# AR Wald Test -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Tests for autocorrelation
#' @description
#' * `ac_test`: For all tests
#' * `ac_test_wald`: Wald test
#' * `ac_test_lb`: Ljung-Box
#' * `ac_test_bp`: Box-Pierce
#' * `ac_test_bg`: Breusch-Godfrey
#' @param x an `ivx` model or a `numeric vector`, usually the residuals from an ols regression.
#' @param lag the number of lags.
#' @details If p-value < 0.051: You can reject the null hypothesis assuming a
#' 5% chance of making a mistake. So you can assume that your values are showing
#' dependence on each other.
#' @seealso `Box.test` `lmtest::bgtest`
#' @return a numeric scalar or numeric vector.
#' @importFrom stats arima Box.test model.frame
#' @examples
#' mdl <- ivx(hpi ~ cpi + inv, data = ylpc)
#' ac_test_wald(mdl)
#' ac_test(mdl)
#' @name ac_test_
#' @export
ac_test_wald <- function(x, lag) {
#' @export
ac_test_wald.default <- function(x, lag = 1) {
res_ols <- x
nr <- NROW(res_ols)
max_lag <- max(lag)
war <- vector("numeric", max_lag)
for(q in 1:max_lag) {
fit_ar <- arima(res_ols, order = c(q, 0, 0), method = "ML", include.mean = F)
res_ar <- as.matrix(residuals(fit_ar))
coef_ar <- coefficients(fit_ar)
if(q == 1) {
xx <- coef_ar * sum(res_ols^2) / (nr - 2)
ss <- sum(res_ols^2 * res_ar^2) / (nr - 2)
war[1] <- (nr - 2) * xx / ss * xx
u1 <- matrix(res_ols[(q + 2 - 1):(q + 2 - q)], nrow = q)
sum_u <- tcrossprod(u1)
sum_v <- tcrossprod(u1) * res_ar[q + 2]
for (t in c(q + 3):nr) {
u <- matrix(res_ols[(t - 1):(t - q)], nrow = q)
sum_u <- sum_u + tcrossprod(u)
sum_v <- sum_v + tcrossprod(u) * res_ar[t]^2
war[q] <- matrix(coef_ar, nrow = 1) %*% sum_u %*% solve(sum_v) %*% sum_u %*% matrix(coef_ar, ncol = 1)
out <- war[lag]
names(out) <- lag
class(out) <- "ac_test_"
attr(out, "pval") <- 1 - pchisq(out, lag)
attr(out, "tname") <- "Wald"
#' @export
ac_test_wald.ivx <- function(x, lag = 1) {
res <- x$ols$residuals
ac_test_wald.default(res, lag = lag)
#' @export
print.ac_test_ <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
tname <- attr(x, "tname")
pval <- attr(x, "pval")
stars <- stars_pval(pval)
stats <- paste0(formatC(x, digits = digits), stars)
out <- data.frame(names(x),stats)
colnames(out) <- c("Lag", tname)
print(out, row.names = FALSE)
# Ljung-Box ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname ac_test_
#' @param lag the number of lags.
#' @export
ac_test_lb <- function(x, lag) {
#' @export
ac_test_lb.default <- function(x, lag = 1) {
max_lag <- max(lag)
lb <- vector("numeric", max_lag)
for(i in 1:max_lag) {
lb[i] <- Box.test(x, lag = i, type = "Ljung-Box")$statistic
out <- lb[lag]
names(out) <- lag
attr(out, "pval") <- 1 - pchisq(out, 1:max_lag)
class(out) <- "ac_test_"
attr(out, "tname") <- "Ljung-Box"
#' @export
ac_test_lb.ivx <- function(x, lag = 1) {
res <- x$ols$residuals
ac_test_lb.default(res, lag)
# Box-Pierce --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname ac_test_
#' @export
ac_test_bp <- function(x, lag) {
#' @export
ac_test_bp.default <- function(x, lag = 1) {
max_lag <- max(lag)
bp <- vector("numeric", max_lag)
for(i in 1:max_lag) {
bp[i] <- Box.test(x, lag = i, type = "Box-Pierce")$statistic
out <- bp[lag]
names(out) <- lag
attr(out, "pval") <- 1 - pchisq(out, lag)
class(out) <- "ac_test_"
attr(out, "tname") <- "Box-Pierce"
#' @export
ac_test_bp.ivx <- function(x, lag = 1) {
res <- x$ols$residuals
ac_test_bp.default(res, lag)
# Breusch–Godfrey ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @param order lag TODO
#' @param type the type of test statistic to be returned. Either "Chisq" for
#' the Chi-squared test statistic or "F" for the F test statistic.
