
Defines functions orTextual orTextualUI

Documented in orTextual orTextualUI

#' orTextual module UI representation
#' This module allows to select (multiple) inputs from a \code{\link[shiny]{selectInput}} element.
#' The functions creates HTML tag definitions of its representation based on the parameters supplied.
#' @param id The ID of the modules namespace.
#' @return A list with HTML tags from \code{\link[shiny]{tag}}.
#' @export
orTextualUI <- function(id){
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

    shiny::tagList(shinyjs::useShinyjs(), shiny::uiOutput(ns("label"))),

#' orTextual module server logic
#' Provides server logic for the orTextual module.
#' @param input Shiny's input object.
#' @param output Shiny's output object.
#' @param session Shiny's session object.
#' @param choices A list or a character vector with the possible choices offered in the UI. See \code{\link[shiny]{selectInput}}.
#' @param selected The initially selected value. See \code{\link[shiny]{selectInput}}.
#' @param label A character vector of length one with the label for the \code{\link[shiny]{selectInput}}.
#' @param delimiter A single character indicating if and how items are delimited (default: \code{NULL} indicates no delimitation). Only if contains = FALSE.
#' @param multiple Whether or not selection of multiple items is allowed.
#' @param contains Logical variable. If TRUE shows module as a textsearch input.
#' @param reset A reactive which will trigger a module reset on change.
#' @param parse_mode Boolean to enable text to selection parsing. Ignored if multiple = FALSE or contains = TRUE.
#' @return Returns a reactive containing a named list with the label, the selected choices as a character vector (text) and a boolean vector of length \code{length(choices)} (bool), indicating whether a item has been chosen. If no item has been chosen, the return is \code{TRUE} for items.
#' @export
orTextual <- function(input, output, session, choices, selected = NULL, label = "Column", delimiter = NULL, multiple = TRUE, contains = FALSE, reset = NULL, parse_mode = TRUE){
  raw_choices <- choices

  # delimit choices
  if (!is.null(delimiter) & contains == FALSE) {
    choices <- unlist(strsplit(choices, split = delimiter, fixed = TRUE))

  output$label <- shiny::renderUI({

  output$select <- shiny::renderUI({
    if (contains) {
      ui <- shiny::textInput(session$ns("column"), label = NULL)
    } else {
      ui <- shiny::selectizeInput(session$ns("column"), label = NULL, choices = NULL, multiple = multiple, selected = NULL)
      # only fetch needed data (calculation on server-side)
      shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "column", choices = unique(choices), selected = selected, server = TRUE)


  if (parse_mode && multiple && !contains) {
    output$text_parse <- shiny::renderUI({
      shinyWidgets::actionBttn(inputId = session$ns("parse"), label = "Parse Text", size = "xs")

    shiny::observeEvent(input$parse, {
          title = label,
          #footer = shiny::modalButton("close"),
          easyClose = TRUE,
          shiny::HTML("Add selections through given text. Each line will be considered as a separate selection. Current selections will be discarded!"),
          shiny::textAreaInput(inputId = session$ns("text_selections"), placeholder = "Single selection per line.", label = NULL),
          shiny::actionButton(inputId = session$ns("add_selection"), label = "Add")

    shiny::observeEvent(input$add_selection, {
      # close popup window (modal)

      # parse text to selection
      selections <- unlist(strsplit(input$text_selections, split = "\n", fixed = TRUE))

      # keep selections that are listed as possible choices
      selections <- intersect(selections, unique(choices))
      shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "column", choices = unique(choices), selected = selections, server = TRUE)

  output$info <- shiny::renderUI({
      # added css so that padding won't be added everytime (sums up) modal is shown
      shiny::tags$style(type = "text/css", "body {padding-right: 0px !important;}"),
      shiny::actionLink(session$ns("infobutton"), label = NULL, icon = shiny::icon("question-circle"))

  if (shiny::is.reactive(reset)) {
    shiny::observeEvent(reset(), {
      if (is.null(selected)) {
      } else {
        shiny::updateSelectizeInput(session, "column", selected = selected)

  # show right info
  shiny::observeEvent(input$infobutton, {
    if (contains) {
      title <- "Textsearch"
      content <- shiny::HTML("Enter some text which will be used for textsearch.")
    } else {
      title <- "Text"
      content <- shiny::HTML("Select one or multiple values to filter.")

        title = title,
        footer = shiny::modalButton("close"),
        easyClose = TRUE,

  selected_choices <- shiny::reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$column)) {
      # escape all regex symbols
      esc_choices <- paste0("\\Q", input$column, "\\E")

      if (contains | !is.null(delimiter)) {
        result <- grepl(pattern = paste0(paste0("(^|", delimiter, ")"), esc_choices, paste0("($|", delimiter, ")"), collapse = "|"), raw_choices, perl = TRUE)
      } else {
        result <- grepl(pattern = paste0("^(", esc_choices, ")$", collapse = "|"), raw_choices, perl = TRUE)

      # set all TRUE if nothing selected
      if (is.null(input$column) | input$column[1] == "" & !all(result)) {
        result <- !result

    } else {
      return(!logical(length = length(raw_choices)))

  return(shiny::reactive(list(label = label, bool = selected_choices(), text = input$column)))
loosolab/wilson documentation built on Nov. 16, 2021, 3:21 p.m.