
Defines functions flipSpatialTrajectories flipImageAnnotations flipImage flipCoordsDf flipCoordinates flipAll flip_coords_df findSeuratClusters findNearestNeighbourClusters findMonocleClusters find_elbow_point filterDeaDf filter_by_thresholds filter_by_model filter_by_best feedback_spatial_measure feedback_range_input feedback_pos feedback_percentage_input feedback_expand_input feedback_distance_input feedback_area_si_input feedback_area_pixel_input feedback_area_input

Documented in filterDeaDf findMonocleClusters findNearestNeighbourClusters findSeuratClusters flipAll flipCoordinates flip_coords_df flipCoordsDf flipImage flipImageAnnotations flipSpatialTrajectories

# fe ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
feedback_area_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "area", ref_info = "`?is_area`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_area_pixel_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "'area in pixel'", ref_info = "`?is_area`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_area_si_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "'area in SI units'", ref_info = "`is_area`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_distance_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "distance", ref_info = "`?is_dist`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_expand_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "expand", ref_info = "`?process_ranges`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_percentage_input <- function(x, error = TRUE){

  feedback_pos(x = x, error = error, ref_input = "percentage", ref_info = "`?is_percentage?`")


#' @keywords internal
feedback_pos <- function(x, error, ref_input, ref_info){

  pos <- base::which(x == FALSE)

  if(base::length(pos) >= 1 && base::isTRUE(error)){

    pos <- base::as.character(pos)

    ref1 <- confuns::adapt_reference(input = pos, sg = "position")

    ref2 <- confuns::scollapse(pos)


      ref_info <- glue::glue(" Please see details at {ref_info} for more information.")

    } else {

      ref_info <- ""


    stop(glue::glue("Invalid {ref_input} input at {ref1} {ref2}.{ref_info}"))




#' @keywords internal
feedback_range_input <- function(xrange = NULL, yrange = NULL, error = TRUE){


    base::stopifnot(base::length(xrange) == 2)

    is_dist(input = xrange, error = error)



    base::stopifnot(base::length(yrange) == 2)

    is_dist(input = yrange, error = error)




#' @keywords internal
feedback_spatial_measure <- function(x, error = TRUE){

    x = x,
    ref_input = "spatial measure",
    ref_info = "`?is_dist` and `?is_area`",
    error = error


# fi ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
filter_by_best <- function(df,
                           group_by = "variables",
                           arrange_anyway = TRUE){


    df <-
      dplyr::group_by(.data = df, !!rlang::sym(group_by)) %>%
      dplyr::slice_max(order_by = !!rlang::sym(eval), n = 1) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::group_by(models) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(!!rlang::sym(eval)), .by_group = TRUE)

  } else if(base::isTRUE(arrange_anyway)){

    df <-
      dplyr::ungroup(df) %>%




#' @keywords internal
filter_by_model <- function(df,


    df <-
        .data = df,
          string = models,
          pattern = stringr::str_c(model_subset, collapse = "|")



    df <-
        .data = df,
          string = models,
          pattern = stringr::str_c(model_remove, collapse = "|")




#' @keywords internal
filter_by_thresholds <- function(df,

    .data = df,
    !!rlang::sym(pval) <= {{threshold_pval}} &
    !!rlang::sym(eval) >= {{threshold_eval}}


#' @title Postprocess de-analysis results
#' @description Processes the results of \code{getDeaResultsDf()}. See details.
#' @inherit across_dummy params
#' @inherit check_dea_df params
#' @param max_adj_pval Numeric value. Sets the threshold for adjusted p-values. All genes
#' with adjusted p-values above that threshold are ignored.
#' @param min_lfc Numeric value. Sets the threshold for average log fold change. All genes
#' with an average log fold change below that threshold are ignored.
#' @param n_highest_lfc Numeric value. Affects the total number of genes that are kept. See details.
#' @param n_lowest_pval Numeric value. Affects the total number of genes that are kept. See details.
#' @param return Character value. Denotes the output type. One of \emph{'data.frame', 'vector'} or \emph{'list}
#' @details The de-data.frame is processed such that the following steps are performed for every experimental
#' group.
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{Discards genes with \emph{avg_logFC}-values that are either infinite or negative}
#'  \item{Discards genes with adjusted p-values above the threshold set with \code{max_adj_pval}}
#'  \item{Discard genes with average log fold change below the treshold set with \code{min_lfc}}
#'  \item{Slices the data.frame in order that for every experimental group:}
#'  \enumerate{
#'   \item{the n genes with the highest \emph{avg_logFC}-values are kept where n = \code{n_highest_lfc}}
#'   \item{the n genes with the lowest \emph{p_val_adj}-values are kept where n = \code{n_lowest_pval}}
#'   }
#'  \item{Arranges the genes according to the highest \emph{avg_logFC}-values}
#'  }
#' @return Depends on input of argument \code{return}:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{ \code{return} = \emph{'data.frame'}: The filtered data.frame of \code{dea_df} with all it's variables.}
#'    \item{ \code{return} = \emph{'vector'}: A named vector of all genes that remain. Named by the experimental
#'    group in which they were differently expressed.}
#'    \item{ \code{return} = \emph{'list}: A list named according to the experimental groups. Every slot of that list is
#'    a character vector containing the differently expressed genes of the respective experimental group.}
#'   }
#' @export

