
Identifies clusters in a DESeq2 object using the degPatterns function from DEGreport.


This tool clusters elements that show a similar pattern or behavior accross group of samples using the degPatterns function. Two different approaches to cluster elements are supported: diana and ConsensusClusterPlus.

The most common use case for degPatterns is to cluster genes in an RNA-Seq differential expression analysis; however, it can also be used in ChIP-seq for differential peak binding as well as in Metagenomics, for differential abundance studies.


Required inputs

This tool has the following required inputs:

  1. deseq2Object

    DESeq2 object in RDS format. This object is generated after running the DESeq function from DESeq2.

  2. explanatoryVar

    Explanatory variable in the DESeq2 object. In an experimental study, it is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher (e.g. time). It will be used on the x-axis of the plots. This variable must exist in the DESeq2 object.

    If the designFile shown below was used to run a differential expression analysis with DESeq2. The variable time could then be used as explanatoryVar when running degPatterns.

sample  tissue  sex time
sample_1    bone    M   1st
sample_2    bone    F   2nd
sample_3    bone    M   3rd
sample_4    bone    M   1st
sample_5    bone    F   2nd
sample_6    bone    M   3rd
sample_7    liver   F   1st
sample_8    liver   M   2nd
sample_9    liver   F   3rd
sample_10   liver   F   1st
sample_11   liver   M   2nd
sample_12   liver   F   3rd

Optional inputs

The tool provides additional configuration through the following optional inputs:

  1. qValue

    Q-value threshold to filter elements from the DESeq2 object (default: 0.05).

  2. log2FoldChange

    Minimum absolute log2 fold-change threshold to filter elements from the DESeq2 object (default: 0).

  3. minElements

    Minimum number of elements to form a cluster (default: 15).

  4. groupVar

    Group variable in the DESeq2 object. It will determine how samples are grouped (eg. male/female, control/mutant). This variable must exist in the DESeq2 object.

    If the designFile shown below was used to run a differential expression analysis with DESeq2. The variables tissue or sex could then be used as groupVar when running degPatterns.

sample  tissue  sex time
sample_1    bone    M   1st
sample_2    bone    F   2nd
sample_3    bone    M   3rd
sample_4    bone    M   1st
sample_5    bone    F   2nd
sample_6    bone    M   3rd
sample_7    liver   F   1st
sample_8    liver   M   2nd
sample_9    liver   F   3rd
sample_10   liver   F   1st
sample_11   liver   M   2nd
sample_12   liver   F   3rd
  1. clusterMethod

    Clustering method to use, either diana or ConsensusClusterPlus funtion (default: diana).

  2. removeOutliers

    Remove outliers from the cluster distribution (default: true).

  3. scale

    Scale DESeq2 normalized count matrix (default: true).

  4. plotsPerColumn

    Number of plots per column in the summaryPlot output file. Maximum number of plots allowed per column are 5 (default: 2).

  5. plotsPerRow

    Number of plots per row in the summaryPlot output file. Maximum number of plots allowed per row are 5 (default: 2). 10. outputPrefix

    Prefix name for the output file (default: deg-patterns).


Required outputs

This tool will always provide the following outputs:

  1. degReport

    Tab delimited table describing the association between each element and the assigned cluster.

| Column name | Definition | |:------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [element_ID] | Unique identifier for each element. Eg., geneID and sampleID. | | merge | Interaction specified in the designFormula while running DESeq2. | | value | Z-score using the mean and the standard deviation from elements at the same merge level. This is the value displayed on the y-axis of the plots. | | [metadata_columns] | Columns representing the metadata associated with the particular element. Eg. for a gene it can be tissue, time, and sex. | | sizeFactor | Geometric mean considering elements with the same merge value (ie., the sizeFactor will be the same for all elements at the same explanatoryVar and groupVar level). | | cluster | Cluster assigned to the particular element. |

  1. elementClusterMap

    Tab delimited table describing what cluster has been assigned to each element. Two columns namely, id, which represents the element identification number and cluster, which representing the assigned cluster are present.

  2. clusterCount

    Tab delimited table summarizing the number of elements per cluster. Two columns namely, cluster, which represents the particular cluster ID and count, which represents the number of times that cluster is repeated are present.

  3. summaryPlot

    PDF file displaying plots of all the identified clusters. The x-axis represents the factors from the explanatoryVar input, while the y-axis represents the Z-score ranges. Z-score represents the value's relationship with the mean and is measured in terms of standard deviation from the mean. For example, a zero value indicates that it is equal to the mean, while a value of positive or negative one indicates that it's one standard deviation above or below the mean respectively. An example of the plot is shown below:

*degPatterns plot*.

  1. clusterPlots

    Compressed .tar.gz file with individual Plotly cluster plots.


Get input data

This tool expects a DESeq2 object in RDS format. This can be generated by running the matrix-to-deseq2 tool found in the BatchX marketplace. The RDS object generated from Example 4 will be used here as input (i.e., time_series.deseq2.RDS).

Upload input data into BatchX

In case the RDS object is not on BatchX use the following command to upload this file to the BatchX file system:

bx cp time_series.deseq2.RDS bx://test/degreports/

Submit job

Submit a job to cluster genes expressing similarly across time and belonging to two different tissue.

bx submit lpantano-team@degreport/deg-patterns:0.0.4 '{
    "deseq2Object": "bx://test/degreports/time_series.deseq2.RDS",
    "explanatoryVar": "time",
    "qValue": 0.5,
    "log2FoldChange": 0.1,
    "plotsPerColumn": 4,
    "plotsPerRow": 4,
    "removeOutliers": false,
    "groupVar": "tissue",
    "outputPrefix": "time-tissue",
    "minElements": 1

The above job will create two clusters which upon visualization looks like the following:

*degPatterns clusters for example run*.


Tool versions

lpantano/DEGreport documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 12:01 a.m.