
Defines functions .logic_first .logic_comp .logic_prep .logic_diff `>=.noteworthy` `>.noteworthy` `<=.noteworthy` `<.noteworthy` `!=.noteworthy` `==.noteworthy` tail.lyrics tail.music tail.noteinfo tail.noteworthy head.lyrics head.music head.noteinfo head.noteworthy rev.lyrics rev.music rev.noteinfo rev.noteworthy rep.phrase rep.lyrics rep.music rep.noteinfo rep.noteworthy c.phrase c.lyrics c.music c.noteinfo c.noteworthy length.lyrics length.music length.noteinfo length.noteworthy `[[<-.lyrics` `[[<-.music` `[[<-.noteinfo` `[[<-.noteworthy` `[[.lyrics` `[[.music` `[[.noteinfo` `[[.noteworthy` `[<-.lyrics` `[<-.music` `[<-.noteinfo` `[<-.noteworthy` `[.lyrics` `[.music` `[.noteinfo` `[.noteworthy`

Documented in c.lyrics c.music c.noteinfo c.noteworthy c.phrase head.lyrics head.music head.noteinfo head.noteworthy length.lyrics length.music length.noteinfo length.noteworthy rep.lyrics rep.music rep.noteinfo rep.noteworthy rep.phrase rev.lyrics rev.music rev.noteinfo rev.noteworthy tail.lyrics tail.music tail.noteinfo tail.noteworthy

#' Summary of implemented S3 generic methods
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`,
#' `music` and `lyrics`. See further below for details on limited
#' implementations for the `phrase` class.
#' @details
#' In addition to custom print and summary methods, the following methods have
#' been implemented for all four classes: `[`, `[<-`, `[[`, `[[<-`, `length()`,
#' `c()`, `rep()`, `rev()`, `head()` and `tail()`. Logical operators are also
#' implemented for noteworthy strings.
#' @section Methods `length()` and `c()`:
#' The implementation of `length()` is equivalent to `n_steps()`. They
#' access the same attribute, returning the number of timesteps in the object.
#' This gives the same result even when the underlying string is in
#' space-delimited format. To obtain the character string length, coerce with
#' `as.character()` or any other function that would have the same effect.
#' The implementation of `c()` for these classes is strict and favors the
#' object class in question. This is different from how `c()` might normally
#' behave, coercing objects of different types such as numeric and character to
#' character.
#' For these four classes, `c()` is strict in that it will return
#' an error if attempting to concatenate one of these classes with any other
#' class besides character. This includes each other. While it would be
#' possible to coerce a music object down to a `noteworthy` object or a
#' `noteinfo` object, this is the opposite of the aggressive coercion
#' these classes are intended to have with `c()` so this is not done.
#' While other classes such as numeric immediately return an error, any
#' concatenation with character strings attempts to coerce each character
#' string present to the given class. If coercion fails for any character class
#' object, the usual error is returned concerning invalid notes or note info
#' present. If coercion succeeds for all character strings, the result of
#' `c()` is to concatenate the timesteps of all objects passed to it. The
#' output is a new `noteworthy`, `noteinfo` or`music` object.
#' @section Methods `rep()` `rev()` `head()` and `tail()`:
#' The `rep()` function is similar to `c()` except that it never has to consider
#' other classes. You could pass a vector of objects to `rep()`, but doing so
#' with `c()` will already have resolved all objects to the single class. Again,
#' what matters is not the underlying length or elements in the character vector
#' the class is built upon, but the timesteps. `rep()` will extend `x` in terms
#' of timesteps. You can also provide the `each` or `times` arguments.
#' `rev()`, `head()` and `tail()` work similarly, based on the sequence of
#' timesteps, not the character vector length.
#' Remember that this accounts not only for vectors of length one that contain
#' multiple timesteps in space-delimited time format, but also that multiple
#' timesteps can be condensed even in space-delimited time format with the
#' `*` expansion operator.
#' For example, `"a'*4 b'*2"` has six timesteps in this form as well as in
#' vector form. The object length is neither one nor two. All of these generic
#' method implementations work in this manner.
#' @section Square brackets:
#' Single and double bracket subsetting by index work similarly to what occurs
#' with lists. Single bracket subsetting returns the same object, but only
#' containing the indexed timesteps. Double bracket subsetting only operates on
#' a single timestep and extracts the character string value.
#' For assignment, single and double brackets change the value at timesteps and
#' return the same object, but again double brackets only allow indexing a
#' single timestep. Double bracket indexing is mostly useful for combining the
#' steps of extracting a single value and discarding the special class in one
#' command.
#' @section Limited phrase implementations:
#' Methods implemented for the `phrase` class are limited to `c()` and `rep()`.
#' Due to the complex LilyPond syntax, applying most of the functions above
#' directly to phrases is problematic. `c()` is implemented like it is for the
#' other classes. `rep()` is restricted in that it can only repeat the entire
#' phrase sequence, not the timesteps within. However, you can convert a phrase
#' class back to `noteworthy` and `noteinfo` objects (under reasonable
#' conditions). See [notify()].
#' One exception made for `phrase` objects with respect to concatenation is that
#' an attempt to concatenate any combination of phrase and music objects, in
#' any order, results in coercion to a new phrase. This happens even in a case
#' where the first object in the sequence is a music object (thus calling
#' `c.music()` rather than `c.phrase()`). It will subsequently fall back
#' to `c.phrase()` in that case.
#' @param x object.
#' @param i index.
#' @param value values to assign at index.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @name tabr-methods
#' @seealso [note-logic()], [note-metadata()]
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- as_noteworthy("a, b, c ce_g d4f#4a4")
#' x
#' x[3:4]
#' x[-2]
#' x[2] <- paste0(transpose(x[2], 1), "~")
#' x
#' length(x) # equal to number of timesteps
#' c(x, x)
#' tail(rep(x, times = c(1, 2, 1, 3, 1)))
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- as_noteinfo(c("4-", "t8(", "t8)", "t8x", "8^", "16"))
#' x
#' x[2:4]
#' x[-1]
#' x[5:6] <- c("16^", "8")
#' x
#' x[x == "4-"]
#' c(x[1], x[2]) == c(x[1:2])
#' head(rep(x, each = 2))
#' # music class examples
#' x <- as_music("c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-.*4")
#' x
#' x[1:3]
#' x[-c(1:2)]
#' x[3:6] <- "c'e'g'8"
#' x
#' c(x[1], x[1]) == x[c(1, 1)]
#' rev(x)
#' x[[3]]
#' x[[3]] <- "b_t8"
#' x