#' @param fill starting values for the lagged residuals in the auxiliary regression.
#' By default 0 but can also be set to NA.
#' @rdname ac_test_
#' @export
ac_test_bg <- function(x, order, type, fill) {
#' @export
ac_test_bg.ivx <- function(x, order = 1, type = c("Chisq", "F"), fill = 0) {
X <- model.frame(x)
Y <- model.matrix(x)
order <- 1:order
n <- nrow(X)
k <- ncol(X)
m <- length(order)
res_ <- c(x$ols$residuals, rep(0, x$horizon))
Z <- sapply(order, function(x) c(rep(fill, length.out = x), res_[1:(n - x)]))
auxfit <- lm(res_ ~., cbind(res_, X, Z))
type <- match.arg(type)
Chisq = {
bg <- n * sum(auxfit$fitted.values^2)/sum(res_^2)
p.val <- 1 - pchisq(bg, m)
df <- m
names(df) <- "df"
}, F = {
uresi <- auxfit$residuals
bg <- ((sum(res_^2) - sum(uresi^2))/m)/(sum(uresi^2)/(n - k - m))
df <- c(m, n - k - m)
names(df) <- c("df1", "df2")
p.val <- 1 - pf(bg, df1 = df[1], df2 = df[2])
structure(bg, pvalue = p.val)
ac_test_bg.default <- function(x, order, type, fill) {
stop("not available method.", call. = FALSE)
# Autocorrelation test ----------------------------------------------------
#' Autocorrelation tests
#' @param x the residuals or an `ivx` object.
#' @param lag_max the maximum length of lags.
#' @name ac_test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- ivx(hpi ~ cpi + def + int + log(res), data = ylpc)
#' lmtest::bgtest(hpi ~ cpi + def + int + log(res), data = ylpc)
#' ac_test(obj, 5)
ac_test <- function(x, lag_max = 5) {
#' @export
ac_test.ivx <- function(x, lag_max = 5) {
res <- x$ols$residuals
stats <- ac_test.default(res, lag_max)
bg <- pval <- vector("numeric", lag_max)
for(i in 1:lag_max) {
temp <- ac_test_bg.ivx(x, order = i)
pval[i] <- attr(temp, "pvalue")
bg[i] <- temp
stats$BreuschGodfrey <- bg
attr(stats, "pvalue")$BreuschGodfrey <- pval
#' @export
ac_test.default <- function(x, lag_max = 5) {
bp <- lb <- vector("numeric", lag_max)
for(i in 1:lag_max) {
lb[i] <- Box.test(x, lag = i, type = "Ljung-Box")$statistic
bp[i] <- Box.test(x, lag = i, type = "Box-Pierce")$statistic
stats <- data.frame(
Lag = 1:lag_max,
Wald = unclass(ac_test_wald(x, 1:lag_max)),
LjungBox = lb,
BoxPierce = bp
pval <- data.frame(
Lag = 1:lag_max,
Wald = 1 - pchisq(stats[,2], 1:lag_max),
LjungBox = 1 - pchisq(stats[,3], 1:lag_max),
BoxPierce = 1 - pchisq(stats[,4], 1:lag_max)
pvalue = pval,
class = c("ac_test", "data.frame")
stars_pval <- function (pval) {
symnum(pval, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE,
cutpoints = c(0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "**", "*", " "))
#' @export
print.ac_test <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
pval <- attr(x, "pvalue")
lst <- list()
for(i in 2:5) {
stars <- stars_pval(pval[,i])
lst[[i]] <- paste0(formatC(x[,i], digits = digits), stars)
out <- data.frame(
Lag = 1:nrow(x),
Wald = lst[[2]],
LjungBox = lst[[3]],
BoxPierce = lst[[4]],
BreuschGodfrey = lst[[5]]
print(out, row.names = FALSE)
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