plot.ei <- function (x, ...)
# ei package hidden functions
.tomog <- function (ei.object, title = "Tomography Plot with the Data",
lci = T)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
bbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 1], bounds[, 2])
wbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 4], bounds[, 3])
n <- dim(bounds)[1]
length <- NA
for (i in 1:n) {
length[i] <- sqrt(abs(bbounds[i, 1] - bbounds[i, 2])^2 +
abs(wbounds[i, 1] - wbounds[i, 2])^2)
scale <- ((length - min(length))/(max(length) - min(length))) *
plot(c(100, 200), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), col = "white",
ylab = "betaW", xlab = "betaB", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = title)
if (lci == T) {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = hcl(h = 30,
c = 100, l = scale[i], alpha = 1))
else {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = "yellow")
# bounds1
bounds1 <- function (x, t, n)
homindx <- NULL
tx <- NULL
tomx <- NULL
LbetaB <- NULL
UbetaB <- NULL
LbetaW <- NULL
UbetaW <- NULL
omx = 1 - x
Nb = x * n
Nw = omx * n
p = length(x)
homoindx <- ifelse(x == 0, 1, 0)
homoindx <- ifelse(x == 1, 2, homoindx)
tx <- as.matrix(t/x)
tomx = as.matrix(t/omx)
tomxx <- as.matrix(tx - (omx/x))
txx <- as.matrix(tomx - x/(1 - x))
LbetaB <- apply(tomxx, 1, function(x) max(0, x))
UbetaB <- apply(tx, 1, function(x) min(x, 1))
LbetaW <- apply(txx, 1, function(x) max(0, x))
UbetaW <- apply(tomx, 1, function(x) min(x, 1))
bl <- homoindx == 2
LbetaB[bl] = t[bl]
UbetaB[bl] = t[bl]
LbetaW[bl] = NA
UbetaW[bl] = NA
wh <- homoindx == 1
LbetaB[wh] = NA
UbetaB[wh] = NA
LbetaW[wh] = t[wh]
UbetaW[wh] = t[wh]
return(cbind(LbetaB, UbetaB, LbetaW, UbetaW))
.tomogd <- function (x, t, n, title, lci = T) {
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
bbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 1], bounds[, 2])
wbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 4], bounds[, 3])
n <- dim(bounds)[1]
length <- NA
for (i in 1:n) {
length[i] <- sqrt(abs(bbounds[i, 1] - bbounds[i, 2])^2 +
abs(wbounds[i, 1] - wbounds[i, 2])^2)
scale <- ((length - min(length))/(max(length) - min(length))) *
plot(c(100, 200), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), col = "white",
ylab = "betaW", xlab = "betaB", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = title)
if (lci == T) {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = hcl(h = 30,
c = 100, l = scale[i], alpha = 1))
else {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = "yellow")
.repar <- function (Bb0, Bw0, sb0, sw0, rho0, Bb0v, Bw0v, Zb, Zw)
sb = exp(sb0)
sw = exp(sw0)
bb = Bb0 * (0.25 + sb^2) + 0.5 + as.matrix(apply(Zb, 2, function(x) x -
mean(x))) %*% as.matrix(Bb0v)
bw = Bw0 * (0.25 + sw^2) + 0.5 + as.matrix(apply(Zw, 2, function(x) x -
mean(x))) %*% as.matrix(Bw0v)
rho = (exp(2 * rho0) - 1)/(exp(2 * rho0) + 1)
return(c(t(bb), t(bw), sb, sw, rho))
.tomog3 <- function(bb, bw, sb, sw, rho) {
lines(ellipse(matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), nrow = 2), scale = c(sb,
sw), centre = c(mean(bb), mean(bw)), level = 0.914),
col = "blue", lwd = 4)
lines(ellipse(matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), nrow = 2), scale = c(sb,
sw), centre = c(mean(bb), mean(bw)), level = 0.35),
col = "red", lwd = 4)
points(mean(bb), mean(bw), col = "pink", pch = 15)
.tomogl <- function (ei.object, lci = TRUE)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
Zb <- ei.object$Zb
Zw <- ei.object$Zw
phi <- ei.object$phi
.tomogd(x, t, n, "Tomography Plot with ML Contours", lci = lci)
numb <- dim(Zb)[2]
numw <- dim(Zw)[2]
Bb0 <- phi[1]
Bw0 <- phi[2]
sb0 <- phi[3]
sw0 <- phi[4]
rho0 <- phi[5]
Bb0v <- phi[6:(5 + numb)]
Bw0v <- phi[(6 + numb):length(phi)]
vars <- .repar(Bb0, Bw0, sb0, sw0, rho0, Bb0v, Bw0v, Zb,
bb <- vars[1:length(x)]
bw <- vars[(length(x) + 1):(2 * length(x))]
