
Defines functions print.RprobitB_parameter RprobitB_parameter

Documented in RprobitB_parameter

#' Define probit model parameter
#' @description
#' This function creates an object of class \code{RprobitB_parameter}, which
#' contains the parameters of a probit model.
#' If \code{sample = TRUE}, missing parameters are sampled. All parameters are
#' checked against the values of \code{P_f}, \code{P_r}, \code{J}, and \code{N}.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_data
#' @param C
#' The number (greater or equal 1) of latent classes of decision makers.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}. Otherwise, \code{C = 1} per default.
#' @param alpha
#' The fixed coefficient vector of length \code{P_f}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_f = 0}.
#' @param s
#' The vector of class weights of length \code{C}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}.
#' For identifiability, the vector must be non-ascending.
#' @param b
#' The matrix of class means as columns of dimension \code{P_r} x \code{C}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}.
#' @param Omega
#' The matrix of class covariance matrices as columns of dimension
#' \code{P_r*P_r} x \code{C}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}.
#' @param Sigma
#' The differenced error term covariance matrix of dimension
#' \code{J-1} x \code{J-1} with respect to alternative \code{J}.
#' In case of \code{ordered = TRUE}, a numeric, the single error term variance.
#' @param Sigma_full
#' The error term covariance matrix of dimension \code{J} x \code{J}.
#' Internally, \code{Sigma_full} gets differenced with respect to alternative
#' \code{J}, so it becomes an identified covariance matrix of dimension
#' \code{J-1} x \code{J-1}. \code{Sigma_full} is ignored if \code{Sigma} is
#' specified or \code{ordered = TRUE}.
#' @param beta
#' The matrix of the decision-maker specific coefficient vectors of dimension
#' \code{P_r} x \code{N}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}.
#' @param z
#' The vector of the allocation variables of length \code{N}.
#' Set to \code{NA} if \code{P_r = 0}.
#' @param d
#' The numeric vector of the logarithmic increases of the utility thresholds
#' in the ordered probit case (\code{ordered = TRUE}) of length \code{J-2}.
#' @param sample
#' A boolean, if \code{TRUE} (default) missing parameters get sampled.
#' @param seed
#' Set a seed for the sampling of missing parameters.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_parameter}, i.e. a named list with the
#' model parameters \code{alpha}, \code{C}, \code{s}, \code{b}, \code{Omega},
#' \code{Sigma}, \code{Sigma_full}, \code{beta}, and \code{z}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RprobitB_parameter(P_f = 1, P_r = 2, J = 3, N = 10)

RprobitB_parameter <- function(
    P_f, P_r, J, N, ordered = FALSE, alpha = NULL, C = NULL, s = NULL, b = NULL,
    Omega = NULL, Sigma = NULL, Sigma_full = NULL, beta = NULL, z = NULL,
    d = NULL, seed = NULL, sample = TRUE) {
  ### seed for sampling missing parameters
  if (!is.null(seed)) {

  ### alpha
  if (P_f == 0) {
    alpha <- NA
  } else {
    if (is.null(alpha) && !sample) {
      alpha <- NA
    } else {
      if (is.null(alpha)) {
        alpha <- round(stats::runif(P_f, -3, 3), 1)
      if (length(alpha) != P_f || !is.numeric(alpha)) {
        stop("'alpha' must be a numeric vector of length ", P_f, ".",
             call. = FALSE
      names(alpha) <- create_labels_alpha(P_f)

  ### C, s, b, Omega, z, beta
  if (P_r == 0) {
    C <- NA
    s <- NA
    b <- NA
    Omega <- NA
    z <- NA
    beta <- NA
  } else {
    ### C
    if (!is.null(C)) {
      if (!is.numeric(C) || !C %% 1 == 0 || !C > 0) {
        stop("'C' must be a number greater or equal 1.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      C <- 1

    ### s
    if (C == 1) {
      s <- 1
    } else {
      if (is.null(s) && !sample) {
        s <- NA
      } else {
        if (is.null(s)) {
          s <- round(sort(as.vector(rdirichlet(rep(1, C))), decreasing = T), 2)
          s[C] <- 1 - sum(s[-C])
        if (length(s) != C || !is.numeric(s) ||
            abs(sum(s) - 1) > .Machine$double.eps || is.unsorted(rev(s))) {
          stop("'s' must be a non-ascending numeric vector of length ", C,
               " which sums up to 1.",
               call. = FALSE
        names(s) <- create_labels_s(P_r, C)

    ### b
    if (is.null(b) && !sample) {
      b <- NA
    } else {
      if (is.null(b)) {
        b <- matrix(0, nrow = P_r, ncol = C)
        for (c in 1:C) b[, c] <- round(stats::runif(P_r, -3, 3), 1)
      b <- as.matrix(b)
      if (!is.numeric(b) || nrow(b) != P_r || ncol(b) != C) {
        stop("'b' must be a numeric matrix of dimension ", P_r, " x ", C, ".",
             call. = FALSE
      names(b) <- create_labels_b(P_r, C)

