## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liestøl and Ole Christian Lingjærde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liestøl et al. (2012), BMC Genomics
#Function that plots the frequency of deletions and amplifications given a threshold on the genome represented by a circle. Can also add arc to represent connections between different
#part of the genome
### segments: segmentations results from pcf or multipcf
### thres.gain,thres.loss: a vector with threshold(s) to be applied for abberration calling
### pos.unit: unit used for positions (bp,kbp,mbp)
### freq.colors: colors used to plot gain and loss frequencies
### alpha: a scalar between 0 and 1 that sets the amount of scaling of frequencies in order to fit in circle
### arcs: a data frame with 5 columns. The first four columns gives chromosome numbers and local positions for start point and end point of arc, respectively, while the last column should contain a vector of numbers 1,2,... indication that the arcs belong to different classes. Each class of arcs will then be plotted in a different color
### arc.colors: colors used to plot the lines representing the different classes in arcs. Must be longer or equal to the number of classes found in arcs.
### d: a scalar > 0 representing the distance from the genome circle to the starting points of the arcs. Set d=0 to make arcs start at the genome circle
### assembly: which assembly to use, must be one of hg19, hg18, hg17 or hg16
##Required by: none
### Requires:
## getGlobPos
## numericChrom
## circ
## c.lines
## pullOutContent
## getFreqData
plotCircle <- function(segments,thres.gain,thres.loss=-thres.gain,pos.unit="bp",freq.colors=c("red","limegreen"),alpha=1/7,arcs=NULL,arc.colors=c("goldenrod1","dodgerblue"),d=0.3,assembly="hg19"){
delta = 20000000 #defines the amount of space to be plotted between each chromosome
# Empty plot
outer.circ <- 0 #location of outer circle
inner.circ <- 0.1 #location of inner circle
#Plot cytoband
cytoband = get(assembly)
cyto.chr = substring(cytoband[,1],4)
cyto.chr[grep("X",cyto.chr)] = 23
cyto.chr[grep("Y",cyto.chr)] = 24
cyto.chr = as.numeric(cyto.chr)
o = order(cyto.chr)
cyto.chr = cyto.chr[o]
cytoband = cytoband[o,]
chr.end <- diff(cyto.chr) > 0
cyto.start = getGlobPos(cyto.chr, cytoband[,2], pos.unit, cytoband,delta=delta)
cyto.end = getGlobPos(cyto.chr, cytoband[,3], pos.unit, cytoband,delta=delta)
cyto.end[chr.end[1]:length(cyto.end)] = cyto.end[chr.end[1]:length(cyto.end)] + delta #need to add delta between first and second chromosome
cyto.stain <- cytoband[,5]
xmin = cyto.start[1]
xmax = cyto.end[length(cyto.end)]
ngrid = 5000
gridpts = seq(xmin,xmax,length=ngrid)
x0 = gridpts
x1 = x0
y0 = rep(0,ngrid)
y1 = rep(inner.circ,ngrid)
tmp0 = circ(x0,y0,xmax)
tmp1 = circ(x1,y1,xmax)
#Get colors for the cytoband
c0 = rep(0,ngrid)
chr.stop.pos = c(cyto.end[chr.end],cyto.end[length(cyto.end)])
delta.gridpts <- c()
for (i in 1:ngrid) {
grid.chr <- which(chr.stop.pos >= gridpts[i])[1]
#Check if we are within chromosome or in the delta-region added at the end of each chrom
if(gridpts[i] <= (chr.stop.pos[grid.chr]-delta)){
band = which(cyto.end >= gridpts[i])[1]
c0[i] = switch(cyto.stain[band],
"gneg" = "white",
"gpos100" = "black",
"gpos75" = "gray25",
"gpos50" = "gray50",
"gpos25" = "gray75",
"stalk" = "gray90",
"gvar" = "grey",
"acen" = "yellow")
delta.gridpts <- c(delta.gridpts,i)
#Between chromosomes the color should be white
c0[i] <- "white"
#Plot cytobands:
#Plot outer circle
x = seq(0,1,len=2000)
y = rep(outer.circ,2000)
#Plot inner circle
x = seq(0,1,len=2000)
y = rep(inner.circ,2000)
#Plot the white area between each chromosome:
# Plot chromosome borders
borders = c(chr.stop.pos,chr.stop.pos-delta)
x0 = borders
x1 = x0
y0 = rep(outer.circ - 0.04,length(borders)) #How much lines separating chromosomes will point out of the outer circle
y1 = rep(inner.circ, length(borders))
tmp0 = circ(x0,y0,xmax)
tmp1 = circ(x1,y1,xmax)
# Plot chromosome numbers
chrmiddle <- (chr.stop.pos[1:23] + (chr.stop.pos - delta)[2:24])/2
chrmiddle = c((chr.stop.pos[1]-delta)/2,chrmiddle) #add middle of chrom 1
x0 = chrmiddle
y0 = rep(outer.circ - 0.1,length(chrmiddle))
tmp = circ(x0,y0,xmax)
# Plot frequency of aberration
#Check data input:
#Make sure data input is a data frame (could be a list if it comes from segmentation algorithm or winsorize). Could also be a segments data frame or a data frame with original data.