#' Single bracket methods for tabr classes
#' Single bracket indexing and assignment. See [tabr-methods()] for more details
#' on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @param i index.
#' @param value values to assign at index.
#' @name single-bracket
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- as_noteworthy("a, b, c ce_g d4f#4a4")
#' x[3:4]
#' x[-2]
#' x[2] <- paste0(transpose(x[2], 1), "~")
#' x
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- as_noteinfo(c("4-", "t8(", "t8)", "t8x", "8^", "16"))
#' x[2:4]
#' x[-1]
#' x[5:6] <- c("16^", "8")
#' x
#' x[x == "4-"]
#' # music class examples
#' x <- as_music("c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-.*4")
#' x[1:3]
#' x[-c(1:2)]
#' x[3:6] <- "c'e'g'8"
#' x
`[.noteworthy` <- function(x, i){
  if(!length(i) || any(is.na(i))) i <- seq_along(.uncollapse(x))
  if(all(i == 0)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[")(.uncollapse(x), i)
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[.noteinfo` <- function(x, i){
  if(!length(i) || any(is.na(i))) i <- seq_along(.uncollapse(x))
  if(all(i == 0)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[")(.uncollapse(x), i)
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[.music` <- function(x, i){
  if(!length(i) || any(is.na(i))) i <- seq_along(.uncollapse(x))
  if(all(i == 0)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics))) lyrics <- lyrics[i]
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- s[i]
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[")(.uncollapse(x), i)
  notes <- gsub("^([a-grs_#~,']+).*", "\\1", x)
  info <- gsub("^[a-grs_#~,']+(.*)", "\\1", x)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[.lyrics` <- function(x, i){
  if(!length(i) || any(is.na(i))) i <- seq_along(.uncollapse(x))
  if(all(i == 0)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[")(.uncollapse(x), i)
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[<-.noteworthy` <- function(x, i, value){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[<-.noteinfo` <- function(x, i, value){
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[<-.music` <- function(x, i, value){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  notes <- gsub("^([a-grs_#~,']+).*", "\\1", x)
  info <- gsub("^[a-grs_#~,']+(.*)", "\\1", x)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname single-bracket
#' @export
`[<-.lyrics` <- function(x, i, value){
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' Double bracket methods for tabr classes
#' Double bracket indexing and assignment. See [tabr-methods()] for more details
#' on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @param i index.
#' @param value values to assign at index.
#' @name double-bracket
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- as_noteworthy("a, b, c ce_g")
#' x[[3]]
#' x[[2]] <- paste0(transpose(x[2], 1), "~")
#' x
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- as_noteinfo(c("4-", "t8(", "t8)", "t8x"))
#' x[[3]]
#' x[[3]] <- c("t8]")
#' x
#' # music class examples
#' x <- as_music("c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-.*2")
#' x[[3]]
#' x[[3]] <- "c'e'g'8"
#' x
`[[.noteworthy` <- function(x, i){