sb <- vars[2 * length(x) + 1]
sw <- vars[2 * length(x) + 2]
rho <- vars[2 * length(x) + 3]
.tomog3(bb, bw, sb, sw, rho)
.aggs <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This eiread function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betab <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaw <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
omx <- 1 - x
Nb <- n * x
Nw <- n * omx
Bbgg <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = dim(betab)[2])
for (i in 1:dim(betab)[2]) {
Bbgg[i] <- weighted.mean(betab[, i], Nb)
Bwgg <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = dim(betaw)[2])
for (i in 1:dim(betaw)[2]) {
Bwgg[i] <- weighted.mean(betaw[, i], Nw)
return(cbind(Bbgg, Bwgg))
.tomog80CI <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
.tomogd(x, t, n, "Tomography Plot with 80% CIs", lci = F)
betabcd <- apply(betabs, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.1,
betawcd <- apply(betaws, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.1,
n <- dim(betabcd)[2]
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(betabcd[, i], sort(betawcd[, i], decreasing = T),
col = "red", lwd = 3)
.tomog95CI <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
.tomogd(x, t, n, "Tomography Plot with 95% CIs", lci = F)
betabcd <- apply(betabs, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025,
betawcd <- apply(betaws, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025,
n <- dim(betabcd)[2]
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(betabcd[, i], sort(betawcd[, i], decreasing = T),
col = "red", lwd = 3)
.tomogE <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
.tomogd(x, t, n, "Tomography Plot with Mean Posterior Betabs and\nBetaws")
betabm <- apply(betabs, 1, mean)
betawm <- apply(betaws, 1, mean)
points(betabm, betawm, col = "red", pch = 19)
.tomogP2 <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
psi <- ei.object$psi
.tomogd(x, t, n, "Tomography Plot with Contours Based on Posterior")
bbp <- psi[, 1:length(x)]
bwp <- psi[, (length(x) + 1):(2 * length(x))]
sbp <- psi[, 2 * length(x) + 1]
swp <- psi[, 2 * length(x) + 2]
rhop <- psi[, 2 * length(x) + 3]
points(mean(bbp), mean(bwp), col = "red", pch = 19)
.tomog3(bbp, bwp, mean(sbp), mean(swp), mean(rhop))
.betabd <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab)
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betabm <- apply(betabs, 1, mean)
plot(density(betabm), xlim = c(0, 1), col = "green",
xlab = "betaB", ylab = "density across precincts, f(betaB)",
main = "Density of\nbetaB")
vb <- as.vector(betabm)
for (i in 1:length(vb)) {
lines(c(vb[i], vb[i]), c(0, 0.25))
.betawd <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betaw)
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
betawm <- apply(betaws, 1, mean)
plot(density(betawm), xlim = c(0, 1), col = "green",
xlab = "betaW", ylab = "density across precincts, f(betaW)",
main = "Density of\nbetaW")
vw <- as.vector(betawm)
for (i in 1:length(vw)) {
lines(c(vw[i], vw[i]), c(0, 0.25))
.xt <- function (ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
plot(x, t, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = "X and T\nScatterplot", ylab = "T", xlab = "X",
pch = 20)
.xtc <- function (ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
circ <- 0.04
plot(x, t, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = "X and T\nScatterplot with Population Density Circles",
ylab = "T", xlab = "X", pch = 20)
minn <- min(n)
maxn <- max(n)
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
radius = (n[i] - minn + 1)/(1 + maxn - minn)[i], t[i], radius * circ)
.xtfit <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
low <- 0.1
up <- 0.9
circ <- 0.04
plot(x, t, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", main = "X and T\nScatterplot with E(T|X) and 80% CIs",
