
# define modules



ui <- navbarPage("DrugScreenExplorer", inverse = TRUE, id = "tabs",
                 tabPanel("Sample overview",
                          titlePanel("Overview of samples in the screen"),
                 tabPanel("Plate plot",
                          titlePanel("Heatmap plot of drug screen plates"),
                                  uiOutput("ifCorCheck"), width =4),
                                                   ".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }",
                                                   ".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }"),
                                        plotlyOutput("plateHeatmap", width = 700, height = 400),
                                        column(dataTableOutput("infoTab"),width = 4),
                                        column(plotOutput("linePlot", width=400, height = 300), width = 4), width = 8))),
                 tabPanel("Dose-response curves",
                          titlePanel("Plot dose-response curves for selected drugs and samples"),
                                  conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectGroup != 'All samples'"
                                  checkboxInput("ifIC50", "Fit IC50 curve", value = FALSE)
                                                   ".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }",
                                                   ".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }"),
                                        plotlyOutput("curvePlot",width = 600, height= 400)
                          titlePanel("Clustering samples or drugs based on drug response"),
                                           conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectGroup1 != 'All samples'"
                                           radioButtons("plotType","Plot type", c("Heatmap","PCA","t-SNE","Drug-drug correlation"),
                                                        selected = "Heatmap"),
                                           conditionalPanel(condition = "input.plotType == 't-SNE'",
                                                            numericInput("perplex", "Perplexity", value =20),
                                                            numericInput("Niter", "Iteration round", value = 1000)),
                                           conditionalPanel(condition = "input.plotType == 'Heatmap'",
                                                            radioButtons("ifRowNorm","Normalization", c("None","Row","Column"), selected = "None")),
                                           checkboxInput("ifCensor1","Fix value range", value = FALSE),
                                           sliderInput("topPercent", "Top variant drugs", min = 10, max = 100, value = 100, step = 10),
                                           downloadButton("download", "Download as pdf"),
                                           numericInput("figWidth", label = "Figure width", value = 16),
                                           numericInput("figHeight", label = "Figure height", value = 15)
                                             ".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }",
                                             ".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }"
                                  actionButton("doPlot","Plot!", align = "center" ),
                                  plotOutput("clusterPlot", width=800, height = 800)
                 tabPanel("Association test",
                          titlePanel("Test associations between drug responses and sample annotations"),
                                                     conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectGroup2 != 'All samples'",
                                                  plotlyOutput("diffPlot", width=500, height = 500))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    # Decide which panel to show or hide based on input data columns
    if (!all(c("sampleID", "normVal", "concentration", "name") %in% colnames(screenData))) {
        hideTab(inputId = "tabs", target = "Dose-response curves")

    if (!all(c("normVal", "name", "sampleID") %in% colnames(screenData))) {
        hideTab(inputId = "tabs", target = "Clustering")

    if (!all(c("normVal", "name", "sampleID") %in% colnames(screenData))) {
        hideTab(inputId = "tabs", target = "Association test")

    ## First panel: sample over view and subsetting##

    # A table to store unique samples information
    infoTable <- screenData[, sampleAnnotations] %>%
        distinct(sampleID, .keep_all = TRUE)

    # DT table for showing the sample annotations and filtering
    output$sampleInfo <- renderDataTable({
        infoTable_new <- mutate_if(infoTable, is.character, as.factor) %>%
        datatable(infoTable_new, filter = "top", rownames = FALSE, selection = "none", style = "bootstrap")

    # Reactive object for getting filtered samples
    filteredData <- reactive({
        selectedPlates <- as.character(infoTable[input$sampleInfo_rows_all, ] %>%
        dataNew <- filter(screenData, fileName %in% selectedPlates)