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[.noteinfo` <- function(x, i){

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[.music` <- function(x, i){

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[.lyrics` <- function(x, i){

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[<-.noteworthy` <- function(x, i, value){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[<-.noteinfo` <- function(x, i, value){
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[<-.music` <- function(x, i, value){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  notes <- gsub("^([a-grs_#~,']+).*", "\\1", x)
  info <- gsub("^[a-grs_#~,']+(.*)", "\\1", x)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)


#' @rdname double-bracket
#' @export
`[[<-.lyrics` <- function(x, i, value){
  format <- if(time_format(x) == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .Primitive("[[<-")(.uncollapse(x), i, value)
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' Length for tabr classes
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music`. See [tabr-methods()] for more details on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @name tabr-length
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- "a b c"
#' length(x)
#' length(as_noteworthy(x))
#' length(as_noteworthy("a b*2 c*2"))
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- "4- t8( t8)( t8) 4*2"
#' length(x)
#' length(as_noteinfo(x))
#' # music class examples
#' x <- "c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-.*4"
#' length(x)
#' length(as_music(x))
length.noteworthy <- function(x){
  attr(x, "steps")

#' @rdname tabr-length
#' @export
length.noteinfo <- function(x){
  attr(x, "steps")

#' @rdname tabr-length
#' @export
length.music <- function(x){
  attr(x, "steps")

#' @rdname tabr-length
#' @export
length.lyrics <- function(x){
  attr(x, "steps")

