#' Cross-MMM Budget Optimization across Channels (fast)
#' Given a list of recreated Robyn models, this function optimizes budget
#' allocation across MMM with respective constraints by maximizing
#' response across all channels. This method assumes each model is
#' independent, that can be compared given its spends were cleanly and
#' properly split, they modeled the same metric (revenue or conversion)
#' and units (currency or type of conversion), and date granularity.
#' Recommended to have same channels granularity across markets
#' to simplify results readings and application.
#' This approach is faster and cleaner compared with previous proposal
#' using \code{robyn_xmodels()}.
#' @param models Lists. Recreated Robyn models with \code{robyn_recreate()}.
#' @param initial_budgets Numeric vector. Default will use the total spends
#' per model for the specified or total date range.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param start_dates,end_dates Character vector. Start and end dates for each
#' specific model. You can specify a single date and will be used in all models.
#' Default empty value will assume you want all available data and date range.
#' Must be length 1 or same as \code{models}.
#' @param channel_constr_low,channel_constr_up Numeric vector.
#' Relative lower and upper constraints per channel compared with mean
#' spend during the time period defined.
#' If mean was zero for date range, historical mean spend value will be used.
#' Must have length 1 to replicate for all channels or same length
#' (and order )as \code{paid_media_spends}.
#' @return List. Contains optimized allocation results and plots.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Calculate cross-brand optimal allocation
#' res <- robyn_xchannels(
#' models,
#' start_dates = "2023-01-01",
#' end_dates = "2023-12-01"
#' )
#' }
#' @rdname robyn_crossmmm
#' @export
robyn_xchannels <- function(
initial_budgets = NULL,
start_dates = NULL,
end_dates = NULL,
channel_constr_low = 0.5,
channel_constr_up = 2,
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
# Check all models are same type: metric and interval type
stopifnot(length(unique(unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$InputCollect$dep_var_type)))) == 1)
stopifnot(length(unique(unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$InputCollect$intervalType)))) == 1)
# Identify channels per model
for (i in seq_along(models)) {
models[[i]]$OutputCollect$selectIDname <- names(models)[i]
all_channels <- unlist(
lapply(models, function(x) {
paste(x$OutputCollect$selectIDname, x$InputCollect$paid_media_spends, sep = "..")
use.names = FALSE
# Setup same constraints if all not provided
if (length(channel_constr_low) == 1) channel_constr_low <- rep(channel_constr_low, length(all_channels))
if (length(channel_constr_up) == 1) channel_constr_up <- rep(channel_constr_up, length(all_channels))
if (length(channel_constr_low) != length(all_channels) || length(channel_constr_up) != length(all_channels)) {
"Inputs 'channel_constr_low' and 'channel_constr_up' must be",
"the same length as the total number of channels across all models"
channel_constraints <- dplyr::tibble(
channel = all_channels,
channel_constr_low = channel_constr_low,
channel_constr_up = channel_constr_up
# Initial state calculations
history <- lapply(models, function(x) {
x$InputCollect, x$OutputCollect,
start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL
history <- lapply(history, function(x) {
mutate(x, channel = paste(names(models)[i], .data$channel, sep = ".."))
# Extract and check start and end dates
start_dates <- extract_dates(start_dates, history, "start_date", quiet)
end_dates <- extract_dates(end_dates, history, "end_date", quiet)
# Extract initial budgets, periods, and carryover for the date range
init_budget <- init_carryover <- init_periods <- initial <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(models)) {
p <- robyn_performance(
models[[i]]$InputCollect, models[[i]]$OutputCollect,
start_date = start_dates[i], end_date = end_dates[i],
carryovers = TRUE
paid_ch <- filter(p, .data$channel %in% models[[i]]$InputCollect$paid_media_spends)
init_budget <- c(init_budget, sum(paid_ch$spend))
paid_ch$periods <- ps <- models[[i]]$InputCollect$dt_mod %>%
filter(.data$ds <= end_dates[i], .data$ds >= start_dates[i]) %>%
init_periods <- c(init_periods, ps)
initial <- bind_rows(initial, mutate(paid_ch, channel = paste(
names(models)[i], .data$channel,
sep = ".."
