
Defines functions kfoots safeSeq refineSplits isProbVector checkModels fitNB getSteadyState matpowtrans compareModels compare generateCol generateData generateIndependentData exampleData generateHMMData exampleHMMData

Documented in fitNB getSteadyState kfoots

#' Models for multivariate count data
#' The package provides methods for fitting multivariate count data with
#' a mixture model. Each mixture component is a negative multinomial 
#' random variable and an EM algorithm is used to maximize the likelihood.
#' @name kfoots-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Alessandro Mammana \email{mammana@@molgen.mpg.de}
#' @useDynLib kfoots
#' @import Rcpp

#' Fit mixture model or a hidden markov model
#' @param counts matrix of non-negative integers. Columns represent datapoints and rows
#'     dimensions 
#' @param k either the desired number of cluster, or a specific initial
#'     value for the models (mixture components or emission probabilities).
#'     See the item \code{models} in the return values to see how the
#'     model parameters should be formatted
#' @param framework Switches between a mixture model and a hidden markov model.
#'     The default is a hidden markov model, where the order of the datapoints
#'     matters.
#' @param mix_coeff In the \code{MM} mode, initial value for the mixture 
#' coefficients. In the \code{HMM} mode it will be ignored.
#' @param trans In the \code{HMM} mode, initial value for the transition
#'     probabilities as a square matrix. The rows are the 'state from' and 
#'     the columns are the 'state to', so each rows must sum up to 1. 
#'     In the \code{HMM} mode it will be ignored.
#' @param initP In the \code{HMM} mode, initial probabilities for each 
#'     sequence of observation. They must be formatted as a matrix where 
#'     each row is a state and each column is a sequence.
#' @param tol Tolerance value used to determine convergence of the EM
#'     algorithm. The algorithm will converge when the absolute difference
#'     in the log-likelihood between two iterations will fall below this value.
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations in the EM algorithm. Use 0 if 
#'     you don't want to do any training iteration.
#' @param nthreads number of threads used. The backward-forward step in the HMM learning
#'     cannot use more threads than the number of sequences.
#' @param nbtype type of training for the negative binomial. Accepted types are:
#'     \code{indep}, \code{dep}, \code{pois}. The first type corresponds to standard
#'     maximum likelihood estimates for each parameter of each model, the second one
#'     forces the \code{r} dispersion parameters of the negative multinomials to be the same
#'     for all models, the third one forces \code{r} to be infinity, that is, every model
#'     will be a Poisson distribution.
#' @param init Initialization scheme for the models (mixture components or emission
#'     probabilities). The value \code{rnd} results in parameters being chosen randomly,
#'     the values \code{counts, pca} use an initialization algorithm that starts from
#'     \code{init.nlev*nrow(counts)} clusters and reduces them to \code{k} using
#'     hierachical clustering.
#' @param init.nlev Tuning parameter for the initialization schemes \code{counts, pca}.
#' @param verbose print some output during execution
#' @param seqlens Length of each sequence of observations. The number of columns
#'     of the count matrix should equal \code{sum(seqlens)}.
#' @param split4speed Add artificial breaks to speed-up the forward-backward
#'     algorithm. If \code{framework=="HMM"} and if multiple threads are used,
#'     the count matrix, which is already split according to \code{seqlens}, is
#'     split even further so that each thread can be assigned an equal amount
#'     of observations in the forward-backward algorithm. These artificial breaks
#'     usually have a small impact in the final parameters, and they improve the
#'     scalability with the number of cores, especially when the number of sequences
#'     is small compared to the number of cores. The artificial breaks are 
#'     removed after the training phase for computing the final state assignments. 
#' @return a list with, among other, the following parameters:
#'     \item{models}{a list containing the parameters of each model
#'     (mixture components or emission probabilities). Each element of 
