
Defines functions formatOutput func.EM detectDiffModSamples detectNonEqSamples

Documented in detectDiffModSamples detectNonEqSamples formatOutput func.EM

##' @title detectNonEqSamples
##' @param err the errors defined in `func.EM`
##' @param threshold threshold to filter out samples
##' @author Chenhao Li, Gerald Tan, Niranjan Nagarajan
detectNonEqSamples <- function(err, threshold){
    score <- err ## (err - median(err, na.rm = TRUE))/median(err, na.rm = TRUE)
    score[is.na(score)] <- Inf
    return(score > threshold)

##' @title detectDiffModSamples
##' @param err the errors defined in `func.EM`
##' @param threshold threshold to filter out samples
##' @author Chenhao Li, Gerald Tan, Niranjan Nagarajan
detectDiffModSamples <- function(err, threshold, filter){
    med <- median(err, na.rm = TRUE)
    dev <- mad(err, na.rm = TRUE)
    score <- (err - 0)/med
    score[is.na(score)] <- Inf
    return(score > threshold)

##' @title func.EM
##' @param dat OTU count/relative abundance matrix (each OTU in one row)
##' @param external.perturbation external perturbation presence matrix (each perturbation in one row, each sample in one column) (Default: NULL)
##' @param ncpu number of CPUs (default: 1)
##' @param m.init initial biomass values (default: use CSS normalization)
##' @param scaling a scaling factor to keep the median of all biomass constant (default: 1000)
##' @param equil.filter threshold for detecting and removing samples not at equilibrium (default: Inf - all the samples will be considered)
##' @param model.filter threshold for detecting and removing samples from different models (default: Inf - all the samples will be considered)
##' @param max.iter maximal number of iterations (default 30)
##' @param epsilon convergence threshold (in relative difference): uqn of the relative error in biomass changes (default 1e-3)
##' @param lambda.iter number of iterations to run before fixing lambda (default: Inf)
##' @param warm.iter number of iterations to run before removing any samples (default: run until convergence and start to remove samples)
##' @param refresh.iter refresh the removed samples every X iterations (default: 1)
##' @param lambda.choice 1: use lambda.1se for LASSO, 2: use lambda.min for LASSO, a number between (0, 1): this will select a lambda according to (1-lambda.choice)*lambda.min + lambda.choice*lambda.1se
##' @param alpha the alpha parameter for the Elastic Net model (1-LASSO [default], 0-RIDGE)
##' @param debug output debugging information (default FALSE)
##' @param verbose print out messages
##' @description Iteratively estimating scaled parameters and biomass
##' @export
##' @author Chenhao Li, Gerald Tan, Niranjan Nagarajan
func.EM <- function(dat, external.perturbation = NULL, ncpu=1,
                    m.init=NULL, scaling=1000,
                    equil.filter=Inf, model.filter=Inf, ## filters
                    refresh.iter=1, lambda.iter=Inf, warm.iter=NULL, ## filtering control
                    max.iter=30, epsilon=1e-3,  ## termination control
                    lambda.choice=1, alpha=1,   ## Lasso regression control
                    debug=FALSE, verbose=TRUE   ## logging control

    cl <- match.call()
    ## pre-processing
    dat.init <- preProcess(dat, dev=0)
    dat.tss <- dat.init$tss
    spNames <- rownames(dat)

