calc_topological_indices: Calculate topological indices for ecological networks. The...

View source: R/calcTopologicalIndices.r

calc_topological_indicesR Documentation

Calculate topological indices for ecological networks. The mean trophic level and Omnivory and the Level of omnivory are calculated with the function NetIndices::TrophInd()


Calculate topological indices for ecological networks. The mean trophic level and Omnivory and the Level of omnivory are calculated with the function NetIndices::TrophInd()


calc_topological_indices(ig, ncores = 0)



vector of igraph objects


number of cores used to compute in parallel, if 0 sequential processing is used.


a data.frame with the following fields:

  • Network: Name of the network if the list have names

  • Size: Number of species

  • Top: Number of top predator species

  • Basal: Number of basal especies

  • Omnivory: Proportion of omnivorous species

  • Links: number of interactions

  • LD: linkage density

  • Connectance: directed Connectance

  • PathLength: average path length

  • Clustering: clustering coeficient

  • Cannib: number of cannibalistic species

  • TLmean: mean trophic level

  • TLmax: maximum trophic level

  • LOmnivory: Level of omnivory, quantifies mean of the variety in trophic levels of the preys of a consumer

  • Components: number of weakly connected components

  • Vulnerability: mean of number of consumers per prey

  • VulSD: the standard deviation of normalized Vulnerability

  • Generality: mean number of prey per consumer

  • GenSD: the standard deviation of normalized Generality



# Generate a test network

g <-   graph_from_literal( 1 -+ 4 -+ 7,2 -+ 5 -+7, 3-+6-+7, 7-+7, 4+-3, simplify = FALSE)


lsaravia/EcoNetwork documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:23 p.m.