classify_topological_roles: Classify and plot topological roles

View source: R/calcTopologicalIndices.r

classify_topological_rolesR Documentation

Classify and plot topological roles


We use the topological roles calculated with calc_topological_roles() and categorize them following the approach of Kortsch (2015), that defines species roles based in two thresholds PC=0.625 and dz=2.5. If a species had at least 60% of links within its own module then PC<0.625, and if it also had dz\ge 2.5, thus it was classified as a module hub, labeled modhub. If a species had PC<0.625 and dz<2.5, then it was called a peripheral or specialist, labeled modspe. Species that had PC\ge0.625 and dz<2.5 were considered module connectors modcon. Finally, if a species had PC\ge0.625 and dz\ge 2.5, then it was classified as a super-generalist or hub-connector hubcon.


classify_topological_roles(tRoles, g, community = NULL, plt = FALSE)



Calculated topological roles with the function calc_topological_roles()


Igraph network object


Igraph community object used to calculate the topological roles


logical whether a plot is generated


a data.frame with the classified topological roles


  1. Kortsch, S., Primicerio, R., Fossheim, M., Dolgov, A. V & Aschan, M. (2015). Climate change alters the structure of arctic marine food webs due to poleward shifts of boreal generalists. Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci., 282

  2. Saravia, L.A., Marina, T.I., De Troch, M. & Momo, F.R. (2018). Ecological Network assembly: how the regional meta web influence local food webs. bioRxiv, 340430, doi:


## Not run: 

g <- netData[[2]]

tp <- calc_topological_roles(g,nsim=10)


## End(Not run)

lsaravia/EcoNetwork documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:23 p.m.