
Defines functions compare_Target

Documented in compare_Target

#' @title Compare Networks One-to-Many
#' @description Compares one network to a list of many networks.
#' @param target The network be compared.
#' @param networks The networks being compared to the target network
#' @param net_size Size
#' @param net_kind If the network is an adjacency matrix ("matrix") or an edge list ("list"). Defaults to "matrix".
#' @param method This determines the method used to compare networks at the heart of the classification. Currently "DD" (Degree Distribution) and "align" (the align function which compares networks by the entropy of diffusion on them) are supported. Future versions will allow user-defined methods. Defaults to "DD".
#' @param cause_orientation = The orientation of directed adjacency matrices. Defaults to "row".
#' @param DD_kind = A vector of network properties to be used to compare networks. Defaults to "all", which is the average of the in- and out-degrees.
#' @param DD_weight = Weights of each network property in DD_kind. Defaults to 1, which is equal weighting for each property.
#' @param max_norm Binary variable indicating if each network property should be normalized so its max value (if a node-level property) is one. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param cores Defaults to 1. The number of cores to run the classification on. When set to 1 parallelization will be ignored.
#' @param verbose Defaults to TRUE. Whether to print all messages.
#' @details Note: Currently each process is assumed to have a single governing parameter.
#' @return A pseudo-distance vector where the i-element is the comparison between the target network and the ith network being compared to.
#' @references Langendorf, R. E., & Burgess, M. G. (2020). Empirically Classifying Network Mechanisms. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15863.
#' @examples
#' # Import netcom
#' library(netcom)
#' # Adjacency matrix
#' size <- 10
#' comparisons <- 50
#' network_target <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), size = size^2, replace = TRUE), nrow = size, ncol = size)
#' network_others <- list()
#' for (net in 1:comparisons) {
#'      network_others[[net]] = matrix(
#'          sample(
#'              c(0,1),
#'              size = size^2,
#'              replace = TRUE),
#'          nrow = size,
#'          ncol = size)
#' }
#' compare_Target(target = network_target, networks = network_others, net_size = size, method = "DD")
#' @export

compare_Target <- function(target, networks, net_size, net_kind = "matrix", method = "DD", cause_orientation = "row", DD_kind = "all", DD_weight = 1, max_norm = FALSE, cores = 1, verbose = FALSE) {

    if (length(c(nrow(target), sapply(networks, nrow)) %>% unique()) == 1) {
        size_different = FALSE
    } else {
        size_different = TRUE

    if ((length(DD_weight) == 1) & (length(DD_kind) > 1)) {
        DD_weight = rep(DD_weight, length(DD_kind)) / length(DD_kind)

    ## Network alignment
    if (method == "align") {
        ## Pairwise compare input network with each network in state_space
        if (cores == 1) {
            if (verbose) {print("Aligning networks on a single core.")}

            D_netcom <- rep(NA, times = length(networks))
            for (net in seq_along(networks)) {
                if (verbose) {print(paste0("Aligning ", net, " of ", length(networks), " networks."))}

                alignment <- netcom::align(target,
                                            base = 2,
                                            characterization = "entropy",
                                            normalization = FALSE)$score
                D_netcom[net] = alignment

        ## cores > 1
        } else {
            if (verbose) {print(paste0("Aligning networks on ", cores, " cores."))}

            ## Backend
            ## outfile = "" prints to screen instead of a file
            cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, outfile = "")

            ## Define %dopar% relative to its package so can use normally
            `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`

            ## Parallelized network alignment
            D_netcom <- foreach::foreach (net = 1:length(networks), .combine = c, .packages = c("tibble", "dplyr", "netcom")) %dopar% {
                if (verbose) {print(paste0("Aligning ", net, " of ", length(networks), " networks."))}

                output <- netcom::align(target,
                                        base = 2,
                                        characterization = "entropy",
                                        normalization = FALSE)$score

            ## Stop backend

        return_vector <- D_netcom


    ## Degree Distribution comparisons, using Euclidean distance
    } else if (method == "DD") {

        if (net_kind == "matrix") {
            ## NOTE: assumes row -> col orientation
            ## Do nothing if (cause_orientation == "row")
            if (cause_orientation == "col") {
                target == t(target)
                networks = lapply(networks, function(x){t(x)})

