
Defines functions hints xtable.hints

Documented in hints xtable.hints

.packageName <- "hints"
# @arguments x: an object 
#X hints()
#X hints(class="mle")
#X hints(a)

hints <- function(x, class=base::class(x), all.packages=FALSE) {
  all.methods <- function(classes) {
    methods <- do.call(rbind,lapply(classes, function(x) {
        m <- methods(class=x)
        t(sapply(as.vector(m), methodsplit)) #m[attr(m, "info")$visible]
    if(length(methods) > 0) rownames(methods[!duplicated(methods[,1]),])

   methodsplit <- function(m) {
    parts <- strsplit(m, "\\.")[[1]]
    if (length(parts) == 1) {
        c(name=m, class="")
    } else{
        c(name=paste(parts[-length(parts)], collapse="."), class=parts[length(parts)])
    if (missing(x) && missing(class)) {
        "How to use the hints function:\n",
        "If you want to find out what you can do with: \n",
        "    * an object, x, use hints(x)\n",
        "    * a   class, y, use hints(class=\"y\")\n",

  if (all.packages) {
      capture.output(sapply(.packages(all.available=T), require, character.only = TRUE))
    db <- eval(utils:::.hsearch_db())
    if (is.null(db)) {
        help.search("abcd!", rebuild=TRUE, agrep=FALSE)
        db <- eval(utils:::.hsearch_db())

    base <- db$Base
    alias <- db$Aliases
    key <- db$Keywords
    is.character(class)  # generates an error if class is not of type character             
    regexp <- paste("\\<", class, "\\>", sep="", collapse="|")
    extras <- help.search(regexp, package=.packages(), agrep=FALSE)$matches

    m <- all.methods(class=class)
    if(is.null(m) & dim(extras)[1] == 0) stop("No methods for this class")
        m_id <- alias[match(m, alias[,1]), 2]
        keywords <- lapply(m_id, function(id) key[key[,2] %in% id, 1])
        f.names <- cbind(m, base[match(m_id, base[,3]), 4])
        f.names <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(f.names), function(i) {
            if (is.na(f.names[i, 2])) return(f.names[i, 1])
            a <- methodsplit(f.names[i, 1])
            b <- methodsplit(f.names[i, 2])
            if (a[1] == b[1]) f.names[i, 2] else f.names[i, 1]
        mhints <- cbind(f.names, base[match(m_id, base[,3]), c(1,5)])
        mhints <- mhints[order(tolower(mhints[,1])),,drop=FALSE]  
    extras.new <- if(is.null(m)) extras[,1] else setdiff(setdiff(extras[, 1], m), f.names)
    extrahints <- extras[match(extras.new, extras[, 1]), c(1,3,2),drop=FALSE]  
    output <- rbind(mhints,extrahints)
# cleanup
    or <- order(output[,2],na.last=TRUE)
    rownames(output) <- NULL
    colnames(output) <- NULL
    output <- output[or,,drop=FALSE]
# change NA package to "unknown"
    output <- list(results=output,class=class)
    class(output) <- c("hints")

print.hints <-
function (x, outFile="window", ...)
    db <- x$results
    stout <- if(outFile=="window") FALSE else TRUE
    colnames(db) <- c("Function","Package","Description")
    out <- if (nrow(db) == 0)
    else lapply(split(1:nrow(db), db[, "Package"]), function(ind) db[ind,
        c("Function","Description"), drop = FALSE])
    outFile <-if (stout == FALSE) tempfile("RHints") 
         else stdout()
    outConn <- if(stout == FALSE) file(outFile, open = "w")
        else outFile
    first <- TRUE
    for (pkg in names(out)) { 
        writeLines(paste(ifelse(first, "", "\n"),
            "Functions for ",paste(x$class,collapse=", "), " in package ",
            sQuote(pkg), ":\n", sep = ""), outConn)
        writeLines(formatDL(out[[pkg]][, "Function"], out[[pkg]][,
            "Description"]), outConn)
        first <- FALSE
    if (first) {
        if (stout == FALSE) close(outConn)
        writeLines(paste("no", tolower(x$title), "found"))
    else {
        if (!is.null(x$footer))
            writeLines(c("\n", x$footer), outConn)
        if (stout == FALSE) {close(outConn)
          file.show(outFile, delete.file = TRUE,
            title = paste("R functions for", paste(x$class,collapse=", ")))}

xtable.hints <- function(x,align="llll",...) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x$results[,c(2,1,3)])
  colnames(x) <- c("Package","Function","Task")
leeper/hints documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:37 a.m.