#' Concatenate for tabr classes
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music`. See [tabr-methods()] for more details on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param ... objects.
#' @name tabr-c
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- "a b c"
#' c(x, x)
#' c(as_noteworthy(x), x)
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- "4- t8( t8)( t8) 4*2"
#' c(as_noteinfo(x), x)
#' # music class examples
#' x <- "c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-.*2"
#' c(as_music(x), x)
#' # phrase class examples
#' c(phrase(x), x)
c.noteworthy <- function(...){
  x <- list(...)
  cl <- sapply(lapply(x, class), "[", 1)
  x <- x[cl != "NULL"]
  cl <- cl[cl != "NULL"]
  if(any(!cl %in% c("noteworthy", "character")))
    stop("Cannot concatenate incompatible classes with 'noteworthy'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  idx <- which(cl == "character")
  if(length(idx)) x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], as_noteworthy)
  o <- sapply(x, octave_type)
  a <- sapply(x, accidental_type)
  format <- sapply(x, time_format)
  o <- if(!any(o == "tick")) "integer" else "tick"
  a <- if(!any(a == "flat")) "sharp" else "flat"
  format <- if(!any(format == "space-delimited time")) "vector" else "space"
  x <- purrr::map_chr(x, ~paste(as.character(.x), collapse = " ")) |>
    paste(collapse = " ")
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-c
#' @export
c.noteinfo <- function(...){
  x <- list(...)
  cl <- sapply(lapply(x, class), "[", 1)
  x <- x[cl != "NULL"]
  cl <- cl[cl != "NULL"]
  if(any(!cl %in% c("noteinfo", "character")))
    stop("Cannot concatenate incompatible classes with 'noteinfo'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  idx <- which(cl == "character")
  if(length(idx)) x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], as_noteinfo)
  format <- sapply(x, time_format)
  format <- if(!any(format == "space-delimited time")) "vector" else "space"
  x <- purrr::map_chr(x, ~paste(as.character(.x), collapse = " ")) |>
    paste(collapse = " ")
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-c
#' @export
c.music <- function(...){
  x <- list(...)
  cl <- sapply(lapply(x, class), "[", 1)
  x <- x[cl != "NULL"]
  cl <- cl[cl != "NULL"]
  if(any(!cl %in% c("music", "phrase", "character")))
    stop("Cannot concatenate incompatible classes with 'music'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(any(cl == "phrase")) return(c.phrase(...))
  idx <- which(cl == "character")
  if(length(idx)) x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], as_music)
  key <- sapply(x, music_key)
  time <- sapply(x, music_time)
  tempo <- sapply(x, music_tempo)
  a <- sapply(x, accidental_type)
  format <- sapply(x, time_format)
  if(any(key != key[1])){
    warning("Key signature is inconsistent. Only the first is used.")
  if(any(time != time[1])){
    warning("Time signature is inconsistent. Only the first is used.")
    tempo <- rep(NA, length(tempo))
  } else if(any(tempo != tempo[1])){
    warning("Tempo is inconsistent. Only the first is used.")
  a <- if(!any(a == "flat")) "sharp" else "flat"
  format <- if(!any(format == "space-delimited time")) "vector" else "space"
  lyrics <- lapply(x, music_lyrics)
  lyrics_na <- sapply(lyrics, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
    lyrics <- NA
  } else {
    idx <- which(lyrics_na)
    steps <- sapply(x[idx], length)
    lyrics[idx] <- lapply(steps, function(i) as_lyrics(rep(".", i), format))
    lyrics_space <- sapply(lyrics, is_space_time)
    if(format == "space" & any(!lyrics_space)){
      lyrics[!lyrics_space] <- lapply(lyrics[!lyrics_space], as_space_time)
    if(format == "vector" & any(lyrics_space)){
      lyrics[lyrics_space] <- lapply(lyrics[lyrics_space], as_vector_time)
    lyrics <- unlist(lyrics) |> paste(collapse = " ")
    lyrics <- as_lyrics(lyrics, format)
  s <- lapply(x, music_strings)
  s_null <- sapply(s, is.null)
    s <- NULL
  } else {
    idx <- which(s_null)
    steps <- sapply(x[idx], length)
    s[idx] <- lapply(steps, function(i) rep("", i))
    s <- unlist(s)
  x <- purrr::map_chr(x, ~paste(as.character(.x), collapse = " ")) |>
    paste(collapse = " ") |>
  .asmusic(x$notes, x$info, s, lyrics, key[1], time[1], tempo[1], a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-c
#' @export
c.lyrics <- function(...){
  x <- list(...)
  cl <- sapply(lapply(x, class), "[", 1)
  x <- x[cl != "NULL"]
  cl <- cl[cl != "NULL"]
  if(any(!cl %in% c("lyrics", "character")))
    stop("Cannot concatenate incompatible classes with 'lyrics'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  idx <- which(cl == "character")
  if(length(idx)) x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], as_lyrics)
  format <- sapply(x, time_format)
  format <- if(!any(format == "space-delimited time")) "vector" else "space"
  x <- purrr::map_chr(x, ~paste(as.character(.x), collapse = " ")) |>
    paste(collapse = " ")
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-c
#' @export
c.phrase <- function(...){
  x <- list(...)
  cl <- sapply(lapply(x, class), "[", 1)
  x <- x[cl != "NULL"]
  cl <- cl[cl != "NULL"]
  if(any(!cl %in% c("phrase", "music", "character")))
    stop("Cannot concatenate incompatible classes with 'phrase'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  idx <- which(cl %in% c("music", "character"))
  if(length(idx)) x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], phrase)
  purrr::map_chr(x, ~as.character(.x)) |> paste(collapse = " ") |> as_phrase()

