
Defines functions fixNoFishNodes

Documented in fixNoFishNodes

#' @title Modify basic JAGS model
#' @description Takes the basic JAGS model and modifies it based on particular observations. Specifically, it fixes the detection probability of all nodes that had no observations to 0.
#' @author Kevin See
#' @param init_file name (with file path) of basic JAGS model.
#' @param file_name name (with file path) to save the model as.
#' @param fish_origin tibble containing `tag_code` and origin ("W" or "H")
#' of every tag. If not supplied, every tag will be assigned "W".
#' @inheritParams createDABOMcapHist
#' @inheritParams createJAGSinputs
#' @import dplyr stringr PITcleanr
#' @export
#' @return NULL
#' @examples fixNoFishNodes()

fixNoFishNodes = function(init_file = NULL,
                          file_name = NULL,
                          filter_ch = NULL,
                          parent_child = NULL,
                          configuration = NULL,
                          by_origin = FALSE,
                          fish_origin = NULL) {

  stopifnot(exprs = {

  if(is.null(fish_origin)) {
    fish_origin = filter_ch %>%
      select(tag_code) %>%
      distinct() %>%
      mutate(origin = "W")

  # dataframe with information about each node, including site code, parent site, how many tags were seen
  node_info = getNodeInfo(parent_child, configuration) %>%
    full_join(filter_ch %>%
                group_by(node) %>%
                summarise(n_tags = n_distinct(tag_code),
                          .groups = "drop"),
              by = "node") %>%
    filter(!is.na(site_code)) %>%
                  ~ tidyr::replace_na(.,
                                      0))) %>%
    mutate(tags_det = if_else(n_tags > 0, T, F)) %>%
    left_join(parent_child %>%
                PITcleanr::addParentChildNodes(configuration) %>%
              by = "node")

  # which nodes are upstream of each node?
  upstrm_nodes <- NULL
  for(my_node in node_info$node) {
    tmp_info <- node_info %>%
      filter(node == my_node)

    res <- tibble(node = my_node,
                  site_code = tmp_info$site_code,
                  upstrm_node = node_info %>%
                    filter(str_detect(path, my_node),
                           site_code != tmp_info$site_code,
                           node_order > tmp_info$node_order) %>%

    if(is.null(upstrm_nodes)) {
      upstrm_nodes <- res
    } else {
      upstrm_nodes <- upstrm_nodes %>%
    rm(tmp_info, res)

  # how many tags by origin were detected at each node
  node_tags_origin = filter_ch %>%
              by = "tag_code") %>%
    group_by(node, origin) %>%
    summarise(n_tags = n_distinct(tag_code),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
    mutate(origin = factor(origin, levels = c("W", 'H'))) %>%
    complete(expand(., node = node_info$node, origin), fill = list(n_tags = 0))

  # similar info, by site code
  site_info = filter_ch %>%
    left_join(node_info %>%
                select(site_code, node),
              by = "node") %>%
    group_by(site_code) %>%
    summarise(n_tags = n_distinct(tag_code),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
    full_join(node_info %>%
                       parent_site) %>%
              by = "site_code") %>%
                  0)) %>%
    mutate(tags_det = if_else(n_tags > 0, T, F))

  # which nodes had observations?
  seen_nodes = node_info %>%
    filter(tags_det) %>%
  unseen_nodes = node_info %>%
    filter(!tags_det) %>%
  # which sites had observations?
  seen_sites = site_info %>%
    filter(tags_det) %>%
  unseen_sites = site_info %>%
    filter(!tags_det) %>%

  # read in basic model file
  # open a connection
  mod_conn_init = file(init_file, open = 'r+')
  mod_file_org = readLines(mod_conn_init)

  mod_file = mod_file_org
  # open a connection to new model file
  mod_conn_new = file(file_name, open = 'w')

  for(node in unseen_nodes) {
    mod_file[str_which(mod_file, paste0(node, "_p ~"))] = paste0('\t ', node, '_p <- 0; # no detections / not in operation')

  if(length(unseen_nodes) > 0) {
    cat(paste('Fixed the following sites at 0% detection probability, because no tags were observed there:\n\t', paste(unseen_nodes, collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))