filterDeaDf <- function(dea_df,
                        max_adj_pval = 0.05,
                        min_lfc = 0,
                        n_highest_lfc = 25,
                        n_lowest_pval = 25,
                        across_subset = NULL,
                        relevel = FALSE,
                        return = "data.frame"){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

  confuns::are_values(c("max_adj_pval", "min_lfc", "n_highest_lfc", "n_lowest_pval"),
                      mode = "numeric", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)

  confuns::check_one_of(input = return,
                        against = c("data.frame", "vector", "list"),
                        ref.input = "argument 'return'")


  lfc_name <- base::colnames(dea_df)[2]

  across <-
    dplyr::select(dea_df, -dplyr::all_of(x = c(dea_df_columns, lfc_name))) %>%

  # -----

  # 2. Pipeline -------------------------------------------------------------

  dea_df <-
    dplyr::ungroup(dea_df) %>%
    confuns::check_across_subset(df = ., across = across, across.subset = across_subset, relevel = relevel) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!{{lfc_name}} %in% c(Inf, -Inf)) %>%

  across_subset <-
    dplyr::pull(dea_df, var = {{across}}) %>%


    dea_df <-
      dplyr::filter(.data = dea_df, p_val_adj <= {{max_adj_pval}})



    dea_df <-
      dplyr::filter(.data = dea_df, !!rlang::sym(lfc_name) >= {{min_lfc}})



    dea_df <-
        .data = dea_df,
        order_by = !!rlang::sym(lfc_name),
        n = n_highest_lfc,
        with_ties = FALSE



    dea_df <-
        .data = dea_df,
        order_by = p_val_adj,
        n = n_lowest_pval,
        with_ties = FALSE


  res_df <-
    dplyr::arrange(dea_df, dplyr::desc(!!rlang::sym(lfc_name)), .by_group = TRUE) %>%

  # -----

  if(return == "vector"){

    res <-
      dplyr::pull(res_df, gene) %>%
      magrittr::set_names(value = dplyr::pull(res_df, var = {{across}}))


  } else if(return == "data.frame") {


  } else if(return == "list"){

    res <-
      purrr::map(.x = across_subset, .f = function(i){

        dplyr::filter(.data = res_df, !!rlang::sym(across) == {{i}}) %>%

      }) %>%
      magrittr::set_names(value = across_subset)




#' @export
find_elbow_point <- function(df){

  x <- df[[1]]
  y <- df[[2]]

  # Calculate the slope of the line connecting the first and last points
  slope <- (y[length(y)] - y[1]) / (x[length(x)] - x[1])

  # Calculate the perpendicular distance from each point to the line
  distances <- abs((y - y[1]) - slope * (x - x[1])) / sqrt(1 + slope^2)