#' Repeat for tabr classes
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music`. See [tabr-methods()] for more details on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @param ... additional arguments. Not accepted for phrase objects.
#' @name tabr-rep
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- "a b c"
#' rep(x, 2)
#' rep(as_noteworthy(x), 2)
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- "4x 4-.*2 2"
#' rep(as_noteinfo(x), times = c(2, 1, 1, 2))
#' # music class examples
#' x <- "c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-."
#' rep(as_music(x), each = 2)
#' # phrase class examples
#' rep(phrase(x), 2)
rep.noteworthy <- function(x, ...){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  y <- list(...)
  if(is.null(y$each) & is.null(y$times)){
    x <- rep(x, ...)
  } else if(!is.null(y$each)){
    x <- rep(x, each = y$each)
  } else {
    x <- rep(x, times = y$times)
  if(!length(x)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rep
#' @export
rep.noteinfo <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  y <- list(...)
  if(is.null(y$each) & is.null(y$times)){
    x <- rep(x, ...)
  } else if(!is.null(y$each)){
    x <- rep(x, each = y$each)
  } else {
    x <- rep(x, times = y$times)
  if(!length(x)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rep
#' @export
rep.music <- function(x, ...){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- time_format(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics))) lyrics <- rep(lyrics, ...)
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- rep(s, ...)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  notes <- rep(.music_notes(x, format), ...)
  info <- rep(.music_info(x, format), ...)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rep
#' @export
rep.lyrics <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  y <- list(...)
  if(is.null(y$each) & is.null(y$times)){
    x <- rep(x, ...)
  } else if(!is.null(y$each)){
    x <- rep(x, each = y$each)
  } else {
    x <- rep(x, times = y$times)
  if(!length(x)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rep
#' @export
rep.phrase <- function(x, ...){
  x <- as.character(x)
  y <- list(...)
  if(is.null(y$each) & is.null(y$times)){
    x <- rep(x, ...)
  } else if(!is.null(y$each)){
    stop("Cannot use `each` with a phrase.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("Cannot use `times` with a phrase.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!length(x)) stop("Cannot have zero timesteps.", call. = FALSE)
  as_phrase(paste0(x, collapse = " "))

#' Reverse for tabr classes
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music`. See [tabr-methods()] for more details on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @name tabr-rev
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- "a b c"
#' rev(x)
#' rev(as_noteworthy(x))
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- "4x 4-.*2 2"
#' rev(as_noteinfo(x))
#' # music class examples
#' x <- "c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-."
#' rev(as_music(x))
rev.noteworthy <- function(x){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- rev(.uncollapse(x))
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rev
#' @export
rev.noteinfo <- function(x){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- rev(.uncollapse(x))
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rev
#' @export
rev.music <- function(x){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics))) lyrics <- rev(lyrics)
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- rev(s)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- rev(.uncollapse(x))
  notes <- .music_notes(x, format)
  info <- .music_info(x, format)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-rev
#' @export
rev.lyrics <- function(x){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- rev(.uncollapse(x))
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' Head and tail for tabr classes
#' Several methods are implemented for the classes `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music`. See [tabr-methods()] for more details on methods for tabr classes.
#' @param x object.
#' @param ... number of elements to return.
#' @name tabr-head
#' @seealso [tabr-methods()], [note-metadata()]
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # noteworthy class examples
#' x <- "a b c d e f g"
#' head(x, 2)
#' head(as_noteworthy(x), 2)
#' tail(as_noteworthy(x), 2)
#' # noteinfo class examples
#' x <- "4x 4-.*8 2 4"
#' head(as_noteinfo(x))
#' tail(as_noteinfo(x))
#' # music class examples
#' x <- "c,~4 c,1 c'e_'g'4-."
#' head(as_music(x), 2)
#' tail(as_music(x), 2)
head.noteworthy <- function(x, ...){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::head(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
head.noteinfo <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::head(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
head.music <- function(x, ...){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics))) lyrics <- head(lyrics, ...)
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- head(s, ...)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::head(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  notes <- .music_notes(x, format)
  info <- .music_info(x, format)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
head.lyrics <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::head(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
tail.noteworthy <- function(x, ...){
  o <- octave_type(x)
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::tail(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asnw(x, o, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
tail.noteinfo <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::tail(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .asni(x, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
tail.music <- function(x, ...){
  a <- accidental_type(x)
  key <- music_key(x)
  time <- music_time(x)
  tempo <- music_tempo(x)
  lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
  s <- music_strings(x)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics))) lyrics <- tail(lyrics, ...)
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- tail(s, ...)
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::tail(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  notes <- .music_notes(x, format)
  info <- .music_info(x, format)
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, a, format)