ylab = "T", xlab = "X", pch = 20)
minn <- min(n)
maxn <- max(n)
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
radius = (n[i] - minn + 1)/(1 + maxn - minn)[i], t[i], radius * circ)
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
betabs <- as.vector(betabs)
betaws <- as.vector(betaws)
t <- matrix(ncol = length(x), nrow = length(betabs))
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
t[, i] <- betabs * x[i] + betaws * (1 - x[i])
et <- apply(t, 2, mean)
lines(x, et, col = "yellow")
lwr <- apply(t, 2, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(low)))
upr <- apply(t, 2, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(up)))
lines(x, lwr, col = "red")
lines(x, upr, col = "red")
.xtfitg <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
x <- ei.object$x[ok]
t <- ei.object$t[ok]
n <- ei.object$n[ok]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
low <- 0.1
up <- 0.9
circ <- 0.04
plot(x, t, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", main = "X and T\nScatterplot with E(T|X), 80% CIs, and Goodman",
ylab = "T", xlab = "X", pch = 20)
minn <- min(n)
maxn <- max(n)
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
radius = (n[i] - minn + 1)/(1 + maxn - minn)[i], t[i], radius * circ)
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
betabs <- as.vector(betabs)
betaws <- as.vector(betaws)
t <- matrix(ncol = length(x), nrow = length(betabs))
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
t[, i] <- betabs * x[i] + betaws * (1 - x[i])
et <- apply(t, 2, mean)
lines(x, et, col = "yellow")
lwr <- apply(t, 2, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(low)))
upr <- apply(t, 2, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(up)))
lines(x, lwr, col = "red")
lines(x, upr, col = "red")
t <- ei.object$t
x <- ei.object$x <- lm(t ~ x)
abline(, col = "green")
.estsims <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This plot function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
colors = runif(length(betabs), 26, 51)
plot(betabs, betaws, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", main = "Simulations of betaW and betaB",
ylab = "betaW\nsimulations", xlab = "betaB simulations",
pch = 20, col = colors, lty = 2, cex = 0.25)
.boundXb <- function (ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
truebb <- ei.object$truth[, 1]
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
plot(x, truebb, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", main = "Aggregation Bias for betaB", ylab = "True betab",
xlab = "X", pch = 20)
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
lines(c(x[i], x[i]), c(bounds[, 1][i], bounds[, 2][i]))
lm.xb <- lm(truebb ~ x)
abline(lm.xb, lty = 2)
.boundXw <- function (ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
truebw <- ei.object$truth[, 2]
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
plot(x, truebw, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", main = "Aggregation Bias for betaW", ylab = "True betaw",
xlab = "X", pch = 20)
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
lines(c(x[i], x[i]), c(bounds[, 3][i], bounds[, 4][i]))
lm.xw <- lm(truebw ~ x)
abline(lm.xw, lty = 2)
.CI80b <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This eiread function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
betab <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
lwr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(ei.object$x))
upr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(ei.object$x))
lwr[ok] <- apply(betab, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.1)))
lwr[!ok] <- NA
upr[ok] <- apply(betab, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.9)))
upr[!ok] <- NA
return(cbind(lwr, upr))
.CI80w <- function (ei.object)
if (!("betabs" %in% names(ei.object))) {
message("Error: This eiread function requires an ei.sim object.")
