
Defines functions mcode parse_recodes parse_recodes.list parse_recodes.character parse_specials

Documented in mcode

#' @title Multivariate recode
#' @description Recode one or more vectors to a single vector
#' @param \dots One or more vectors of equal length.
#' @param recodes A \sQuote{car}-like set of recode commands.
#' @param .fill A single value to use to fill in missing values in the resulting branched variables.
#' @param .result A character vector specifying the class of the resulting vector.
#' @param .factors A character string indicating whether to treatment factors in \code{\dots} as character (the default) or numeric.
#' @details Recoding is a basic step in any analysis. It is fairly easy to recode a single variable (e.g. by replacing values in the vector or using the \code{recode} function in \bold{car} or \code{mapvalues} in \bold{plyr}), but it can be cumbersome to recode multiple variables into a single vector .This is useful when, for example, a factorial experiment has the group for each factor stored as separate variables, but analysis will be performed across the entire design (rather than factor-by-factor), or when it is necessary to create a factor representing multivariate combinations of demographic groups (e.g., an age-sex-race stratification) from a set of separate input vectors representing each demographic variable. That would normally require a series of \code{\link[base]{ifelse}} statements or complex use of boolean arguments. This function aims to make it simple to create a single vector from multiple input vectors in a manner more useful than \code{\link[base]{interaction}}.
#' The syntax borrows from the \code{recode} function in the \bold{car} package.
#' This really only works for categorical variables, but a continuous variable could be collapsed with a standard recode() command before being used with this.
#' @return A vector of length equal to the input vector(s) in \code{\dots}.
#' @examples 
#' r <- mcode(c(1,3,5,4,2), recodes = "5=1;4=2;3=3;2=4;1=5")
#' stopifnot(identical(r, c(5,3,1,2,4)))
#' mcode(c(1,1,1,1,1,NA), c(1,1,2,2,NA,1), recodes = "c(1,1)=1;c(1,2)=2;c(1,NA)=3")
#' a <- c(1,2,1,2,1,NA,2,NA)
#' b <- c(1,1,2,2,NA,1,NA,2)
#' # recode using `mcode`
#' m1 <- mcode(a, b, recodes = "c(1,1)=1;c(1,2)=2;c(2,1)=3;c(2,2)=4")
#' # compare to `ifelse`:
#' m2 <- ifelse(a == 1 & b == 1, 1, 
#'              ifelse(a == 1 & b == 2, 2, 
#'                     ifelse(a == 2 & b == 1, 3, 
#'                            ifelse(a == 2 & b == 2, 4, NA))))
#' identical(m1, m2)
#' # compare to a sequence of extraction statements
#' m3 <- rep(NA, length(a))
#' m3[a == 1 & b == 1] <- 1
#' m3[a == 1 & b == 2] <- 2
#' m3[a == 2 & b == 1] <- 3
#' m3[a == 2 & b == 2] <- 4
#' identical(m1, m3)
#' # compare to interaction
#' m4 <- interaction(a, b)
#' levels(m4) <- c("1.1" = 1, "1.2" = 2, "2.1" = 3, "2.2" = 4)[levels(m4)]
#' m4 <- as.numeric(as.character(m4))
#' identical(m1, m4)
#' r <- "c(1,1,1,1)=1;c(1,1,1,0)=2;c(1,1,0,1)=3;c(1,0,1,1)=4;c(0,1,1,1)=5"
#' mcode(c(rep(1,9),0), 
#'       c(rep(0,5),rep(1,5)), 
#'       c(rep(1,8),0,1), 
#'       c(rep(1,5),rep(0,2),rep(1,3)), 
#'       recodes = r)
#' @seealso \code{\link{mergeNA}}
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export 
mcode <- function(..., recodes, .fill = NA, .result, .factors = c("character", "numeric")){
    # process variables
    vars <- list(...)
    ## check classes for factors; handle accordingly
    classes <- sapply(vars, FUN = inherits, what = "factor")
    if (any(classes)) {
        .factors <- match.arg(.factors)
        if (.factors == "character") {
            vars[classes] <- lapply(vars[classes], as.character)
        } else {
            vars[classes] <- lapply(vars[classes], as.numeric)
    ## check variable lengths
    lengths <- sapply(vars, FUN = length)
    if (any(lengths > lengths[1L] | lengths < lengths[1L])) {
        stop("Vectors specified in '...' have different lengths")
    # create matrix of original variable values
    oldvar <- mapply(c, vars)
    # process recodes
    parsed <- parse_recodes(recodes = recodes, vars = vars)
    # create new variable to return
    classes <- sapply(vars, FUN = class)
    if (missing(.result)) {
        if (all(classes == "integer")) {
            .result <- "integer"
        } else if (all(classes == "numeric")) {
            .result <- "numeric"
        } else if (all(classes == "logical")) {
            .result <- "logical"
        } else {
            .result <- "character"
    newvar <- vector(mode = .result, length = nrow(oldvar))

