
Defines functions MagicPortal

Documented in MagicPortal

#' Sweepstakes dispersal
#' If sweeptakes dispersal occurs picks a landing spot.
#' @param start_longitude Decimalised longitude of organism's dispersal starting point.
#' @param start_latitude Decimalised latitude of organism's dispersal starting point.
#' @param end_longitude Decimalised longitude of organism's dispersal ending point.
#' @param end_latitude Decimalised latitude of organism's dispersal ending point.
#' @param start_continent Number of starting continent.
#' @param touching_continents Character vector of continental clusters separated by ampersands.
#' @param continent_centres A two-column (longitude, latitude) of the centres of each continent in order (1 at top to N at bottom).
#' @param continent_radius The radius of the continent in kilometres.
#' @param EarthRad Earth radius in kilometres.
#' @return The new position of the organism following a sweepstakes dispersal.
#' @author Laura C. Soul \email{lauracsoul@@gmail.com} and Graeme T. Lloyd \email{graemetlloyd@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #MagicPortal()

# Maybe limit maximum dispersal distance? Currently this is effectively halfway round the planet.

MagicPortal <- function(start_longitude, start_latitude, end_longitude, end_latitude, start_continent, touching_continents, continent_centres, continent_radius, EarthRad = 6367.4447) {
	# Create empty variables to store landing spot and landing continent:
	landing_spot <- landing_continent <- NA
	# Case if there is at least one other continental cluster:
	if(length(touching_continents) > 1) {
		# Get vector of other continental clusters:
		other_continents <- touching_continents[-WhichSupercontinent(start_continent, touching_continents)]
		# Find collision point:
		collision_point <- DivingBoard(start_longitude, start_latitude, end_longitude, end_latitude, continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 1], continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 2], continent_radius, EarthRad = EarthRad)
		# Find bearing from continent centre to collision point:
		bearing_to_collision <- BearingBetweenTwoLongLatPoints(continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 1], continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 2], collision_point$collision_longitude, collision_point$collision_latitude)
		# Find bearing from collision point out to sea:
		bearing_from_collision <- EndPoint(continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 1], continent_centres[as.numeric(start_continent), 2], bearing_to_collision, continent_radius)$bearing
		# Create empty vectors to store bearings and distances to other each continent not in the current cluster:
		other_continent_bearings <- other_continent_distances <- vector(mode="numeric")
		# For each such continent:
		for(i in as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(other_continents, "&")))) {
			# Find and store the shortest Great Circle distance:
			other_continent_distances <- c(other_continent_distances, GreatCircleDistanceFromLongLat(collision_point$collision_longitude, collision_point$collision_latitude, continent_centres[i, 1], continent_centres[i, 2]))
			# Find and store the bearing along the shortest Great Circle distance:
			other_continent_bearings <- c(other_continent_bearings, BearingBetweenTwoLongLatPoints(collision_point$collision_longitude, collision_point$collision_latitude, continent_centres[i, 1], continent_centres[i, 2]))
			# Add number of continent for later retrieval:
			names(other_continent_bearings)[length(other_continent_bearings)] <- names(other_continent_distances)[length(other_continent_distances)] <- i


		# Rotate bearings so that the bearing from collision is at 180:
		rotated_bearings <- (other_continent_bearings + (180 - bearing_from_collision)) %% 360
		# Get all continents found within plus/minus 90-degrees of collision point:
		potential_landing_spots <- names(other_continent_bearings)[which((as.numeric(rotated_bearings <= 270) + as.numeric(rotated_bearings >= 90)) == 2)]
		# Case if there is a potential landing spot:
		if(length(potential_landing_spots) > 0) {
			# Get landing continent number:
			landing_continent <- names(which.min(other_continent_distances[potential_landing_spots]))
			# Get landing spot:
			landing_spot <- EndPoint(continent_centres[as.numeric(landing_continent), 1], continent_centres[as.numeric(landing_continent), 2], BearingBetweenTwoLongLatPoints(continent_centres[as.numeric(landing_continent), 1], continent_centres[as.numeric(landing_continent), 2], collision_point$collision_longitude, collision_point$collision_latitude), continent_radius)[c("longitude", "latitude")]
	# Case if dispersing onto current continental cluster (no viable landing spots elsewhere):
	if(is.na(unlist(landing_spot)[1])) {
		# Find current cluster:
		current_cluster <- touching_continents[WhichSupercontinent(start_continent, touching_continents)]
		# Isolate component continents:
		current_cluster <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(current_cluster, "&")))
		# Randomly draw a landing continent:
		landing_continent <- sample(x = rep(current_cluster, 2), size = 1)
		# Randomly draw a landing spot (on the coast):
		landing_spot <- EndPoint(continent_centres[landing_continent, 1], continent_centres[landing_continent, 2], stats::runif(1, min = 0, max = 360), continent_radius)
		# Calculate distances from landing spot to continent centre(s) (to be used to establish if spot is on the coast or not):
		distances <- One2ManyGreatCircleDistance(landing_spot$longitude, landing_spot$latitude, continent_centres[current_cluster, 1], continent_centres[current_cluster, 2], EarthRad = EarthRad)
		# If current landing spot is not on the coast:
		while((as.numeric(apply(matrix(distances, nrow=1), 2, all.equal, current = continent_radius) != TRUE) + as.numeric(distances < continent_radius)) == 2) {
			# Redraw landing continent:
			landing_continent <- sample(x = rep(current_cluster, 2), size = 1)
			# Redraw landing spot:
			landing_spot <- EndPoint(continent_centres[landing_continent, 1], continent_centres[landing_continent, 2], stats::runif(1, min = 0, max = 360), continent_radius)
			# Recalculate distances to continent centre(s):
			distances <- One2ManyGreatCircleDistance(landing_spot$longitude, landing_spot$latitude, continent_centres[current_cluster, 1], continent_centres[current_cluster, 2], EarthRad = EarthRad)

	# Compile output:
	output <- list(as.numeric(landing_continent), landing_spot$longitude, landing_spot$latitude)
	# Add names to output:
	names(output) <- c("continent", "longitude", "latitude")
	# Return output:
laurasoul/dispeRse documentation built on May 25, 2021, 4:50 a.m.