  # Find the index of the point with the maximum distance
  elbow_index <- which.max(distances)



#' @title Cluster sample via monocle3
#' @description Assign barcode spots to clusters according to different clustering
#' algorithms.
#' @inherit check_object params
#' @inherit check_monocle_input params details
#' @param prefix Character value. Clustering algorithms often return only numbers as
#' names for the clusters they generate. If you want to these numbers to have a certain
#' prefix (like \emph{'Cluster'}, the default) you can specify it with this argument.
#' @details This functions is a wrapper around all monocle3-cluster algorithms which
#' take several options for dimensional reduction upon which the subsequent clustering bases.
#' It iterates over all specified methods and returns a tidy data.frame in which each row represents
#' one barcode-spot uniquely identified by the variable \emph{barcodes} and in which every other variable
#' about the cluster belonging the specified combination of methods returned. E.g.:
#' A call to `findMonocleClusters()` with
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{preprocess_method} set to \emph{'PCA'} }
#'  \item{\code{reduction_method} set to \emph{c('UMAP', 'PCA')}}
#'  \item{\code{'leiden'}, \code{k} set to \emph{5}}
#'  }
#' will return a data.frame of the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\emph{barcodes}}
#'  \item{\emph{mncl_cluster_UMAP_leiden_k5}}
#'  \item{\emph{mncl_cluster_PCA_leiden_k5}}
#'  }
#' Due to the \emph{barcodes}-variable it can be easily joined to your-spata object via `addFeature()`.
#' and thus be made available for all spata-functions.
#' @return A tidy spata-data.frame containing the cluster variables.
#' @export
findMonocleClusters <- function(object,
                                preprocess_method = c("PCA", "LSI"),
                                reduction_method = c("UMAP", "tSNE", "PCA", "LSI"),
                                cluster_method = c("leiden", "louvain"),
                                k = 20,
                                num_iter = 5,
                                prefix = "Cluster ",
                                verbose = TRUE,
                                of_sample = NA){



  check_monocle_input(preprocess_method = preprocess_method,
                      reduction_method = reduction_method,
                      cluster_method = cluster_method,
                      k = k,
                      num_iter = num_iter)

    msg = "Creating 'cell_data_set'-object.",
    verbose = verbose

  count_mtr <- base::as.matrix(getCountMatrix(object, of_sample = of_sample))

  gene_metadata <- data.frame(gene_short_name = base::rownames(count_mtr))
  base::rownames(gene_metadata) <- base::rownames(count_mtr)

  cell_metadata <-
    getFeatureDf(object, of_sample = of_sample) %>%
    tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes")

  cds <- monocle3::new_cell_data_set(
    expression_data = count_mtr,
    cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
    gene_metadata = gene_metadata)

  # preprocess
  for(p in base::seq_along(preprocess_method)){

      msg = glue::glue("Preprocessing cells with method {p}/{base::length(preprocess_method)} '{preprocess_method[p]}'"),
      verbose = verbose

    cds <- monocle3::preprocess_cds(cds, method = preprocess_method[p])


  # align

  if(base::length(of_sample) > 1){

      msg = glue::glue("Aligning for {base::length(of_sample)} samples belonging"),
      verbose = verbose

    cds <- monocle3::align_cds(cds = cds, alignment_group = "sample")


  for(p in base::seq_along(preprocess_method)){

      msg = glue::glue("Using preprocess method '{preprocess_method[p]}':"),
      verbose = verbose

    for(r in base::seq_along(reduction_method)){

        msg = glue::glue("Reducing dimensions with reduction method {r}/{base::length(reduction_method)}: '{reduction_method[r]}' "),
        verbose = verbose

      if(reduction_method[r] == "LSI" && preprocess_method[p] != "LSI"){

          msg = glue::glue("Ignoring invalid combination. reduction-method: '{reduction_method[r]}' &  preprocess-method: '{preprocess_method[p]}'"),
          verbose = TRUE

      } else if(reduction_method[r] == "PCA" && preprocess_method[p] != "PCA") {

          msg = glue::glue("Ignoring invalid combination. reduction-method: '{reduction_method[r]}' &  preprocess-method: '{preprocess_method[p]}'"),
          verbose = verbose

      } else {

        cds <- monocle3::reduce_dimension(cds = cds, reduction_method = reduction_method[r], preprocess_method = preprocess_method[p], verbose = FALSE)




  cluster_df <- data.frame(barcodes = getBarcodes(object = object))

  for(r in base::seq_along(reduction_method)){


        msg = glue::glue("Using reduction method {reduction_method[r]}:"),
        verbose = verbose


    for(c in base::seq_along(cluster_method)){


          msg = glue::glue("Clustering barcode-spots with method {c}/{base::length(cluster_method)}: {cluster_method[c]}"),
          verbose = verbose


      cds <- monocle3::cluster_cells(cds = cds,
                                     reduction_method = reduction_method[r],
                                     k = k,
                                     num_iter = num_iter,
                                     cluster_method = cluster_method[c],
                                     verbose = FALSE)

      cluster_name <- stringr::str_c("cluster", cluster_method[c], reduction_method[r],base::paste0("k", k), sep = "_")

      cluster_df <-
        monocle3::clusters(x = cds, reduction_method = reduction_method[r]) %>%
        base::as.data.frame() %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes") %>%
        magrittr::set_colnames(value = c("barcodes", cluster_name)) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(x = cluster_df, y = ., by = "barcodes") %>%



  cluster_df <- purrr::map_df(.x = dplyr::select(cluster_df, -barcodes),
                              .f = function(i){

