
Defines functions allperm

Documented in allperm

#' Computes all the combinations of the transformed parameters
#' @param data A data frame
#' @param subset a specification of the rows to be used: defaults to all rows.
#'   This can be any valid indexing vector (see \link{[.data.frame}) for the
#'   rows of data or if that is not supplied, a data frame made up of the
#'   variables used in \code{formula}.
#' @param select a character vector containing selected colnames from a data frame.
#'   Defaults for all the variables in data. See \link{subset}.
#' @param transf The transformations to be applied to each parameter
#' @return A matrix with all the working combinations of supplied
#'   transformations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(appraiseR)
#' library(sf)
#' data(centro_2015)
#' vars <- c("area_total", "dist_b_mar")
#' perms <- allperm(centro_2015, select = vars)
#' head(perms)

allperm <- function(data, subset, select = colnames(data),
                    transf = c('rsqrt', 'log', 'sqrt')){

  DF <- as.data.frame(data)
  if (missing(subset)) subset <- seq_len(nrow(DF))
  select <- setdiff(select, "geometry")
  DF <- DF[subset, colnames(DF) %in% select, drop = FALSE]
  # DF <- stats::na.omit(DF)

  for (i in colnames(DF)) if (is.character(DF[,i])) DF[,i] <- as.factor(DF[,i])

  #factors <- plyr::colwise(is.factor)(DF)
  factors <- sapply(DF, is.factor)

  any_zero <- function(x) any(x == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
  #zeros <- plyr::colwise(any_zero)(DF)
  zeros <- sapply(DF, any_zero)

  # Nome das funcoes de transformacao
  nam_t <- c("identity", transf)
  # Nomes das transformacoes que admitem como argumento o valor zero
  nam_t2 <- setdiff(nam_t, c("rsqr", "rec", "rsqrt", "log"))

  # permutacao de todas as transformacoes pelas variaveis de nam_t
  if (sum(zeros == FALSE & factors == FALSE) > 0)
    perm1 <- gtools::permutations(n = length(nam_t),
                                  r = sum(zeros == FALSE & factors == FALSE),
                                  v = nam_t, repeats.allowed=T)

  # Insere os nomes das variaveis de DF no data.frame perm1
  colnames(perm1) <- intersect(colnames(DF[which(zeros == FALSE)]),
                               colnames(DF[which(factors == FALSE)]))

  # permutacao de algumas transformacoes pelas variaveis de nam_t2
  if (sum(zeros == TRUE) > 0) {
    perm2 <- gtools::permutations(n=length(nam_t2),
                                  r = sum(zeros == TRUE),
                                  v = nam_t2, repeats.allowed=T)
    colnames(perm2) <- colnames(DF[which(zeros == TRUE)])
    p <- merge(perm1, perm2)
  } else {
    p <- perm1

  # reordena a matriz p de acordo com  a sequencia das variaveis de DF
  p <- p[, colnames(DF[which(factors == FALSE)]), drop = FALSE]

lfpdroubi/appraiseR documentation built on April 14, 2024, 10:27 p.m.