
Defines functions stat_boxes stat_boxes_group

Documented in stat_boxes stat_boxes_group

#' Generate a set of stat boxes.
#' Generate a set of six related stat boxes that summarize the distribution of values from a data frame.
#' \code{clrs} must be length-one (will be repeated six times), -two (alternating colors), or -six (all colors individually specified).
#' Colors must be provided in hex format, e.g., \code{#FFFFFF} or a valid Shiny Dashboard color.
#' This function is typically called by \code{stat_boxes_group} but may be called directly when groups of stat boxes are not needed.
#' \code{text.size} and \code{value.size} are length-six or length-one (repeated) vectors. Defaults are better suited to
#' \code{style = "valueBox"} than \code{style = "infoBox"}. Stat box icons are fixed images and come with the \code{apputils} package.
#' @param x a data frame.
#' @param type character, type of stat box set. Must be \code{"annual"} (default) or \code{"decadal"}.
#' @param style character, \code{"valueBox"} (default) or \code{"infoBox"}.
#' @param rnd decimal places to round data to for appearance in stat box (\code{valueBox} widget). Defaults to \code{0}.
#' @param dec character, the sorted unique values of \code{x[["Decade"]]}. Typically provided by calling function. See \code{stat_boxes_group}.
#' @param height character, stat box height. defaults to \code{"110px"}.
#' @param width.icon character, icon image width, defaults to \code{"90px"}.
#' @param text.size numeric, scaling for text size, defaults to \code{75}. See details.
#' @param value.size numeric, scaling for value size, defaults to \code{150}. See details.
#' @param output character, \code{"boxes"} (default) or \code{"list"}.
#' A list is useful for returning raw output, e.g. for sending to a rmarkdown report.
#' @param main_title character, typically contains html. Defaults to \code{"<h4>Aggregate period statistics</h4>"}.
#' @param clrs character, background colors of stat boxes. See details.
#' @param theme color theme, either \code{"white"} (default) or \code{"black"}.
#' @return a \code{shiny::tagList} containing a heading and a fluid row of six stat boxes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #not run
stat_boxes <- function(x, type = "annual", style = "valueBox", rnd = 0, dec, height = "110px",
                       width.icon = "90px", text.size = 75, value.size = 150, output = "boxes",
                       main_title = "<h4>Aggregate period statistics</h4>",
                       clrs = c("light-blue", "blue"), theme = "white"){

  if(!type %in% c("annual", "decadal")) stop("type must be 'annual' or 'decadal'.")
  if(!length(clrs) %in% c(1, 2, 6)) stop("Invalid color vector.")
  if(length(clrs) == 2) clrs <- clrs[c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2)] else if(length(clrs) == 1) clrs <- rep(clrs, 6)

  if(type == "annual"){
    src <- apputils::statIcon(c("mean", "min", "max", "median", "iqr", "sd"), theme) # nolint
    x <- dplyr::ungroup(x) %>% dplyr::summarise_(.dots = list(
      Mean_ = paste0("mean(Val)"),
      Min_ = paste0("min(Val)"),
      Max_ = paste0("max(Val)"),
      Median_ = paste0("stats::median(Val)"),
      Pct25_ = paste0("stats::quantile(Val, prob = 0.25)"),
      Pct75_ = paste0("stats::quantile(Val, prob = 0.75)"),
      SD_ = paste0("stats::sd(Val)")
    )) %>% round(rnd) %>% unlist %>% purrr::map_chr(~apputils::kilo_mega(.x))

