
Defines functions WriteH5AD WhichCells VariableFeatures Tool SubsetData Stdev StashIdent SetIdent SetAssayData ScoreJackStraw ScaleData RunUMAP RunTSNE RunPCA ReorderIdent RenameIdents RenameCells ReadH5AD Project OldWhichCells NormalizeData Misc Loadings Key JS IsGlobal Idents HVFInfo GetAssayData GetAssay FindVariableFeatures FindNeighbors FindMarkers FindClusters Embeddings DefaultAssay Command Cells as.sparse as.SingleCellExperiment as.Seurat as.loom as.Graph as.CellDataSet AddMetaData

Documented in AddMetaData as.CellDataSet as.Graph as.loom as.Seurat as.SingleCellExperiment as.sparse Cells Command DefaultAssay Embeddings FindClusters FindMarkers FindNeighbors FindVariableFeatures GetAssay GetAssayData HVFInfo Idents IsGlobal JS Key Loadings Misc NormalizeData OldWhichCells Project ReadH5AD RenameCells RenameIdents ReorderIdent RunPCA RunTSNE RunUMAP ScaleData ScoreJackStraw SetAssayData SetIdent StashIdent Stdev SubsetData Tool VariableFeatures WhichCells WriteH5AD

#' Add in metadata associated with either cells or features.
#' Adds additional data to the object. Can be any piece of information
#' associated with a cell (examples include read depth, alignment rate,
#' experimental batch, or subpopulation identity) or feature (ENSG name,
#' variance). To add cell level information, add to the Seurat object. If adding
#' feature-level metadata, add to the Assay object (e.g. object[["RNA"]]))
#' @param x,object An object
#' @param i,col.name Name to store metadata or object as
#' @param value,metadata Metadata or object to add
#' @param j Ignored
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return An object with metadata or and object added
#' @rdname AddMetaData
#' @export AddMetaData
#' @aliases SeuratAccess
#' @examples
#' cluster_letters <- LETTERS[Idents(object = pbmc_small)]
#' names(cluster_letters) <- colnames(x = pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- AddMetaData(
#'   object = pbmc_small,
#'   metadata = cluster_letters,
#'   col.name = 'letter.idents'
#' )
#' head(x = pbmc_small[[]])
AddMetaData <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'AddMetaData', object = object)

#' Convert objects to CellDataSet objects
#' @param x An object to convert to class \code{CellDataSet}
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname as.CellDataSet
#' @export as.CellDataSet
as.CellDataSet <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.CellDataSet', object = x)

#' Convert a matrix (or Matrix) to the Graph class.
#' @param x The matrix to convert
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods (ignored for now)
#' @rdname as.Graph
#' @export as.Graph
as.Graph <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = "as.Graph", object = x)

#' Convert objects to loom objects
#' @param x An object to convert to class \code{loom}
#' @inheritParams loomR::create
#' @seealso \code{\link[loomR]{create}}
#' @rdname as.loom
#' @export as.loom
as.loom <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.loom', object = x)

#' Convert objects to Seurat objects
#' @param x An object to convert to class \code{Seurat}
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @export as.Seurat
as.Seurat <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.Seurat', object = x)

#' Convert objects to SingleCellExperiment objects
#' @param x An object to convert to class \code{SingleCellExperiment}
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname as.SingleCellExperiment
#' @export as.SingleCellExperiment
as.SingleCellExperiment <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.SingleCellExperiment', object = x)

#' Convert between data frames and sparse matrices
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return \code{as.sparse}: A sparse representation of the input data
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export as.sparse
as.sparse <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'as.sparse', object = x)

#' Get cells present in an object
#' @param x An object
#' @return A vector of cell names
#' @rdname Cells
#' @export Cells
#' @examples
#' Cells(x = pbmc_small)
Cells <- function(x) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Cells', object = x)

#' Get SeuratCommands
#' Pull information on previously run commands in the Seurat object.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Either a SeuratCommand object or the requested paramter value
#' @rdname Command
#' @export Command
Command <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Command', object = object)

#' Get and set the default assay
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return The name of the default assay
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export DefaultAssay
DefaultAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultAssay', object = object)

#' @param value Name of assay to set as default
#' @return An object with the new default assay
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export DefaultAssay<-
"DefaultAssay<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'DefaultAssay<-', object = object)

#' Get cell embeddings
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname Embeddings
#' @export Embeddings
Embeddings <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Embeddings', object = object)

