
Defines functions .nonzero bam_sim

Documented in bam_sim .nonzero

#' bam_sim: Simulate dispersal dynamics using the set B of the BAM framework.

#' @param sp1 Niche model of the focal species (the one that disperses).
#' @param sp2 Niche model of the species with whom sp1 interacts (currently no dispersal dynamics for this species).
#' @param set_M A setM object cointaining the adjacency matrix for sp1.
#' See \code{\link[bam]{adj_mat}}
#' @param periods_toxic  Time periods that sps2 takes to develop defense mechanisms (i.e. toxic).
#' @param periods_suitable This is the time that sp2 takes to become non-toxic
#' @param initial_points A sparse vector returned by the function
#' \code{\link[bam]{occs2sparse}}
#' @param nsteps Number of steps to run the simulation
#' @param progress_bar Show progress bar
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ura <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata/urania_omph/urania_guanahacabibes.tif",
#'                                   package = "bam"))
#' omp <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata/urania_omph/omphalea_guanahacabibes.tif",
#'                                   package = "bam"))
#' msparse <- bam::model2sparse(ura)
#' init_coordsdf <- data.frame(x=-84.38751, y= 22.02932)
#' initial_points <- bam::occs2sparse(modelsparse = msparse,init_coordsdf)
#' set_M <- bam::adj_mat(modelsparse = msparse,ngbs = 1)
#' ura_sim <- bam::bam_sim(sp1=ura, sp2=omp, set_M=set_M,
#'                         initial_points=initial_points,
#'                         periods_toxic=3,
#'                         periods_suitable=3,
#'                         nsteps=40)
#' # Animation example
#' anp <-"C:/Users/l916o895/Dropbox/TeoriadeBAM/articulo_bam/ura_omp_sim.gif"
#' new_sim <- bam::sim2Animation(sdm_simul = ura_sim,
#'                               which_steps = 1:ura_sim@sim_steps,
#'                               fmt = "GIF",
#'                               filename = anp)
#' @export

bam_sim <- function(sp1,sp2,set_M,initial_points,
  if(!(methods::is(sp1,"RasterLayer") && methods::is(sp2,"RasterLayer"))){
    stop("sp1 and sp2 should be of raster class")
    stop("set_M should be of class setM")
  sp1_sp2 <- sp1*sp2
  A <- bam::model2sparse(sp1_sp2)
  bin_model <- A@sparse_model
  Matrix::diag(set_M@adj_matrix) <- 1
  AMA <- A@sparse_model %*% set_M@adj_matrix #%*%  A@sparse_model
  AMA2 <- AMA
  g0 <- initial_points
  nonzerosL <- list()
  time_mat <- matrix(numeric(length(A@cellIDs)),ncol  = 1)
  time_counter_off <- Matrix::Matrix(data = time_mat,sparse=T)
  time_counter_on <- Matrix::Matrix(data = time_mat,sparse=T)

  sdm <- list(g0)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                                max = nsteps,
                                style = 3)

  for(i in 1:nsteps){
    pix_occ <- .nonzero(g0)[,1]
    g0 <- AMA%*%g0
    g0[g0>1] <- 1
    time_counter_off[pix_occ, ] <- time_counter_off[pix_occ, ] + 1
    to_off_vec <- pix_occ[which( time_counter_off[pix_occ, ] >=   periods_toxic)]
    time_onID <- .nonzero(time_counter_on)[,1]

      g0[to_off_vec] <- 0
      Matrix::diag(bin_model)[to_off_vec] <- 0
      AMA <- bin_model %*% set_M@adj_matrix
      time_counter_off[to_off_vec, ] <- 0
      time_onID <- c(time_onID,to_off_vec)
    time_counter_on[time_onID, ] <- time_counter_on[time_onID, ]  + 1
    to_on_vec <- time_onID[which( time_counter_on[time_onID, ] >= periods_suitable)]
      Matrix::diag(bin_model)[to_on_vec] <- 1
      AMA <- bin_model %*% set_M@adj_matrix
      time_counter_on[to_on_vec,] <- 0
    sdm[[i+1]] <- g0
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


  bamsim <- bam(sdm_sim =sdm,
                sparse_model = A@sparse_model,
                coordinates =A@coordinates,
                adj_matrix = set_M@adj_matrix,
                initial_points = initial_points,
                sim_steps = nsteps)


#' Helper function to compute the elements in g0
#' that have no zero values.The function is taken from the
#' Ringo package
#' @param x A matrix of class "dgCMatrix"

.nonzero <- function(x){
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "dgCMatrix"))
  if (all(x@p == 0))
    return(matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=2,
                  dimnames=list(character(0), c("row","col"))))
  res <- cbind(x@i+1, rep(seq(dim(x)[2]), diff(x@p)))
  colnames(res) <- c("row", "col")
  res <- res[x@x != 0, , drop = FALSE]
luismurao/bam documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 3:02 p.m.