                                i <- stringr::str_c(prefix, i, sep = "")

                                base::factor(x = i)

                              }) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(barcodes = cluster_df$barcodes)

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Done.", verbose = verbose)



#' @title Cluster sample via nearest neighbour analysis
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param k The maximum number of nearest neighbours to compute. The default value
#'  is set to the smaller of the number of columnns in data.
#' @param treetype Character vector. Character vector specifying the standard
#'  \emph{'kd'} tree or a \emph{'bd'} (box-decomposition, AMNSW98) tree which
#'   may perform better for larger point sets.
#' @param searchtypes Character value. Either \emph{'priority', 'standard'} or \emph{'radius '}. See details for more.
#' @details
#' Search types: priority visits cells in increasing order of distance from the
#' query point, and hence, should converge more rapidly on the true nearest neighbour,
#' but standard is usually faster for exact searches. radius only searches for neighbours
#' within a specified radius of the point. If there are no neighbours then nn.idx will
#' contain 0 and nn.dists will contain 1.340781e+154 for that point.
#' @return A tidy spata-data.frame containing the cluster variables.
#' @export
findNearestNeighbourClusters <- function(object,
                                         n_pcs = 30,
                                         k = 50,
                                         searchtype = "priority",
                                         treetype = "bd",
                                         radius = 0,
                                         eps = 0,
                                         verbose = TRUE,
                                         of_sample = NA){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  confuns::are_values(c("k", "radius", "eps", "n_pcs"), mode = "numeric")
  confuns::are_vectors(c("treetype", "searchtype"), mode = "character")

  valid_searchtypes <-
      input = searchtype,
      against = c("standard", "priority", "radius"),
      fdb.fn = "stop",
      ref.input = "input for argument 'searchtype'",
      ref.against = "valid searchtypes"

  n_searchtypes <- base::length(valid_searchtypes)

  valid_treetypes <-
      input = treetype,
      against = c("kd", "bd"),
      fdb.fn = "stop",
      ref.input = "input for argument 'treetype'",
      ref.against = "valid treetypes"

  n_treetypes <- base::length(valid_treetypes)

  # 2. Data extraction and for loop -----------------------------------------

  pca_mtr <-
    getPcaDf(object, of_sample = of_sample, n_pcs = n_pcs) %>%
    tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes") %>%
    dplyr::select(-sample) %>%

  cluster_df <- data.frame(barcodes = base::rownames(pca_mtr))

  for(t in base::seq_along(valid_treetypes)){

    treetype <- valid_treetypes[t]

    for(s in base::seq_along(valid_searchtypes)){

      searchtype <- valid_searchtypes[s]

      cluster_name <- stringr::str_c("cluster_nn2", treetype, searchtype, sep = "_")

      msg <- glue::glue("Running algorithm with treetype ({t}/{n_treetypes}) '{treetype}' and with searchtype ({s}/{n_searchtypes}) '{searchtype}'.")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

      nearest <- RANN::nn2(data = pca_mtr,
                           k = k,
                           treetype = treetype,
                           searchtype = searchtype,
                           radius = radius,
                           eps = eps)

      edges <-
        reshape::melt(base::t(nearest$nn.idx[, 1:k])) %>%
        dplyr::select(A = X2, B = value) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(C = 1)

      edges <-
        base::transform(edges, A = base::pmin(A, B), B = base::pmax(A, B)) %>%
        base::unique() %>%
        dplyr::rename(V1 = A, V2 = B, weight = C)

      edges$V1 <- base::rownames(pca_mtr)[edges$V1]
      edges$V2 <- base::rownames(pca_mtr)[edges$V2]

      g_df <- igraph::graph.data.frame(edges, directed = FALSE)

      graph_out <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g_df)

      clust_assign <- base::factor(x = graph_out$membership,
                                   levels = base::sort(base::unique(graph_out$membership)))

      cluster_df <-
        dplyr::mutate(.data = cluster_df, cluster_var = base::factor(clust_assign)) %>%
        dplyr::rename({{cluster_name}} := cluster_var)



