# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat <- rio::import("alwan.lamb.csv")
alwan.lamb <- dat
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat <- alwan.lamb
# merge LF1 LF2 LF3 class counts, and combine M/F
dat$shape <- ifelse(dat$shape=="LF2", "LF3", dat$shape)
dat$shape <- ifelse(dat$shape=="LF1", "LF3", dat$shape)
dat <- aggregate(count ~ year+breed+sire0+sire+shape+yr+b1+b2+b3, dat, FUN=sum)
dat <- transform(dat,
year=factor(year), breed=factor(breed),
sire0=factor(sire0), sire=factor(sire))
# LF5 or LF3 first is a bit arbitary...affects the sign of the coefficients
dat <- transform(dat, shape=ordered(shape, levels=c("LF5","LF4","LF3")))
# View counts by year and breed
dat2 <- aggregate(count ~ year+breed+shape, dat, FUN=sum)
useOuterStrips(barchart(count ~ shape|year*breed, data=dat2, main="alwan.lamb"))
# Model used by Gilmour and SAS
dat <- subset(dat, count > 0)
m1 <- clmm(shape ~ yr + b1 + b2 + b3 + (1|sire), data=dat, weights=count, link="probit", Hess=TRUE)
summary(m1) # Very similar to Gilmour results
ranef(m1) # sign is opposite of SAS
## SAS var of sires .04849
## Effect Shape Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t|
## Intercept 1 0.3781 0.04907 29 7.71 <.0001
## Intercept 2 1.6435 0.05930 29 27.72 <.0001
## yr 0.1422 0.04834 2478 2.94 0.0033
## b1 0.3781 0.07154 2478 5.28 <.0001
## b2 0.3157 0.09709 2478 3.25 0.0012
## b3 -0.09887 0.06508 2478 -1.52 0.1289
## Gilmour results for probit analysis
## Int1 .370 +/- .052
## Int2 1.603 +/- .061
## Year -.139 +/- .052
## B1 -.370 +/- .076
## B2 -.304 +/- .103
## B3 .098 +/- .070
# Plot random sire effects with intervals, similar to SAS example
plot.random <- function(model, random.effect, ylim=NULL, xlab="", main="") {
est <- ranef(model)[[random.effect]]
labs <- rownames(est)
est <- est[[1]] # extract column from data.frame
ci <- model$ranef + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(model$condVar) %o% c(-1,1)
# sort by estimated effect
ix <- order(est)
est <- est[ix]
labs <- labs[ix]
ci <- ci[ix,]
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(ci)
n <- length(est)
plot(1:n, est, axes=FALSE, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab="effect", main=main, type="n")
text(1:n, est, labels=substring(labs,2) , cex=.75)
segments(1:n, ci[,1], 1:n, ci[,2])
abline(h=c(-.5, -.25, 0, .25, .5), col="gray")
ix <- plot.random(m1, "sire")
# foot-shape proportions for each sire, sorted by estimated sire effects
# positive sire effects tend to have lower proportion of lambs in LF4 and LF5
tab <- prop.table(xtabs(count ~ sire+shape, dat), margin=1)
tab <- tab[ix,]
tab <- tab[nrow(tab):1,] # reverse the order
horizontal=FALSE, auto.key=TRUE,
main="alwan.lamb", xlab="Sire", ylab="Proportion of lambs",
par.settings = simpleTheme(col=c("yellow","orange","red")) )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
m2 <- clmm(shape ~ year + breed + (1|sire), data=dat, weights=count, link="probit", Hess=TRUE)
# alternative syntax using 'random' argument
#m3 <- clmm2(shape ~ year + breed, data=dat, weights=count, random=sire, link="probit", Hess=TRUE)
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