#' Run LDA models for specified values of hyper-parameters.
#' This function fits a collection of lda models to a dataset, fitting one model
#' for each hyperparameter setting specified by the
#' \code{lda_varying_params_list} argument. Its output can be directly used by
#' \code{align_topics}.
#' @param data (required) a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} or
#' \code{slam::simple_triplet_matrix} containing the counts (integers) of each
#' feature (e.g. words) and each sample (or document). If data is provided as
#' \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}, each row is a sample, each column is a
#' feature.
#' @param lda_varying_params_lists (required) a \code{list} specifying the
#' parameter for each models that needs to be ran. Currently, supported
#' parameters are "k" (the number of topic), "method" ("VEM" or "Gibbs"), and
#' "control", a list of type \code{LDAcontrol}. See \code{topicmodels::LDA} for
#' details and below for examples.
#' @param lda_fixed_params_list (optional) a \code{list} specifying the
#' parameters common to all models to be fitted. Values provided by
#' \code{lda_fixed_params_list} are overwritten by those provided by
#' \code{lda_varying_params_lists}.
#' @param dir (optional) a \code{character} specifying the directory in which
#' individual LDA models should be stored. If not specified, individual LDA
#' models are not stored. This option is especially useful for data exploration
#' as it allows to save execution time if one wishes to add models to an
#' existing model list. (see examples)
#' @param reset (optional, default = \code{FALSE}). Should any cached models in
#' the save directory be cleared?
#' @param verbose (optional, default = \code{FALSE}) Print verbose output while
#' running models?
#' @param seed (optional, default = \code{1}) Seed to use in
#' \code{topicmodels::LDAControl}. Necessary because LDA's VEM routine uses an
#' external (non-R) random number generator.
#' @return a list of LDA models (see package \code{topicmodels}).
#' ? or a \code{lda_models} object which would be a list of
#' 1. a list of model;
#' 2. some metadata about the alignement
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom topicmodels LDA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' data = matrix(sample(0:1000, size = 24), 4, 6)
#' lda_varying_params_lists = list(K2 = list(k = 2), K3 = list(k = 3))
#' lda_models =
#' run_lda_models(
#' data = data,
#' lda_varying_params_lists = lda_varying_params_lists,
#' dir = "test_lda_models/"
#' )
#' additional_lda_varying_params_list =
#' list(K4 = list(k = 4))
#' updated_lda_models =
#' run_lda_models(
#' data = data,
#' lda_varying_params_lists =
#' append(
#' lda_varying_params_lists,
#' additional_lda_varying_params_list),
#' dir = "test_lda_models/"
#' )
#' # because we specified the "dir" option, it only runs LDA for k = 4
#' unlink("test_lda_models/", recursive = TRUE)
run_lda_models <-
lda_fixed_params_list = list(),
dir = NULL,
reset = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1L
) {
# check data (format and values)
data <- .check_data(data = data)
# check lda_varying_params_lists and lda_fixed_params_list
param_lists <-
lda_varying_params_lists = lda_varying_params_lists,
lda_fixed_params_list = lda_fixed_params_list
) %>%
delete_dir <- FALSE
if (is.null(dir)) {
delete_dir <- TRUE
dir <- paste0("lda_models_", as.integer(Sys.time()), "/")
while (dir.exists(dir))
dir <- paste0("lda_models_",
as.integer(Sys.time()) + sample(1:10^9, 1),
if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
existing_lda_files <- list.files(dir)
required_lda_files <- paste0(names(param_lists), ".Rdata")
if (reset | !all(required_lda_files %in% existing_lda_files)) {
done <-
.x = names(param_lists),
.f = function(m) {
model_file_name <- paste0(dir, m, ".Rdata")
if (reset | !file.exists(model_file_name)) {
if (verbose) cat("fitting model",m, "\n")
param_list <- param_lists[[m]]
if (param_list$k == 1) {
lda_model <-
gamma =
matrix(1, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 1) %>%
beta =
log(matrix(colSums(data) / sum(data), nrow = 1)) %>%
tm <- list()
} else {
tm <- LDA(
x = data,
k = param_list$k,
method = param_list$method,
control = param_list$control
lda_model <-
gamma = tm@gamma %>% magrittr::set_rownames(rownames(data)),
beta = tm@beta %>% magrittr::set_colnames(colnames(data))
save(lda_model, tm, file = model_file_name)
# 3. retrieve models
lda_models <-
.x = names(param_lists),
.f = function(m) {
load(file = paste0(dir, m, ".Rdata"))
names(lda_models) <- names(param_lists)
# 4. Return results
if (delete_dir) base::unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
.check_data <- function(data) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (any(as.integer(data) != data))
stop("'data' must only contain integer counts\n")
if (any(data < 0))
stop("'data' must only contain positive integer counts\n")
if (nrow(data) < 2)
stop("'data' must have at least two rows\n")
if (ncol(data) < 2)
stop("'data' must have at least two columns\n")
if(rownames(data) %>% is.null())
rownames(data) = 1:nrow(data)
#' Check validity of arguments arguments to run_lda_models
#' For each element of the lda_varying_params_lists, we check the varying params
#' and we add the fixed params to the varying params list. The end result is a
#' list of lists. Each sub-list has the element k, method and control.
#' @param lda_varying_params_lists (required) a \code{list} specifying the
#' parameter for each models that needs to be ran. Currently, supported
#' parameters are "k" (the number of topic), "method" ("VEM" or "Gibbs"), and
#' "control", a list of type \code{LDAcontrol}. See \code{topicmodels::LDA} for
#' details and below for examples.
#' @param lda_fixed_params_list (optional) a \code{list} specifying the
#' parameters common to all models to be fitted. Values provided by
#' \code{lda_fixed_params_list} are overwritten by those provided by
#' \code{lda_varying_params_lists}.
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @keywords internal
.check_params <- function(lda_varying_params_lists, lda_fixed_params_list) {
defaults <- list(k = 5, method = "VEM", "control" = NULL)
.x = lda_varying_params_lists,
.f = function(hyper) {
params_list <- modifyList(lda_fixed_params_list, hyper)
if (is.null(params_list$k)) {
message("No value was provided for 'k'. Using default value of '5'.")
if (is.null(params_list$method)) {
message("Using default value 'VEM' for 'method' LDA parameter.")
modifyList(defaults, params_list)
#' Set LDAControl seed
#' The LDA model has its own internal seed (it does not use the global R seed).
#' This helper can be used to control that internal seed within
#' `run_lda_models()`.
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @keywords internal
.set_lda_seed <- function(params_list, seed) {
map2(params_list, seq_along(params_list), ~ {
if (is.null(.x$control)) {
.x$control <- list(seed = .y + seed)
} else {
.x$control$seed <- .y + seed
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