  # which sites have multiple nodes but only one had detections, or is a single node site, and no upstream sites?
  single_sites = node_info %>%
    group_by(site_code, n_nodes) %>%
    summarize(n_obs_nodes = sum(tags_det),
              obs_node = paste(node[tags_det], collapse = " "),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
    filter(n_obs_nodes > 0,
           (n_obs_nodes < n_nodes | n_nodes == 1)) %>%
    left_join(parent_child %>%
                group_by(site_code = parent) %>%
                summarize(n_child = n_distinct(child),
                          .groups = "drop"),
              by = "site_code") %>%
                  0)) %>%
    filter(n_child == 0,
           n_obs_nodes < 2)

  for(node in single_sites$obs_node) {
    mod_file[str_which(mod_file, paste0(node, "_p ~"))] = paste0('\t ', node, '_p <- 1; # Single array, no upstream detections')

  if(nrow(single_sites) > 0) {
    cat(paste('Fixed the following nodes at 100% detection probability, because it is functioning as a single array with no upstream detections:\n\t', paste(single_sites$obs_node, collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))


  # if no observations at some terminal nodes, fix the movement probability past those nodes to 0
  if(sum(grepl('phi', mod_file)) > 0) {
    phi_0_nodes = tibble(mod_lines = mod_file[intersect(str_which(mod_file, "phi_"), str_which(mod_file, "~ dbeta"))]) %>%
      mutate(param = str_split(mod_lines, '\\~', simplify = T)[,1],
             param = str_remove(param, "^\\\t")) %>%
      select(param) %>%
                    str_trim)) %>%
      mutate(site_code = str_remove(param, "phi_"),
             site_code = str_split(site_code, "\\[", simplify = T)[,1]) %>%
      mutate(origin = str_extract(param, "[:digit:]") %>%

    if(by_origin) {
      phi_0_nodes <-
        phi_0_nodes %>%
        left_join(upstrm_nodes %>%
                    left_join(node_tags_origin %>%
                                mutate(origin = recode(origin,
                                                       "W" = 1,
                                                       "H" = 2)) %>%
                                rename(upstrm_node = node),
                              by = c("upstrm_node"),
                              relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
                             origin) %>%
                    summarise(upstrm_tags = sum(n_tags),
                              .groups = "drop"),
                  by = c("site_code",
                         "origin")) %>%
        filter(upstrm_tags == 0) %>%
        mutate(mod_str = paste0("phi_", site_code, "\\[", origin, "\\]"))

      if(nrow(phi_0_nodes) > 0) {

        for(i in 1:nrow(phi_0_nodes)) {
          mod_file[str_which(mod_file, paste0(phi_0_nodes$mod_str[i], " ~"))] = paste0('\t ', phi_0_nodes$param[i], ' <- 0 # no upstream detections')

        cat(paste('\nFixed movement upstream of the following sites to 0 for at least one fish type because no detections upstream:\n\t', paste(unique(phi_0_nodes$site_code), collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))

    } else {
      phi_0_nodes <-
        phi_0_nodes %>%
        left_join(upstrm_nodes %>%
                    left_join(node_tags_origin %>%
                                mutate(origin = recode(origin,
                                                       "W" = 1,
                                                       "H" = 2)) %>%
                                rename(upstrm_node = node),
                              by = c("upstrm_node"),
                              relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
                    group_by(site_code) %>%
                    summarise(upstrm_tags = sum(n_tags),
                              .groups = "drop"),
                  by = c("site_code")) %>%
        filter(upstrm_tags == 0) %>%
        mutate(mod_str = paste0("phi_", site_code, "\\[", origin, "\\]"))

      if(nrow(phi_0_nodes) > 0) {

        for(i in 1:nrow(phi_0_nodes)) {
          mod_file[str_which(mod_file, paste0(phi_0_nodes$mod_str[i], " ~"))] = paste0('\t ', phi_0_nodes$param[i], ' <- 0 # no upstream detections')

        cat(paste('\nFixed movement upstream of the following sites to 0 because no detections upstream:\n\t', paste(unique(phi_0_nodes$site_code), collapse = ', '), '.\n\n'))

  writeLines(mod_file, mod_conn_new)

mackerman44/DABOM documentation built on April 3, 2024, 6:51 a.m.