#'     the list describes a negative multinomial distribution.
#' This is specified in another list with items \code{mu}, \code{r} and \code{ps}. \code{mu} and
#'         \code{r} correspond to parameters \code{mu} and \code{size} in the R-function \code{\link{dnbinom}}.
#'         Ps specifies the parameters of the multinomial and they sum up to 1.}
#'     \item{loglik}{the log-likelihood of the whole dataset.}
#'    \item{posteriors}{A matrix of size \code{length(models)*ncol(counts)} containing the posterior
#'            probability that a given datapoint is generated by the given mixture component}
#'     \item{states}{An integer vector of length \code{ncol(counts)} saying
#'         which model each column is associated to (using the posterior decoding
#'         algorithm).}
#'    \item{converged}{\code{TRUE} if the algorithm converged in the given number of iterations, \code{FALSE} otherwise}
#'    \item{llhistory}{time series containing the log-likelihood of the
#'        whole dataset across iterations}
#'     \item{viterbi}{In HMM mode, the viterbi path an its likelihood as a list.}
#' @export
kfoots <- function(counts, k, framework=c("HMM", "MM"), mix_coeff=NULL, trans=NULL, initP=NULL,
            tol = 1e-4, maxiter=200, nthreads=1, nbtype=c("dep","indep","pois"), init=c("pca", "counts", "rnd"), init.nlev=20,
            verbose=TRUE, seqlens=ncol(counts), split4speed=FALSE){
    if (nthreads < 0) {
        warning("non-positive value provided for variable 'nthreads', using 1 thread")
        nthreads <- 1
    if (!is.matrix(counts))
        stop("invalid counts variable provided. It must be a matrix")
    #all floating point numbers will be "floored" (not rounded)
    storage.mode(counts) <- "integer"
    framework <- match.arg(framework)
    nbtype <- match.arg(nbtype)
    init <- match.arg(init)
    models <- NULL
    if (!is.numeric(k)){
        if (!is.list(k)){
            stop("Invalid input value for k, provide the desired number of models or a list with their initial parameters")
        models <- k
        k <- length(models)
    #rows of the count matrix represent positions of the footprint/histone marks
    footlen <- nrow(counts)
    #columns of the count matrix represent genomic loci
    nloci <- ncol(counts)
    #precompute some stuff for optimization
    ucs <- mapToUnique(colSumsInt(counts, nthreads))
    mConst <- getMultinomConst(counts, nthreads)
    if (framework=="HMM"){
        #make sure that the seqlens argument is all right
        if (any(seqlens < 0)) stop("sequence lengths must be positive")
        seqlens <- seqlens[seqlens>0]
        if (sum(seqlens) < nloci){
            warning("the provided seqlens do not add up to the total input length (ncol(counts)), adding a chunk to cover all the input")
            seqlens[length(seqlens)+1] <- nloci - sum(seqlens)
        } else if (sum(seqlens) > nloci){
            stop("invalid value for seqlens, the chunks sum up to more than the total input length")
    #set models
    if (is.null(models)){
        if (init=="rnd"){
            #get initial random models
            models <- rndModels(counts, k, bgr_prior=0.5, ucs=ucs, nbtype=nbtype, nthreads=nthreads)
        } else {
            #use initialization algorithm. It will also provide values for the 
            #mixture coefficient (framework=="MM") or the init probabilities and
            #transition probabilities (framework=="HMM"), unless these are already set
            init <- initAlgo(counts, k, nlev=init.nlev, nbtype=nbtype, nthreads=nthreads, axes=init, verbose=verbose)
            models <- init$models
            if (framework=="HMM"){
                if (is.null(trans)) trans <- t(sapply(1:k, function(i) init$mix_coeff))
                if (is.null(initP)) initP <- matrix(nrow=k, rep(init$mix_coeff, length(seqlens)))
            } else {#(framework=="MM")
                if (is.null(mix_coeff)) mix_coeff <- init$mix_coeff
        nbtype_input_check <- nbtype
    } else { nbtype_input_check <- "indep" }
    #make sure that the provided (or computed) models are all right
    checkModels(models, k, footlen, nbtype_input_check)
    #set framework probabilities
    if (framework=="HMM"){
        #make sure that the init and the transition probabilities are all right
        if (is.null(trans)) {
            trans <- matrix(rep(1/k, k*k), ncol=k)
        } else if (is.matrix(trans) && (ncol(trans) != k || nrow(trans) != k)) {
            stop("'trans' must be a k*k transition matrix")
