##' @name weight_mat
w_col <- function(source_unit, target) {
source_unit <- sf::st_sfc(source_unit,
crs = sf::st_crs(target))
ints <- sf::st_intersects(target, source_unit,
sparse = FALSE)
out <- vector(mode = "numeric",
length = length(target))
out[ints] <- as.numeric(
sf::st_area(sf::st_intersection(target[ints], source_unit))
##' @name weight_mat
##' @title Building weight matrix \strong{W} for Areal Interpolation
##' @description internal use. \eqn{W_{ij} = | A_i \, cap \, B_j |}.
##' @param source a \code{sf} object - source spatial data.
##' @param source_unit a single \code{geometry} from the source dataset.
##' @param source_dt a \code{data.frame} object representing the source dataset
##' but excluding the \code{geometry}, i.e. the spatial information,
##' column.
##' @param target a \code{sf} object - target spatial data.
##' @param var_vec a \code{numeric} vector with variances observed at the source
##' data.
##' @param W the weight matrix.
##' @param method a \code{character} representing the method to approximate the
##' variance of the AI estimates. Possible values are "CS"
##' (Cauchy-Schwartz) or "MI" (Moran's I).
##' @param rho_mi \code{numeric} calculated Moran's I.
##' @return A \eqn{n \times m} \code{numeric} matrix. Where \eqn{n} is the
##' number of observations in the target and \eqn{m} is the sample size in
##' the source dataset.
##' @keywords internal
build_w <- function(source, target) {
source <- sf::st_geometry(source)
target <- sf::st_geometry(target)
proj_source <- sf::st_crs(source)
proj_target <- sf::st_crs(target)
if( proj_source != proj_target ) {
warning("reprojecting target.")
target <- sf::st_transform(target, proj_source)
w_aux <- lapply(source, w_col,
target = target)
w_aux <- do.call("cbind", w_aux)
div_target <- diag(
1 / as.numeric(sf::st_area(target))
return(div_target %*% w_aux)
##' @name weight_mat
est_w <- function(W, source_dt, target) {
estimates <- as.data.frame(
W %*% as.matrix(source_dt)
cbind(target, estimates)
##' @title Calculates the (global) Moran's I
##' @param sf_dt a \code{sf} (with POLYGON \code{geometry}) dataset.
##' @param variable a \code{character} representing one of the variables from
##' \code{sf_dt}.
##' @return a \code{numeric} scalar.
##' @keywords internal
morans_i <- function(sf_dt, variable) {
stopifnot(inherits(sf_dt, "sf"))
stopifnot(inherits(variable, "character"))
stopifnot(length(variable) == 1)
adj_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(
sf::st_intersects(x = sf::st_geometry(sf_dt),
sparse = FALSE)
), ncol = nrow(sf_dt))
diag(adj_mat) <- 0
y <- scale(sf_dt[[variable]])
.n <- length(y)
ones <- matrix(rep(1, .n), ncol = 1)
val1 <- as.numeric(crossprod(ones))
val2 <- tcrossprod(ones)
val3 <- diag(nrow = .n, ncol = .n)
val4 <- val3 - (val2 / val1)
val4 <- val4 %*% y
.n / (crossprod(ones, adj_mat) %*% ones) *
((crossprod(val4, adj_mat) %*% val4) /
##' @name weight_mat
var_w <- function(W, var_vec, target,
method = "CS", rho_mi) {
if(grepl("^MI", method))
stopifnot(NCOL(var_vec) == 1)
.m <- length(var_vec)
cov_mat <- tcrossprod(sqrt(var_vec))
if(method == "MI") {
mat_aux <- rho_mi * (tcrossprod(rep(1, .m)) - diag(.m))
diag(mat_aux) <- 1
cov_mat <- cov_mat * mat_aux
} else if(method == "MI2") {
cov_mat <- cov_mat * rho_mi
se_est <- sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat, W)))
return(transform(target, se_est = se_est))
##' @name AI
##' @title Areal Interpolation
##' @description This function estimates variables observed at a "source" region
##' into a "target" region. "Source" and "target" regions represent two
##' different ways to divide a city, for example. For more details, see
##' \url{https://lcgodoy.me/smile/articles/sai.html}.
##' @param source a \code{sf} object - source spatial data.
