr) %>%
          base::as.data.frame() %>%
          tibble::as_tibble() %>%
          magrittr::set_colnames(c("xp", "yp")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(id = stringr::str_c("P", dplyr::row_number()))

        map_to_bcsp <-
            id = out$id,
            barcodes = coords_df_sub$barcodes
          ) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(y = coords_df_sub[,c("barcodes", "x", "y")], by = "barcodes") %>%
          dplyr::left_join(y = out, by = "id") %>%
          dplyr::group_by(id, barcodes) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(dist = compute_distance(starting_pos = c(x = x, y = y), final_pos = c(x = xp, y = yp))) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>%
          dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
          dplyr::filter(dist == base::min(dist)) %>%

        coords_df_sub[["outline"]] <- coords_df_sub[["barcodes"]] %in% map_to_bcsp[["barcodes"]]


    ) %>%
    # outline of section == 0 is always FALSE
      outline = dplyr::if_else(condition = section == "0", true = FALSE, false = outline)

  object <- setCoordsDf(object, coords_df = coords_df)



# im ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
img_ann_highlight_group_button <- function(){

      inputId = "highlight",
      label = NULL,
      choices = c("Highlight" = "highlight"),
      status = "default",
      justified = TRUE
    cellWidths = "100%"


#' @title Implementation of the IAS-algorithm
#' @description Screens the sample for numeric variables that stand
#' in meaningful, spatial relation to annotated structures/areas.
#' For a detailed explanation on how to define the parameters \code{distance},
#' \code{n_bins_circle}, \code{binwidth}, \code{angle_span} and \code{n_bins_angle}
#' see details section.
#' @inherit getImageAnnotation params
#' @param variables Character vector. All numeric variables (meaning genes,
#' gene-sets and numeric features) that are supposed to be included in
#' the screening process.
#' @param distance Distance value. Specifies the distance from the border of the
#' image annotation to the \emph{horizon} in the periphery up to which the screening
#' is conducted. (See details for more.) - See details of \code{?is_dist} for more
#' information about distance values.
#' @param binwidth Distance value. The width of the circular bins to which
#' the barcode-spots are assigned. We recommend to set it equal to the center-center
#' distance: \code{binwidth = getCCD(object)}. (See details for more.) - See details of \code{?is_dist} for more
#' information about distance values.
#' @param n_bins_circle Numeric value or vector of length 2. Specifies how many times the area is buffered with the value
#' denoted in \code{binwidth}.
#'  (See details for more.)
#' @param angle_span Numeric vector of length 2. Confines the area screened by
#' an angle span relative to the center of the image annotation.
#'  (See details fore more.)
#' @param n_bins_angle Numeric value. Number of bins that are created by angle.
#' (See details for more.)
#' @param summarize_with Character value. Either \emph{'mean'} or \emph{'median'}.
#' Specifies the function with which the bins are summarized.
#' @param bcsp_exclude Character value containing name(s) of barcode-spots to be excluded from the analysis.
#' @inherit add_models params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit buffer_area params
#' @return An object of class \code{ImageAnnotationScreening}. See documentation
#' with \code{?ImageAnnotationScreening} for more information.
#' @seealso [`createImageAnnotations`]
#' @details In conjunction with argument \code{id} which provides the
#' ID of the image annotation of interest the arguments \code{distance},
#' \code{binwidth}, \code{n_bins_circle}, \code{angle_span} and \code{n_bins_angle} can be used
#' to specify the exact area that is screened as well as the resolution of the screening.
#' \bold{How the algorithm works:} During the IAS-algorithm the barcode spots are
#' binned according to their localisation to the image annotation. Every bin's mean
#' expression of a given gene is then aligned in an ascending order - mean expression
#' of bin 1, mean expression of bin 2, ... up to the last bin, the bin with the
#' barcode-spots that lie farest away from the image annotation. This allows to infer
#' the gene expression changes in relation to the image annotation and
#' to screen for genes whose expression changes resemble specific biological
#' behaviors. E.g. linear ascending: gene expression increases linearly with
#' the distance to the image annotation. E.g. immediate descending: gene expression
#' is high in close proximity to the image annotation and declines logarithmically
#' with the distance to the image annotation.
#' \bold{How circular binning works:}
#' To bin barcode-spots according to their localisation to the image annotation
#' three parameters are required:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{distance}: The distance from the border of the image annotation to
#'     the \emph{horizon} in the periphery up to which the screening is conducted. Unit
#'     of the distance is pixel as is the unit of the image.
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{binwidth}: The width of every bin. Unit is pixel.}
#'     \item{\code{n_bins_circle}: The number of bins that are created.}
#'  }