            DD_target_combined <- list()

            igraph_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(target, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA)

            equilibrium_net <- target
            zero_rows <- which(rowSums(equilibrium_net) == 0)
            diag(equilibrium_net)[zero_rows] = 1
            equilibrium_net = sweep(equilibrium_net, 1, Matrix::rowSums(equilibrium_net, na.rm = TRUE), FUN = "/")
            equilibrium_net = expm::`%^%`(equilibrium_net, 5)

            eq_igraph_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(equilibrium_net, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA)

            if ("communities" %in% DD_kind) {
                community_sizes <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(target, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA) %>% igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(weights = NULL) %>% igraph::sizes() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

            if ("eq_communities" %in% DD_kind) {
                eq_community_sizes <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(equilibrium_net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA) %>% igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(weights = NULL) %>% igraph::sizes() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

            for (DD_kind_name in seq_along(DD_kind)) {
                DD_target <- switch(

                    "out" = target %>% rowSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "eq_out" = equilibrium_net %>% rowSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "in" = target %>% colSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "eq_in" = equilibrium_net %>% colSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "undirected" = as.numeric(rowSums(target)) + as.numeric(colSums(target)),
                    "eq_undirected" = as.numeric(rowSums(equilibrium_net)) + as.numeric(colSums(equilibrium_net)),
                    "all" = 0.5 * (rbind( rowSums(target) + colSums(target) )),
                    "eq_all" = 0.5 * (rbind( rowSums(equilibrium_net) + colSums(equilibrium_net) )),
                    "entropy_out" = target %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "eq_entropy_out" = equilibrium_net %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "entropy_in" = target %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "eq_entropy_in" = equilibrium_net %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                    "entropy_all" = c(target %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(), target %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric()),
                    "eq_entropy_all" = c(equilibrium_net %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(), equilibrium_net %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric()),
                    "clustering_coefficient" = igraph::transitivity(igraph_graph, type = "weighted"),
                    "eq_clustering_coefficient" = igraph::transitivity(eq_igraph_graph, type = "weighted"),

                    "cohesion" = igraph::vertex_connectivity(igraph_graph),
                    "eq_cohesion" = igraph::vertex_connectivity(eq_igraph_graph),

                    "spectral_decomposition" = igraph::embed_adjacency_matrix(igraph_graph, no = nrow(target)-1)$X %>% rowSums(),
                    "eq_spectral_decomposition" = igraph::embed_adjacency_matrix(eq_igraph_graph, no = nrow(equilibrium_net)-1)$X %>% rowSums(),

                    "alpha" = igraph::alpha_centrality(igraph_graph, nodes = igraph::V(igraph_graph), alpha = 10, loops = TRUE, exo = 1, weights = NULL, tol = 1e-07, sparse = FALSE),
                    "eq_alpha" = igraph::alpha_centrality(eq_igraph_graph, nodes = igraph::V(eq_igraph_graph), alpha = 10, loops = TRUE, exo = 1, weights = NULL, tol = 1e-07, sparse = FALSE),

                    "page_rank" = igraph::page_rank(igraph_graph, algo = "prpack", vids = igraph::V(igraph_graph), directed = TRUE, damping = 0.85, personalized = NULL, weights = NULL, options = NULL)$vector,
                    "eq_page_rank" = igraph::page_rank(eq_igraph_graph, algo = "prpack", vids = igraph::V(eq_igraph_graph), directed = TRUE, damping = 0.85, personalized = NULL, weights = NULL, options = NULL)$vector,

                    "communities" = rep(seq_along(community_sizes), community_sizes),
                    "eq_communities" = rep(seq_along(eq_community_sizes), eq_community_sizes),

                    "motifs_3" = igraph::motifs(igraph_graph, size = 3)[-c(1,2,4)],
                    "eq_motifs_3" = igraph::motifs(eq_igraph_graph, size = 3)[-c(1,2,4)],

                    "motifs_4" = igraph::motifs(igraph_graph, size = 4)[-c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 63, 121)],
                    "eq_motifs_4" = igraph::motifs(eq_igraph_graph, size = 4)[-c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 63, 121)],

                    stop("Kind of Degree Distribution not supported. Check the DD_kind parameter.")