if ("betabs" %in% names(ei.object)) {
ok <- !$betab) & !$betaw)
betaw <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
lwr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(ei.object$x))
upr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(ei.object$x))
lwr[ok] <- apply(betaw, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.1)))
lwr[!ok] <- NA
upr[ok] <- apply(betaw, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.9)))
upr[!ok] <- NA
return(cbind(lwr, upr))
.truthfn <- function (ei.object)
n <- ei.object$n
x <- ei.object$x
omx <- 1 - x
truebb <- ei.object$truth[, 1]
truebw <- ei.object$truth[, 2]
betabs <- ei.object$betabs
betaws <- ei.object$betaws
betab <- ei.object$betab
betaw <- ei.object$betaw
truthbb <- sum(truebb * n)/sum(n)
truthbw <- sum(truebw * n)/sum(n)
circ = 0.04
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
ag <- .aggs(ei.object)
plot(density(ag[, 1]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, max(density(ag[,
1])$y) + 1), yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i", main = "Density of Bb Posterior & Truth",
xlab = "Bb", ylab = "Density")
lines(c(truthbb, truthbb), c(0, 0.25 * (max(density(ag[,
1])$y) + 1)), lwd = 3)
plot(density(ag[, 2]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, max(density(ag[,
2])$y) + 1), yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i", main = "Density of Bw Posterior & Truth",
xlab = "Bw", ylab = "Density")
lines(c(truthbw, truthbw), c(0, 0.25 * (max(density(ag[,
2])$y) + 1)), lwd = 3)
plot(betab, truebb, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", xlab = "Estimated betab", cex = 0.1, ylab = "True betab")
minn <- min(x * n)
maxn <- max(x * n)
for (i in 1:length(betab)) {
radius = (n[i] * x[i] - minn + 1)/(1 + maxn - minn)[i], truebb[i], radius * circ)
ci80b = .CI80b(ei.object)
low = mean(abs(ci80b[, 1] - betab))
high = mean(abs(ci80b[, 2] - betab))
abline(0, 1)
lines(c(0, 1), c(-low, 1 - low), lty = 2)
lines(c(0, 1), c(high, 1 + high), lty = 2)
plot(betaw, truebw, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", xlab = "Estimated\nbetaw", ylab = "True betaw",
cex = 0.1)
minn <- min(omx * n)
maxn <- max(omx * n)
for (i in 1:length(betaw)) {
radius = (omx[i] * n[i] - minn + 1)/(1 + maxn - minn)[i], truebw[i], radius * circ)
ci80w = .CI80w(ei.object)
low = mean(abs(ci80w[, 1] - betaw))
high = mean(abs(ci80w[, 2] - betaw))
abline(0, 1)
lines(c(0, 1), c(-low, 1 - low), lty = 2)
lines(c(0, 1), c(high, 1 + high), lty = 2)
.bndplot <- function (dbuf)
form <- dbuf$formula
total <- dbuf$total
data <- dbuf$data
n <- nrow(data)
covariate <- NA
rows <- c(all.names(form)[6:(length(all.names(form)))])
names = rows
cols <- c(all.names(form)[3])
if (sum(data[, rows][, 1] < 1.1) == length(data[, rows][,
1])) {
data <- round(data * data[, total])
bnds <- bounds(form, data = data, rows = rows, column = cols,
threshold = 0)
dv <- data[, all.names(form)[3]]
bndsoth <- bnds$bounds[[3]]
oth <- data[, all.names(form)[length(all.names(form))]]
bndsx <- bnds$bounds[[1]]
xcat <- data[, all.names(form)[6]]
bndsy <- bnds$bounds[[2]]
ycat <- data[, all.names(form)[7]]
minx <- bndsx[, 1]
miny <- bndsy[, 1]
minoth <- bndsoth[, 1]
maxx <- bndsx[, 2]
maxy <- bndsy[, 2]
maxoth <- bndsoth[, 2]
newdv <- dv - (minx * xcat)
newtot <- oth + ycat
t <- newdv/newtot
