
Defines functions filter.allele_ages get.allele_ages

Documented in filter.allele_ages get.allele_ages

#' Compile allele ages file
#' This function aggregates mut, freq, and sele files inferred by Relate into an allele_ages file.
#' @param mut data.table. mut file
#' @param freq data.frame. freq file
#' @param sele data.frame. sele file
#' @return Returns a data table.
#' @examples
#' mut         <- read.mut(system.file("extdata/example.mut.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' sele        <- read.sele(system.file("extdata/example.sele.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' freq        <- read.freq(system.file("extdata/example.freq.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' get.allele_ages(mut, freq, sele)
#' @export

get.allele_ages <- function(mut, freq, sele){

  if( any(colnames(mut) == "CHR") & any(colnames(freq) == "CHR") & any(colnames(sele) == "CHR") ){

    if(any(colnames(mut) == "upstream")){
      mut <- mut[,c("CHR","pos_of_snp", "rs-id", "age_begin", "age_end", "ancestral_allele/alternative_allele", "upstream", "downstream")]
      colnames(mut) <- c("CHR","BP", "ID", "lower_age", "upper_age", "ancestral/derived", "upstream", "downstream")
      mut <- mut[,c("CHR","pos_of_snp", "rs-id", "age_begin", "age_end", "ancestral_allele/alternative_allele")]
      colnames(mut) <- c("CHR","BP", "ID", "lower_age", "upper_age", "ancestral/derived")

    sele <- sele[,c("CHR","pos", "when_mutation_has_freq2")]
    colnames(sele) <- c("CHR","BP", "pvalue")

    freq <- freq[,c("CHR","pos", "TreeFreq")]
    colnames(freq) <- c("CHR","BP", "DAF")

    allele_ages <- merge(mut, freq, by = c("CHR","BP"), all.x = T)
    allele_ages <- merge(allele_ages, sele, by = c("CHR","BP"), all.x = T)


    warning("No column named CHR. Merging data frame using BP only.")

    if(any(colnames(mut) == "upstream")){
      mut <- mut[,c("pos_of_snp", "rs-id", "age_begin", "age_end", "ancestral_allele/alternative_allele", "upstream", "downstream")]
      colnames(mut) <- c("BP", "ID", "lower_age", "upper_age", "ancestral/derived", "upstream", "downstream")
      mut <- mut[,c("pos_of_snp", "rs-id", "age_begin", "age_end", "ancestral_allele/alternative_allele")]
      colnames(mut) <- c("BP", "ID", "lower_age", "upper_age", "ancestral/derived")

    sele <- sele[,c("pos", "when_mutation_has_freq2")]
    colnames(sele) <- c("BP", "pvalue")

    freq <- freq[,c("pos", "TreeFreq")]
    colnames(freq) <- c("BP", "DAF")

    allele_ages <- merge(mut, freq, by = c("BP"), all.x = T)
    allele_ages <- merge(allele_ages, sele, by = c("BP"), all.x = T)


  allele_ages$pvalue[allele_ages$pvalue == 1.0] <- NA


#' Filter allele_ages by quality of tree
#' This function filters out selection pvalues on bad trees using summary statistics on tree quality stored in qual.
#' @param allele_ages data.table. Obtained from get.allele_ages()
#' @param qual data.frame. qual file
#' @return Returns a data table.
#' @examples
#' # get allele ages
#' mut         <- read.mut(system.file("extdata/example.mut.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' sele        <- read.sele(system.file("extdata/example.sele.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' freq        <- read.freq(system.file("extdata/example.freq.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' allele_ages <- get.allele_ages(mut, freq, sele)
#' # read quality file
#' qual        <- read.qual(system.file("extdata/example.qual.gz", package = "relater"), CHR = 1)
#' filter.allele_ages(allele_ages, qual)
#' @export

filter.allele_ages <- function(allele_ages, qual){

  if(all(colnames(qual) != "BP")){
    stop("qual has no column named BP.")

  before <- sum(!is.na(allele_ages$pvalue))

  if(any(colnames(allele_ages) == "CHR") & any(colnames(qual) == "CHR")){
    allele_ages <- merge(allele_ages, qual[,c(colnames(qual) != "ID")], by = c("CHR", "BP"))
  }else if(any(colnames(qual) == "CHR")){
    stop("qual has CHR column but allele_ages doesn't.")
  }else if(any(colnames(allele_ages) == "CHR")){
    stop("allele_ages has CHR column but qual doesn't.")
    warning("No CHR column, merging allele_ages and qual only using BP.")
    allele_ages <- merge(allele_ages, qual[,c(colnames(qual) != "ID")], by = c("BP"))

  threshold   <- c(stats::quantile(qual$frac_branches_with_snp, probs = c(0.05)), stats::quantile(qual$num_snps_on_tree, probs = c(0.05)))
  allele_ages <- subset(allele_ages, allele_ages$frac_branches_with_snp >= threshold[1] & allele_ages$num_snps_on_tree >= threshold[2])
  allele_ages <- allele_ages[,which(!(colnames(allele_ages) %in% c("frac_branches_with_snp", "num_snps_on_tree", "fraction_snps_not_mapping"))), with = FALSE]

  after <- sum(!is.na(allele_ages$pvalue))
  warning(paste0("Removed selection p-values from ", round(1.0-after/before,digits = 4)*100, "% of SNPs."))


leospeidel/relater documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 8:22 p.m.