#' Regarding parameter \code{n_bins_circle}: The suffix \code{_circle} is used for one
#' thing to emphasize that bins are created in a circular fashion around the image
#' annotation (although the shape of the polygon that was created to encircle the
#' image annotation is maintained). Additionally, the suffix is needed to delineate
#' it from argument \code{n_bins_angle} which can be used to increase the
#' resolution of the screening.
#' These three parameters stand in the following relation to each other:
#'  \enumerate{
#'   \item{\code{n_bins_circle} = \code{distance} / \code{binwidth}}
#'   \item{\code{distance} = \code{n_bins_circle} * \code{binwidth}}
#'   \item{\code{binwidth} = \code{distance} / \code{n_bins_circle}}
#'  }
#' Therefore, only two of the three arguments must be specified as the remaining
#' one is calculated. We recommend to stick to the first option: Specifying
#' \code{distance} and \code{binwidth} and letting the function calculate
#' \code{n_bins_circle}.
#' Once the parameters are set and calculated the polygon that is used to
#' define the borders of the image annotation (the one you draw with
#' \code{createImageAnnotation()}) is repeatedly expanded by the distance indicated
#' by parameter \code{binwidth}. The number of times this expansion is
#' repeated is equal to the parameter \code{n_bins_circle}. Every time the
#' polygon is expanded, the newly enclosed barcode-spots are binned (grouped)
#' and the bin is given a number that is equal to the number of the expansion.
#' Thus, barcode-spots that are adjacent to the image annotation are binned into
#' bin 1, barcode spots that lie a distance of \code{binwidth} away are binned into
#' bin 2, etc.
#' Note that the function \code{plotSurfaceIas()} allows to visually check
#' if your input results in the desired screening.
#' \bold{How the screening works:} For every gene that is included in the
#' screening process every bin's mean expression is calculated and then
#' aligned in an ascending order - mean expression of bin 1, mean expression
#' of bin 2, ... up to the last bin, namely the bin with the barcode-spots that lie
#' farest away from the image annotation. This allows to infer
#' the gene expression changes in relation to the image annotation and
#' to screen for genes whose expression changes resemble specific biological
#' behaviors. The gene expression change is fitted to every model that is included.
#' (Use \code{showModels()} to visualize the predefined models of \code{SPATA2}).
#' A gene-model-fit is evaluated twofold:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{Residuals area over the curve}: The area under the curve (AUC) of the
#'    residuals between the inferred expression changes and the model is calculated,
#'    normalized against the number of bins and then subtracted from 1.
#'    \item{Pearson correlation}: The inferred expression changes is correlated
#'    with the model. (Correlation as well as the corresponding p-value depend
#'    on the number of bins!)
#'   }
#' Eventually, the mean of the RAOC and the Correlation for every gene-model-fit
#' is calculated and stored as the IAS-Score.
#' @export
imageAnnotationScreening <- function(object,
                                     distance = NA_integer_,
                                     n_bins_circle = NA_integer_,
                                     binwidth = getCCD(object),
                                     angle_span = c(0,360),
                                     n_bins_angle = 1,
                                     include_area = FALSE,
                                     summarize_with = "mean",
                                     normalize_by = "sample",
                                     method_padj = "fdr",
                                     model_subset = NULL,
                                     model_remove = NULL,
                                     model_add = NULL,
                                     mtr_name = NULL,
                                     bcsp_exclude = NA_character_,
                                     verbose = NULL,



    msg = "Starting image annotation screening.",
    verbose = verbose

  img_ann <- getImageAnnotation(object, id = id)

  input_binwidth <- binwidth
  input_distance <- distance

  input_list <-
      distance = distance,
      binwidth = binwidth,
      n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
      object = object,
      verbose = verbose

  distance <- input_list$distance
  n_bins_circle <- input_list$n_bins_circle
  binwidth  <- input_list$binwidth


    object <- setActiveMatrix(object, mtr_name = mtr_name, verbose = FALSE)


  ias_df <-
      object = object,
      id = id,
      variables = variables,
      distance = distance,
      binwidth = binwidth,
      n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
      angle_span = angle_span,
      n_bins_angle = n_bins_angle,
      remove_circle_bins = !include_area,
      remove_angle_bins = TRUE,
      bcsp_exclude = bcsp_exclude,
      drop = FALSE,
      summarize_by = c("bins_circle", "bins_angle"),
      normalize_by = normalize_by,
      verbose = verbose

  bins_angle <- base::levels(ias_df$bins_angle)

  ias_df <- dplyr::mutate(ias_df, bins_angle = base::droplevels(bins_angle))

  bins_angle_remaining <- base::levels(ias_df$bins_angle)


    ias_df[["bins_order"]] <- ias_df[["bins_order"]] + 1


  max_bins_circle <- base::max(ias_df$bins_order)

