curve_ball: Curbe ball algorithm to generate random networks with given...

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curve_ballR Documentation

Curbe ball algorithm to generate random networks with given an igraph network


This extract the adjacency matrix from an igraph object and generates a randomized version of the network with the same row and column totals, the results have the same in and out degree sequence than the original network. The diagonals are not avoided so it can generate self-links or cannibalism in the context of food-webs. In the case that the network has multiple components (or disconnected networks) the algorithm simulates around the same number of components, if the original network has 1 component the algorithm enforces that the results have all 1 component. If the edge attribute weight is present and istrength=TRUE then the weigth is additionally randomized keeping the column sum equal to the original matrix.


curve_ball(g, nsim = 1000, istrength = FALSE)



igraph object to extract adjacency matrix


number of generated random networks


if TRUE the edge attribute weight is taken as interaction strength and randomized keeping the column sum equal to the original matrix.


Based on:


a list of randomized igraph objects


Strona, G. et al. 2014. A fast and unbiased procedure to randomize ecological binary matrices with fixed row and column totals. -Nat. Comm. 5: 4114. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5114



lsaravia/EcoNetwork documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:23 p.m.