#data <- pullOutContent(res=data,what="estimates")
data = segments
#Check if segments or data:
data = getFreqData(data)
data <- pullOutContent(res=data,what="estimates")
stopifnot(ncol(data)>=3) #something is missing in input data
#Make sure that chromosomes in data are numeric:
chr <- numericChrom(data[,1])
pos <- data[,2]
yhat <- data[,-c(1:2)]
freq.circ <- 1/7 + inner.circ #placement of frequencies-circle
m = freq.circ + (freq.circ - inner.circ) # max space for amp frequencies
AmpFreq = apply(yhat > thres.gain, 1, mean)
glob.pos <- getGlobPos(chr, pos, pos.unit, cytoband,delta=delta)
x0 = glob.pos
y0 = rep(freq.circ,length(x0))
x1 = x0
y1 = freq.circ + 0.01 + AmpFreq*alpha #Add 0.01 to avoid overlapping colors
y1[y1 > m] <- m #make sure that frequencies don't exceed the maximum space; truncate large values to this max
tmp0 = circ(x0,y0,xmax)
tmp1 = circ(x1,y1,xmax)
m = freq.circ - (freq.circ - inner.circ) # max space for del frequencies
DelFreq = apply(yhat < thres.loss, 1, mean)
x0 = glob.pos
y0 = rep(freq.circ,length(x0))
x1 = x0
y1 = freq.circ-0.01 - DelFreq*alpha #Subtract 0.01 to avoid overlapping colors
y1[y1 < m] <- m #make sure that frequencies don't exceed the maximum space; truncate large values to this max
tmp0 = circ(x0,y0,xmax)
tmp1 = circ(x1,y1,xmax)
# Plot x-axis (x-circle)
x = seq(0, 1, len=2000)
y = rep(freq.circ, 2000)
# Plot arcs if specified
cl <- arcs[,5]
u.cl <- sort(unique(cl))
arc.colors <- rep(arc.colors,length(u.cl))
warning("Number of colors in 'arc.colors' is fewer than number of unique classes in 'arcs'. Colors are reused.",call.s=FALSE)
chr0 = arcs[,1]
chr1 = arcs[,3]
pos0 = arcs[,2]
pos1 = arcs[,4]
x0 = getGlobPos(chr0,pos0,pos.unit,cytoband,delta=delta)
x1 = getGlobPos(chr1,pos1,pos.unit,cytoband,delta=delta)
m = d + inner.circ # determine where arcs should start
for(i in 1:length(x0)){
tmp = circ(c(x0[i],0,x1[i]),c(0.1,1.0,0.1),xmax)
tmp = circ(c(x0[i],0,x1[i]),c(m,1.0,m),xmax)
a0 = xspline(tmp$x,tmp$y,shape=c(0,1,0),draw=F)
# Circos transformation
circ = function(x,y,xmax) {
x = x*2*pi/xmax
xnew = (1-y)*cos(-x+pi/2)
ynew = (1-y)*sin(-x+pi/2)
list(x=xnew, y=ynew)
c.lines = function(x,y,xmax,...) {
tmp = circ(x,y,xmax)
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