  # 3. Return cluster data.frame --------------------------------------------



#' @title Cluster sample via Seurat
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit getExpressionMatrix params
#' @inherit initiateSpataObject_CountMtr params
#' @return A tidy spata-data.frame containing the cluster variables.
#' @export
findSeuratClusters <- function(object,
                               mtr_name = getActiveMatrixName(object, of_sample = of_sample),
                               FindVariableFeatures = list(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000),
                               RunPCA = list(npcs = 60),
                               FindNeighbors = list(dims = 1:30),
                               FindClusters = list(resolution = 0.8),


  seurat_object <-
    Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(count = getCountMatrix(object = object))

  seurat_object@assays$RNA@scale.data <-
    getExpressionMatrix(object = object, mtr_name = mtr_name, verbose = TRUE)

  seurat_object <-
      fn = "FindVariableFeatures",
      fn.ns = "Seurat",
      default = list(object = seurat_object),
      v.fail = seurat_object

  seurat_object <-
      fn = "RunPCA",
      fn.ns = "Seurat",
      default = list(object = seurat_object),
      v.fail = seurat_object

  seurat_object <-
      fn = "FindNeighbors",
      fn.ns = "Seurat",
      default = list(object = seurat_object),
      v.fail = seurat_object

  seurat_object <-
      fn = "FindClusters",
      fn.ns = "Seurat",
      default = list(object = seurat_object)

  seurat_object@meta.data %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "barcodes") %>%
    dplyr::select(barcodes, seurat_clusters)


# fl ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Flip coordinate variables
#' @description Flip coordinate variables in a data.frame.
#' @param df Data.frame with numeric coordinate variables.
#' @param axis Character value. Denotes the axis around which the coordinates are flipped.
#' Either *x* or *y* to adress the coordinate
#' variables specifically or *h* (horizontal, flips y-coords) or *v* (vertical -
#' flips x-coords).
#' @param ranges A named list as returned by `getImageRange()`. Must at least
#' have one slot that is named like input for `axis`. This slot should
#' be a numeric vector of length two. First value being the axis minimum and
#' the second value being the axis maximum.
#' @param xvars,yvars Character vector. Names of the data.frame variables that
#' contain axis coordinates. If some of the names are not present in the
#' input data.frame: Depending on the input of `verbose` and `error`
#' the functions silently skips flipping, gives feedback or throws an error.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return Adjusted data.frame.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
flip_coords_df <- function(df,
                           xvars = c("x", "xend", "col", "imagecol"),
                           yvars = c("y", "yend", "row", "imagerow"),
                           verbose = FALSE,
                           error = FALSE,

  confuns::is_value(x = axis, mode = "character")
  confuns::check_one_of(input = axis, against = c("h", "v", "x", "y", "horizontal", "vertical"))

  # translate horizontal to y coords and vertical to x coords
  if(axis %in% c("h", "horizontal", "y")){

    axis <- "y"

  } else if(axis %in% c("v", "vertical", "x")){

    axis <- "x"


  confuns::are_vectors("xvars", "yvars", mode = "character")

  vars_to_flip <- if(axis == "x"){ xvars } else { yvars }

  img_range <- base::sort(ranges[[axis]][c(1,2)])

  for(var in vars_to_flip){

    if(var %in% base::colnames(df)){

      df[[var]] <- img_range[2] - df[[var]] + img_range[1]

    } else {

      msg <- glue::glue("Variable {var} does not exist in input data.frame.")



