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Thank you for contributing to polyRAD! Below is a template for your pull request to help both of us make sure that all the needed commits have been made before it is merged, and to document why the changes were made. Please edit it as appropriate. You can always make the pull request, make a few more commits, and then edit this document further.


Use this section to describe the purpose of your pull request. Was there a bug that needed to be fixed? Is there a reason why a new feature would be helpful or why the documentation needed to be updated?


What did you do to address the problem? What sorts of changes were made to the code and/or documentation, and why? Note that you don't need to put too much (or possibly any) code here since your commits are also visible.


You can still make the pull request if you haven't completed this checklist, but you may be asked to make additional commits before the request is merged. You can delete or strikethough some of these items if you are certain they are not necessary. Feel free also to add any items that you didn't already discuss in the above section.

lvclark/polyRAD documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 4:19 a.m.