    ## Second panel: plate heatmap for a plate##

    output$patientSeleBox <- renderUI({
        if ("patientID" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            selectInput("selePatient", "Select a patient", sort(unique(filteredData()$patientID)),
                        size = 5, selectize = FALSE)

    output$sampleSeleBox <- renderUI({
        if (all(c("patientID", "sampleID") %in% colnames(filteredData()))) {
            sampleIDs <- unique(filter(filteredData(), patientID == input$selePatient)$sampleID)
        } else if ("sampleID" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            sampleIDs <- unique(filteredData()$sampleID)
        } else sampleIDs <- NULL

        if (!is.null(sampleIDs)) {
            selectInput("seleSample", "Select a sample", sort(sampleIDs), size = 3, selectize = FALSE)

    output$plateSeleBox <- renderUI({
        if ("sampleID" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            plateIDs <- unique(filter(filteredData(), sampleID == input$seleSample)$fileName)
        } else {
            plateIDs <- unique(filteredData()$fileName)

        selectInput("selePlate", "Select a plate file", sort(plateIDs), size = 3, selectize = FALSE)

    output$valueSeleRadio <- renderUI({

        if ("normVal" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            opts <- c("viability", "z-score", "raw count")
        } else {
            opts <- c("z-score", "raw count")
        radioButtons("ifNorm", "Select value type", opts)

    output$ifCorCheck <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$ifNorm) && input$ifNorm == "viability" && ("normVal.cor" %in% colnames(filteredData()))) {
            checkboxInput("ifCorrected", "Incubation effect correction", value = FALSE)

    output$ifCensorCheck <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$ifNorm) && input$ifNorm %in% c("viability", "z-score")) {
            checkboxInput("ifCensor", "Fix value range", value = FALSE)

    output$censorLimitBox <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$ifCensor) && input$ifCensor) {
            if (input$ifNorm == "viability") {
                upper = 1.5
                lower = 0
            } else if (input$ifNorm == "z-score") {
                upper = 4
                lower = -4

            tagList(div(style = "display:inline-block; width: 90px",
                        textInput("upperLimit", "upper limit", value = upper)),
                    div(style = "display:inline-block; width: 90px",
                textInput("lowerLimit", "lower limit", value = lower)))

    plotTab <- reactive({
        ## Function to generate an ordered row IDs based on the number of rows
        genRowIDs <- function(x) {
            c(paste0(LETTERS, 0), paste0(rep(LETTERS, each = 26), rep(LETTERS, times = 26)))[seq(1, x)]
        ## Function to generate an ordered column IDs based on the number of columns
        genColIDs <- function(x) {
            sprintf("%02s", seq(x))

        nCol <- length(unique(screenData$colID))
        nRow <- length(unique(screenData$rowID))
        rowSeq <- genRowIDs(nRow)
        colSeq <- genColIDs(nCol)
        matPlate <- filter(screenData, fileName == input$selePlate) %>%
            mutate(rowID = factor(rowID, levels = rev(rowSeq))) %>%
            mutate(colID = factor(colID, levels = colSeq))

        if (input$ifNorm == "viability") {
            if (!is.null(input$ifCorrected) && input$ifCorrected)
                matPlate <- mutate(matPlate, val = normVal.cor) else matPlate <- mutate(matPlate, val = normVal)
        } else if (input$ifNorm == "raw count") {
            matPlate <- mutate(matPlate, val = value)
        } else if (input$ifNorm == "z-score") {
            matPlate <- mutate(matPlate, val = (value - mean(value))/sd(value))

        if (!is.null(input$ifCensor) && input$ifCensor) {
            matPlate <- mutate(matPlate, val = if_else(val > as.numeric(input$upperLimit), as.numeric(input$upperLimit), val)) %>%
                mutate(val = if_else(val < as.numeric(input$lowerLimit), as.numeric(input$lowerLimit), val))


    # plot the heatmap
    output$plateHeatmap <- renderPlotly({
        p <- ggplot(plotTab(), aes(x = colID, y = rowID, fill = val, label = name)) + geom_tile(color = "grey80") + theme_minimal() +
            theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 6), axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                  plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), plot.margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5)) +
            labs(x = "", y = "", title = input$selePlate)

        if (input$ifNorm %in% c("viability", "z-score")) {
            if (!is.null(input$ifCensor) && input$ifCensor) {
                p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(high = "red", low = "blue", mid = "white", midpoint = 1, limits = c(as.numeric(input$lowerLimit),
                  as.numeric(input$upperLimit)), name = input$ifNorm)
            } else {
                p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(high = "red", low = "blue", mid = "white", midpoint = 1, name = input$ifNorm)
        } else if (input$ifNorm == "raw count") {
            p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red", name = input$ifNorm)

        ggplotly(p) %>%
            config(displayModeBar = FALSE)