  # test model input
  model_df <-
      input = max_bins_circle,
      var_order = "bins_order",
      model_subset = model_subset,
      model_remove = model_remove,
      model_add = model_add,
      verbose = verbose

  # model fitting
  n_total <- base::length(bins_angle_remaining)

  time_start <- base::Sys.time()
  bin_duration <- NULL
  fn_envir <- base::environment()

    msg = "Fitting models by bin.",
    verbose = verbose

  results_primary <-
      .x = bins_angle_remaining,
      .f = function(bin){

        start_bin <- base::Sys.time()

        nth <- base::which(bins_angle_remaining == bin)

          msg = glue::glue("Working on bin {bin}. ({nth}/{n_total})"),
          verbose = verbose

        bin_dur <- base::get(x = "bin_duration", envir = fn_envir)


          # -1 cause nth bin is yet to be screened
          n_remaining <- n_total - (nth-1)

          dur_sec <-
            base::as.numeric(bin_dur * n_remaining) %>%
            base::round(digits = 2)

          dur_min <- base::round(dur_sec/60, digits = 2)
          dur_hours <- base::round(dur_sec/3600, digits = 2)

          est_end <- base::Sys.time() + dur_sec

          msg <- glue::glue("Estimated end of screening: {est_end}.")

          confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)


        bin_angle_df <-
          dplyr::filter(ias_df, bins_angle == {{bin}}) %>%
          dplyr::select(-bins_circle, -bins_angle) %>%
            cols = dplyr::all_of(variables),
            names_to = "variables",
            values_to = "values"

        shifted_df_with_models <-
            x = bin_angle_df,
            y = model_df,
            by = "bins_order"
          ) %>%
          dplyr::arrange(variables) %>%
          shift_for_evaluation(var_order = "bins_order")

        results <-

              input_df = shifted_df_with_models,
              var_order = "bins_order",
              with_corr = TRUE,
              with_raoc = TRUE

          }) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(bins_angle = {{bin}})

        end_bin <- base::Sys.time()

          x = "bin_duration",
          value = base::difftime(end_bin, start_bin, units = "secs"),
          envir = fn_envir



    msg = "Finished model fitting.",
    verbose = verbose

  # assemble output and summarize
    msg = "Summarizing output.",
    verbose = verbose

  info <- list(
    id = id,
    include_area = include_area,
    input_binwidth = input_binwidth,
    input_distance = input_distance,
    mtr_name = mtr_name,
    normalize_by = normalize_by

  ias_out <-
      angle_span = angle_span,
      binwidth = binwidth,
      coords = getCoordsDf(object),
      distance = distance,
      info = info,
      models = model_df,
      n_bins_angle = n_bins_angle,
      n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
      results_primary = results_primary,
      sample = object@samples,
      bcsp_exclude = bcsp_exclude
    ) %>%
    summarizeIAS(method_padj = method_padj)

    msg = "Done.",
    verbose = verbose



#' @title Convert image annotation to segmentation
#' @description Converts one or more image annotations to a binary
#' segmentation variable in the feature data.frame.
#' @param ids Character vector. Specifies the image annotation(s) of interest.
#' Barcode-spots that fall into the area of these annotations are labeled
#' with the input for argument \code{inside}.
#' @param segmentation_name Character value. The name of the new segmentation variable.
#' @param inside Character value. The group name for the barcode-spots that
#' are located inside the area of the image annotation(s).
#' @param outside Character value. The group name for the barcode-spots that
#' are located outside the area of the image annotation(s).
#' @param overwrite Logical. Set to TRUE to overwrite existing variables with
#' the same name.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit update_dummy return
#' @export
imageAnnotationToSegmentation <- function(object,
                                          inside = "inside",
                                          outside = "outside",
                                          overwrite = FALSE){

  confuns::are_values("inside", "outside", mode = "character")

    input = segmentation_name,
    against = getFeatureNames(object),
    ref.against = "names of the feature data",
    overwrite = overwrite

  bcsp_inside <- getImgAnnBarcodes(object, ids = ids)

  fdata <-
    getFeatureDf(object) %>%
      {{segmentation_name}} := dplyr::case_when(
        condition = barcodes %in% {{bcsp_inside}} ~ {{inside}},
        TRUE ~ {{outside}}
      {{segmentation_name}} := base::factor(
        x = !!rlang::sym(segmentation_name),
        levels = c(inside, outside)

  object <- setFeatureDf(object, feature_df = fdata)



