
#' Log rank test p value and other summary statistics for subgroup analysis
#' This function takes time to event outcome, and one categorical variable (parameter var). It generates log rank p value comparing different groups, and summary statistics
#' @author Ning Leng \email{leng.ning@gene.com}, Alexey Pronin \email{pronin.alexey@gene.com}, and previous team members (see DESCRIPTION)
#' @param fillname
#' (character) variable specifying the content for the cell that located in row one and column one, the default value for fillname is NULL.
#' @param time.unit Default is month.
#' @param ties Default is "efron". To match internal sas results, use "exact". See parameter "ties" in coxph.
#' @param surv.conf.type confidence interval type. Default is "plain". see conf.type in survfit
#' @note This function takes time to event outcome, and one categorical variable (parameter var).
#' This function generates a table that contains number of patients, median time to event, and log rank test p value ( against first level in var)
#' For more general time to event modeling, see function CoxTab() (e.g. continuous factor, multiple factors, stratification, hazard ratio estimation, etc)
#' @inheritParams CoxTab
#' @examples
#' data(input)
#' LogRankTab(data=input,tte="PFS", cens="PFS.event",var="Arm")
#' @export
LogRankTab <- function(data, tte, cens, var, time.unit="month", surv.conf.type="plain",ties="efron", fillname=""){

	if(length(var)!=1) stop("only one element should be specified in parameter var!")
        stopifnot(all(c(tte, cens, var)%in%colnames(data)))
	group <- var
	nArms <- length(unique(data[,group]))
    	if(class(data[,group])%in%c("numeric","integer")) stop(paste("var column cannot be in class numeric or integer"))
	data[,group] <- factor(data[,group])

      ## Ns
      tabN <- table(data[,cens], data[,group])[2:1,,drop=FALSE]
      csum <- colSums(tabN)
        tabp <- round(prop.table(tabN, margin=2)*100,1)

        tab1 <- tabN
	  for(i in 1:ncol(tabN)) {
		          tab1[,i] <- paste(tabN[,i], " (", tabp[,i] , "%)", sep="")

	  ## Median&Co
	  fit <- summary(survfit(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ ", group)), data=data, conf.type=surv.conf.type))
	  if(class(fit$tab) == 'numeric') return(matrix(fit$tab, nrow=1, dimnames=list(c(), names(fit$tab))))

	  if(nArms==1) {
		      med <- as.character(round(fit$tab["median"],2))
	      medci <- paste("(",round(fit$tab["0.95LCL"],2),";", round(fit$tab["0.95UCL"],2),")", sep="")
	    else {
		        med <- as.character(round(fit$tab[,"median"],2))
	        medci <- paste("(",round(fit$tab[,"0.95LCL"],2),";", round(fit$tab[,"0.95UCL"],2),")", sep="")
	    med[is.na(med)] <- "NA"

	      ## quartiles by group
	      lev <- levels(as.factor(data[,group]))
	      nlev <- length(lev)

	        quart <- NULL
	        rg <- NULL
		  for(i in 1:nlev){
			      tt1 <- survfit(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ 1")),data=data[which(data[,group]==lev[i]),])
		    ind75 <- which(tt1$surv <= 25/100)[1]
		        ind25 <- which(tt1$surv <= 75/100)[1]
		        quart <- cbind(quart, paste(round(tt1$time[ind25],2),round(tt1$time[ind75],2), sep=";"))
			    rg <- cbind(rg, paste(round(min(tt1$time),2), round(max(tt1$time),2), sep=" to "))

		  ##logrank and HR to first level of factor
		  pval <- c(" ")
		    hr <- c(" ")
		    hrci <- c(" ")
			          for(i in 2:nlev){
					        logrank <- survdiff(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ factor(",group,")")),data=data[which(data[,group]==lev[1]|data[,group]==lev[i]),])
		          pval <- cbind(pval, round(1 - pchisq(logrank$chisq, length(logrank$n) - 1),4))
			        #cox <- summary(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ factor(",group,")")),data=data[which(data[,group]==lev[1]|data[,group]==lev[i]),], method="breslow"))
			        cox <- summary(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ factor(",group,")")),data=data[which(data[,group]==lev[1]|data[,group]==lev[i]),],ties=ties))
			        hr <- cbind(hr,round(cox$coefficients[,"exp(coef)"],2))
				      hrci <- cbind(hrci, paste("(",round(cox$conf.int[,"lower .95"],2),";", round(cox$conf.int[,"upper .95"],2), ")",sep=""))

		      taball <- rbind(tab1,rep("",nlev), med, medci, quart,rg, pval, hr, hrci)

				    extracol <- c("Patients with event", "Patients without event",
				    paste("Time to event (",time.unit,")",sep=""),
				    "     Median (KM)", "     95% CI Median",
					"     25% and 75%-ile", "     Range (inc. cens.)",
					"     p-value (Log-Rank Test)",
					"Hazard Ratio", " 95% CI")

		        taball <- cbind(extracol, taball)
			  taball <- rbind(c(fillname,lev),c("", paste("N=", csum, sep="")), taball)
			  rownames(taball) <- colnames(taball) <- NULL
lengning/gClinBiomarker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m.