
Defines functions get_polygons poly_transform_shape poly_centroid

Documented in get_polygons poly_centroid poly_transform_shape

#' poly_area
#' Mainly for internal use. Determines the area of a polygon based on
#' its x and y coordinates.
#' This function is a reimplementation of `soiltexture::TT.polygon.area()`
#' and only re-implemented to avoid extra dependencies.
#' @param poly_x (numeric)  X coordinates of each vertices of the polygon
#' @param poly_y (numeric)  Y coordinates of each vertices of the polygon
#' @return A numeric, the area of the polygon.
#' @seealso soiltexture::TT.polygon.area()
#' @export
poly_area <- function (poly_x, poly_y)
  i <- 1:length(poly_x)
  poly_x <- c(poly_x, poly_x[1])
  poly_y <- c(poly_y, poly_y[1])
  A <- 0.5 * sum(poly_x[i] * poly_y[i + 1] - poly_x[i + 1] * poly_y[i])

#' poly_centroid
#' Mainly for internal use. Determines the centroids of a polygon based on
#' its x and y coordinates.
#' This function is a reimplementation of `soiltexture::TT.polygon.centroids()`
#' and only re-implemented to avoid extra dependencies.
#' @param poly_x (numeric)  X coordinates of each vertices of the polygon
#' @param poly_y (numeric)  Y coordinates of each vertices of the polygon
#' @return A numeric, the area of the polygon.
#' @seealso soiltexture::TT.polygon.centroids()
#' @export
poly_centroid <- function(poly_x, poly_y)
  i <- 1:length(poly_x)
  A <- poly_area(poly_x, poly_y)
  poly_x <- c(poly_x, poly_x[1])
  poly_y <- c(poly_y, poly_y[1])
  Cx <- (1/(6 * A)) * sum((poly_x[i] + poly_x[i + 1]) * (poly_x[i] *
    poly_y[i + 1] - poly_x[i + 1] * poly_y[i]))
  Cy <- (1/(6 * A)) * sum((poly_y[i] + poly_y[i + 1]) * (poly_x[i] *
    poly_y[i + 1] - poly_x[i + 1] * poly_y[i]))
  return(c(x = Cx, y = Cy))

#' poly_transform_shape
#' Mainly for internal use. The function transforms ('projects') arbitrary input
#' coordinates that are used as parent polygon or shape of the treemap.
#' By default it scales and centers polygon coordinates on a square
#' of 0 to 2000 units.
#' @param poly (list)  named list of 'x' and 'y' coordinates of the polygon
#' @param xy_max (numeric)  maximum desired expansion of the polygon (default: 2000)
#' @return A list with slots 'x' and 'y' containing numeric coordinates
#' @export
poly_transform_shape <- function(poly, xy_max = 2000) {

  # check input list
  if(!all(names(poly) %in% c("x", "y"))) {
    stop("Supplied list for 'shape' does not contain 'x' and 'y' slots")

  # determine the range for X and Y direction
  range <- list(x = range(poly$x), y = range(poly$y))
  large_side <- ifelse(diff(range$x) >= diff(range$y), "x", "y")
  small_side <- switch(large_side, x = "y", y = "x")

  # rescale and shift to center
  scale_factor <- xy_max/diff(range[[large_side]])
  poly[[large_side]] <- (poly[[large_side]]-min(range[[large_side]]))*scale_factor
  poly[[small_side]] <- (poly[[small_side]]-min(range[[small_side]]))*scale_factor
  poly[[small_side]] <- poly[[small_side]]+(xy_max-max(poly[[small_side]]))/2

#' get_polygons
#' Extract the list of polygons from a voronoiResult object.
#' @param x (voronoiResult) A voronoi treemap results object
#' @param ... (none) Not used
#' @return List of polygons, as class POLYGON from sf
#' @seealso \code{\link{voronoiTreemap}} for generating the treemap that is
#'   the input for this function
#' @export
get_polygons <- function(x, ...) {
  list_polys <- lapply(x@cells, function(y) {
    poly <- y$poly
  names(list_polys) <- names(x@cells)
m-jahn/WeightedTreemaps documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 10:09 a.m.