# in ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Include spatial extent of tissue sections in analysis
#' @description Ensures section specific processing of observations
#' in relation by identifying the outline of the tissue section
#' (or -sections in case of multiple tissue sections per sample). Additionally,
#' allows to relate observations to the spatial position and extent of image
#' annotations.
#' @inherit imageAnnotationScreening params
#' @param input_df A data.frame that contains at least numeric *x* and *y*
#' variables.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @param ias_circles Logical value. If `TRUE`, input data.frame is assumed
#' to contain polygon coordinates of the expanded image annotation encircling
#' and sorts them after filtering for those that lie inside the tissue section
#' in order to plot them via `ggplot2::geom_path()`.
#' @param opt Either *'concaveman'*' or *'chull'*. Defines with which function
#' the tissue outline is computed.
#' @return Filtered input data.frame.
#' @export
include_tissue_outline <- function(coords_df,
                                   img_ann_center = NULL,
                                   ias_circles = FALSE,
                                   ccd = NULL,
                                   remove = TRUE,
                                   inside_if = c(1,2),
                                   opt = "concaveman",
                                   buffer = 0,

  is_dist_pixel(input = ccd, error = TRUE)

  outline_var <- "section"

  if(outline_var %in% base::colnames(coords_df)){

    coords_df <- add_tissue_section_variable(coords_df, ccd = ccd, name = "section")

    coords_df <- dplyr::filter(coords_df, outline != "0")


  sections <- base::unique(coords_df[[outline_var]])

  buffer <- base::as.numeric(buffer)

  proc_df <-
      .x = sections,
      .f = function(section){

        if(opt == "concaveman"){

          df_sub <-
            dplyr::filter(coords_df, !!rlang::sym(outline_var) == {{section}}) %>%
            dplyr::select(x, y)

          hull_df <-
              points = base::as.matrix(df_sub),
              concavity = 1
              ) %>%
            base::as.data.frame() %>%
            magrittr::set_colnames(value = c("x", "y")) %>%

        } else if(opt == "chull") {

          df_sub <-
            dplyr::filter(coords_df, !!rlang::sym(outline_var) == {{section}})

          hull_points <- grDevices::chull(x = df_sub[["x"]], y = df_sub[["y"]])
          hull_df <- df_sub[hull_points, ]


        if(buffer != 0){

          hull_df <- buffer_area(df = hull_df, buffer = buffer, close_plg = TRUE)


        input_df$obs_in_section <-
            point.x = input_df[["x"]],
            point.y = input_df[["y"]],
            pol.x = hull_df[["x"]],
            pol.y = hull_df[["y"]]
          ) %>%

        out_df <-
            .data = input_df,
            pos_rel = dplyr::if_else(obs_in_section %in% {{inside_if}}, true = "inside", false = "outside"),
            tissue_section = {{section}}

        if("inside" %in% out_df[["pos_rel"]]){


            out_df[["part"]] <- 0
            out_df[["number"]] <- 0

            parts <- list(outside = 0, inside = 0)

            # walk along the drawing direction and mark entering and exit of line
            for(i in 1:base::nrow(out_df)){

              current_pos <- base::as.character(out_df[i, "pos_rel"])

              # switch
              if((i == 1) || (current_pos != prev_pos)){

                parts[[current_pos]] <- parts[[current_pos]]+1

                number <- 1

              } else {

                number <- number + 1


              out_df[i, "part"] <- parts[[current_pos]]
              out_df[i, "number"] <- number

              prev_pos <- current_pos


            out_df <-
                .data = out_df,
                pos_rel_group = stringr::str_c(pos_rel, part),
                intersect = number == 1
              ) %>%
              dplyr::group_by(pos_rel_group) %>%
              dplyr::arrange(number, .by_group = TRUE) %>%



            out_df <- dplyr::filter(out_df, pos_rel == "inside")


        } else {

          out_df <- NULL




  # if multiple sections on visium slide
  # identify to which image section the img ann belongs
  if(base::length(sections) > 1 &
     base::is.numeric(img_ann_center) &
     base::nrow(proc_df) != 0){

    section_of_img_ann <-
      dplyr::group_by(.data = coords_df, barcodes) %>%
        dist = compute_distance(starting_pos = c(x,y), final_pos = img_ann_center )
      ) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::filter(dist == base::min(dist)) %>%

    proc_df <- dplyr::filter(proc_df, tissue_section == {{section_of_img_ann}})