    statval <- c(x[1:4], paste(x[5], "-", x[6]), x[7])
    statlab <- list(
      c("Mean", dec), c("Min", dec), c("Max", dec), c("Median", dec), c("IQR", dec), c("Std Dev", dec)
    if(output == "list"){
      names(statval) <- purrr::map_chr(statlab, ~.x[1])
    val <- purrr::map2(statval, value.size, ~pTextSize(.x, .y)) # nolint
    text <- purrr::map2(statlab, text.size, ~pTextSize(.x, .y, margin = 0))
    if(style == "valueBox"){
      y <- purrr::map(seq_along(text), ~valueBox(val[[.x]], text[[.x]],
        apputils::icon(list(src = src[.x], width = width.icon), lib = "local"), clrs[.x], width = NULL))
    } else {
      y <- purrr::map(seq_along(text), ~infoBox(text[[.x]], val[[.x]], NULL,
        apputils::icon(list(src = src[.x], width = width.icon), lib = "local"), clrs[.x], width = NULL))
    names(y) <- c("mean", "min", "max", "med", "iqr", "sd")
    y <- shiny::tagList(
        shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(paste0(".small-box {height: ", height, " !important;}"))),
        shiny::column(2, y$mean), shiny::column(2, y$sd), shiny::column(2, y$med),
        shiny::column(2, y$iqr), shiny::column(2, y$min), shiny::column(2, y$max)
  } else {
    dots <- paste0("mean(Val)")
    pr <- !x$Var[1] %in% c("tas", "tasmin", "tasmax")
    x <- dplyr::group_by(x, .data[["Decade"]]) %>% dplyr::summarise_(.dots = list(Decadal_mean = dots)) %>%
      dplyr::rename(Val = .data[["Decadal_mean"]])
    v <- "Val"
    idx.mn <- which.min(x[[v]])
    idx.mx <- which.max(x[[v]])
    idx.dn <- if(nrow(x) == 1) NA else seq(which.min(diff(x[[v]])), length.out = 2)
    idx.up <- if(nrow(x) == 1) NA else seq(which.max(diff(x[[v]])), length.out = 2)
    tot <- utils::tail(x[[v]], 1) - x[[v]][1]
    tot2 <- if(pr){
      ifelse(tot < 1 & tot > 0, 1, ifelse(tot < 0 & tot > -1, -1, round(tot)))
    } else round(tot, rnd)
    pct <- if(!pr) NA else paste0(round(100*(utils::tail(x[[v]], 1) / x[[v]][1] - 1)), "%")

    statval <- list(
      mn = apputils::kilo_mega(round(x[[v]][idx.mn], rnd)),
      mx = apputils::kilo_mega(round(x[[v]][idx.mx], rnd)),
      dn = if(is.na(idx.dn[1])) NA else apputils::kilo_mega(round(diff(x[[v]])[idx.dn[1]], rnd)),
      up = if(is.na(idx.up[1])) NA else apputils::kilo_mega(round(diff(x[[v]])[idx.up[1]], rnd)),
      totdif = apputils::kilo_mega(tot2),
      totpct = pct

    src.dnup <- apputils::statIcon(c("bardec", "barinc"), theme)
    low.change <- "Max loss"
    high.change <- "Max gain"
    if(!is.na(statval$dn[1]) && statval$dn > 0){
      src.dnup[1] <- src.dnup[2]
      low.change <- "Min Gain"
    if(!is.na(statval$up[1]) && statval$up < 0){
      src.dnup[2] <- src.dnup[1]
      high.change <- "Min loss"
    if(tot < 0){
      src.totals <- apputils::statIcon(c("dec", "pctdec"), theme)
    } else {
      src.totals <- apputils::statIcon(c("inc", "pctinc"), theme)
    dec <- if(nrow(x) == 1) paste(x[["Decade"]][1]) else paste(x[["Decade"]][c(1, nrow(x))], collapse = " - ")

    statlab <- list(
      c("Min", paste(x[["Decade"]][idx.mn])),
      c("Max", paste(x[["Decade"]][idx.mx])),
      c(low.change, paste(x[["Decade"]][idx.dn], collapse = " - ")),
      c(high.change, paste(x[["Decade"]][idx.up], collapse = " - ")),
      c("Total change", dec),
      c("% change", dec)
    if(output == "list"){
      statval <- purrr::map_chr(statval, ~as.character(.x))
      names(statval) <- purrr::map_chr(statlab, ~.x[1])
    val <- purrr::map2(statval, value.size, ~pTextSize(.x, .y))
    text <- purrr::map2(statlab, text.size, ~pTextSize(.x, .y, margin = 0))
    src <- c(apputils::statIcon(c("min", "max"), theme), src.dnup[1], src.dnup[2], src.totals[1], src.totals[2])
    if(style == "valueBox"){
      y <- purrr::map(seq_along(text),  ~valueBox(val[[.x]], text[[.x]],
        apputils::icon(list(src = src[.x], width = width.icon), lib = "local"), clrs[.x], width = NULL))
    } else {
      y <- purrr::map(seq_along(text), ~infoBox(text[[.x]], val[[.x]], NULL,
        apputils::icon(list(src = src[.x], width = width.icon), lib = "local"), clrs[.x], width = NULL))
    names(y) <- c("mn", "mx", "dn", "up", "totdif", "totpct")
        shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(paste0(".small-box {height: ", height, " !important;}"))),
        shiny::column(2, y$totdif), shiny::column(2, y$totpct), shiny::column(2, y$dn),
        shiny::column(2, y$up), shiny::column(2, y$mn), shiny::column(2, y$mx)