    # a table for selected plate and well information
    output$infoTab <- renderDataTable({
        s <- event_data("plotly_click")

        # Add potential interesting columns that may or may not exist
        addCol <- intersect(c("name", "wellType", "concentration"), colnames(plotTab()))
        showAnno <- unique(c(sampleAnnotations, addCol))
        showAnno <- showAnno[showAnno != "fileName"]
        infoTab <- filter(plotTab(), rowID == levels(plotTab()$rowID)[s$y], colID == levels(plotTab()$colID)[s$x]) %>%
            select(!!showAnno) %>%
            mutate(`plate median value` = median(plotTab()$value)) %>%

        datatable(infoTab, colnames = "", selection = "none", options = list(dom = "t"))

    # prepare table for the dose-response plot on the first panel
    linePlotTab1 <- reactive({
        if (any(!c("name", "concentration") %in% colnames(plotTab()))) {
        } else {
            s <- event_data("plotly_click")
            drugName <- unique(filter(plotTab(), rowID == levels(plotTab()$rowID)[s$y], colID == levels(plotTab()$colID)[s$x])$name)
            plotTab <- filter(plotTab(), name == drugName)

    # dose-response curve for selected drugs if possible.
    output$linePlot <- renderPlot({

        if (any(!c("name", "concentration") %in% colnames(plotTab()))) {
            text <- "drug name, concentration and normalized viability\n must be available in order to show\n dose-response curve"
            p <- ggplot() + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size = 3, label = text, col = "red") +
                theme_void() +
                theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

        } else {
            s <- event_data("plotly_click")
            drugName <- unique(filter(plotTab(), rowID == levels(plotTab()$rowID)[s$y], colID == levels(plotTab()$colID)[s$x])$name)
            plotTab <- filter(plotTab(), name == drugName)
            p <- ggplot(plotTab, aes(x = concentration, y = val)) + geom_point(col = "red") + geom_line(col = "red") + scale_x_log10() +
                theme_bw() + ylab(input$ifNorm) + ggtitle(drugName) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold",
                color = "red"), axis.text = element_text(size = 13), axis.title = element_text(size = 13))
            if (input$ifCensor) {
                p <- p + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(as.numeric(input$lowerLimit), as.numeric(input$upperLimit)))

    ## Third panel: dose-response curves ##

    # select a drug name
    output$nameDrugBox <- renderUI({
        allDrugs <- filter(filteredData(), wellType == "sample") %>%
            distinct(name) %>%
        selectInput("nameDrug", "Select a drug", sort(allDrugs))

    # select patient group for subsetting
    output$seleGroup <- renderUI({
        selectInput("selectGroup", "Subset samples by", c("All samples", sampleAnnotations))

    # select features for grouping of the patients
    output$seleFeature <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$selectGroup) && input$selectGroup != "All samples") {
            allGroups <- unique(pull(filteredData(), input$selectGroup))
            selectInput("seleSub", "Groups included", allGroups, size = 5, selectize = FALSE, multiple = TRUE, selected = allGroups[1])

    colClass <- reactive({
        sapply(sampleAnnotations, function(n) {
            detectClass((filteredData() %>%
                distinct(sampleID, .keep_all = TRUE))[[n]])

    # select features for color scheme
    output$colorBox <- renderUI({

        sampleAnnotations <- sampleAnnotations[colClass() != "nd"]

        selectInput("seleColor", "Color by", sampleAnnotations, size = 5,
                    selectize = FALSE, multiple = FALSE, selected = sampleAnnotations[1])

    # show option for incubation effect correction if 'normVal.cor' is present
    output$ifCorCheck1 <- renderUI({
        if ("normVal.cor" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            checkboxInput("ifCorrected1", "Incubation effect correction", value = FALSE)

    # data table for dose-response plot
    doseTab <- reactive({

        # subset the screen data according to the selection
        if (!is.null(input$selectGroup) && input$selectGroup == "All samples") {
            plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), name == input$nameDrug)
        } else {
            selePlates <- filteredData()[unlist(filteredData()[, input$selectGroup]) %in% input$seleSub, ]$fileName
            plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), fileName %in% selePlates, name == input$nameDrug)