  } else {

    if(base::nrow(proc_df) == 0){

      proc_df <- NULL





#' @title Count cells depending on distance to image annotation
#' @description Integration of single cell deconvolution and SPATA2s image annotations.
#' @param as_models Adjusts the output to a list that is a valid input for
#' `models_add`-argument of `imageAnnotationScreening()`.
#' @inherit imageAnnotationScreening params
#' @inherit getIasDf params
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return Data.frame as is returned by `getIasDf()` with cell types as variables.
#' @export
inferSingleCellGradient <- function(object,
                                    calculate = "density",
                                    distance = NA_integer_,
                                    n_bins_circle = NA_integer_,
                                    binwidth = getCCD(object),
                                    angle_span = c(0, 360),
                                    n_bins_angle = 1,
                                    remove_circle_bins = "Outside",
                                    normalize = TRUE,
                                    area_unit = NULL,
                                    format = "wide",
                                    as_models = FALSE){

    df = sc_input,
    var.class = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric")

  if(!"cell_type" %in% base::colnames(sc_input)){

    stop("Data.frame for argument `sc_input` must contain a variable named 'cell_type'.")

  } else if(!base::class(sc_input[["cell_type"]]) %in% c("character", "factor")){

    stop("Variable 'cell_type' must be of class character or factor.")


  sc_input[["cell_id"]] <- stringr::str_c("cell_", 1:base::nrow(sc_input))

  ias_input <-
      distance = distance,
      binwidth = binwidth,
      n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
      object = object

  all_cell_types <- base::unique(sc_input[["cell_type"]])

  bins <- stringr::str_c("Circle ", ias_input$n_bins_circle)


    remove_circle_bins <- c("Core", "Outside")


  if(!"Core" %in% remove_circle_bins){

    bins <- c("Core", bins)


  if(!"Outside" %in% remove_circle_bins){

    bins <- c(bins, "Outside")


  all_bins_df <-
    tibble::tibble(bins_circle = base::factor(bins, levels = bins)) %>%


    area_unit <- getSpatialMethod(object)@unit

    area_unit <- stringr::str_c(area_unit, "2")


  outline_var <- getOutlineVarName(object)


    coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object, features = outline_var)

  } else {

    coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object)


  out_df <-
      .x = id,
      .f = function(idx){

        ref_area_df <-
            object = object,
            id = idx,
            binwidth = binwidth,
            n_bins_circle = n_bins_circle,
            distance = distance,
            remove_circle_bins = remove_circle_bins,
            angle_span = angle_span,
            n_bins_angle = n_bins_angle,
            verbose = FALSE,
            area_unit = area_unit,
            use_outline = TRUE

        sc_input_proc <-
            coords_df = coords_df,
            input_df = sc_input,
            outline_var = outline_var,
            img_ann_center = getImgAnnCenter(object, id = idx),
            ccd = getCCD(object, unit = "px")
          ) %>%
            coords_df = .,
            area_df = getImgAnnOutlineDf(object, ids = idx),
            binwidth = ias_input$binwidth,
            n_bins_circle = ias_input$n_bins_circle,
            remove = remove_circle_bins
          ) %>%
            coords_df = .,
            center = getImgAnnCenter(object, id = idx),
            n_bins_angle = n_bins_angle,
            angle_span = angle_span,
            var_to_bin = "cell_id",
            verbose = FALSE

        out <-
          dplyr::group_by(sc_input_proc, bins_circle, bins_order, bins_angle, cell_type) %>%
          dplyr::summarise(cell_type_count = dplyr::n()) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>%
          dplyr::group_by(bins_circle, bins_order, bins_angle) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(cell_count = base::sum(cell_type_count)) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(x = ref_area_df, y = ., by = c("bins_circle", "bins_angle", "bins_order")) %>%
          dplyr::ungroup() %>%
            density = cell_type_count / area,
            percentage = cell_type_count / area
          ) %>%
            id_cols = c("bins_circle", "bins_order", "bins_angle"),
            names_from = "cell_type",
            values_from = {{calculate}}
          ) %>%
              .cols = dplyr::all_of(all_cell_types),
              .fns = ~ tidyr::replace_na(data = .x, replace = 0)
          ) %>%


