
Defines functions landmarkPerimeter toDataFrame intersectionPoint squareCenter addLandmarks

Documented in addLandmarks

#' Add landmarks to plot.
#' @param text.size Numeric. cex for text labels.
#' @param text.col Character. col for text labels.
#' @param highlight.perimeter Logical. Highlight Lion Brewery and Model Housing.
#' @param latlong Logical. Use estimated longitude and latitude.
#' @note The location of 18 Sackville Street and 28 Dean Street are approximate. Falconberg Court & Mews form an isolate: they are not part of the network of roads and are technically unreachable. Adam and Eve Court and its pump also form an isolate.
#' @return Base R points and text.
#' @import graphics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' snowMap(add.landmarks = FALSE)
#' addLandmarks()

addLandmarks <- function(text.size = 0.5, text.col = "black",
  highlight.perimeter = TRUE, latlong = FALSE) {

  if (latlong) {
    vars <- c("lon", "lat")
    sel <- !grepl("Square", cholera::landmarksB$name)
    lndmrks <- cholera::landmarksB$name[sel]
    lndmrks <- strsplit(lndmrks, " ")
    lndmrks <- vapply(lndmrks, function(x) {
      if (length(x) == 2L) paste(x, collapse = "\n")
      else if (length(x) == 3L) paste(x[1], paste(x[-1], collapse = "\n"))
    }, character(1L))

    luke <- grepl("Church", cholera::landmarksB$name)

    text(cholera::landmarksB[sel & !luke, vars], cex = text.size,
      col = text.col, labels = lndmrks[!grepl("Church", lndmrks)])

    points(cholera::landmarksB[luke, vars], pch = 15, cex = 1/3)
    text(cholera::landmarksB[luke, vars], cex = text.size, col = text.col,
      labels = lndmrks[grepl("Church", lndmrks)], pos = 4)

    # Golden Square and Soho Square #
    sel <- cholera::landmarksB$name %in% c("Golden Square-N", "Golden Square-S")
    golden.NS <- cholera::landmarksB[sel, vars]

    sel <- cholera::landmarksB$name %in% c("Golden Square-E", "Golden Square-W")
    golden.EW <- cholera::landmarksB[sel, vars]

    sel <- cholera::landmarksB$name %in% c("Soho Square-N", "Soho Square-S2")
    soho.NS <- cholera::landmarksB[sel, vars]

    sel <- cholera::landmarksB$name %in% c("Soho Square-E", "Soho Square-W")
    soho.EW <- cholera::landmarksB[sel, vars]

    golden <- squareCenter(golden.NS, golden.EW)
    text(golden, labels = "Golden\nSquare", cex = text.size, col = text.col)

    soho <- squareCenter(soho.NS, soho.EW)
    text(soho, labels = "Soho\nSquare", cex = text.size, col = text.col)

    # Adam and Eve Court (isolate) #
    adam.eve <- cholera::roads[cholera::roads$name == "Adam and Eve Court",
                               c("lon", "lat")]
    adam.eve.df <- data.frame(lon = mean(adam.eve$lon),
                              lat = stats::quantile(adam.eve$lat, 0.25))
    text(adam.eve.df, labels = "Adam & Eve\nCourt", cex = text.size)

    # Falconberg Court and Mews (isolate) #
    sel <- cholera::roads$name %in% c("Falconberg Court", "Falconberg Mews")
    falconberg <- cholera::roads[sel, c("lon", "lat")]
    falconberg.df <- data.frame(lon = mean(falconberg$lon),
                                lat = mean(falconberg$lat))
    text(falconberg.df, labels = "Falconberg\nCourt & Mews", cex = text.size)

  } else {
    # 28 Dean Street
    marx <- data.frame(x = 17.3855, y = 13.371)
    text(marx$x, marx$y, labels = "Karl\nMarx", cex = text.size)
    # points(marx$x, marx$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)

    # 18 Sackville Street
    snow <- data.frame(x = 10.22414, y = 4.383851)
    text(snow$x, snow$y, labels = "John\nSnow", cex = text.size)
    # points(snow$x, snow$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)

    # St. Luke's Church; Henry Whitehead Assistant Curate
    st.luke <- data.frame(x = 14.94156, y = 11.25313)
    text(st.luke$x, st.luke$y, labels = "St. Luke's\nChurch", cex = text.size,
         pos = 4, offset = 0.25)
    points(st.luke$x, st.luke$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)