    ### Omega
    if (is.null(Omega) && !sample) {
      Omega <- NA
    } else {
      if (is.null(Omega)) {
        Omega <- matrix(0, nrow = P_r * P_r, ncol = C)
        for (c in 1:C) {
          Omega[, c] <- as.vector(rwishart(P_r, diag(P_r))$W)
      Omega <- as.matrix(Omega)
      if (!is.numeric(Omega) || nrow(Omega) != P_r * P_r ||
          ncol(Omega) != C) {
          "'Omega' must be a numeric matrix of dimension ", P_r * P_r, " x ",
          C, ".",
          call. = FALSE
      for (c in 1:C) {
        if (!oeli::test_covariance_matrix(
          matrix(Omega[, c], nrow = P_r, ncol = P_r)
        )) {
          stop(paste("Column", c, "in 'Omega' builds no covariance matrix."),
               call. = FALSE
      names(Omega) <- create_labels_Omega(P_r, C, cov_sym = TRUE)

    ### z
    if (is.null(z) && !sample) {
      z <- NA
    } else {
      if (is.null(z)) {
        z <- sample(1:C, N, prob = s, replace = TRUE)
      if (length(z) != N || !is.numeric(z) || !all(z %in% 1:C)) {
          "'z' must be a numeric vector of length ", N,
          " with elements of value ", paste(seq_len(C), collapse = ", "), ".",
          call. = FALSE

    ### beta
    if (is.null(beta) && !sample) {
      beta <- NA
    } else {
      if (is.null(beta)) {
        beta <- matrix(0, nrow = P_r, ncol = N)
        for (n in seq_len(N)) {
          beta[, n] <- b[, z[n]] +
            t(chol(matrix(Omega[, z[n]], nrow = P_r, ncol = P_r))) %*%
      if (!is.numeric(beta) || nrow(beta) != P_r ||
          ncol(beta) != N) {
        stop("'beta' must be a numeric matrix of dimension ", P_r, " x ", N,
             call. = FALSE

  ### Sigma
  if (is.null(Sigma_full) && is.null(Sigma) && !sample) {
    Sigma <- NA
    Sigma_full <- NA
  } else {
    if (ordered) {
      Sigma_full <- NA
      if (is.null(Sigma)) {
        Sigma <- round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 3), 2)
      if (length(Sigma) != 1 || !is.numeric(Sigma) || is.matrix(Sigma)) {
        stop("'Sigma' must be a single numeric value.", call. = FALSE)
      names(Sigma) <- create_labels_Sigma(J, ordered = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (is.null(Sigma)) {
        if (is.null(Sigma_full)) {
          Sigma_full <- rwishart(J, diag(J))$W
        } else {
          Sigma_full <- as.matrix(Sigma_full)
        delta_J <- oeli::delta(ref = J, dim = J)
        Sigma <- delta_J %*% Sigma_full %*% t(delta_J)
      } else {
        Sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
        Sigma_full <- undiff_Sigma(Sigma, i = J)
      if (!oeli::test_covariance_matrix(Sigma, dim = J - 1)) {
        stop("'Sigma' is not a differenced covariance matrix of dimension ",
             J - 1, " x ", J - 1, ".",
             call. = FALSE
      if (!oeli::test_covariance_matrix(Sigma_full, dim = J)) {
        stop("'Sigma_full' is not a covariance matrix of dimension ", J,
             " x ", J, ".",
             call. = FALSE
      names(Sigma) <- create_labels_Sigma(J, cov_sym = TRUE)
      names(Sigma_full) <- create_labels_Sigma(J + 1, cov_sym = TRUE)

  ### d
  if (ordered) {
    if (is.null(d)) {
      d <- round(runif(J - 2), 2)
    if (length(d) != J - 2 || !is.numeric(d)) {
      stop("'d' must be a numeric vector of length ", J - 2, ".", call. = FALSE)
    names(d) <- create_labels_d(J, ordered = TRUE)
  } else {
    d <- NA

  ### build and return 'RprobitB_parameter'-object
      "alpha" = alpha,
      "C" = C,
      "s" = s,
      "b" = b,
      "Omega" = Omega,
      "Sigma" = Sigma,
      "Sigma_full" = Sigma_full,
      "beta" = beta,
      "z" = z,
      "d" = d
    class = c("RprobitB_parameter", "list")

#' @noRd
#' @param ...
#' Names of parameters to be printed. If not specified, all parameters are
#' printed.
#' @param digits
#' The number of printed decimal places.
#' @export

print.RprobitB_parameter <- function(x, ..., digits = 4) {
  pars <- list(...)
  ind <- if (length(pars) != 0) {
    sapply(pars, function(par) which(names(x) == par))
  } else {
  for (i in ind) {
    oeli::print_matrix(x[[i]], label = names(x)[i])
loelschlaeger/RprobitB documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 11:08 a.m.