#' Cluster Determination
#' Identify clusters of cells by a shared nearest neighbor (SNN) modularity
#' optimization based clustering algorithm. First calculate k-nearest neighbors
#' and construct the SNN graph. Then optimize the modularity function to
#' determine clusters. For a full description of the algorithms, see Waltman and
#' van Eck (2013) \emph{The European Physical Journal B}. Thanks to Nigel
#' Delaney (evolvedmicrobe@github) for the rewrite of the Java modularity
#' optimizer code in Rcpp!
#' To run Leiden algorithm, you must first install the leidenalg python
#' package (e.g. via pip install leidenalg), see Traag et al (2018).
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns a Seurat object where the idents have been updated with new cluster info;
#' latest clustering results will be stored in object metadata under 'seurat_clusters'.
#' Note that 'seurat_clusters' will be overwritten everytime FindClusters is run
#' @export
#' @rdname FindClusters
#' @export FindClusters
FindClusters <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'FindClusters', object = object)

#' Gene expression markers of identity classes
#' Finds markers (differentially expressed genes) for identity classes
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and to specific DE methods

#' @return data.frame with a ranked list of putative markers as rows, and associated
#' statistics as columns (p-values, ROC score, etc., depending on the test used (\code{test.use})). The following columns are always present:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{avg_logFC}: log fold-chage of the average expression between the two groups. Positive values indicate that the gene is more highly expressed in the first group
#'   \item \code{pct.1}: The percentage of cells where the gene is detected in the first group
#'   \item \code{pct.2}: The percentage of cells where the gene is detected in the second group
#'   \item \code{p_val_adj}: Adjusted p-value, based on bonferroni correction using all genes in the dataset
#' }
#' @details p-value adjustment is performed using bonferroni correction based on
#' the total number of genes in the dataset. Other correction methods are not
#' recommended, as Seurat pre-filters genes using the arguments above, reducing
#' the number of tests performed. Lastly, as Aaron Lun has pointed out, p-values
#' should be interpreted cautiously, as the genes used for clustering are the
#' same genes tested for differential expression.
#' @references McDavid A, Finak G, Chattopadyay PK, et al. Data exploration,
#' quality control and testing in single-cell qPCR-based gene expression experiments.
#' Bioinformatics. 2013;29(4):461-467. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts714
#' @references Trapnell C, et al. The dynamics and regulators of cell fate
#' decisions are revealed by pseudotemporal ordering of single cells. Nature
#' Biotechnology volume 32, pages 381-386 (2014)
#' @references Andrew McDavid, Greg Finak and Masanao Yajima (2017). MAST: Model-based
#' Analysis of Single Cell Transcriptomics. R package version 1.2.1.
#' https://github.com/RGLab/MAST/
#' @references Love MI, Huber W and Anders S (2014). "Moderated estimation of
#' fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2." Genome Biology.
#' https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Find markers for cluster 2
#' markers <- FindMarkers(object = pbmc_small, ident.1 = 2)
#' head(x = markers)
#' # Take all cells in cluster 2, and find markers that separate cells in the 'g1' group (metadata
#' # variable 'group')
#' markers <- FindMarkers(pbmc_small, ident.1 = "g1", group.by = 'groups', subset.ident = "2")
#' head(x = markers)
#' @rdname FindMarkers
#' @export FindMarkers
#' @aliases FindMarkersNode
FindMarkers <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'FindMarkers', object = object)

#' SNN Graph Construction
#' Constructs a Shared Nearest Neighbor (SNN) Graph for a given dataset. We
#' first determine the k-nearest neighbors of each cell. We use this knn graph
#' to construct the SNN graph by calculating the neighborhood overlap
#' (Jaccard index) between every cell and its k.param nearest neighbors.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns the object with object@@snn filled
#' @examples
#' pbmc_small
#' # Compute an SNN on the gene expression level
#' pbmc_small <- FindNeighbors(pbmc_small, features = VariableFeatures(object = pbmc_small))
#' # More commonly, we build the SNN on a dimensionally reduced form of the data
#' # such as the first 10 principle components.
#' pbmc_small <- FindNeighbors(pbmc_small, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:10)
#' @rdname FindNeighbors
#' @export FindNeighbors
FindNeighbors <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'FindNeighbors', object = object)

#' Find variable features
#' Identifies features that are outliers on a 'mean variability plot'.
#' For the mean.var.plot method:
#' Exact parameter settings may vary empirically from dataset to dataset, and
#' based on visual inspection of the plot. Setting the y.cutoff parameter to 2
#' identifies features that are more than two standard deviations away from the
#' average dispersion within a bin. The default X-axis function is the mean
#' expression level, and for Y-axis it is the log(Variance/mean). All mean/variance
#' calculations are not performed in log-space, but the results are reported in
#' log-space - see relevant functions for exact details.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname FindVariableFeatures
#' @export FindVariableFeatures
#' @aliases FindVariableGenes
FindVariableFeatures <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'FindVariableFeatures', object = object)