    # Soho Square
    soho.sq <- data.frame(x = 18.07044, y = 15.85703)
    text(soho.sq$x, soho.sq$y, labels = "Soho\nSquare", cex = text.size)

    # Golden Square
    golden.sq <- data.frame(x = 11.90927, y = 8.239483)
    text(golden.sq$x, golden.sq$y, labels = "Golden\nSquare", cex = text.size)

    # St. James Workhouse
    right <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$name ==
             "St James Workhouse", c("x1", "y1")]
    left <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == "201-1",
            c("x2", "y2")]
    dat <- stats::setNames(data.frame(rbind(unlist(right), unlist(left))),
           c("x", "y"))
    h <- c(stats::dist(dat))
    ols <- stats::lm(y ~ x, dat)
    segment.slope <- stats::coef(ols)[2]
    theta <- atan(segment.slope)
    delta.x <- (h / 2) * cos(theta)
    delta.y <- (h / 2) * sin(theta)
    x.new <- left$x2 + delta.x
    y.new <- left$y2 + delta.y
    # st.james <- data.frame(x = 11.5, y = 13.48414 )
    text(x.new, y.new, labels = "St James\nWorkhouse", cex = text.size)

    # Lion Brewery (Huggins' proprietors)
    brewery <- data.frame(x = 13.9022, y = 11.87315)
    text(brewery$x, brewery$y, labels = "Lion\nBrewery", cex = text.size)
    # points(brewery$x, brewery$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)

    # Falconberg Court and Mews (isolate)
    Falconberg <- data.frame(x = 19.5, y = 17.184)
    text(Falconberg$x, Falconberg$y, labels = "Falconberg\nCourt & Mews",
         cex = text.size)

    # Adam and Eve Court (isolate)
    adam.eve <- cholera::roads[cholera::roads$name == "Adam and Eve Court",
                               c("x", "y")]
         stats::quantile(adam.eve[, "y"], 0.25),
         labels = "Adam & Eve\nCourt", cex = text.size)

    ## Edmund Cooper's Map ##

    nm <- c("x", "y")

    # Argyll House: Earl of Aberdeen
    # https://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vols31-2/pt2/pp250-267
    # https://www.british-history.ac.uk/old-new-london/vol4/pp235-246
    NW <- stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id ==
          "116-2", c("x2", "y2")], nm)
    NE <- stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id ==
          "144-1", c("x2", "y2")], nm)
    SW <- stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id ==
          "161-1", c("x2", "y2")], nm)
    SE <- stats::setNames(cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id ==
          "161-1", c("x1", "y1")], nm)

    aberdeen <- segmentIntersection(NW$x, NW$y, SE$x, SE$y,
                                    NE$x, NE$y, SW$x, SW$y)

    # points(aberdeen$x, aberdeen$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)
    text(aberdeen$x, aberdeen$y, labels = "Argyll\nHouse", cex = text.size)

    # 1) Marlborough Mews: Police Station

    # 2) Regent (opposite) at intersection with Little Argyll Street: Chapel

    # 4) Oxford Street (opposite) at intersection with Winsley Street:
    # Pantheon Bazaar`

    text(cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$name == "Winsley Street",
         c("x2", "y2")], pos = 1, labels = "The\nPantheon", cex = text.size)

    # 5) 7 Cambridge Street at corner intersection with Broad Street: PH

    # 6) Adjacent south of Lion Brewery: Model Lodging Housing
    # (in process of erection)
    # http://www.workhouses.org.uk/model/

    sel <- cholera::road.segments$name == "Cock Court"
    rd.data <- cholera::road.segments[sel, c("x2", "y2")]
    NW <- stats::setNames(rd.data, nm)

    sel <- cholera::road.segments$name == "Cock Court"
    rd.data <- cholera::road.segments[sel, c("x1", "y1")]
    NE <- stats::setNames(rd.data, nm)

    sel <- cholera::road.segments$id == "259-1"
    rd.data <- cholera::road.segments[sel, c("x2", "y2")]
    SW <- stats::setNames(rd.data, nm)

    sel <- cholera::road.segments$id == "259-1"
    rd.data <- cholera::road.segments[sel, c("x1", "y1")]
    SE <- stats::setNames(rd.data, nm)

    model.lodging <- segmentIntersection(NW$x, NW$y, SE$x, SE$y,
                                         NE$x, NE$y, SW$x, SW$y)