    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(bins_circle, bins_order, bins_angle) %>%
        .cols = dplyr::all_of(all_cell_types),
        .fns = ~ base::mean(.x, na.rm = T)
    ) %>% dplyr::ungroup()

  if(base::isTRUE(normalize) | base::isTRUE(as_models)){

    out_df <-
        .data = out_df,
          .cols = dplyr::all_of(all_cell_types),
          .fns = ~
            tidyr::replace_na(data = .x, replace = 0) %>%



    out_df <-
      dplyr::select(out_df, dplyr::all_of(all_cell_types)) %>%

  } else {

    if(format == "long"){

      out_df <-
          data = out_df,
          cols = dplyr::all_of(all_cell_types),
          values_to = {{calculate}},
          names_to = "cell_type"





#' @title Test polygon intersection
#' @description Tests which vertices of polygon `a` lay inside polygon `b`.
#' @param a,b Matrix or data.frame with columns *x* and *y*.
#' @inherit getBarcodesInPolygon params
#' @return Logical vector of the same length as the number of rows in `a`.
#' @export

intersect_polygons <- function(a, b, strictly = FALSE){

  a <- as.data.frame(a)
  b <- as.data.frame(b)

  res <-
      point.x = a[["x"]],
      point.y = a[["y"]],
      pol.x = b[["x"]],
      pol.y = b[["y"]]


    out <- res == 1

  } else {

    out <- res %in% c(1,2)




# is_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Test area input
#' @description Tests if input refers to an area using international area
#' units according to the `SPATA2` area framework.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{`is_area()`:}{ Tests if input can be interpreted as an area}
#'  \item{`is_area_si()`:} {Tests if input can be interpreted as an area in SI units.}
#'  \item{`is_area_pixel()`:} {Tests if input can be interpreted as an area
#'  in pixel.}
#'  }
#' @param input Character vector. Elements must match the requirements of
#' the `SPATA2` area framework. See details for more information.
#' @return Logical vector of the same length as input and/or an error if `verbose`
#' is `TRUE`.
#' @details Several functions in `SPATA2` have arguments that take *area input*.
#' To specifically refer to an area the unit must be specified. There are
#' three ways to create valid input for these arguments.
#' **1. In pixel:**
#' There are two valid input options to specify an area in pixel:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{numeric:}{ Single numeric values, e.g. `arg_input = c(2, 3.554, 69, 100.67)`. If no unit
#'  is specified the input will be interpreted as pixels.}
#'  \item{character:}{ Suffixed with *'px'*, e.g. `arg_input = c('2px', '3.554px', '69px', '100.67px')`}
#'  }
#'  Note: The unit pixel (px) is used for distances as well as for areas. If pixel
#'  refers to a distance the pixel side length is meant. If pixel refers to an area the
#'  number of pixels is meant.
#' **2. According to the Systeme international d`unites (SI):**
#'  Specifying areas in SI units e.g. `arg_input = c('2mm2', '4mm2')` etc.
#'  requires the input to be a character as the unit must be provided as suffix.
#'  Between the numeric value and the unit must be no empty space! Valid suffixes
#'  can be obtained using the function `validUnitsOfAreaSI()`.
#'  **3. As vectors of class `unit`:**
#' Behind the scenes `SPATA2` works with the `units` package. Input
#' is converted into vectors of class `units`. Therefore, input can be directly
#' provided this way: `arg_input = units::set_unit(x = c(2,4), value = 'mm2')`
#' Note that *pixel* is not a valid unit in the `units` package. If you want
#' to specify the input in pixel you have to use input option 1. In pixel.
#' @examples
#' library(SPATA2)
#' ##### provide input as character vectors
#' # will return TRUE
#' is_area(input = c('2mm2', '4mm2'))
#' # will return FALSE
#' is_area(input = c('200 m2')) # space between value and unit
#' # will return TRUE
#' area_values <- c(200, 400)
#' area_values <- as_area(area_values, unit = "mm2")
#' is_area(input = area_values)
#' ###### use units package
#' library(units)
#' area_values2 <- set_units(x = c(200, 300), value = "mm2")
#' is_area(area_values2)
#' @export
is_area <- function(input, error = FALSE){


    res <- stringr::str_detect(string = input, pattern = regex_area)

    feedback_area_input(x = res, error = error)

  }  else if(base::is.numeric(input)){

    res <- base::rep(TRUE, base::length(input))

  }  else if(base::all(base::class(input) == "units")){

    unit_attr <- attr(input, which = "units")

    test <- base::logical(2)

    test[1] <- base::length(unit_attr$numerator) == 2

    test[2] <-
        .x = unit_attr$numerator,
        .f = ~ .x %in% validEuropeanUnitsOfLength()
        ) %>%

    res <- base::all(test)

    if(base::isFALSE(res) & base::isTRUE(error)){

      stop("Input is of class 'units' but does not correspond to an area.")