y <- ycat/newtot
lby <- cbind(miny, (t - maxoth * oth/newtot)/(y))
lby[, 2] <- ifelse(y == 0, 0, lby[, 2])
lowy <- apply(lby, 1, max)
hby <- cbind((t - minoth * oth/newtot)/y, maxy)
highy <- apply(hby, 1, min)
newtot <- oth + xcat
newdv <- dv - (miny * ycat)
x <- xcat/newtot
t <- newdv/newtot
lbx <- cbind(minx, (t - maxoth * oth/newtot)/x)
lbx[, 2] <- ifelse(x == 0, 0, lbx[, 2])
lowx <- apply(lbx, 1, max)
hbx <- cbind((t - minoth * oth/newtot)/x, maxx)
highx <- apply(hbx, 1, min)
hstr <- cbind(minx, highy)
hend <- cbind(highx, miny)
lstr <- cbind(minx, lowy)
lend <- cbind(lowx, miny)
if (! {
redg <- data[, covariate]/(oth - data[, covariate])/max(data[,
covariate]/(oth - data[, covariate]))
blug <- 1 - redg
if ( {
redg <- rep(0.5, length(minx))
blug <- rep(0.5, length(minx))
xl <- paste("Percent", names[1], "Vote Democrat")
yl <- paste("Percent", names[2], "Vote Democrat")
mn <- paste("Tomography Plot in a 2x3 Table (", names[3],
" Other Category)", sep = "")
plot(c(0, 0), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", xlab = xl, ylab = yl, col = "white", main = mn)
ok <- ![, 2]) & ![, 1])
exp1 <- hstr[ok, 2] >= maxy[ok]
exp2 <- hend[ok, 1] >= maxx[ok]
exp3 <- lstr[ok, 2] <= miny[ok]
exp4 <- lend[ok, 1] <= minx[ok]
hstr <- hstr[ok, ]
hend <- hend[ok, ]
lstr <- lstr[ok, ]
lend <- lend[ok, ]
dv <- dv[ok]
ycat <- ycat[ok]
oth <- oth[ok]
minoth <- minoth[ok]
xcat <- xcat[ok]
maxy <- maxy[ok]
maxx <- maxx[ok]
redg <- redg[ok]
blug <- blug[ok]
for (i in 1:dim(hstr)[1]) {
if ((exp1[i] + exp2[i] + exp3[i] + exp4[i]) == 0) {
xaxs <- c(hstr[i, 1], lstr[i, 1], lend[i, 1], hend[i,
yaxs <- c(hstr[i, 2], lstr[i, 2], lend[i, 2], hend[i,
side1 <- c(xaxs, xaxs[1])
side2 <- c(yaxs, yaxs[1])
c1 <- sum(side1[1:(length(side1) - 1)] * side2[2:length(side2)])
c2 <- sum(side1[2:(length(side1))] * side2[1:(length(side2) -
area <- abs(c1 - c2)/2
if (area > 0 & !is.nan(area)) {
alpha = min(0.5/(area * (n)), 1)
if (area == 0 | is.nan(area)) {
alpha = 0.05
border = alpha
polygon(xaxs, yaxs, col = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = alpha), border = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = 1), lty = 2)
if ((exp1[i] == 1) & (exp2[i]) == 0) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * minoth[i])/xcat[i] - maxy[i] *
kink1x <- c(cut)
kink1y <- c(maxy[i])
if ((exp2[i] == 1) & (exp1[i]) == 0) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * minoth[i])/ycat[i] - maxx[i] *
kink1x <- c(maxx[i])
kink1y <- c(cut)
if ((exp2[i] == 1 & exp1[i] == 1)) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * minoth[i])/ycat[i] - maxx[i] *
cut2 <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * minoth[i])/xcat[i] -
maxy[i] * ycat[i]/xcat[i]
kink1x <- c(maxx[i], cut2)
kink1y <- c(cut, maxy[i])
if ((exp3[i] == 1) & (exp4[i]) == 0) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * maxoth[i])/xcat[i] - miny[i] *
kink2x <- c(cut)
kink2y <- c(miny[i])
if ((exp4[i] == 1) & (exp3[i]) == 0) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * maxoth[i])/ycat[i] - minx[i] *
kink2x <- c(minx[i])
kink2y <- c(cut)
if ((exp3[i] == 1 & exp4[i] == 1)) {
cut <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * maxoth[i])/ycat[i] - minx[i] *
cut2 <- (dv[i] - (oth[i]) * maxoth[i])/xcat[i] -
miny[i] * ycat[i]/xcat[i]
kink2x <- c(minx[i], cut2)
kink2y <- c(cut, miny[i])
