
Defines functions .getSexFromRds createCurationFile

Documented in createCurationFile

#' Create file to curate PureCN results
#' Function to create a CSV file that can be used to mark the correct solution
#' in the output of a \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}} run.
#' @param file.rds Output of the \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}} function,
#' serialized with \code{saveRDS}.
#' @param overwrite.uncurated Overwrite existing files unless flagged as
#' \sQuote{Curated}.
#' @param overwrite.curated Overwrite existing files even if flagged as
#' \sQuote{Curated}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the tumor purity and ploidy of the maximum
#' likelihood solution.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @seealso \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}
#' @examples
#' data(purecn.example.output)
#' file.rds <- "Sample1_PureCN.rds"
#' saveRDS(purecn.example.output, file = file.rds)
#' createCurationFile(file.rds)
#' @export createCurationFile
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
createCurationFile <- function(file.rds, overwrite.uncurated = TRUE,
                               overwrite.curated = FALSE) {
    rds <- readRDS(file.rds)
    res <- rds$results[[1]]
    contamination <- res$SNV.posterior$posterior.contamination
    contamination <- if (is.null(contamination)) 0 else contamination
    d.f.curation <- data.frame(
        Sampleid = res$seg$ID[1],
        Purity = res$purity,
        Ploidy = res$ploidy,
        Sex = .getSexFromRds(rds),
        Contamination = contamination,
        Flagged = res$flag,
        Failed = FALSE,
        Curated = FALSE,
        Comment = res$flag_comment

    filename <- file.path(dirname(file.rds),
        paste(gsub(".rds$", "", basename(file.rds)), "csv", sep = "."))

    if (file.exists(filename)) {
        tmp <- read.csv(filename, as.is = TRUE)
        if (tmp$Curated[1] && !overwrite.curated) {
                " already exists and seems to be edited.",
                " Will not overwrite it.")
        } else if (!overwrite.uncurated) {
            warning(filename, " already exists. Will not overwrite it.")
        } else {
            write.csv(d.f.curation, file = filename, row.names = FALSE)
    } else {
        write.csv(d.f.curation, file = filename, row.names = FALSE)

.getSexFromRds <- function(rds) {
    # if run without VCF, then we don't have sex information from VCF
    if (is.null(rds$input$sex.vcf)) return(rds$input$sex)

    # conflict of coverage and snp based sex genotyper?
    if (!is.na(rds$input$sex) && !is.na(rds$input$sex.vcf)) {
        if (rds$input$sex == rds$input$sex.vcf) return(rds$input$sex)
        return(paste("Coverage:", rds$input$sex, "VCF:", rds$input$sex.vcf))
    # believe coverage based more than VCF in case we have only limited
    # number of SNPs on chrX
    if (!is.na(rds$input$sex)) {
lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.