#' Get an Assay object from a given Seurat object.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns an Assay object
#' @rdname GetAssay
#' @export GetAssay
GetAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'GetAssay', object = object)

#' General accessor function for the Assay class
#' This function can be used to pull information from any of the slots in the Assay class. For
#' example, pull one of the data matrices("counts", "data", or "scale.data").
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns info from requested slot
#' @rdname GetAssayData
#' @export GetAssayData
GetAssayData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'GetAssayData', object = object)

#' Get highly variable feature information
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return A dataframe with feature means, dispersion, and scaled dispersion
#' @rdname HVFInfo
#' @export HVFInfo
HVFInfo <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'HVFInfo', object = object)

#' Get, set, and manipulate an object's identity classes
#' @param x,object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods; for \code{RenameIdents}: named
#' arguments as \code{old.ident = new.ident}; for \code{ReorderIdent}: arguments
#' passed on to \code{\link{FetchData}}
#' @return \code{Idents}: The cell identies
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export Idents
#' @examples
#' # Get cell identity classes
#' Idents(object = pbmc_small)
Idents <- function(object, ... ) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Idents', object = object)

#' @param value The name of the identites to pull from object metadata or the identities themselves
#' @return \code{Idents<-}: An object with the cell identites changed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export Idents<-
#' @examples
#' # Set cell identity classes
#' # Can be used to set identities for specific cells to a new level
#' Idents(object = pbmc_small, cells = 1:4) <- 'a'
#' head(x = Idents(object = pbmc_small))
#' # Can also set idents from a value in object metadata
#' colnames(x = pbmc_small[[]])
#' Idents(object = pbmc_small) <- 'RNA_snn_res.1'
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
"Idents<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Idents<-', object = object)

#' Is an object global/persistent?
#' Typically, when removing \code{Assay} objects from an \code{Seurat} object,
#' all associated objects (eg. \code{DimReduc}, \code{Graph}, and \code{SeuratCommand} objects)
#' are removed as well. If an associated object is marked as global/persistent,
#' the associated object will remain even if its original assay was deleted
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is global/persistent otherwise \code{FALSE}
#' @rdname IsGlobal
#' @export IsGlobal
#' @examples
#' IsGlobal(pbmc_small[['pca']])
IsGlobal <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'IsGlobal', object = object)

#' Get JackStraw information
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname JS
#' @export JS
JS <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'JS', object = object)

#' Set JackStraw information
#' @param value JackStraw information
#' @rdname JS
#' @export JS<-
"JS<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'JS<-', object = object)

#' Get a key
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname Key
#' @export Key
Key <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Key', object = object)

#' Set a key
#' @param value Key value
#' @rdname Key
#' @export Key<-
"Key<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Key<-', object = object)

#' Get feature loadings
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export Loadings
Loadings <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Loadings', object = object)

#' Add feature loadings
#' @param value Feature loadings to add
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export Loadings<-
"Loadings<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Loadings<-', object = object)

#' Access miscellaneous data
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Miscellaneous data
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export Misc
Misc <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Misc', object = object)

#' Set miscellaneous data
#' @param value Data to add
#' @return An object with miscellaneous data added
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export Misc<-
"Misc<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Misc<-', object = object)

#' Normalize Data
#' Normalize the count data present in a given assay.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns object after normalization
#' @rdname NormalizeData
#' @export NormalizeData
NormalizeData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'NormalizeData', object = object)

#' Identify cells matching certain criteria
#' Returns a list of cells that match a particular set of criteria such as
#' identity class, high/low values for particular PCs, ect..
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and \code{FetchData}
#' @return A vector of cell names
#' @rdname OldWhichCells
#' @export OldWhichCells
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' OldWhichCells(object = pbmc_small, ident.keep = 2)
#' }
OldWhichCells <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'OldWhichCells', object = object)

#' Get and set project information
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Project information
#' @rdname Project
#' @export Project
Project <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Project', object = object)

#' @param value Project information to set
#' @return An object with project information added
#' @rdname Project
#' @export Project<-
"Project<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Project<-', object = object)