      } else {

          msg = msg,
          verbose = verbose,






#' @title Mirror invert image and coordinates
#' @description The `flip*()` family mirror inverts the current image
#' or coordinates of spatial aspects or everything. See details
#' for more information.
#' **NOTE:** `flipImage()` only flips the image and lets everything else as
#' is. Only use it if you want to flip the image because it is not aligned
#' with the spatial coordinates. If you want to flip the image
#' while maintaining alignment with the spatial aspects in the `spata2` object
#' use `flipAll()`!
#' @param axis Character value. The axis around which the content is flipped.
#' Either *'horizontal'*, *'h'*, *'vertical'* or *'v'*.
#' @param track Logical value. If `TRUE`, changes regarding the image
#' justification (rotations and flipping) are tracked. Assuming that
#' image versions of different resolution are stored on your device with the same
#' justification as the primarily read image these changes in justification
#' can be automatically applied if the image is exchanged via `exchangeImage()`.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit update_dummy params
#' @details The `flip*()` functions can be used to flip the complete `SPATA2`
#' object or to flip single aspects.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{`flipAll()`:}{ Flips the image as well as every single spatial aspect.
#'  **Always tracks the justification.**}
#'  \item{`flipImage()`:}{ Flips only the image.}
#'  \item{`flipCoordinates()`:}{ Flips the coordinates data.frame, image annotations
#'  and spatial trajectories.}
#'  \item{`flipCoordsDf()`:}{ Flips the coordinates data.frame.}
#'  \item{`flipImageAnnotations()`:}{ Flips image annotations.}
#'  \item{`flipSpatialTrajectories()`:}{ Flips spatial trajectories.}
#'  }
#' @export
flipAll <- function(object, axis, verbose = FALSE){

  object <- flipImage(object, axis, track = TRUE, verbose = verbose)

  object <- flipCoordinates(object, axis = axis, verbose = verbose)



#' @rdname flipAll
#' @export
flipCoordinates <- function(object, axis, verbose = FALSE){



      warning("Can not flip coordinates without an image.")


  } else {

    object <- flipCoordsDf(object, axis = axis, verbose = verbose)
    object <- flipImageAnnotations(object, axis = axis, verbose = verbose)
    object <- flipSpatialTrajectories(object, axis = axis, verbose = verbose)




#' @rdname flipAll
#' @export
flipCoordsDf <- function(object, axis, verbose = NULL){



    warning("Can not flip coordinates data.frame without an image.")

  } else {

      msg = "Flipping coordinates data.frame.",
      verbose = verbose

    axis <- process_axis(axis)

    coords_df <- getCoordsDf(object)

    coords_df <-
        df = coords_df,
        axis = axis,
        ranges = getImageRange(object),


    object <- setCoordsDf(object, coords_df)




#' @rdname flipAll
#' @export

flipImage <- function(object, axis, track = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){

  io <- getImageObject(object)

  axis <- process_axis(axis)

  if(axis == "h" | axis == "horizontal"){

      msg = "Flipping image horizontally.",
      verbose = verbose

    io@image <- EBImage::flip(io@image)


      io@justification$flipped$horizontal <-


  } else if(axis == "v" | axis == "vertical"){

      msg = "Flipping image vertically.",
      verbose = verbose

    io@image <- EBImage::flop(io@image)


      io@justification$flipped$vertical <-



  object <- setImageObject(object, image_object = io)



#' @rdname flipAll
#' @export
flipImageAnnotations <- function(object, axis, verbose = NULL){



    warning("Can not flip image annotations without an image.")

  } else {

      msg = "Flipping image annotations.",
      verbose = verbose

    if(nImageAnnotations(object) >= 1){

      axis <- process_axis(axis)

      # img annotations
      img_anns <- getImageAnnotations(object, add_image = FALSE, add_barcodes = FALSE)

      img_anns <-
          .x = img_anns,
          .f = function(img_ann){

            img_ann@area <-
                .x = img_ann@area,
                .f = ~
                    df = .x,
                    axis = axis,
                    ranges = getImageRange(object),
                    verbose = FALSE

            # justifications of annotations are always tracked
            img_ann@info$current_just$flipped[[axis]] <- !img_ann@info$current_just$flipped[[axis]]



      object <- setImageAnnotations(object, img_anns = img_anns, align = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)





#' @rdname flipAll
#' @export
flipSpatialTrajectories <- function(object, axis, verbose = NULL){



    warning("Can not flip spatial trajectories without an image.")

  } else {

      msg = "Flipping spatial trajectories.",
      verbose = verbose

    axis <- process_axis(axis)

    img_ranges <- getImageRange(object)

    if(nSpatialTrajectories(object) != 0){

      spatial_trajectories <- getSpatialTrajectories(object)

      spatial_trajectories <-
          .x = spatial_trajectories,
          .f = function(spat_traj){

            spat_traj@segment <-
                df = spat_traj@segment,
                axis = axis,
                ranges = img_ranges,
                verbose = FALSE

            spat_traj@projection <-
                df = spat_traj@projection,
                axis = axis,
                ranges = img_ranges,
                verbose = FALSE



      object <- setTrajectories(object, trajectories = spatial_trajectories, overwrite = TRUE)



kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.