                ## Some network properties return NA or NaN or Inf on disconnected networks
                if (any(is.na(DD_target)) | any(is.infinite(DD_target))) {
                    DD_target[which(is.na(DD_target))] = 0
                    DD_target[which(is.infinite(DD_target))] = 0
                DD_target = DD_target %>% sort()
                if (max_norm == TRUE) {
                    DD_target = DD_target / max(DD_target)

                ## max(DD_target) can be zero
                if (any(is.na(DD_target)) | any(is.infinite(DD_target))) {
                    DD_target[which(is.na(DD_target))] = 0
                    DD_target[which(is.infinite(DD_target))] = 0

                DD_target_combined[[DD_kind_name]] = DD_target

            ## Just use the last DD_target, because this is the nubmer of points to use in the spline to make length(DD) = length(DD_target)
            Length <- length(DD_target)

            if (verbose) {print(paste0("Comparing the degree distributions of ", length(networks), " networks."))}

            D_DD <- rep(NA, times = length(networks))
            for (net in seq_along(networks)) {
                # if (verbose) { print(net) }
                DD_combined <- list()
                igraph_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(networks[[net]], mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA)
                equilibrium_net <- networks[[net]]
                zero_rows <- which(rowSums(equilibrium_net) == 0)
                diag(equilibrium_net)[zero_rows] = 1
                equilibrium_net = sweep(equilibrium_net, 1, Matrix::rowSums(equilibrium_net, na.rm = TRUE), FUN = "/")
                equilibrium_net = expm::`%^%`(equilibrium_net, 5)

                eq_igraph_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(equilibrium_net, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA)

                if ("communities" %in% DD_kind) {
                    community_sizes <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(networks[[net]], mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA) %>% igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(weights = NULL) %>% igraph::sizes() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

                if ("eq_communities" %in% DD_kind) {
                    eq_community_sizes <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(equilibrium_net, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = TRUE, add.colnames = NULL, add.rownames = NA) %>% igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(weights = NULL) %>% igraph::sizes() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)

                for (DD_kind_name in seq_along(DD_kind)) {
                    DD <- switch(
                        "out" = networks[[net]] %>% rowSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "eq_out" = equilibrium_net %>% rowSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "in" = networks[[net]] %>% colSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "eq_in" = equilibrium_net %>% colSums() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "undirected" = as.numeric(rowSums(networks[[net]])) + as.numeric(colSums(networks[[net]])),
                        "eq_undirected" = as.numeric(rowSums(equilibrium_net)) + as.numeric(colSums(equilibrium_net)),
                        "all" = 0.5 * (rbind( rowSums(networks[[net]]) + colSums(networks[[net]]) )),
                        "eq_all" = 0.5 * (rbind( rowSums(equilibrium_net) + colSums(equilibrium_net) )),
                        "entropy_out" = networks[[net]] %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "eq_entropy_out" = equilibrium_net %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "entropy_in" = networks[[net]] %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "eq_entropy_in" = equilibrium_net %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(),
                        "entropy_all" = c(networks[[net]] %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(), networks[[net]] %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric()),
                        "eq_entropy_all" = c(equilibrium_net %>% t() %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric(), equilibrium_net %>% vegan::diversity() %>% as.numeric()),
                        "clustering_coefficient" = igraph::transitivity(igraph_graph, type = "weighted"),
                        "eq_clustering_coefficient" = igraph::transitivity(eq_igraph_graph, type = "weighted"),

                        "cohesion" = igraph::vertex_connectivity(igraph_graph),
                        "eq_cohesion" = igraph::vertex_connectivity(eq_igraph_graph),

                        "spectral_decomposition" = igraph::embed_adjacency_matrix(igraph_graph, no = nrow(networks[[net]])-1)$X %>% rowSums(),
                        "eq_spectral_decomposition" = igraph::embed_adjacency_matrix(eq_igraph_graph, no = nrow(equilibrium_net)-1)$X %>% rowSums(),