#' Read from and write to h5ad files
#' Utilize the Anndata h5ad file format for storing and sharing single-cell expression
#' data. Provided are tools for writing objects to h5ad files, as well as reading
#' h5ad files into a Seurat object
#' @details
#' \code{ReadH5AD} and \code{WriteH5AD} will try to automatically fill slots based
#' on data type and presence. For example, objects will be filled with scaled and
#' normalized data if \code{adata.X} is a dense matrix and \code{raw} is present
#' (when reading), or if the \code{scale.data} slot is filled (when writing). The
#' following is a list of how objects will be filled
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{adata.X} is dense and \code{adata.raw} is filled; \code{ScaleData} is filled}{Objects will be filled with scaled and normalized data}
#'   \item{
#'     \code{adata.X} is sparse and \code{adata.raw} is filled; \code{NormalizeData} has been run, \code{ScaleData} has not been run
#'   }{
#'     Objects will be filled with normalized and raw data
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{adata.X} is sparse and \code{adata.raw} is not filled; \code{NormalizeData} has not been run}{Objects will be filled with raw data only}
#' }
#' In addition, dimensional reduction information and nearest-neighbor graphs will
#' be searched for and added if and only if scaled data is being added.
#' When reading: project name is \code{basename(file)}; identity classes will be
#' set as the project name; all cell-level metadata from \code{adata.obs} will be
#' taken; feature level metadata from \code{data.var} and \code{adata.raw.var}
#' (if present) will be merged and stored in assay \code{meta.features}; highly
#' variable features will be set if \code{highly_variable} is present in feature-level
#' metadata; dimensional reduction objects will be given the assay name provided
#' to the function call; graphs will be named \code{assay_method} if method is
#' present, otherwise \code{assay_adata}
#' When writing: only one assay will be written; all dimensional reductions and
#' graphs associated with that assay will be stored, no other reductions or graphs
#' will be written; active identity classes will be stored in \code{adata.obs} as
#' \code{active_ident}
#' @param file Name of h5ad file, or an H5File object for reading in
#' @return \code{ReadH5AD}: A Seurat object with data from the h5ad file
#' @aliases ReadH5AD
#' @rdname h5ad
#' @export ReadH5AD
ReadH5AD <- function(file, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'ReadH5AD', object = file)

#' Rename cells
#' Change the cell names in all the different parts of an object. Can
#' be useful before combining multiple objects.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return An object with new cell names
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export RenameCells
RenameCells <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RenameCells', object = object)

#' @return \code{RenameIdents}: An object with selected identity classes renamed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export RenameIdents
#' @aliases RenameIdent
#' @examples
#' # Rename cell identity classes
#' # Can provide an arbitrary amount of idents to rename
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- RenameIdents(object = pbmc_small, '0' = 'A', '2' = 'C')
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
RenameIdents <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RenameIdents', object = object)

#' @param var Feature or variable to order on
#' @return \code{ReorderIdent}: An object with
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export ReorderIdent
#' @aliases ReorderIdent
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(x = Idents(object = pbmc_small))
#' pbmc_small <- ReorderIdent(object = pbmc_small, var = 'PC_1')
#' head(x = Idents(object = pbmc_small))
#' }
ReorderIdent <- function(object, var, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'ReorderIdent', object = object)

#' Run Principal Component Analysis
#' Run a PCA dimensionality reduction. For details about stored PCA calculation
#' parameters, see \code{PrintPCAParams}.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and IRLBA
#' @return Returns Seurat object with the PCA calculation stored in the reductions slot
#' @export
#' @rdname RunPCA
#' @export RunPCA
RunPCA <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RunPCA', object = object)

#' Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#' Run t-SNE dimensionality reduction on selected features. Has the option of
#' running in a reduced dimensional space (i.e. spectral tSNE, recommended),
#' or running based on a set of genes. For details about stored TSNE calculation
#' parameters, see \code{PrintTSNEParams}.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and to t-SNE call (most commonly used is perplexity)
#' @rdname RunTSNE
#' @export RunTSNE
RunTSNE <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RunTSNE', object = object)

#' Run UMAP
#' Runs the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) dimensional
#' reduction technique. To run, you must first install the umap-learn python
#' package (e.g. via \code{pip install umap-learn}). Details on this package can be
#' found here: \url{https://github.com/lmcinnes/umap}. For a more in depth
#' discussion of the mathematics underlying UMAP, see the ArXiv paper here:
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.03426}.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and UMAP
#' @return Returns a Seurat object containing a UMAP representation
#' @references McInnes, L, Healy, J, UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and
#' Projection for Dimension Reduction, ArXiv e-prints 1802.03426, 2018
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc_small
#' # Run UMAP map on first 5 PCs
#' pbmc_small <- RunUMAP(object = pbmc_small, dims = 1:5)
#' # Plot results
#' DimPlot(object = pbmc_small, reduction = 'umap')
#' }
#' @rdname RunUMAP
#' @export RunUMAP
RunUMAP <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'RunUMAP', object = object)