if ((exp3[i] + exp4[i]) == 0 & (exp1[i] + exp2[i] + exp3[i] +
exp4[i]) != 0) {
xaxs <- c(hstr[i, 1], lstr[i, 1], lend[i, 1], hend[i,
1], kink1x)
xaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(xaxs), 0, xaxs)
yaxs <- c(hstr[i, 2], lstr[i, 2], lend[i, 2], hend[i,
2], kink1y)
yaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(yaxs), 0, yaxs)
side1 <- c(xaxs, xaxs[1])
side2 <- c(yaxs, yaxs[1])
c1 <- sum(side1[1:(length(side1) - 1)] * side2[2:length(side2)])
c2 <- sum(side1[2:(length(side1))] * side2[1:(length(side2) -
area <- abs(c1 - c2)/2
if (area > 0 & !is.nan(area)) {
alpha = min(0.5/(area * (n)), 1)
if (area == 0 | is.nan(area)) {
alpha = 0.05
border = alpha
polygon(xaxs, yaxs, col = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = alpha), border = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = 1), lty = 2)
if ((exp1[i] + exp2[i]) == 0 & (exp1[i] + exp2[i] + exp3[i] +
exp4[i]) != 0) {
xaxs <- c(hstr[i, 1], lstr[i, 1], kink2x, lend[i,
1], hend[i, 1])
xaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(xaxs), 0, xaxs)
yaxs <- c(hstr[i, 2], lstr[i, 2], kink2y, lend[i,
2], hend[i, 2])
yaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(yaxs), 0, yaxs)
side1 <- c(xaxs, xaxs[1])
side2 <- c(yaxs, yaxs[1])
c1 <- sum(side1[1:(length(side1) - 1)] * side2[2:length(side2)])
c2 <- sum(side1[2:(length(side1))] * side2[1:(length(side2) -
area <- abs(c1 - c2)/2
if (area > 0 & !is.nan(area)) {
alpha = min(0.5/(area * (n)), 1)
if (area == 0 | is.nan(area)) {
alpha = 0.05
border = alpha
polygon(xaxs, yaxs, col = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = alpha), border = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = 1), lty = 2)
if ((exp1[i] + exp2[i]) != 0 & (exp3[i] + exp4[i]) !=
0) {
xaxs <- c(hstr[i, 1], lstr[i, 1], kink2x, lend[i,
1], hend[i, 1], kink1x)
xaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(xaxs), 0, xaxs)
yaxs <- c(hstr[i, 2], lstr[i, 2], kink2y, lend[i,
2], hend[i, 2], kink1y)
yaxs <- ifelse(is.nan(yaxs), 0, yaxs)
side1 <- c(xaxs, xaxs[1])
side2 <- c(yaxs, yaxs[1])
c1 <- sum(side1[1:(length(side1) - 1)] * side2[2:length(side2)])
c2 <- sum(side1[2:(length(side1))] * side2[1:(length(side2) -
area <- abs(c1 - c2)/2
if (area > 0 & !is.nan(area)) {
alpha = min(0.5/(area * (n)), 1)
if (area == 0 | is.nan(area)) {
alpha = 0.05
border = alpha
polygon(xaxs, yaxs, col = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = alpha), border = rgb(redg[i], 0, blug[i],
alpha = 1), lty = 2)
.tomogonce <- function (input, last.input, ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
bbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 1], bounds[, 2])
wbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 4], bounds[, 3])
n <- dim(bounds)[1]
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(c(100, 200), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), col = "white",
ylab = "betaW", xlab = "betaB", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = "Tomography Plot")
if (input == "") {
last.input <- as.integer(last.input)
input <- last.input + 1
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = "yellow")
lines(bbounds[input, ], wbounds[input, ], col = "black")
else {
input <- as.integer(input)
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(bbounds[i, ], wbounds[i, ], col = "yellow")