    ## ensure valid samples
    temp <- colSums(dat.tss, na.rm = TRUE) == 0
        stop(paste0('Sample ', which(temp), ' has zero total abudance...\n'))
    ## ensure valid variables
    temp <- rowSums(dat.tss>0) <= 10
        stop(paste0('Variable ', which(temp), ' has too many low abundance values...\n'))
    ## ensure parameters are put correctly
    if(lambda.iter < 2){
        stop('The value of lambda.iter should not be smaller than 2...')
    # if(is.finite(model.filter)){
    #     message("Setting lambda.iter to 10")
    #     lambda.iter = 10 ## cannot varry lambda through the iterations
    # }
    # if(is.finite(model.filter) && is.finite(equil.filter)){
    #     stop('We don\'t recommend using both filters...
    #          Consider using equi.filter then model.filter on kept samples.')
    # }
    ## initialization
    sample.filter.iter <- dat.init$sample.filter
    tmp <- css(t(dat.tss))$normFactors
    #tmp <- biomassInit(dat.tss)
    if(is.null(m.init)) {
        m.iter <- scaling * tmp/median(tmp)
        m.iter <- scaling * m.init/median(m.init)
    trace.m <- matrix(m.iter)
    trace.p <- apply(expand.grid(spNames, spNames), 1, function(x) paste0(x[2], '->', x[1]))
    trace.p <- c(paste0(NA, '->',spNames), trace.p)
    if (!is.null(external.perturbation)) {
        external.perturbation.Names <- rownames(external.perturbation)
        trace.p.external.perturbation <- apply(expand.grid(spNames, external.perturbation.Names),
                                               1, function(x) paste0(x[2], '->', x[1]))
        trace.p <- append(trace.p, trace.p.external.perturbation)
    trace.p <- data.frame(name=trace.p)
    trace.lambda <- data.frame(spNames)
    lambda.inits <- NULL
    ## flags
    remove_non_eq <- FALSE
    removeIter <- 0

    ## constants
    m1 <- matrix(rep(1,nrow(sample.filter.iter)))
    ## EM
    for(iter in 1:max.iter){
        if(verbose) message(paste0("############# Run for iteration ", iter,": #############"))
        if(verbose) message("E-step: estimating scaled parameters...")
        if(iter>=lambda.iter) lambda.inits <- lambdas
            ext.pert <- NULL
            ext.pert <- 1/m.iter * external.perturbation
        tmp.p <- func.E(dat.tss, external.perturbation = ext.pert,
                        m.iter, sample.filter.iter, ncpu=ncpu, method='glmnet',
                        lambda.inits=lambda.inits, alpha=alpha)
        err.p <- tmp.p$e
        lambdas <- tmp.p$lambdas
        uncertain <- tmp.p$uncertain
            plot(1-rowMeans(err.p^2, na.rm = TRUE)/apply(dat.tss[,], 1, function(x) var(x[x!=0], na.rm=TRUE) ))

        if(verbose) message("M-step: estimating biomass...")
        if (!is.null(external.perturbation)) {
            tmp.m <- func.M(dat.tss, tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, c = tmp.p$perturbation.coefficients, perturbation.presence = external.perturbation, ncpu)
        } else {
            tmp.m <- func.M(dat.tss, tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, c = NULL, perturbation.presence = NULL, ncpu)

        ## fill in errors
        err.p[,colSums(sample.filter.iter)>0] <- predict_err(dat.tss[,colSums(sample.filter.iter)>0],
                                                             tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, m.iter, ncpu)

        m.iter <- tmp.m[,1]
        err.m <- t(tmp.m[,-1])#/dat.tss
        err.m[err.m==0] <- NA

            ## clear up removed samples every X iterations
            left.idx <- colSums(!sample.filter.iter)>0
            if ((iter-1) %% refresh.iter == 0) {
                sample.filter.iter <- dat.init$sample.filter
            predicted_eq <- predict_eq(dat.tss, tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, m.iter)
            err.tmp <- abs(predicted_eq - dat.tss) /dat.tss
            nonEq.samples <- detectNonEqSamples(apply(err.tmp, 2, median, na.rm=T), equil.filter)
            err.tmp <- apply(abs(err.p), 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
            #med <- 0 #mean(err.tmp[!sample.filter.iter], na.rm=TRUE)
            #dev <- mad(err.tmp[!sample.filter.iter], na.rm=TRUE)
            diffMod.samples <- detectDiffModSamples(err.tmp, model.filter, left.idx)