    # function to check values
    check_row_values <- function(a, row) {
        s <- sum(oldvar[row,] == a, na.rm=TRUE)
        # sum code to deal with NAs
        if (is.na(s) || is.null(s)) {
            s <- 0
        if (any(is.na(oldvar[row,]))) {
            for (k in seq_along(oldvar[row,])) {
                if (is.na(oldvar[row,])[k] & is.na(a)[k]) {
                    s <- s + 1
    # set values in `newvar` according to recodes
    for (i in seq_along(newvar)) {
        check <- unlist(lapply(parsed$inval, check_row_values, row = i))
        if (any(check > 0)) {
            if (sum(check == length(oldvar[i,]))>1) {
                # check for multiple matches (shouldn't happen)
                warning("Multiple matches for case ",i," so NA used instead")
                if (.result == "numeric") {
                    newvar[i] <- NA_real_
                } else if (.result == "character") {
                    newvar[i] <- NA_character_
                } else {
                    newvar[i] <- NA
            } else if (max(check) < length(oldvar[i,])) {
                # check for no matches
                newvar[i] <- .fill
            } else {
                newvar[i] <- parsed$outval[check == length(oldvar[i,])]
    # return new variable
    if (!inherits(newvar, .result)) {
        if (.result == "numeric") {
            newvar <- as.numeric(newvar)
        } else if (.result == "character") {
            newvar <- as.character(newvar)
        } else {
            newvar <- as.factor(newvar)

parse_recodes <- function(recodes, ...) {

parse_recodes.list <- function(recodes, vars, ...) {
    # dplyr::mapvalues()-style arguments

parse_recodes.character <- function(recodes, vars, ...) {
    # car::recode()-style argument
    splitrecodes <- strsplit(gsub("\n|\t", "", recodes), split = "[[:space:]]*;[[:space:]]*")[[1]]
    cleanup_recodes <- function(x) {
        if (any(grepl("^c*(\\()", x))) {
            x <- gsub("\\)*$", "", gsub("^c*\\(*", "", x))
        if (any(grepl("^['\\\"]", x))) {
            x <- gsub("^['\\\"]", "", x)
        if (any(grepl("['\\\"]$", x))) {
            x <- gsub("['\\\"]$", "", x)
    x <- t(sapply(splitrecodes, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*")[[1]]))
    # generate `inval`, ignoring bracketing
    inval <- cleanup_recodes(unname(x[,1]))
    inval <- unname(sapply(inval, strsplit, split = ","))
    # generate `outval`
    outval <- cleanup_recodes(unname(x[,2]))
    # check recode lengths
    rlengths <- sapply(inval, length)
    if (any(rlengths < length(vars))) {
        w <- which(rlengths < length(vars))
        stop(ngettext(length(w), paste0("'recodes' entry ", w, " has less elements than ", length(vars)),
                                 paste0("'recodes' entries ", paste0(w, sep = ","), " has less element than ", length(vars))))
    } else if (any(rlengths > length(vars))) {
        w <- which(rlengths > length(vars))
        stop(ngettext(length(w), paste0("'recodes' entry ", w, " has more elements than ", length(vars)),
                                 paste0("'recodes' entries ", paste0(w, sep = ","), " has more elements than ", length(vars))))
    if (any(rlengths > rlengths[1] | rlengths < rlengths[1])) {
        stop("'recodes' entries have inconsistent numbers of elements")
    return(list(inval = inval, outval = outval))

parse_specials <- function(x, specials) {

    # parse special symbols

    ## * - wildcard
    specials[specials == "*"] <- "*"
    ## NA - NA value
    specials[specials == "NA"] <- NA
    ## min - minimum of that variable
    specials[specials == "min"] <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## max - maximum of that variable
    specials[specials == "max"] <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## mean - mean of that variable
    specials[specials == "mean"] <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## median - median of that variable
    specials[specials == "median"] <- median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## : - range of values
leeper/mcode documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:37 a.m.