initial <- arrange(initial, factor(.data$channel, levels = all_channels))
if (is.null(initial_budgets)) {
names(init_budget) <- names(models)
initial_budgets <- init_budget
} else {
if (length(initial_budgets) == 1) {
initial_budgets <- rep(initial_budgets, length(models))
# Spend values based on date range set
x0 <- initSpendUnit <- initial$spend / initial$periods
# Calculate historical carryover
hist_carrs <- lapply(models, function(x) hist_carryover_calc(x))
hist_carryover <- unlist(lapply(hist_carrs, function(x) lapply(x, mean)))
# Total budget across brands
total_budget_unit <- sum(x0)
total_budget <- sum(initial_budgets)
stopifnot(length(models) == length(initial_budgets))
# Channels with no spend
zero_spend_channel <- names(x0)[which(x0 == 0)]
# If no spend within window as initial spend, use historical
if (length(zero_spend_channel) > 0) {
if (!quiet) {
message("Media variables with 0 spending during date range: ", v2t(zero_spend_channel))
histSpendAllUnit <- bind_rows(lapply(history, function(x) {
filter(x, .data$channel %in% all_channels)
})) %>% pull(.data$spend)
x0[zero_spend_channel] <- histSpendAllUnit[zero_spend_channel]
# x0[zero_spend_channel] <- 1
## Set local data & params values
hypsregex <- "alphas|gammas|thetas|scales|shapes"
dt_bestCoef <- bind_rows(lapply(models, function(x) {
.data$solID == x$OutputCollect$selectID,
.data$rn %in% x$InputCollect$paid_media_spends
})) %>%
mutate(rn = paste(.data$solID, .data$rn, sep = ".."))
dt_hyppar <- bind_cols(lapply(models, function(x) {
filter(x$OutputCollect$resultHypParam, .data$solID == x$OutputCollect$selectID) %>%
select(matches(hypsregex)) %>%
select(matches(paste(x$InputCollect$paid_media_spends, collapse = "|"))) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(~ paste(x$OutputCollect$selectIDname, ., sep = ".."))
## Get hill parameters for each channel
hills <- list(
alphas = unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
x$OutputCollect$resultHypParam %>%
select(matches(paste(x$InputCollect$paid_media_spends, collapse = "|"))) %>%
select(any_of(paste0(x$InputCollect$paid_media_spends, "_alphas")))
inflexions = unlist(lapply(models, inflextion_points)),
coefs_sorted = dt_bestCoef$coef
names(hills$coefs_sorted) <- all_channels
## Exclude 0 coef and 0 constraint channels for the optimization
skip_these <- (channel_constr_low == 0 & channel_constr_up == 0)
zero_constraint_channel <- all_channels[skip_these]
if (length(zero_constraint_channel) > 0 && !quiet) {
"Excluded variables (constrained to 0): ",
paste(zero_constraint_channel, collapse = ", ")
if (any(hills$coefs_sorted == 0)) {
zero_coef_channel <- all_channels[hills$coefs_sorted == 0]
if (!quiet) {
"Excluded variables (coefficients are 0): ",
paste(zero_coef_channel, collapse = ", ")
} else {
zero_coef_channel <- NULL
# Gather all values that will be used internally on optim (nloptr)
no_impact <- c(zero_coef_channel, zero_constraint_channel)
channel_for_allocation_ids <- which(!all_channels %in% no_impact)
x0 <- x0[channel_for_allocation_ids]
channel_constr_low <- channel_constr_low[channel_for_allocation_ids]
channel_constr_up <- channel_constr_up[channel_for_allocation_ids]
coefs_eval <- hills$coefs_sorted[channel_for_allocation_ids]
alphas_eval <- hills$alphas[channel_for_allocation_ids]
inflexions_eval <- hills$inflexions[channel_for_allocation_ids]
hist_carryover_eval <- hist_carryover[channel_for_allocation_ids]
# So we can implicitly use these values within eval_f()
eval_list <- list(