    # reactive object to make the dose-response curves
    doseCurves <- reactive({

        fmt_dcimals <- function(decimals = 0) {
            # return a function responpsible for formatting the axis labels with a given number of decimals
            function(x) as.character(round(x, decimals))

        plotTab <- doseTab()

        colType <- colClass()[input$seleColor]

        if (colType != "continuous")
            plotTab[[input$seleColor]] <- as.factor(plotTab[[input$seleColor]])

        if (!is.null(input$ifCorrected1) && input$ifCorrected1) {
            valueType <- "normVal.cor"
        } else {
            valueType <- "normVal"

        p <- ggplot(data = plotTab, aes_string(x = "concentration", y = valueType, col = input$seleColor, group = "sampleID")) +
            geom_point(pch = 16, size = 4) + theme_classic() + scale_x_log10(labels = fmt_dcimals(3)) + theme(axis.line.x = element_line(size = 0.5,
            linetype = "solid", colour = "black"), axis.line.y = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = "solid", colour = "black"),
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", color = "red")) + ylab("Viability") + xlab("Concentration") + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,
            1.5)) + ggtitle(input$nameDrug)
        if (input$ifIC50){
            p <- p + geom_smooth(method = "fitIC50", se = FALSE, method.args = list(logDose = 10))
        } else {
            p <- p + stat_summary(aes(group = sampleID), fun.y = mean, geom = "line")

        if (colType == "continuous") {
            p <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")



    output$curvePlot <- renderPlotly({
        ggplotly(doseCurves()) %>%
            config(displayModeBar = FALSE)

    ## Fourth panel: Clustering plot ##

    # select patient group for subsetting
    output$seleGroup1 <- renderUI({
        selectInput("selectGroup1", "Subset samples by", c("All samples", sampleAnnotations))

    # select the summarisation statistics
    output$sumTypeBox <- renderUI({
        typeMap <- structure(c("meanViab", "AUC", "IC50"), names = c("average viability", "AUC", "IC50"))
        typeAvail <- typeMap[typeMap %in% colnames(filteredData())]
        radioButtons("seleSumType", "Drug effect summarisation method", typeAvail)

    # select features for grouping of the patients
    output$seleFeature1 <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$selectGroup1) && input$selectGroup1 != "All samples") {
            allGroups <- unique(pull(filteredData(), input$selectGroup1))
            selectInput("seleSub1", "Groups included", allGroups, size = 5,
                        selectize = FALSE, multiple = TRUE, selected = allGroups[1])

    # select features for color scheme on the fourth pannel (for clustering plot)
    output$colorBox1 <- renderUI({

        sampleAnnotations <- sampleAnnotations[colClass() != "nd"]

        selectInput("seleColor1", "Color by", sampleAnnotations, size = 5,
                    selectize = FALSE, multiple = FALSE, selected = sampleAnnotations[1])

    # show option for incubation effect correction if 'normVal.cor' is present
    output$ifCorCheck2 <- renderUI({
        if ("normVal.cor" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            checkboxInput("ifCorrected2", "Incubation effect correction", value = FALSE)

    output$censorLimitBox1 <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$ifCensor1) && input$ifCensor1) {
            upper = 1.5
            lower = 0
            tagList(div(style = "display:inline-block; width: 90px",
                        textInput("upperLimit1", "upper limit", value = upper)),
                    div(style = "display:inline-block; width: 90px",
                textInput("lowerLimit1", "lower limit", value = lower)))

    # table for the clustering plot on panel 3
    plotMat <- reactive({

        # subset the screen data according to the selection
        if (input$selectGroup1 == "All samples") {
            plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), wellType == "sample")
        } else {
            selePlates <- filteredData()[unlist(filteredData()[, input$selectGroup1]) %in% input$seleSub1, ]$fileName
            plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), fileName %in% selePlates, wellType == "sample")

        if (!$ifCorrected2) & input$ifCorrected2) {
            plotTab <- mutate(plotTab, viab = plotTab[[paste0(input$seleSumType, ".cor")]])
        } else {
            plotTab <- mutate(plotTab, viab = plotTab[[input$seleSumType]])