                        "alpha" = igraph::alpha_centrality(igraph_graph, nodes = igraph::V(igraph_graph), alpha = 10, loops = TRUE, exo = 1, weights = NULL, tol = 1e-07, sparse = FALSE),
                        "eq_alpha" = igraph::alpha_centrality(eq_igraph_graph, nodes = igraph::V(eq_igraph_graph), alpha = 10, loops = TRUE, exo = 1, weights = NULL, tol = 1e-07, sparse = FALSE),
                        "page_rank" = igraph::page_rank(igraph_graph, algo = "prpack", vids = igraph::V(igraph_graph), directed = TRUE, damping = 0.85, personalized = NULL, weights = NULL, options = NULL)$vector,
                        "eq_page_rank" = igraph::page_rank(eq_igraph_graph, algo = "prpack", vids = igraph::V(eq_igraph_graph), directed = TRUE, damping = 0.85, personalized = NULL, weights = NULL, options = NULL)$vector,

                        "communities" = rep(seq_along(community_sizes), community_sizes),
                        "eq_communities" = rep(seq_along(eq_community_sizes), eq_community_sizes),

                        "motifs_3" = igraph::motifs(igraph_graph, size = 3)[-c(1,2,4)],
                        "eq_motifs_3" = igraph::motifs(eq_igraph_graph, size = 3)[-c(1,2,4)],

                        "motifs_4" = igraph::motifs(igraph_graph, size = 4)[-c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 63, 121)],
                        "eq_motifs_4" = igraph::motifs(eq_igraph_graph, size = 4)[-c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 63, 121)],

                        stop("Kind of Degree Distribution not supported. Check the DD_kind parameter.")

                    ## Some network properties return NA or NaN or Inf on disconnected networks
                    if (any(is.na(DD)) | any(is.infinite(DD))) {
                        DD[which(is.na(DD))] = 0
                        DD[which(is.infinite(DD))] = 0

                    DD = DD %>% sort()
                    if (max_norm == TRUE) {
                        DD = DD / max(DD, na.rm = TRUE)

                    ## max(DD) can be zero
                    if (any(is.na(DD)) | any(is.infinite(DD))) {
                        DD[which(is.na(DD))] = 0
                        DD[which(is.infinite(DD))] = 0

                    if (size_different) {
                        Position <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = length(DD))
                        Points <- tibble::tibble(Position = Position, DD = DD)

                        Position_c <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = Length)
                        Points_c <- apply(Points, 2, function(u) stats::spline(Position, u, xout = Position_c)$y) %>% tibble::as_tibble()

                        DD_combined[[DD_kind_name]] = Points_c$DD
                    } else {
                        DD_combined[[DD_kind_name]] = DD


                DD_difference_each <- rep(NA, length(DD_kind))
                for (DD_kind_name in seq_along(DD_kind)) {
                    DD_1 <- DD_target_combined[[DD_kind_name]]
                    DD_2 <- DD_combined[[DD_kind_name]]

                    DD_1_vs_2 <- ((DD_1 - DD_2)^2) #%>% sum() %>% sqrt()
                    if (max(DD_1_vs_2, na.rm = TRUE) != 0) {
                        DD_1_vs_2 = (sum(DD_1_vs_2) / max(DD_1_vs_2, na.rm = TRUE)) * DD_weight[DD_kind_name]
                    } else {
                        DD_1_vs_2 = 0

                    DD_difference_each[DD_kind_name] = DD_1_vs_2

                DD_difference <- sqrt(sum(DD_difference_each, na.rm = TRUE))

