
makeRectDF <- function(Splot,
                       xlim, ylim,
                       x.right, y.bottom,

  if(is.na(x.right[1]) | is.na(y.bottom[1])) {

    cat("Warning: x.right.pos or y.bottom.pos is NA \n       Must have all four coordinates for rectangle \n       Not Mapping \n")
    MapObj = NA
    up.left = boundingPt$up.left
    low.right = boundingPt$low.right
    if(xlim[1] == xlim[2]){
      xdif = 1
      xdif = xlim[2]-xlim[1]
    if(low.right[1] == up.left[1]){
      ptdif = 1
      ptdif = low.right[1]-up.left[1]
    if(ylim[1] == ylim[2]){
      ydif = 1
      ydif = ylim[2]-ylim[1]
    if(low.right[2] == up.left[2]){
      ptdif2 = 1
      ptdif2 = low.right[2]-up.left[2]

    # covert to pixels 

    #new.x.left =  round(up.left[1] + ((x.left-xlim[1])/(xlim[2]-xlim[1]))*(low.right[1]-up.left[1]))
    #new.y.bottom =  round(up.left[2] + ((ylim[2]-y.bottom)/(ylim[2]-ylim[1]))*(low.right[2]-up.left[2]))
    #new.x.right = round(up.left[1] + ((x.right-xlim[1])/(xlim[2]-xlim[1]))*(low.right[1]-up.left[1]))
    #new.y.top = round(up.left[2] + ((ylim[2]-y.top)/(ylim[2]-ylim[1]))*(low.right[2]-up.left[2]))
    new.x.left =  round(up.left[1] + ((x.left-xlim[1])/(xdif))*(ptdif))
    new.y.bottom =  round(up.left[2] + ((ylim[2]-y.bottom)/(ydif))*(ptdif2))
    new.x.right = round(up.left[1] + ((x.right-xlim[1])/(xdif))*(ptdif))
    new.y.top = round(up.left[2] + ((ylim[2]-y.top)/(ydif))*(ptdif2))

    dat = data.frame(
      # pixil locations
      pix.x.left = new.x.left,
      pix.y.top = new.y.top,
      pix.x.right = new.x.right,
      pix.y.bottom = new.y.bottom      
    dat2 = data.frame(rep(NA, length(y.top)))
    names(dat2) = "tempNA"
    dat3 = data.frame(rep(NA, length(y.top)))
    names(dat3) = "tempNA"
    #  check and fill lbls
    # x specific data
    contx = TRUE
    x.labels = as.data.frame(x.labels)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(x.labels))
    names(x.labels)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")        
    names(x.labels) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(x.labels))
    if( (dim(x.labels)[1]==1) & (dim(x.labels)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(x.labels[1,1])) contx = FALSE
    # dimension check
      if((dim(x.labels)[1] != length(x.left)) & contx){
        contx = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: x.labels does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x.left):",length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with x.labels = NA \n", sep=""))
        x.labels = NA
    # if x.labels is not NA continue
     lev = levels(factor(names(x.labels)))
     num = length(lev)
     for(i in 1:num){
       idx = which(names(x.labels) == lev[i])
       if(length(idx) > 1){
         for(j in 2:length(idx)){
           for(k in 1:(j-1)){
             vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
           names(x.labels)[idx[j]] = paste(names(x.labels)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      for(i in 1:dim(x.labels)[2]){
        if(i == 1) z.value = names(x.labels)[i]
        eval.js(paste("dat$",names(x.labels)[i], "=as.vector(x.labels[,i])", sep=""))
    # y specific data
    conty = TRUE
    y.labels = as.data.frame(y.labels)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(y.labels))
    names(y.labels)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")        
    names(y.labels) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(y.labels))
    if( (dim(y.labels)[1]==1) & (dim(y.labels)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(y.labels[1,1])) conty = FALSE
    # dimension check
    if((dim(y.labels)[1] != length(y.top)) & conty){
      conty = FALSE
      cat(paste("Warning: y.labels does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), "\n   Continuing with y.labels = NA \n", sep=""))
      y.labels = NA
    # if y.labels is not NA continue
    lev = levels(factor(names(y.labels)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(y.labels) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(y.labels)[idx[j]] = paste(names(y.labels)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      for(i in 1:dim(y.labels)[2]){
        if((i == 1) & !contx) z.value = names(y.labels)[i]
        eval.js(paste("dat$",names(y.labels)[i], "=as.vector(y.labels[,i])", sep=""))
    # xy -- assumes in this case that columns are different data vectors of row == nsmpls
    contxy = TRUE
    xy.labels = as.data.frame(xy.labels)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(xy.labels))
    names(xy.labels)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")    
    names(xy.labels) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(xy.labels))
    if( (dim(xy.labels)[1]==1) & (dim(xy.labels)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(xy.labels[1,1])) contxy = FALSE
    # dimension check
    if(((dim(xy.labels)[1] != length(y.top)) | (dim(xy.labels)[1] != length(x.left))) & contxy){
      contxy = FALSE
      cat(paste("Warning: xy.labels does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), " or length(x.left):", length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with xy.labels = NA \n", sep=""))
      xy.labels = NA
    # if xy.labels is not NA continue