    res <- base::rep(res, base::length(input))




#' @rdname is_area
#' @export

is_area_pixel <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  if(base::is.character(input) | is_numeric_input(input)){

    res <- stringr::str_detect(input, pattern = regex_pxl_area)

    feedback_area_pixel_input(x = res, error = error)

  } else {



    } else {

      res <- base::rep(FALSE, base::length(input))





#' @rdname is_area
#' @export
is_area_si <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  if(base::is.character(input) | is_numeric_input(input)){

    res <- stringr::str_detect(input, pattern = regex_si_area)

    feedback_area_si_input(x = res, error = error)

  } else {



    } else {

      res <- base::rep(FALSE, base::length(input))





#' @title Test area or distance input
#' @description Tests if input can be safely converted to distance
#' or to area values.
#' @inherit is_area params return
#' @note Only returns `TRUE` if all values are valid distance inputs
#' or all values are valid area inputs.
#' @export
are_all_area_or_dist <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  are_areas <- stringr::str_detect(string = input, pattern = regex_area)


    are_distances <- stringr::str_detect(string = input, pattern = regex_dist)


      out <- FALSE




    } else {

      out <- TRUE


  } else {

    out <- TRUE




#' @title Test distance input
#' @description Tests if input that refers to a distance is of valid input.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{`is_dist()`:}{ Tests if input can be interpreted as a distance.}
#'  \item{`is_dist_si()`:} {Tests if input can be interpreted as a distance in SI units.}
#'  \item{`is_dist_pixel()`:} {Tests if input can be interpreted as a distance
#'  in pixel.}
#'  }
#' @param input Character or numeric vector. Elements must match the
#' requirements of the \code{SPATA2} distance framework. See details
#' for more information.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return Logical vector of the same length as `input`. If `error` is `TRUE`
#' and one or more elements of the input values can not be interpreted approapriately
#' the functions throws an error.
#' @details Several functions in `SPATA2` have arguments that take *distance input*.
#' To specifically refer to a distance the unit must be specified. There are
#' three ways to create valid input for these arguments.
#' **1. In pixel:**
#' There are two valid input options to specify the distance in pixel:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{numeric:}{ Single numeric values, e.g. `arg_input <- c(2, 3.554, 69, 100.67)`. If no unit
#'  is specified the input will be interpreted as pixels.}
#'  \item{character:}{ Suffixed with *'px'*, e.g. `arg_input <- c('2px', '3.554px', '69px', '100.67px')`}
#'  }
#'  Note: The unit pixel (px) is used for distances as well as for areas. If pixel
#'  refers to a distance the pixel side length is meant. If pixel refers to an area the
#'  number of pixels is meant.
#' **2. According to the Systeme international d`unites (SI):**
#'  Specifying distances in SI units e.g. `arg_input <- c('2mm', '4mm')` etc.
#'  requires the input to be a character as the unit must be provided as suffix.
#'  Between the numeric value and the unit must be no empty space! Valid suffixes
#'  can be obtained using the function `validUnitsOfLengthSI()`.
#'  **3. As vectors of class `unit`:**
#' Behind the scenes `SPATA2` works with the `units` package. Input
#' is converted into vectors of class `units`. Therefore, input can be directly
#' provided this way: `arg_input <- units::set_unit(x = c(2,4), value = 'mm')`
#' Note that *pixel* is not a valid unit in the `units` package. If you want
#' to specify the input in pixel you have to use input option 1. In pixel.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##### use numeric or character vectors
#' library(SPATA2)
#' # will return TRUE
#' is_dist(input = 200) # -> 200 pixel
#' is_dist(input = "20px") # > 20 pixel
#' is_dist(input = "40.5mm") # -> 40.5 mm
#' # will return FALSE
#' is_dist(input = "30.5 mm") # -> empty space between 30.5 and mm
#' is_dist(input = ".4mm") # -> must start with a number
#' ##### use units package
#' library(units)
#' dist_input <- set_units(x = c(2, 3, 4.4), value = "mm")
#' is_dist(dist_input)
is_dist <- function(input, error = FALSE){


    res <- FALSE

  } else {

    res <- is_dist_si(input, error = FALSE) | is_dist_pixel(input, error = FALSE)


  feedback_distance_input(x = res, error = error)



#' @rdname is_dist
#' @export
is_dist_si <- function(input, error = FALSE){


    res <- NULL

    feedback_distance_input(res, error = error)