        } else if (!is.matrix(trans)){
            stop("'trans' must be a matrix")
        if (!all(apply(trans, 1, isProbVector))) stop("'trans' rows must sum up to 1")
        if (is.null(initP)) {
            initP <- matrix(rep(1/k, k*length(seqlens)), ncol=length(seqlens))
        } else if (is.vector(initP)&&!is.matrix(initP)&&length(seqlens)==1&&length(initP)==k){
            initP <- matrix(initP, ncol=1)
        } else if (is.matrix(initP) && (nrow(initP)!=k || ncol(initP)!=length(seqlens))){
            stop("invalid 'initP' matrix provided: one column per sequence and one row per model")
        } else if (!is.matrix(initP)){
            stop("'initP' must be a matrix, or a vector if there is only one sequence")
        if (!all(apply(initP, 2, isProbVector))) stop("'initP' columns must sum up to 1")
        if (split4speed){
            s4s <- refineSplits(seqlens, nthreads)
            seqlens <- s4s$newlens
            new_initP <- matrix(1/k, nrow=k, ncol=length(seqlens))
            new_initP[,s4s$origstarts] <- initP
            initP <- new_initP
        } else if (length(seqlens)<nthreads && verbose){
            message("less sequences than threads, use option 'split4speed' to take fully advantage of all threads")
    } else {#(framework == "MM")
        #make sure that the mixture coefficients are all right
        if (is.null(mix_coeff)){
            mix_coeff = rep(1/k, k)
        } else if (!isProbVector(mix_coeff)) {
            stop("'mix_coeff' must sum up to 1")
    #allocating memory
    posteriors <- matrix(0, nrow=k, ncol=nloci)
    lliks <- matrix(0, nrow=k, ncol=nloci)
    loglik <- NA
    converged <- FALSE
    llhistory <- numeric(maxiter)
    if (maxiter > 0 && verbose) cat("starting main loop\n")
    for (iter in safeSeq(1, maxiter)){
        #get log likelihoods
        lLikMat(lliks=lliks, counts, models, ucs=ucs, mConst=mConst, nthreads=nthreads)
        #get posterior probabilities and train framework probabilities
        if (framework=="HMM"){
            res <- forward_backward(posteriors=posteriors, initP, trans, lliks, seqlens, nthreads=nthreads)
            new_loglik <- res$tot_llik
            new_trans <- res$new_trans
            new_initP <- res$new_initP
        } else {#framework == "MM"
            res <- llik2posteriors(posteriors=posteriors, lliks, mix_coeff, nthreads=nthreads)
            new_loglik <- res$tot_llik
            new_mix_coeff <- res$new_mix_coeff
        checkInterrupt() #check if the user pressed CTRL-C
        if (verbose) cat("Iteration:", iter, "log-likelihood:", new_loglik, "\n", sep="\t")
        #train models
        new_models <- fitModels(counts, posteriors, models, ucs=ucs, type=nbtype, nthreads=nthreads)
        if (iter > 1){
            if (abs(new_loglik - loglik) < tol){
                converged <- TRUE
            } else if (new_loglik < loglik){
                warning(paste0("decrease in log-likelihood at iteration ", iter))
        #update parameters
        models <- new_models
        loglik <- new_loglik
        llhistory[iter] <- loglik
        if (framework=="HMM"){
            trans <- new_trans
            initP <- new_initP
        } else {#framework == "MM"
            mix_coeff <- new_mix_coeff
        if (converged) break
    if (!converged && verbose) cat("reached the maximum number of iterations\n")
        if (verbose) cat("User interrupt detected, stopping main loop and returning current data\n")
    #restore the original sequence splits and compute viterbi path
    if (framework=="HMM"){
        lLikMat(lliks=lliks, counts, models, ucs=ucs, mConst=mConst, nthreads=nthreads)
        if (split4speed) {
            initP <- initP[,s4s$origstarts, drop=F]
            seqlens <- s4s$oldlens
        vit <- viterbi(initP, trans, lliks, seqlens)
        #recompute posterior matrix with the original sequence splits
        if (split4speed){
            res <- forward_backward(posteriors=posteriors, initP, trans, lliks, seqlens, nthreads=nthreads)
            loglik <- res$tot_llik
    #set the histone mark names in the models object
    for (i in seq_along(models)){
        names(models[[i]]$ps) <- rownames(counts)
    #compute MAP cluster (state) assignments
    #same as: clusters <- apply(posteriors, 2, which.max)
    clusters <- pwhichmax(posteriors, nthreads=nthreads)
    #final result
    result <- list(models=models, loglik=loglik, posteriors=posteriors, clusters=clusters,