        if (input$ifCensor1) {
            plotTab <- mutate(viab = ifelse(viab > as.numeric(input$upperLimit1), as.numeric(input$upperLimit1), viab)) %>%
                mutate(viab = ifelse(viab < as.numeric(input$lowerLimit1), as.numeric(input$lowerLimit1), viab))

        viabMat <- group_by(plotTab, name, sampleID) %>%
            summarise(viab = mean(viab))
        idMap <- tibble(origin = as.character(viabMat$sampleID))
        viabMat <- spread(viabMat, key = sampleID, value = viab) %>%
            data.frame() %>%
            column_to_rownames("name") %>%
        # in case the column names begins with number and changed by R
        idMap$new <- colnames(viabMat)

        viabMat <- viabMat[complete.cases(viabMat), ]  #only use drugs that present in all samples

        # variant filtering
        sds <- apply(viabMat, 1, sd)
        viabMat <- viabMat[sds >= quantile(sds, 1 - input$topPercent/100), ]

        list(viabMat = viabMat, idMap = idMap)

    # reactive object for PCA
    tabPCA <- reactive({
        viabMat <- plotMat()$viabMat
        pcaRes <- prcomp(t(viabMat), scale. = FALSE, center = TRUE)
        varExp <- (pcaRes$sdev^2/sum(pcaRes$sdev^2)) * 100
        pcaTab <- data.frame(pcaRes$x[, c(1, 2)])
        names(varExp) <- colnames(pcaRes$x)
        rownames(pcaTab) <- colnames(viabMat)
        list(pcaTab = pcaTab, varExp = varExp)

    # reactive object for tSNE
    tabTSNE <- reactive({
        viabMat <- plotMat()$viabMat
        # prepare distance matrix
        distViab <- dist(t(viabMat))
        tsneRes <- Rtsne(distViab, perplexity = input$perplex, theta = 0, max_iter = input$Niter, is_distance = TRUE, dims = 2)
        tsneRes <- tsneRes$Y
        rownames(tsneRes) <- labels(distMat)
        colnames(tsneRes) <- c("x", "y")
        plotTab <- data.frame(tsneRes)
        rownames(plotTab) <- colnames(viabMat)

    # prepare the clustering plot on panel 3
    plotCluster <- eventReactive(input$doPlot, {
        viabData <- filteredData()
        viabMat <- plotMat()$viabMat
        idMap <- plotMat()$idMap
        annoCol <- tibble( = colnames(viabMat), sampleID = idMap[match(colnames(viabMat), idMap$new), ]$origin) %>%
            left_join(select(viabData, sampleID, input$seleColor1), by = "sampleID") %>%
            select(-sampleID) %>%
            distinct(, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            data.frame() %>%

        if (input$plotType == "Heatmap") {

            # perform hierachical clustering on columns

            hc <- hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(viabMat)), method = "ward.D2")
            hr <- hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(t(viabMat))), method = "ward.D2")
            # hc <- hclust(dist(t(viabMat), method = 'euclidean'), method = 'ward.D2')

            # perfrom hierachical clustering on rows, normalized or not
            if (input$ifRowNorm == "Row") {
                viabMat <- t(scale(t(viabMat)))
            } else if (input$ifRowNorm == "Column") {
                viabMat <- scale(viabMat)

            annoCol <- annoCol[, colSums(! != 0, drop = FALSE]

            if (ncol(annoCol) != 0) {
                g <- pheatmap(viabMat, color = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu"))(100),
                              scale = "none", annotation_col = annoCol,
                              cluster_rows = hr, cluster_cols = hc, silent = TRUE)$gtable
            } else {
                # if nothing to annotate
                g <- pheatmap(viabMat, color = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu"))(100),
                              scale = "none", cluster_rows = hr,
                              cluster_cols = hc, silent = TRUE)$gtable

        } else if (input$plotType == "Drug-drug correlation") {
            g <- pheatmap(cor(t(viabMat), method = "spearman"), silent = TRUE)
        } else {
            colType <- colClass()[input$seleColor1]
            if (input$plotType == "PCA") {
                pcaTab <- cbind(tabPCA()$pcaTab, annoCol)
                varExp <- tabPCA()$varExp
                pcaTab$sampleID <- rownames(pcaTab)
                if (colType != "continuous")
                  pcaTab[[input$seleColor1]] <- as.factor(pcaTab[[input$seleColor1]])
                g <- ggplot(pcaTab, aes_string(x = "PC1", y = "PC2", color = input$seleColor1)) +
                    geom_point() + theme_bw() + xlab(sprintf("PC1 (%2.1f%%)",
                                                             varExp[1])) + ylab(sprintf("PC2 (%2.1f%%)", varExp[2]))