    lev = levels(factor(names(xy.labels)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(xy.labels) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(xy.labels)[idx[j]] = paste(names(xy.labels)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      for(i in 1:dim(xy.labels)[2]){
        if((i == 1) & !contx & !conty) z.value = names(xy.labels)[i]
        eval.js(paste("dat$",names(xy.labels)[i], "=as.vector(xy.labels[,i])", sep=""))
    # if all: x.labels, y.labels, and xy.labels were NA no data to display
    # set up dummy vector with blanks 
    if(!contx & !conty & !contxy){  

    #  check and fill hyperlinks

    # if x specific hyperlinks
    cont = TRUE
    x.links = as.data.frame(x.links)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(x.links))
    names(x.links)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")        
    names(x.links) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(x.links))
    if( (dim(x.links)[1]==1) & (dim(x.links)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(x.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
    # dimension check
      if(dim(x.links)[1] != length(x.left)){
        cont = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: x.link does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x.left):",length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with x.links = NA \n", sep=""))
        x.links = NA
    # if x.links is not NA

    lev = levels(factor(names(x.links)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(x.links) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(x.links)[idx[j]] = paste(names(x.links)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      # for each column get links
      for(i in 1:dim(x.links)[2]){
        # for each points link
        for(j in 1:length(temp)){
          tmp = temp[j]
          # if not NA
            temp[j] = NA
          # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma  
            links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
            new.t = " "
            for(l in 1:length(links)){
              new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(x.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
            new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
            temp[j] = new.t
        # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
        eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(x.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    

    # if y specific hyperlinks
    cont = TRUE
    y.links = as.data.frame(y.links)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(y.links))
    names(y.links)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")  
    names(y.links) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(y.links))
    if( (dim(y.links)[1]==1) & (dim(y.links)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(y.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
    # dimension check
      if(dim(y.links)[1] != length(y.top)){
        cont = FALSE
        cat(paste("Warning: y.link does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), "\n   Continuing with y.links = NA \n", sep=""))
        y.links = NA
    # if y.links is not NA

    lev = levels(factor(names(y.links)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(y.links) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(y.links)[idx[j]] = paste(names(y.links)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      # for each column get links
      for(i in 1:dim(y.links)[2]){
        # for each points link
        for(j in 1:length(temp)){
          tmp = temp[j]
          # if not NA
            temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma 
            links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
            new.t = " "
            for(l in 1:length(links)){
              new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(y.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
            new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
            temp[j] = new.t
        # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
        eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(y.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    

    # if xy specific hyperlinks
    cont = TRUE
    xy.links = as.data.frame(xy.links)
    cngName =  grep("if ", names(xy.links))
    names(xy.links)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="") 
    names(xy.links) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(xy.links))
    if( (dim(xy.links)[1]==1) & (dim(xy.links)[2]==1)){
      if(is.na(xy.links[1,1])) cont = FALSE
    # dimension check
    if(((dim(xy.links)[1] != length(y.top)) | (dim(xy.links)[1] != length(x.left))) & cont){
      cont = FALSE
      cat(paste("Warning: xy.links does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), " or length(x.left):", length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with xy.links = NA \n", sep=""))
      xy.links = NA
    # if xy.links is not NA
    lev = levels(factor(names(xy.links)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(xy.links) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(xy.links)[idx[j]] = paste(names(xy.links)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
      # for each column get links
      for(i in 1:length(xy.links)){
        # for each points link
        for(j in 1:length(temp)){
          tmp = temp[j]
          # if not NA
            temp[j] = NA
            # split multiple links...assumed seperated by a comma   
            links = strsplit(tmp, split=",")[[1]]
            new.t = " "
            for(l in 1:length(links)){
              new.t = paste(new.t, paste("<a href=\\'", gsub(links[l], pattern=" ", replacement=""), "\\'> ", paste((names(xy.links)[i]),l, sep="."), " </a>", sep=""), sep=",")          
            new.t = gsub(new.t, pattern=" ,", replacement="")
            temp[j] = new.t
        # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
        eval.js(paste("dat2$", names(xy.links)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
    #  check if points themselves
    #    are hyperlinks