  } else if(base::is.character(input)){

    res <- stringr::str_detect(input, pattern = regex_si_dist)

    feedback_distance_input(x = res, error = error)

  } else if(base::is.numeric(input)){

    res <- base::rep(TRUE, base::length(input))

  }  else if(base::all(base::class(input) == "units")){

    unit_attr <- base::attr(input, which = "units")

    test <- base::logical(2)

    test[1] <- base::length(unit_attr$numerator) == 1

    test[2] <- base::all(unit_attr$numerator %in% validEuropeanUnitsOfLength())

    res <- base::all(test)

    if(base::isFALSE(res) & base::isTRUE(error)){

      stop("Input is of class 'units' but can not be interpreted as a distance of European units of length.")


    res <- base::rep(res, base::length(input))

  } else {



    } else {

      res <- base::rep(FALSE, base::length(input))





#' @rdname is_dist
#' @export
is_dist_pixel <- function(input, error = FALSE){


    res <- FALSE

    feedback_distance_input(res, error = error)

  } else if(base::is.character(input) | is_numeric_input(input)){

    res <- stringr::str_detect(input, pattern = regex_pxl_dist)

    feedback_distance_input(x = res, error = error)

  } else {



    } else {

      res <- base::rep(FALSE, base::length(input))





#' @keywords internal
is_exclam <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <-
    stringr::str_detect(string = input, pattern = regex_exclam) &
    stringr::str_detect(string = input , pattern = "!$")



#' @keywords internal
is_image_dir <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <-
      string = input,
      pattern = "\\.png$|\\.jpeg$\\.tiff$|\\.PNG$|\\.JPEG$\\.TIFF$"


    stop("Image directories must end with either '.png', '.jpeg', '.tiff'")




#' @keywords internal
is_number <- function(x){

  !(base::is.na(x) | base::is.na(x) | base::is.infinite(x))


#' @keywords internal
is_numeric_input <- function(input){

  (base::is.numeric(input)) &
  (!"units" %in% base::class(input))


#' @keywords internal
is_percentage <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <- stringr::str_detect(string = input, pattern = regex_percentage)

  feedback_percentage_input(x = res, error = error)



#' @keywords internal
is_spatial_measure <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <- is_dist(input, error = FALSE) | is_area(input, error = FALSE)

  feedback_spatial_measure(res, error = error)



#' @title Test unit of area input
#' @description Tests if input is a valid unit of area.
#' @param input Character vector of area units. Obtain valid
#' input options with `validUnitsOfArea()`.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return Logical value and/or error if argument `error` is `TRUE`.
#' @export
is_unit_area <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <- input %in% validUnitsOfArea()

  if(base::isFALSE(res) & base::isTRUE(error)){

    stop("Invalid unit input. Must be a valid unit of area. Obtain valid input options with `validUnitsOfArea().`")




#' @title Test unit of length input
#' @description Tests if input is a valid unit of distance.
#' @param input Character vector of distance units. Obtain valid
#' input options with `validUnitsOfLength()`.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return Logical value and/or error if argument `error` is `TRUE`.
#' @export
is_unit_dist <- function(input, error = FALSE){

  res <- input %in% validUnitsOfLength()

  if(base::isFALSE(res) & base::isTRUE(error)){

    stop("Invalid unit input. Must be a valid unit of length. Obtain valid input options with `validUnitsOfLength().`")




# isG ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
isGene <- function(object, gene){

  genes <- getGenes(object)

  out <- gene %in% genes



#' @export
isGeneSet <- function(object, gene_set){

  gene_sets <- getGeneSets(object)

  out <- gene_set %in% gene_sets



# isF ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
isFeature <- function(object, feature){

  features <- getFeatureNames(object)

  out <- feature %in% features



#' @export
isFlipped <- function(object, axis){

  if(axis == "h"){ axis <- "horizontal"}
  if(axis == "v"){ axis <- "vertical" }

  out <- getImageInfo(object)$flipped[[axis]]



# isN ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
isNumericVariable <- function(object, variable){

  all_numeric_vars <-
      getFeatureNames(object, of_class = "numeric") %>% base::unname()

  out <- variable %in% all_numeric_vars



# isS ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
isSpatialTrajectory <- function(object){

  class_test <-
    SpatialTrajectory() %>%

  methods::is(object = object, class = class_test)


# isT ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
isTrajectory <- function(object){

  class_test <-
    Trajectory() %>%

  methods::is(object = object, class = class_test)

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.