    # points(model.lodging$x, model.lodging$y, pch = 15, cex = 1/3)
    text(model.lodging$x, model.lodging$y, labels = "Model\nLodging",
         cex = text.size)

    # 7) Marshall Street Public Baths built 1851-2  (Marshall Street)
    # http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vols31-2/pt2/pp196-208

    public.baths <- intersectionPoint("201-2", "217-2", 1)
    text(public.baths, labels = "Public\nBaths", cex = text.size)

    # 8) Craven Chapel (Wesleyan)

    ep1 <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$name ==
           "Lowndes Court", c("x2", "y2")]
    ep2 <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id ==
           "201-1", c("x2", "y2")]
    dat <- stats::setNames(rbind(ep1, ep2), nm)
    h <- c(stats::dist(dat))
    ols <- stats::lm(y ~ x, dat)
    segment.slope <- stats::coef(ols)[2]
    theta <- atan(segment.slope)
    delta.x <- (h / 2) * cos(theta)
    delta.y <- (h / 2) * sin(theta)
    x.new <- dat[1, "x"] + delta.x
    y.new <- dat[1, "y"] + delta.y
    text(x.new, y.new, labels = "Craven\nChapel", cex = text.size)

  if (highlight.perimeter) {
    lion.brewery.north <- "187-1"
    lion.brewery.south <- "225-1"
    lion.brewery.east <- c("197-1", "215-1")
    lion.brewery.west <- c("224-1", "226-1")

    model.housing.north <- lion.brewery.south
    model.housing.south <- "259-1"
    model.housing.east <- c("245-1", "245-2")
    model.housing.west <- "259-2"

    brewery <- c(lion.brewery.north, lion.brewery.south, lion.brewery.east,
    model <- c(model.housing.north, model.housing.south, model.housing.east,

    invisible(lapply(c(brewery, model), function(id) {
      landmarkPerimeter(id, latlong = latlong)

 squareCenter <- function(NS, EW) {
   line.NS <- stats::lm(lat ~ lon, data = NS)
   line.EW <- stats::lm(lat ~ lon, data = EW)
   lon.x <- stats::coef(line.NS)["lon"] -
   int.b <- stats::coef(line.EW)["(Intercept)"] -
   x.val <- int.b / lon.x
   y.val <- stats::coef(line.EW)["lon"] * x.val +
   data.frame(lon = x.val, lat = y.val, row.names = NULL)

 intersectionPoint <- function(seg1, seg2, sel = 1) {
   s1 <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == seg1, ]
   s2 <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == seg2, ]
   dat <- lapply(list(s1, s2), toDataFrame)
   ols <- lapply(dat, stats::lm, formula = y ~ x)
   coefs <- lapply(ols, stats::coef)
   x <- (coefs[[1]][1] - coefs[[2]][1]) / (coefs[[2]][2] - coefs[[1]][2])
   y <- coefs[[1]][1] + coefs[[1]][2] * x
   h.data <- rbind(s2[, c(paste0("x", sel), paste0("y", sel))], c(x, y))
   h <- c(stats::dist(h.data))
   segment.slope <- stats::coef(ols[[2]])[2]
   theta <- atan(segment.slope)
   delta.x <- (h / 2) * cos(theta)
   delta.y <- (h / 2) * sin(theta)
   x.new <- x + delta.x
   y.new <- y + delta.y
   data.frame(x = x.new, y = y.new)

 toDataFrame <- function(dat) {
   out <- data.frame(rbind(c(dat$x1, dat$y1), c(dat$x2, dat$y2)))
   stats::setNames(out, c("x", "y"))

landmarkPerimeter <- function(seg.id, col = "dodgerblue", latlong = FALSE,
  lwd = 2) {

  if (latlong) {
    rd.segs <- roadSegments(latlong = TRUE)
    vars <- names(rd.segs)[-(1:3)]
    lapply(seg.id, function(seg) {
      dat <- rd.segs[rd.segs$id == seg, vars]
      segments(dat$lon1, dat$lat1, dat$lon2, dat$lat2, col = col, lwd = lwd)
  } else {
    vars <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
    lapply(seg.id, function(seg) {
      dat <- cholera::road.segments[cholera::road.segments$id == seg, vars]
      segments(dat$x1, dat$y1, dat$x2, dat$y2, col = col, lwd = lwd)
lindbrook/cholera documentation built on April 29, 2024, 12:22 p.m.