                D_DD[net] = DD_difference


            return_vector <- D_DD

        } else if (net_kind == "list") {

            ## Give weights of one if missing
            if (ncol(target) == 2) {
                target = cbind(target, 1)

            DD_target <- switch(
                "out" = {
                            DD_vector <- {}
                            for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                relevant_edges <- target[,1] == n
                                DD_node <- target[relevant_edges, 3] %>% sum()
                                DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                "in" = {
                            DD_vector <- {}
                            for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                relevant_edges <- target[,2] == n
                                DD_node <- target[relevant_edges, 3] %>% sum()
                                DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                "undirected" = {
                            DD_vector <- {}
                            for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                relevant_edges <- (target[,1] == n) | (target[,2] == n)
                                intersection_eges <- (target[,1] == n) & (target[,2] == n)
                                DD_node <- sum(target[relevant_edges, 3]) - sum(target[intersection_eges, 3])
                                DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                "all" = {
                            DD_vector <- {}
                            for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                relevant_edges_out <- target[,1] == n
                                DD_node_out <- target[relevant_edges_out, 3] %>% sum()

                                relevent_edges_in <- target[,2] == n
                                DD_node_in <- target[relevent_edges_in, 3] %>% sum()

                                DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node_out, DD_node_in)
                stop("Kind of Degree Distribution not supported. Check the DD_kind parameter.")

            DD_target = DD_target %>% sort()
            if (max_norm == TRUE) {
                DD_target = DD_target / max(DD_target)

            Length <- length(DD_target)

            if (verbose) {print(paste0("Comparing the degree distributions of ", length(networks), " networks."))}

            D_DD <- rep(NA, times = length(networks))
            for (net in seq_along(networks)) {

                comparison_net <- networks[[net]]

                ## Some networks from make_Systematic() will have zero edges
                if (nrow(comparison_net) == 0) {
                    DD <- rep(0, net_size)
                } else {
                    nodes <- c(comparison_net[,1], comparison_net[,2]) %>% unique()

                    ## Give weights of one if missing
                    if (ncol(comparison_net) == 2) {
                        comparison_net = cbind(comparison_net, 1)

                    ## NOTE: This block assumes the comparison networks are of the same size as the target network
                    DD <- switch(
                        "out" = {
                                    DD_vector <- {}
                                    for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                        relevant_edges <- comparison_net[,1] == n
                                        DD_node <- comparison_net[relevant_edges, 3] %>% sum()
                                        DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                        "in" = {
                                    DD_vector <- {}
                                    for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                        relevant_edges <- comparison_net[,2] == n
                                        DD_node <- comparison_net[relevant_edges, 3] %>% sum()
                                        DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                        "undirected" = {
                                    DD_vector <- {}
                                    for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                        relevant_edges <- (comparison_net[,1] == n) | (comparison_net[,2] == n)
                                        intersection_eges <- (comparison_net[,1] == n) & (comparison_net[,2] == n)
                                        DD_node <- sum(comparison_net[relevant_edges, 3]) - sum(comparison_net[intersection_eges, 3])
                                        DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node)
                        "all" = {
                                    DD_vector <- {}
                                    for (n in 1:net_size) {
                                        relevant_edges_out <- comparison_net[,1] == n
                                        DD_node_out <- comparison_net[relevant_edges_out, 3] %>% sum()

                                        relevent_edges_in <- comparison_net[,2] == n
                                        DD_node_in <- comparison_net[relevent_edges_in, 3] %>% sum()

                                        DD_vector = c(DD_vector, DD_node_out, DD_node_in)
                        stop("Kind of Degree Distribution not supported. Check the DD_kind parameter.")

                    DD = DD %>% sort()
                    if (max_norm == TRUE) {
                        DD = DD / max(DD)

                # if (length(DD_target) != length(DD)) {
                #     size_different = TRUE
                # } else {
                #     size_different = FALSE
                # }

                if (size_different) {
                    Position <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = length(DD))
                    Points <- tibble::tibble(Position = Position, DD = DD)

                    Position_c <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = Length)
                    Points_c <- apply(Points, 2, function(u) stats::spline(Position, u, xout = Position_c)$y) %>% tibble::as_tibble()

                    D_DD[net] = sqrt( sum( ((DD_target - Points_c$DD)^2) ) )
                } else {
                    D_DD[net] = sqrt( sum( ((DD_target - DD)^2) ) )


            return_vector <- D_DD

        } else {
            stop("Unknown network kind. Must be `list` or `matrix`.")

    } else {
        stop("Method not supported.")

langendorfr/netcom documentation built on July 23, 2022, 5:19 p.m.