#' Scale and center the data.
#' Scales and centers features in the dataset. If variables are provided in vars.to.regress,
#' they are individually regressed against each feautre, and the resulting residuals are
#' then scaled and centered.
#' ScaleData now incorporates the functionality of the function formerly known
#' as RegressOut (which regressed out given the effects of provided variables
#' and then scaled the residuals). To make use of the regression functionality,
#' simply pass the variables you want to remove to the vars.to.regress parameter.
#' Setting center to TRUE will center the expression for each feautre by subtracting
#' the average expression for that feautre. Setting scale to TRUE will scale the
#' expression level for each feautre by dividing the centered feautre expression
#' levels by their standard deviations if center is TRUE and by their root mean
#' square otherwise.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname ScaleData
#' @export ScaleData
ScaleData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'ScaleData', object = object)

#' Compute Jackstraw scores significance.
#' Significant PCs should show a p-value distribution that is
#' strongly skewed to the left compared to the null distribution.
#' The p-value for each PC is based on a proportion test comparing the number
#' of features with a p-value below a particular threshold (score.thresh), compared with the
#' proportion of features expected under a uniform distribution of p-values.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns a Seurat object
#' @author Omri Wurtzel
#' @seealso \code{\link{JackStrawPlot}}
#' @rdname ScoreJackStraw
#' @export ScoreJackStraw
ScoreJackStraw <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'ScoreJackStraw', object = object)

#' Setter for multimodal data
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return object with the assay data set
#' @rdname SetAssayData
#' @export SetAssayData
SetAssayData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SetAssayData', object = object)

#' @return \code{SetIdent}: An object with new identity classes set
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export SetIdent
#' @examples
#' # Set cell identity classes using SetIdent
#' cells.use <- WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = '1')
#' pbmc_small <- SetIdent(object = pbmc_small, cells = cells.use, value = 'B')
SetIdent <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SetIdent', object = object)

#' @return \code{StashIdent}: An object with the identities stashed
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export StashIdent
#' @examples
#' head(x = pbmc_small[[]])
#' pbmc_small <- StashIdent(object = pbmc_small, save.name = 'idents')
#' head(x = pbmc_small[[]])
StashIdent <- function(object, save.name, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'StashIdent', object = object)

#' Get the standard deviations for an object
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname Stdev
#' @export Stdev
Stdev <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Stdev', object = object)

#' Return a subset of the Seurat object
#' Creates a Seurat object containing only a subset of the cells in the
#' original object. Takes either a list of cells to use as a subset, or a
#' parameter (for example, a gene), to subset on.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Returns a Seurat object containing only the relevant subset of cells
#' @rdname SubsetData
#' @export SubsetData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc1 <- SubsetData(object = pbmc_small, cells = colnames(x = pbmc_small)[1:40])
#' pbmc1
#' }
SubsetData <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'SubsetData', object = object)

#' Get and set additional tool data
#' Use \code{Tool} to get tool data. If no additional arguments are provided,
#' will return a vector with the names of tools in the object.
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return If no additional arguments, returns the names of the tools in the
#' object; otherwise returns the data placed by the tool requested
#'@note For developers: set tool data using \code{Tool<-}. \code{Tool<-} will
#'automatically set the name of the tool to the function that called \code{Tool<-},
#'so each function gets one entry in the tools list and cannot overwrite another
#'function's entry. The automatic naming will also remove any method identifiers
#'(eg. RunPCA.Seurat will become RunPCA); please plan accordingly.
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export Tool
#' @aliases Tools
Tool <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Tool', object = object)

#' @param value Information to be added to tool list
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export Tool<-
"Tool<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'Tool<-', object = object)

#' Get and set variable feature information
#' @param object An object
#' @param selection.method Method used to set variable features
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export VariableFeatures
VariableFeatures <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'VariableFeatures', object = object)

#' @param value A character vector of variable features
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export VariableFeatures<-
"VariableFeatures<-" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'VariableFeatures<-', object = object)

#' Identify cells matching certain criteria
#' Returns a list of cells that match a particular set of criteria such as
#' identity class, high/low values for particular PCs, ect..
#' @param object An object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return A vector of cell names
#' @seealso \code{\link{FetchData}}
#' @rdname WhichCells
#' @export WhichCells
#' @examples
#' WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2)
#' WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, expression = MS4A1 > 3)
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
#' WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = c(1, 2), invert = TRUE)
WhichCells <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'WhichCells', object = object)

#' @param object An object
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods
#' @return \code{WriteH5AD}: None, writes to disk
#' @rdname h5ad
WriteH5AD <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'WriteH5AD', object = object)
lambdamoses/SeuratBasics documentation built on May 6, 2020, 9:32 a.m.