    if (!is.null(iter)) {
        result$llhistory <- llhistory[1:iter]
    } else result$llhistory <- NULL
    #if framework==HMM, add init and transition probs and compute viterbi path
    if (framework=="HMM"){
        result$viterbi <- vit
        result$initP <- initP
        result$trans <- trans
    } else {
    #if framework==MM, add the mixture coefficients
        result$mix_coeff <- mix_coeff

safeSeq <- function(start, end){
    if (end < start) return(NULL)

#compute splits for the count matrix such that:
#1. already contain the input splits
#2. allow optimal parallelization with a given number of threads
refineSplits <- function(slens, nthreads){
    slens <- slens[slens > 0]
    stopifnot(nthreads > 0)
    totlen <- sum(slens)
    nthreads <- min(totlen, nthreads)
    splitIdx <- cumsum(slens)
    newsplitIdx <- round((1:nthreads)*totlen/nthreads)
    allSplits <- sort(unique(c(splitIdx, newsplitIdx)))
    origStarts <- c(1, 1+match(splitIdx[-length(splitIdx)], allSplits))
    newlens <- diff(c(0, allSplits))
    list(newlens=newlens, oldlens=slens, origstarts=origStarts)

isProbVector <- function(v, tol=1e-9){
    all(v >= 0) && compare(sum(v), 1, tol)

checkModels <- function(models, k, nrow, nbtype){
    if (length(models) != k) stop(paste0("models must be a list of length ", k))
    for (model in models){
        if (length(model$ps) != nrow || !isProbVector(model$ps)) stop("'ps' vector of each model must have the right length and sum up to 1")
        if (!(all(is.finite(c(model$mu, model$ps))) && (unlist(model) >= 0))) stop("non-finite or negative model parameters")
        if (nbtype=="dep" && model$r != models[[1]]$r) warning("models not consistent with the 'dep' setting")
        if (nbtype=="pois" && model$r != Inf) warning("models not consistent with the 'pois' setting")


#' Fit a negative binomial distribution
#' Maximum Likelihood Estimate for the parameters of a negative binomial distribution
#' generating a specified vector of counts. The MLE for the negative binomial
#' should not be used with a small number of datapoints, it is known to be
#' biased. Internally, this function is using Brent's method to find the
#' optimal dispersion parameter.
#' @param counts a vector of counts. If a list is given, then it is assumed 
#'     to be the result of the function \code{mapToUnique(counts)}
#' @param posteriors a vector specifying a weight for each count. The maximized
#'     function is: \eqn{\sum_{i=1}{L}{posteriors[i]\log(Prob\{counts[i]\}}}. If
#'     not specified, equal weights will be assumed
#' @param old_r an initial value for the size parameter of the negative binomial.
#'     If not specified the methods of moments will be used for an initial guess.
#' @param tol numerical tolerance of the fitting algorithm
#' @param nthreads number of threads. Too many threads might worsen the 
#'     performance
#' @return A list with the parameters of the negative binomial.
#'     \item{mu}{the mu parameter}
#'        \item{r}{the size parameter}
#' @export
fitNB <- function(counts, posteriors=NULL, old_r=NULL, tol=1e-8, nthreads=1){
    #transforming the counts into unique counts
    if (!is.list(counts)){
        ucs <- mapToUnique(counts)
    } else {
        ucs <- counts

    if (is.null(posteriors))
        posteriors <- rep(1.0, length(ucs$map))
    counts <- ucs$values
    posteriors <- sumAt(posteriors, ucs$map, length(counts), zeroIdx=TRUE)
    if (is.null(old_r)){
        #the algorithm will figure out a reasonable estimate for r.
        #(match the second moment)
        old_r <- -1
    fitNB_inner(counts, posteriors, old_r, tol=tol, nthreads=nthreads)

