Man pages for lsaravia/EcoNetwork
Ecological network analyses including multiplex networks

calc_incoherenceCalculate the incoherence index of a food web
calc_interaction_intensityCalculates the interaction intensity of a food web using the...
calc_modularityCalculation of Modularity for a list of igraph objects
calc_modularity_swness_zscoreCalculation of Modularity and Small-world-ness z-scores
calc_QSSCalc the Quasi Sign Stability measure for antagonistic...
calc_QSS_extinction_difCalculates the QSS difference between the full network and...
calc_QSS_extinction_dif_grpCalculates the QSS difference between the full network and...
calc_QSS_extinctions_seqCalculates the QSS for an extinction sequence
calc_quantitative_connectanceCalculates the quantitative connectance, and the effective...
calc_swness_zscoreCalculation Small-world-ness z-scores
calc_topological_indicesCalculate topological indices for ecological networks. The...
calc_topological_rolesCalc topological roles among network communities/modules
calc_weighted_topological_indicesFunction to calculate weighted network indices
classify_topological_rolesClassify and plot topological roles
curve_ballCurbe ball algorithm to generate random networks with given...
fromGLVadjToIgraphFrom Generalized Lotka Volterra adjacency matrix to igraph...
fromIgraphToMgraphFrom multiple igraph objects to 'mgraph'
generate_er_basalGenerate directed Erdos-Renyi random networks with at least 1...
metadataMetadata for 'netData'
netDataCompilation of Ecological Networks (food webs) in igraph...
plot_troph_levelPlot ecological network organized by trophic level, with node...
readMultiplexRead ecological multiplex networks using different files for...
readNetworkRead ecological networks in CSV or tab separated file format...
toGLVadjMatFrom multiple interaction object 'mgraph'to GLV adjacency...
lsaravia/EcoNetwork documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:23 p.m.