            } else if (input$plotType == "t-SNE") {
                plotTab <- cbind(tabTSNE(), annoCol)
                plotTab$sampleID <- rownames(plotTab)
                if (colType != "continuous")
                  plotTab[[input$seleColor1]] <- as.factor(plotTab[[input$seleColor1]])

                g <- ggplot(plotTab, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = input$seleColor1)) + geom_point() + theme_bw()


            if (colType == "continuous")
                g <- g + scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")

    # clustering plot on panel 3
    output$clusterPlot <- renderPlot({

    # download the cluster plot
    output$download <- downloadHandler(filename = paste0(input$plotType, ".pdf", sep = ""), content = function(file) {
        ggsave(file, plot = plotCluster(), device = "pdf",
               width = input$figWidth, height = input$figHeight, limitsize = FALSE)

    ## Fifth panel: association test ##

    # select patient group for subsetting
    output$seleGroup2 <- renderUI({
        selectInput("selectGroup2", "Subset samples by", c("All samples", sampleAnnotations))

    # select features for grouping of the patients
    output$seleFeature2 <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$selectGroup2) && input$selectGroup2 != "All samples") {
            allGroups <- unique(filteredData()[[input$selectGroup2]])
            selectInput("seleSub2", "Groups included", allGroups, size = 5,
                        selectize = FALSE, multiple = TRUE, selected = allGroups[1])

    # show option for incubation effect correction if 'normVal.cor' is present
    output$ifCorCheck3 <- renderUI({
        if ("normVal.cor" %in% colnames(filteredData())) {
            checkboxInput("ifCorrected3", "Incubation effect correction", value = FALSE)

    # show options for the summarisation method for viability
    output$sumTypeBox1 <- renderUI({
        typeMap <- structure(c("meanViab", "AUC", "IC50"), names = c("average viability", "AUC", "IC50"))
        typeAvail <- typeMap[typeMap %in% colnames(filteredData())]
        radioButtons("seleSumType1", "Drug effect summarisation method", typeAvail)

    # select features for hypothesis testing
    output$factorBox <- renderUI({

        sampleAnnotations <- sampleAnnotations[colClass() != "nd"]

        selectInput("seleFactor", "Select feature for testing",
                    sampleAnnotations, size = 5, selectize = FALSE, multiple = FALSE,
            selected = sampleAnnotations[1])

    # text box to show the model for testing
    output$methodBox <- renderText({
        if (!is.null(input$seleFactor)) {
            colType <- colClass()[input$seleFactor]
            typeMap <- c(continuous = "Correlation test", categorical = "one-way ANOVA", binary = "Student's T-test")
            paste0("Test used: ", typeMap[colType])

    # text box to show the model for testing
    output$paramBox <- renderUI({
        if (!is.null(input$seleFactor)) {
            colType <- colClass()[input$seleFactor]
            if (colType == "categorical") {
            } else {
                if (colType == "binary") {
                  optParam <- c("Equal variance", "Unequal variance")
                } else if (colType == "continuous") {
                  optParam <- c("Parametric (Pearson)", "Nonparametric (Spearman)")
                radioButtons("seleParam", "Choose test parameter", choices = optParam)

    # reative object to prepare viability table for testing
    testInput <- reactive({
        if (!is.null(input$seleFactor)) {
            # subset the screen data according to the selection
            if (!is.null(input$selectGroup2) && input$selectGroup2 == "All samples") {
                plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), wellType == "sample")
            } else {
                selePlates <- filteredData()[unlist(filteredData()[, input$selectGroup2]) %in% input$seleSub2, ]$fileName
                plotTab <- filter(filteredData(), fileName %in% selePlates, wellType == "sample")

            if (!$ifCorrected3) & input$ifCorrected3) {
                plotTab <- mutate(plotTab, viab = plotTab[[paste0(input$seleSumType1, ".cor")]])
            } else {
                plotTab <- mutate(plotTab, viab = plotTab[[input$seleSumType1]])

            colType <- colClass()[input$seleFactor]
            plotTab <- group_by(plotTab, name, sampleID) %>%
                summarise(viab = mean(viab)) %>%
                ungroup() %>%
                mutate(status = filteredData()[match(sampleID, filteredData()$sampleID), ][[input$seleFactor]]) %>%

            if (colType != "continuous")
                plotTab$status <- as.factor(as.character(plotTab$status))