            sample.filter.iter <- (m1 %*% nonEq.samples)>0 |
                (m1 %*% diffMod.samples)>0 |
            if(verbose) message(paste0("Number of samples removed: ",
            removeIter <- removeIter + 1
        m.fil <- colSums(sample.filter.iter)==0
        m.iter <- m.iter*scaling/median(m.iter, na.rm=TRUE)
        trace.m <- cbind(trace.m, m.iter)
        if (!is.null(external.perturbation)) {
            trace.p <- cbind(trace.p, formatOutput(tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, c = tmp.p$perturbation.coefficients,
                                                   spNames, pnames = external.perturbation.Names)$value)
        } else {
            trace.p <- cbind(trace.p, formatOutput(tmp.p$a, tmp.p$b, c = NULL, spNames, pnames = NULL)$value)

        trace.lambda <- cbind(trace.lambda, lambdas)
        criterion <- median(abs((trace.m[m.fil, iter+1] - trace.m[m.fil, iter])/trace.m[m.fil, iter]))<epsilon #0.0025

        if (!is.null(warm.iter) && iter > warm.iter && !remove_non_eq){
            if(verbose) message("Start to detect and remove bad samples...")
            remove_non_eq <- TRUE
        if (iter > 5 && !remove_non_eq && criterion &&
            (is.finite(equil.filter) || is.finite(model.filter) ) ) {
            if(verbose) message("Converged and start to detect and remove bad samples...")
            remove_non_eq <- TRUE
        if (((removeIter > 5 && remove_non_eq) ||
             (is.finite(equil.filter) || is.finite(model.filter)  ) ) &&
            criterion) {
            if(verbose) message("Converged!")

    # resample code removed
    ## retrieve from commit: https://github.com/lch14forever/beem-static/commit/67e87915d5b1207a83b8e2bc88a01c96070af1e5
        list(trace.m=trace.m, trace.p=trace.p, trace.lambda=trace.lambda,
             err.m=err.m, err.p=err.p,
             b.uncertain = uncertain,
             dev = ifelse(is.finite(model.filter), model.filter, equil.filter), ## for back compatibility -- will remove in the future
             sample2rm = which(!m.fil),
             #deviation.eq = err.tmp,

##' @title formatOutput
##' @importFrom reshape2 melt
##' @param a scaled growth rates
##' @param b scaled interaction matrix
##' @param c scaled external perturbation matrix (default: NULL)
##' @param vnames species names
##' @param pnames external perturbation names (default: NULL)
##' @description Function to convert parameter vector a and matrix b to MDSINE's output format
##' @author Chenhao Li, Gerald Tan, Niranjan Nagarajan
formatOutput <- function(a, b, c = NULL, vnames, pnames = NULL){
    p <- length(a)
    param <- data.frame(parameter_type=c(rep("growth_rate",p), rep("interaction",p*p)))
    param$source_taxon <- c(rep(NA,p),rep(vnames, each = p))
    param$target_taxon <- vnames
    param$value <- 0
    param$significance <- NA
    tmp.b <- melt(t(b))
    tmp.b <- tmp.b[order(tmp.b$Var1),]
    param$value <- c(a, tmp.b$value)
    if (!is.null(c) || !is.null(pnames)) {
        q <- ncol(c) #Finding the number of external perturbationss
        ext.perturb <- data.frame(parameter_type=c(rep("external perturbations", p*q)))
        ext.perturb$source_taxon <- c(rep(NA, p*q))
        ext.perturb$target_taxon <- vnames
        ext.perturb$value <- 0
        ext.perturb$significance <- NA
        tmp.c <- melt(c)
        ext.perturb$value <- c(tmp.c$value)
        param <- rbind(param, ext.perturb)
    param$external_perturbation <- c(rep(NA,p), rep(NA,p*p), rep(pnames, each = p)) #Creating the vector for external perturbations
lch14forever/BEEM-static documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 11:31 p.m.