#' Generate a group of stat boxes sets.
#' Generate a group of multiple sets of six related stat boxes that summarize the distribution of values from a multiple data frames.
#' \code{text.size} and \code{value.size} are length-six or length-one (repeated) vectors. Defaults are better suited to
#' \code{type = "valueBox"} than \code{type = "infoBox"}. See \code{stat_boxes} directly for more information on internal function.
#' If there is a need to have more complete control over customizing content of value or info boxes, use \code{valueBox}
#' or \code{infoBox} directly. \code{stat_boxes} and \code{stat_boxes_group} are two levels of wrapper functions that are intended to
#' produce specific content for summarizing values in a data frame, pooled or by group, respectively.
#' @param x a  master data frame, which may or may not be split into multiple groups, depending on \code{clrby}.
#' @param clrby character, column name of \code{x} to color groups of stat box sets by. May be \code{NULL}.
#' @param type character, type of stat box set. Must be \code{"annual"} (default) or \code{"decadal"}.
#' @param style character, \code{"valueBox"} (default) or \code{"infoBox"}.
#' @param rnd decimal places to round data to for appearance in stat box (\code{valueBox} widget). Defaults to \code{0}.
#' @param height character, stat box height. defaults to \code{"110px"}.
#' @param width.icon character, icon image width, defaults to \code{"90px"}.
#' @param text.size numeric, scaling for text size, defaults to \code{75}. See details.
#' @param value.size numeric, scaling for value size, defaults to \code{150}. See details.
#' @param output character, \code{"boxes"} (default) or \code{"list"}.
#' A list is useful for returning raw output, e.g. for sending to a rmarkdown report.
#' @param main_title character, typically contains html. Defaults to \code{"<h4>Aggregate period statistics</h4>"}.
#' @param clrs.default list of color vectors, one vector for each group.
#' @param prevent logical, whether stat boxes should be prevented (contextual, e.g., no data available in app).
#' @param theme color theme, either \code{"white"} (default) or \code{"black"}.
#' @return a group list of tag lists containing stat box sets.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #not run
stat_boxes_group <- function(x, clrby, type = "annual", style = "valueBox", rnd = 0, height = "110px",
                             width.icon = "90px", text.size = 75, value.size = 150, output = "boxes",
                             main_title = "<h4>Aggregate period statistics</h4>",
                             clrs.default = list(c("light-blue", "blue")), prevent, theme = "white"){

  if(!style %in% c("valueBox", "infoBox")) stop("Invalid style argument.")
  if(length(style) == 1) style <- rep(style, 6)
  if(length(style) != 6) stop("style argument must be vector of length one or six.")
  dec <- as.character(sort(unique(x[["Decade"]])))
  if(length(dec) > 1) dec <- paste(dec[1], dec[length(dec)], sep = " - ")
  if(prevent || nrow(x) == 0) return()
    x <- list(x)
    clrs <- clrs.default
    subtitles <- list(main_title)
  } else {
    lev <- levels(x[[clrby]])
    x <- split(x, x[[clrby]])
    clrs <- as.list(apputils::tolpal(length(x)))
    idx <- which(purrr::map_lgl(x, ~nrow(.x) > 0))
    x <- x[idx]
    clrs <- clrs[idx]
    lev <- lev[lev %in% names(x)]
    x <- x[match(lev, names(x))]
    subtitles <- paste0("<h5>", names(x), "</h5>")
    subtitles[1] <- paste0(main_title, subtitles[1])
  purrr::map(seq_along(x), ~stat_boxes(x[[.x]], type, style[.x], rnd, dec, height, width.icon, text.size,
                                       value.size, output, subtitles[[.x]], gsub("#", "", clrs[[.x]]), theme))
leonawicz/snaputils documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:21 p.m.