    # reactive object to perform the test
    testRes <- reactive({
        if (!is.null(input$seleFactor) && !is.null(testInput())) {
            colType <- colClass()[input$seleFactor]
            testTab <- testInput() %>%
                group_by(name) %>%
            if (colType == "binary") {
                testParam <- input$seleParam == "Equal variance"
                res <- mutate(testTab, model = map(data, ~t.test(viab ~ status, ., var.equal = TRUE))) %>%
                  mutate(out = map(model, broom::tidy)) %>%
                  unnest(out) %>%
                  ungroup() %>%
                  mutate(diffMean = estimate2 - estimate1, adjusted.p = p.adjust(p.value, method = "BH")) %>%
                  select(name, diffMean, p.value, adjusted.p) %>%
            } else if (colType == "continuous") {
                testParam <- ifelse(input$seleParam != "Nonparametric (Spearman)", "pearson", "spearman")
                res <- mutate(testTab, model = map(data, ~cor.test(~viab + status, ., method = testParam))) %>%
                  mutate(out = map(model, broom::tidy)) %>%
                  unnest(out) %>%
                  ungroup() %>%
                  mutate(coefficient = estimate, adjusted.p = p.adjust(p.value, method = "BH")) %>%
                  select(name, coefficient, p.value, adjusted.p) %>%
            } else if (colType == "categorical") {
                res <- mutate(testTab, model = map(data, ~aov(lm(viab ~ status, .)))) %>%
                  mutate(out = map(model, broom::tidy)) %>%
                  unnest(out) %>%
                  ungroup() %>%
                  filter(term == "status") %>%
                  mutate(adjusted.p = p.adjust(p.value, method = "BH")) %>%
                  select(name, statistic, p.value, adjusted.p) %>%

    # render the output table
    output$testRes <- renderDataTable({
        if (!is.null(testRes())) {
            testRes() %>%
                mutate_if(is.numeric, formatC, digits = 2, format = "e") %>%
                datatable(selection = "single", options = list(dom = "tip", pageLength = 6))

    # boxplot for the t-Test panel
    output$diffPlot <- renderPlotly({
        if (!is.null(testInput()) && !is.null(input$seleFactor)) {
            plotTab <- testInput()
            pTab <- testRes()
            colType <- colClass()[input$seleFactor]

            if (!is.null(input$testRes_row_last_clicked)) {
                drugSelect <- pTab$name[input$testRes_row_last_clicked]
            } else drugSelect <- pTab$name[1]

            plotTab <- filter(plotTab, name == drugSelect)
            if (colType != "continuous") {
                p <- ggplot(plotTab, aes(x = status, y = viab, label = sampleID)) + geom_boxplot(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, aes(fill = status)) +
                  geom_point() + ylab("Viability") + xlab(input$seleFactor) +
                    ggtitle(as.character(drugSelect)) + theme_bw() +
                    theme(legend.position = "none",plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), text = element_text(size = 15))

                # hide outliers in the boxplot
                p <- plotly_build(p)
                p$x$data[[1]]$marker$opacity <- 0
                p$x$data[[2]]$marker$opacity <- 0
            } else {
                p <- ggplot(plotTab, aes(x = status, y = viab, label = sampleID)) + geom_point(col = "darkblue") + geom_smooth(method = "lm",
                  se = FALSE, linetype = "dashed", col = "firebrick") + ylab("Viability") + xlab(input$seleFactor) + ggtitle(as.character(drugSelect)) +
                  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), text = element_text(size = 15))

            ggplotly(p) %>%
                config(displayModeBar = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
lujunyan1118/DrugScreenExplorer_dev documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 12:42 p.m.