coefs_eval = coefs_eval,
alphas_eval = alphas_eval,
inflexions_eval = inflexions_eval,
total_budget = NULL,
total_budget_unit = total_budget_unit,
hist_carryover_eval = hist_carryover_eval,
target_value = NULL,
target_value_ext = NULL,
dep_var_type = models[[1]]$InputCollect$dep_var_type
options("ROBYN_TEMP" = eval_list)
## Bounded optimization
nlsMod <- nloptr(
x0 = x0 * channel_constr_low,
eval_f = eval_f,
eval_g_eq = eval_g_eq,
eval_g_ineq = NULL,
lb = x0 * channel_constr_low,
ub = x0 * channel_constr_up,
opts = list(
"algorithm" = "NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG",
"xtol_rel" = 1.0e-10,
"maxeval" = 100000,
"local_opts" = list(
"algorithm" = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP",
"xtol_rel" = 1.0e-10
target_value = NULL
## Get marginal response
optmSpendUnit <- nlsMod$solution
optmResponseUnit <- -eval_f(optmSpendUnit)[["objective.channel"]]
optmResponseMargUnit <- mapply(
x = optmSpendUnit + 1,
coeff = coefs_eval,
alpha = alphas_eval,
inflexion = inflexions_eval,
x_hist_carryover = hist_carryover_eval,
get_sum = FALSE,
) - optmResponseUnit
# Clean auxiliary method
## Collect channels outputs
res <- channel_constraints[channel_for_allocation_ids, ] %>%
model = gsub("\\.\\..*", "", .data$channel),
channel = gsub(".*\\.\\.", "", .data$channel),
start_date = initial$start_date[channel_for_allocation_ids],
end_date = initial$end_date[channel_for_allocation_ids],
periods = initial$periods[channel_for_allocation_ids],
# Spend calculations
initSpend = initial$spend[channel_for_allocation_ids],
initSpendUnit = initial$spend[channel_for_allocation_ids] / .data$periods,
initSpendDistr = .data$initSpend / sum(.data$initSpend),
optmSpendUnit = optmSpendUnit,
optmSpendDistr = optmSpendUnit / sum(optmSpendUnit),
optmSpendChg = optmSpendUnit / initSpendUnit,
# Response calcs
initResponse = initial$response[channel_for_allocation_ids],
initResponseUnit = initial$response[channel_for_allocation_ids] / .data$periods,
optmResponseUnit = optmResponseUnit,
optmResponseMargUnit = optmResponseMargUnit,
# Performance metrics
initROAS = .data$initResponse / .data$initSpend,
optmROAS = .data$optmResponseUnit / .data$optmSpendUnit,
initCPA = .data$initSpend / .data$initResponse,
optmCPA = .data$optmSpendUnit / .data$optmResponseUnit
) %>%
select("model", everything(), -contains("constr"))
# Build models summary
mod <- res %>%
group_by(.data$model, .data$periods, .data$start_date, .data$end_date) %>%
initSpend = sum(.data$initSpend),
initSpendUnit = sum(.data$initSpendUnit),
initSpendDistr = 0,
optmSpendUnit = sum(.data$optmSpendUnit),
optmSpendDistr = 0,
optmSpendChg = 0,
initResponseUnit = sum(.data$initResponseUnit),
optmResponseUnit = sum(.data$optmResponseUnit),
optmRespChange = 0,
incrementalUnit = 0
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
initSpendDistr = .data$initSpend / sum(.data$initSpend),
optmSpendDistr = .data$optmSpendUnit / sum(.data$initSpendUnit),
optmSpendChg = .data$optmSpendUnit / .data$initSpendUnit,
optmRespChange = .data$optmResponseUnit / .data$initResponseUnit,
incrementalUnit = .data$optmResponseUnit - .data$initResponseUnit,
incrementalTotal = .data$incrementalUnit * .data$periods
# Build total summary
tot <- dplyr::tibble(
models = length(models),
incrUnit = sum(mod$incrementalUnit),
incrTotal = sum(mod$incrementalTotal),
initSpendUnit = sum(mod$initSpendUnit),
optmSpendUnit = sum(optmSpendUnit),
optmSpendChg = sum(optmSpendUnit) / sum(mod$initSpendUnit),