#' @rdname tabr-head
#' @export
tail.lyrics <- function(x, ...){
  format <- time_format(x)
  format <- if(format == "space-delimited time") "space" else "vector"
  x <- utils::tail(.uncollapse(x), ...)
  if(format == "space") x <- paste0(x, collapse = " ")
  .aslyrics(x, format)

#' Relational operators for noteworthy class
#' Relational operators for comparing two noteworthy class objects.
#' Equality is assessed in the same manner as used for [note_sort()] when
#' sorting pitches. What matters is the underlying semitone value associated
#' with each pitch, not the string notation such as flat vs. sharp (see
#' [pitch_is_identical()]). When comparing chords, or a chord vs. a single note,
#' comparison favors the root. Comparison is made of the respective lowest
#' pitches, then proceeds to the next pitch if equal.
#' For these operators, the objects on the left and right side of the operator
#' must both be `noteworthy` or an error is returned.
#' The examples include a chord with its pitches entered out of pitch order.
#' This does not affect the results because pitches within chords are sorted
#' before note to note comparisons at each timestep are done between `e1` and
#' `e2`.
#' @param e1 noteworthy string.
#' @param e2 noteworthy string.
#' @return logical vector
#' @export
#' @name note-logic
#' @examples
#' x <- as_noteworthy("f# a d'f#'a' d'f#'a'")
#' y <- as_noteworthy("g_ b f#'a'd' d'd''")
#' x == y
#' x != y
#' x < y
#' x > y
#' x <= y
#' x >= y
`==.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  rowSums(.logic_diff(e1, e2)) == 0

#' @export
#' @rdname note-logic
`!=.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  rowSums(.logic_diff(e1, e2)) != 0

#' @export
#' @rdname note-logic
`<.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  .logic_comp(e1, e2) < 0

#' @export
#' @rdname note-logic
`<=.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  .logic_comp(e1, e2) <= 0

#' @export
#' @rdname note-logic
`>.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  .logic_comp(e1, e2) > 0

#' @export
#' @rdname note-logic
`>=.noteworthy` <- function(e1, e2){
  .logic_comp(e1, e2) >= 0

.logic_diff <- function(x, y){
  if(!is_noteworthy(x) | !is_noteworthy(y))
    stop("Left and right hand side must both be `noteworthy` class.",
         call. = FALSE)
  .logic_prep(x) - .logic_prep(y)

.logic_prep <- function(x){
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  s <- lapply(chord_semitones(x), sort)
  n <- max(sapply(s, length))
  s <- purrr::map(s, ~{
    x <- rep(NA_integer_, n)
    x[seq_along(.x)] <- .x
    x[is.na(x)] <- utils::tail(.x, 1)
.logic_comp <- function(x, y){
  apply(.logic_diff(x, y), 1, .logic_first)

.logic_first <- function(x){
  i <- which(x != 0)
  if(length(i)) x[i[1]] else 0L
leonawicz/tabr documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:23 p.m.