#' Get a steady state of a transition matrix.
#' It should give a similar result as 
#' \code{rep(1/ncol(trans), ncol(trans)) trans^(big number)}
#' except that oscillating behaviours are averaged out.
#' @param trans transition matrix (rows are previous state, columns are next state)
#' @return a vector with a steady state distribution
#'    @export
getSteadyState <- function(trans){
    ttrans <- t(matpowtrans(trans, 2^30))
    as.numeric(ttrans %*% rep(1/ncol(trans), ncol(trans)))

#fast exponentiation algorithm,
#correct numerical fuzz by exploiting that 
#the rowSums sum up to 1
matpowtrans <- function(trans, pow){
    if (pow==1){
    else if (pow %% 2 == 0){
        tmp <- matpowtrans(trans, pow/2)
        tmp <- tmp %*% tmp
    else {
        tmp <- trans %*% matpowtrans(trans, pow-1)

compareModels <- function(m1, m2, tol){
    v1 <- c(m1$ps, m1$mu, m1$r)
    v2 <- c(m2$ps, m2$mu, m2$r)
    all(compare(v1, v2, tol))

compare <- function(c1, c2, tol){
    if (length(c1)!=length(c2)) stop("cannot compare vectors of different length")
    (abs(c1-c2) <= tol*abs(c1+c2)) | (is.infinite(c1) & is.infinite(c2))

generateCol <- function(model){
    rmultinom(1, rnbinom(1, mu=model$mu, size=model$r), prob=model$ps)

generateData <- function(n, models, mix_coeff){
    mat <- matrix(0L, ncol=n, nrow=length(models[[1]]$ps))
    for (i in 1:n){
        model <- models[[sample(length(mix_coeff), 1, prob=mix_coeff)]]
        mat[,i] <- generateCol(model)

generateIndependentData <- function(n, models, mix_coeff){
    mat <- matrix(0L, ncol=n, nrow=length(models[[1]]$ps))
    comp <- sample(length(mix_coeff), n, prob=mix_coeff, replace=T)
    for (i in seq_along(mix_coeff)){
        model = models[[i]]
        n = sum(comp==i)
        for (j in seq_along(model$ps)){
            mat[j,comp==i] <- as.integer(rnbinom(n, mu=model$mu*model$ps[j], size=model$r))

exampleData <- function(n=10000, indep=FALSE){
    m1 = list(mu=40, r=0.4, ps=c(1,8,5,8,5,6,5,4,3,2,1))
    m2 = list(mu=20, r=2, ps=c(1,1,1,1,1,3,4,5,6,5,4))
    m1$ps = m1$ps/sum(m1$ps)
    m2$ps = m2$ps/sum(m2$ps)
    p1 = 0.3
    p2 = 0.7
    if (indep)
        generateIndependentData(n, list(m1, m2), c(p1,p2))
        generateData(n, list(m1, m2), c(p1,p2))

generateHMMData <- function(n, models, trans, initP=getSteadyState(trans)){
    state <- sample(length(models), 1, prob=initP)
    mat <- matrix(0L, ncol=n, nrow=length(models[[1]]$ps))
    mat[,1] <- generateCol(models[[state]])
    for (i in 2:n){
        state <- sample(length(models), 1, prob=trans[state,])
        mat[,i] <- generateCol(models[[state]])

exampleHMMData <- function(n=c(20000, 50000, 30000)){
    m1 = list(mu=40, r=0.4, ps=c(1,8,5,8,5,6,5,4,3,2,1))
    m2 = list(mu=20, r=2, ps=c(1,1,1,1,1,3,4,5,6,5,4))
    m1$ps = m1$ps/sum(m1$ps)
    m2$ps = m2$ps/sum(m2$ps)
    models <- list(m1, m2)
    trans = matrix(nrow=2, ncol=2, c(0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4))
    do.call(cbind, lapply(n, function(currn) {generateHMMData(currn, models, trans)}))
lamortenera/kfoots documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:34 p.m.