##' @param target a \code{sf} object - target spatial data.
##' @param vars a \code{character} representing the variables (observed at the
##' source) to be estimated at the target data.
##' @param vars_var a scalar of type \code{character} representing the name of
##' the variable in the source dataset that stores the variances of the
##' variable to be estimated at the target data.
##' @param sc_vars boolean indicating whether `vars` should be scaled by its
##' observed variance (if available).
##' @param var_method a \code{character} representing the method to approximate
##' the variance of the AI estimates. Possible values are "CS"
##' (Cauchy-Schwartz) or "MI" (Moran's I).
##' @return the target (of type \code{sf}) with estimates of the variables
##' observed at the source data.
##' @export
ai <- function(source, target,
vars) {
stopifnot(inherits(source, "sf"))
stopifnot(inherits(target, "sf"))
stopifnot(inherits(vars, "character"))
source_dt <- sf::st_drop_geometry(source)
W <- build_w(source, target)
if( any(sapply(source_dt[vars], Negate(is.numeric))) )
stop("only supports numeric variables.")
out <- est_w(W, source_dt[vars], target)
## change vars to x, and vars_var to vars_x
##' @name AI
##' @export
ai_var <- function(source, target,
vars, vars_var,
sc_vars = FALSE,
var_method = "CS") {
stopifnot(inherits(source, "sf"))
stopifnot(inherits(target, "sf"))
stopifnot(inherits(vars, "character"))
stopifnot(inherits(vars_var, "character"))
stopifnot(inherits(var_method, "character"))
stopifnot(length(vars) == 1 & length(vars_var) == 1)
stopifnot(var_method %in% c("CS", "MI", "MI2",
"LB", "all"))
source_dt <- sf::st_drop_geometry(source)
W <- build_w(source, target)
if( any(sapply(source_dt[vars], Negate(is.numeric))) )
stop("only supports numeric variables.")
estimates <- W %*% as.matrix(source_dt[vars])
target <- transform(target, est = as.numeric(estimates))
if( var_method == "MI" ) {
if(sc_vars) {
source[["sc_var"]] <- source[[vars]] / sqrt(source[[vars_var]])
rho <- morans_i(source, "sc_var")
} else {
rho <- morans_i(source, vars)
target <- var_w(W, source_dt[[vars_var]],
target, method = var_method,
rho_mi = rho)
} else if( var_method == "MI2" ) {
if(sc_vars) {
source[["sc_var"]] <- source[[vars]] / sqrt(source[[vars_var]])
rho <- morans_i(source, "sc_var")
} else {
rho <- morans_i(source, vars)
adj_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(
sf::st_intersects(x = sf::st_geometry(source),
sparse = FALSE)
), ncol = nrow(source))
rho <- rho * adj_mat
diag(rho) <- 1
target <- var_w(W, source_dt[[vars_var]],
target, method = var_method,
rho_mi = rho)
} else if(var_method == "LB") {
cov_mat <- diag(source_dt[[vars_var]])
target <-
se_est = sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat, W))))
} else if(var_method == "all") {
cov_mat <- tcrossprod(sqrt(source_dt[[vars_var]]))
cov_mat0 <- diag(source_dt[[vars_var]])
.m <- NROW(cov_mat)
if(sc_vars) {
source[["sc_var"]] <- source[[vars]] / sqrt(source[[vars_var]])
rho <- morans_i(source, "sc_var")
} else {
rho <- morans_i(source, vars)
adj_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(
sf::st_intersects(x = sf::st_geometry(source),
sparse = FALSE)
), ncol = nrow(source))
rho2 <- rho * adj_mat
diag(rho2) <- 1
cov_mat1 <- rho * (tcrossprod(rep(1, .m)) - diag(.m))
diag(cov_mat1) <- 1
cov_mat1 <- cov_mat * cov_mat1
cov_mat2 <- cov_mat * rho2
target <-
se_lb = sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat0, W))),
se_cs = sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat, W))),
se_mi = sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat1, W))),
se_mi2 = sqrt(diag(W %*% tcrossprod(cov_mat2, W))))
target <-
se_itp = (rho * with(target, se_cs)) +
((1 - rho) * with(target, se_lb)))
} else {
target <- var_w(W, source_dt[[vars_var]],
target, method = var_method)
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