initROAS = sum(res$initResponse) / sum(res$initSpend),
optmROAS = sum(res$optmResponseUnit) / sum(res$optmSpendUnit)
output <- list(total = tot, models = mod, channels = res)
class(output) <- c("robyn_crossmmm2", class(output))
eval_f <- function(X, target_value) {
eval_list <- getOption("ROBYN_TEMP")
coefs_eval <- eval_list[["coefs_eval"]]
alphas_eval <- eval_list[["alphas_eval"]]
inflexions_eval <- eval_list[["inflexions_eval"]]
hist_carryover_eval <- eval_list[["hist_carryover_eval"]]
objective <- -sum(mapply(
x = X,
coeff = coefs_eval,
alpha = alphas_eval,
inflexion = inflexions_eval,
x_hist_carryover = hist_carryover_eval,
gradient <- c(mapply(
x = X,
coeff = coefs_eval,
alpha = alphas_eval,
inflexion = inflexions_eval,
x_hist_carryover = hist_carryover_eval,
objective.channel <- mapply(
x = X,
coeff = coefs_eval,
alpha = alphas_eval,
inflexion = inflexions_eval,
x_hist_carryover = hist_carryover_eval,
list(objective = objective, gradient = gradient, objective.channel = objective.channel)
fx_objective <- function(x, coeff, alpha, inflexion, x_hist_carryover, get_sum = TRUE) {
xAdstocked <- x + mean(x_hist_carryover)
if (get_sum) {
xOut <- coeff * sum((1 + inflexion**alpha / xAdstocked**alpha)**-1)
} else {
xOut <- coeff * ((1 + inflexion**alpha / xAdstocked**alpha)**-1)
fx_gradient <- function(x, coeff, alpha, inflexion, x_hist_carryover) {
xAdstocked <- x + mean(x_hist_carryover)
-coeff * sum((alpha * (inflexion**alpha) * (xAdstocked**(alpha - 1))) / (xAdstocked**alpha + inflexion**alpha)**2)
fx_objective.chanel <- function(x, coeff, alpha, inflexion, x_hist_carryover) {
xAdstocked <- x + mean(x_hist_carryover)
-coeff * sum((1 + inflexion**alpha / xAdstocked**alpha)**-1)
eval_g_eq <- function(X, target_value) {
eval_list <- getOption("ROBYN_TEMP")
constr <- sum(X) - eval_list$total_budget_unit
grad <- rep(1, length(X))
"constraints" = constr,
"jacobian" = grad
extract_dates <- function(dates, history, date_col, quiet) {
if (is.null(dates)) {
dates <- as.Date(
unlist(lapply(history, function(x) {
filter(x, .data$channel == "PROMOTIONAL TOTAL"),
origin = "1970-01-01"
if (!quiet) {
message("Extracted ", date_col, ": ", v2t(sprintf("%s (%s)", dates, names(dates))))
} else {
if (length(dates) == 1) dates <- rep(dates, length(history))
if (length(dates) != length(history)) {
"Inputs length for '%s' must be either 1 or same as models (%s)",
date_col, length(history)
inflextion_points <- function(model) {
chnAdstocked <- filter(
.data$type == "adstockedMedia",
.data$solID == model$OutputCollect$selectID
) %>%
select(all_of(model$InputCollect$paid_media_spends)) %>%
gammas <- model$OutputCollect$resultHypParam %>%
select(all_of(paste0(model$InputCollect$paid_media_spends, "_gammas"))) %>%
inflexions <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(chnAdstocked), function(i) {
c(range(chnAdstocked[, i]) %*% c(1 - gammas[i], gammas[i]))
names(inflexions) <- names(gammas)
hist_carryover_calc <- function(model) {
window_loc <- model$InputCollect$rollingWindowStartWhich:
ics <- lapply(model$InputCollect$paid_media_vars, function(x) {
metric_name = x,
dt_hyppar = model$OutputCollect$resultHypParam,
dt_coef = model$OutputCollect$xDecompAgg,
InputCollect = model$InputCollect,
OutputCollect = model$OutputCollect,
quiet = TRUE,
is_allocator = TRUE
names(ics) <- model$InputCollect$paid_media_vars
dplyr::bind_cols(ics)[, model$InputCollect$paid_media_vars]
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