    # get points as Links information 
    contLinks = TRUE
    # if data frame convert to matrix
    if(class(asLinks) == "data.frame") asLinks = as.matrix(asLinks)
    # if matrix convert to vector
    if(class(asLinks) == "matrix") asLinks = as.vector(asLinks)
    # if single entry assume same for all points
    if((length(asLinks) == 1) & !is.na(asLinks[1])) asLinks = rep(asLinks, length(x.left))
    # convert to character vector
    asLinks = as.character(asLinks)
    # check dimensions
    if((length(asLinks) != length(x.left)) & !is.na(asLinks[1])){
      cat("Warning: cannot create points as links \n     length must be equal to x.left or y.top \n")
      contLinks = FALSE
    if(length(asLinks) ==1){
      if(is.na(asLinks[1])) contLinks=FALSE

  # check images to display

  # x specific data
  contxi = TRUE
  x.images = as.data.frame(x.images)
  cngName =  grep("if ", names(x.images))
  names(x.images)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")
  names(x.images) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(x.images))
  if( (dim(x.images)[1]==1) & (dim(x.images)[2]==1)){
    if(is.na(x.images[1,1])) contxi = FALSE
  # dimension check
    if((dim(x.images)[1] != length(x.left)) & contxi){
      contxi = FALSE
      cat(paste("Warning: x.images does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(x.left):",length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with x.images = NA \n", sep=""))
      x.images = NA
  # if x.images is not NA continue
    lev = levels(factor(names(x.images)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(x.images) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(x.images)[idx[j]] = paste(names(x.images)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
    for(i in 1:dim(x.images)[2]){
      # for each points link
      for(j in 1:length(temp)){
        tmp = temp[j]
        # if not NA
          temp[j] = NA
          new.ti= paste("<img src=\\'",tmp,"\\'>", sep="")          
          temp[j] = new.ti
     # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
      eval.js(paste("dat3$", names(x.images)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
  # y specific data
  contyi = TRUE
  y.images = as.data.frame(y.images)
  cngName =  grep("if ", names(y.images))
  names(y.images)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")
  names(y.images) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(y.images))
  if( (dim(y.images)[1]==1) & (dim(y.images)[2]==1)){
    if(is.na(y.images[1,1])) contyi = FALSE
  # dimension check
  if((dim(y.images)[1] != length(y.top)) & contyi){
    contyi = FALSE
    cat(paste("Warning: y.images does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), "\n   Continuing with y.images = NA \n", sep=""))
    y.images = NA
  # if y.images is not NA continue

    lev = levels(factor(names(y.images)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(y.images) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(y.images)[idx[j]] = paste(names(y.images)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
    for(i in 1:dim(y.images)[2]){
      # for each points link
      for(j in 1:length(temp)){
        tmp = temp[j]
        # if not NA
          temp[j] = NA
          new.ti= paste("<img src=\\'",tmp,"\\'>", sep="")          
          temp[j] = new.ti
     # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
      eval.js(paste("dat3$", names(y.images)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    
  # xy -- assumes in this case that columns are different data vectors of row == nsmpls
  contxyi = TRUE
  xy.images = as.data.frame(xy.images)
  cngName =  grep("if ", names(xy.images))
  names(xy.images)[cngName] = paste("Value", cngName, sep="")
  names(xy.images) = gsub(pattern=" ", replacement=".",names(xy.images))
  if( (dim(xy.images)[1]==1) & (dim(xy.images)[2]==1)){
    if(is.na(xy.images[1,1])) contxyi = FALSE
  # dimension check
  if(((dim(xy.images)[1] != length(y.top)) | (dim(xy.images)[1] != length(x.left))) & contxyi){
    contxyi = FALSE
    cat(paste("Warning: xy.images does not have correct dimensions \n   number of rows should equal length(y.top):",length(y.top), " or length(x.left):", length(x.left), "\n   Continuing with xy.images = NA \n", sep=""))
    xy.images = NA
  # if xy.images is not NA continue
    lev = levels(factor(names(xy.images)))
    num = length(lev)
    for(i in 1:num){
      idx = which(names(xy.images) == lev[i])
      if(length(idx) > 1){
        for(j in 2:length(idx)){
          for(k in 1:(j-1)){
            vch = paste(vch, ".", sep="")
          names(xy.images)[idx[j]] = paste(names(xy.images)[idx[j]], vch, sep="")
    for(i in 1:dim(xy.images)[2]){
      # for each points link
      for(j in 1:length(temp)){
        tmp = temp[j]
        # if not NA
          temp[j] = NA
         new.ti= paste("<img src=\\'",tmp,"\\'>", sep="")          
          temp[j] = new.ti
     # put link in correct syntax into character matrix
      eval.js(paste("dat3$", names(xy.images)[i], "=temp", sep=""))    

    # create object to return
    MapObj = list()
    MapObj$xy.type = "rect"
    MapObj$dat = dat
    MapObj$dat2 = dat2
    MapObj$dat3 = dat3
    MapObj$contLinks = contLinks
    MapObj$asLinks = asLinks

  # return object
lshep/sendplot documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:42 a.m.