lines(bbounds[input, ], wbounds[input, ], col = "black")
.getinput <- function ()
readline("Hit <enter> for next observation, enter observation number, or hit <s> to stop: ")
.postonce <- function (input, last.input, betab, betaw, betabs, betaws)
if (input == "") {
last.input <- as.integer(last.input)
input <- last.input + 1
else {
input <- as.integer(input)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
plot(density(betab[input, ]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0,
max(density(betab[input, ])$y) + 1), yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i",
main = "Posterior Distribution of betaB", xlab = "Bb",
ylab = "Density")
lines(c(0, 0.25 * (max(density(betab[input, ])$y) + 1)),
lwd = 3)
plot(density(betaw[input, ]), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0,
max(density(betaw[input, ])$y) + 1), yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i",
main = "Posterior Distribution of betaW", xlab = "Bw",
ylab = "Density")
lines(c(0, 0.25 * (max(density(betaw[input, ])$y) + 1)),
lwd = 3)
colors = runif(length(betabs), 26, 51)
plot(betabs[input, ], betaws[input, ], xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0,
1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", main = "Simulations of betaW and betaB",
ylab = "betaW simulations", xlab = "betaB simulations",
pch = 20, col = colors, lty = 2, cex = 0.25)
mtext(sprintf("Plots for Observation %d", input), line = 0.5,
outer = TRUE)
.movieD <- function (ei.object)
x <- ei.object$x
t <- ei.object$t
n <- ei.object$n
bounds <- bounds1(x, t, n)
bbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 1], bounds[, 2])
wbounds <- cbind(bounds[, 4], bounds[, 3])
n <- dim(bounds)[1]
plot(c(100, 200), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), col = "white",
ylab = "betaW", xlab = "betaB", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
main = "Tomography Plot")
input <- 0
while (input != "s") {
input <- .tomogonce(input, last.input, ei.object)
last.input <- input
input <- .getinput()
.movie <- function (ei.object)
ok <- !$betab)
betabs <- ei.object$betabs[ok, ]
ok <- !$betaw)
betaws <- ei.object$betaws[ok, ]
betab <- ei.object$betabs
betaw <- ei.object$betaws
input <- 1
last.input <- 0
while (input != "s") {
input <- .postonce(input, last.input, betab, betaw, betabs,
last.input <- input
input <- .getinput()
ei.object <- x
lci.function.list <- list(tomogD = .tomog, tomog = .tomogl)
function.list <- list(tomogCI = .tomog80CI, tomogCI95 = .tomog95CI,
tomogE = .tomogE, tomogP = .tomogP2, betab = .betabd,
betaw = .betawd, xt = .xt, xtc = .xtc, xtfit = .xtfit,
xtfitg = .xtfitg, estsims = .estsims, boundXb = .boundXb,
boundXw = .boundXw, truth = .truthfn, eiRxCtomog = .bndplot,
movieD = .movieD, movie = .movie)
arguments <- list(...)
if ("lci" %in% names(arguments)) {
lci <- arguments$lci
arguments$lci <- NULL
else {
lci <- TRUE
results <- list()
if (length(arguments) != 1) {
row = ceiling(length(arguments)/2)
par(mfrow = c(row, 2))
for (arg in arguments) {
if (arg %in% names(function.list)) {
results[[arg]] <- function.list[[arg]](ei.object = ei.object)
else if (arg %in% names(lci.function.list)) {
results[[arg]] <- lci.function.list[[arg]](ei.object = ei.object,
lci = lci)
else results[[arg]] <- NA
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