#------------percent format---------------
#' Convert numbers to percents
#' Convert a vector, list or matrix of numeric values to percentage values.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param x A numeric vector, list, or matrix.
#' @param digits Digits of the percentage numbers. Default 0.
#' @param value_asis Logical, default TRUE. Whether keep the actual value. If FALSE,
#' the result will keep the numeric part as is (100 times smaller, e.g., 0.5 --> 0.5\%).
#' @return Character in percentage format, as with the same structure with \code{x}.
#' @importFrom scales percent
#' @export
#' @aliases to_pct
#' @seealso \code{\link[scales]{number_format}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Multiply the numbers with 100 and *100%
#' to_pct(c(0.04, 0.3, NA), digits=1) # return
#' # c("4.0%", "30.0%", NA)
#' to_Pct(c(0.04, 0.3, NA), digits=1, value_asis=FALSE) # returns
#' # c("0.04%", "0.3%", NA)
#' to_pct(list(0.04, -0.9, list(0.65, NULL)))
#' [[1]]
#' [1] "4%"
#' [[2]]
#' [1] "-90%"
#' [[3]]
#' [[3]][[1]]
#' [1] "65%"
#' [[3]][[2]]
#' }
convNum2Pct <- function(x, digits=0, value_asis=TRUE, ...)
UseMethod(".toPct", x)
#' @export
.toPct.vector <- function(x, digits=0, value_asis=TRUE, ...){
if (! is.numeric(digits)) digits <- 0
idx <- which(vapply(x, function(xx) is.numeric(xx) & ! is.na(xx),
coef <- if (value_asis) 100 else 1
if (length(idx) > 0)
x[idx] <- sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f%%"), coef * x[idx])
#' @export
.toPct.list <- function(x, digits=0, value_asis=TRUE, ...){
lapply(x, function(lst){
if (is.list(lst))
lst <- .toPct.list(lst, digits=digits, value_asis=value_asis, ...)
else lst <- to_pct(lst, digits=digits, value_asis=value_asis, ...)
#' @export
.toPct.data.frame <- function(x, digits=0, value_asis=TRUE, ...){
as.data.frame(.toPct.list(x, digits=digits, value_asis=value_asis, ...),
#' @export
.toPct.matrix <- function(x, digits=0, value_asis=TRUE, ...){
xdim <- dim(x)
o <- apply(x, 2, .toPct.vector, digit=digits, value_asis=value_asis, ...)
if (is.null(dim(o))) dim(o) <- xdim
#' @export
.toPct.default <- .toPct.vector
#' @export
#' @rdname convNum2Pct
to_pct <- convNum2Pct
#' Convert numeric-like characters back to numbers
#' Convert a vector, list or matrix of numeric-like characters back to numeric values.
#' E.g., percentage, currency, scientific numbers or comma-delimited numbers.
#' Non-numeric-like characters are coerced to NA.
#' @author Yiying Wang, \email{wangy@@aetna.com}
#' @param x Character in numeric-like values. Either vector, list, matrix or array.
#' @param strict Logical, if only convert strict numeric-like characters, e.g, "4.5\%"
#' instead of "about 56\%". Default TRUE. If FALSE, it will extract the first numeric-
#' like character parts.
#' @param type Character vector to define which type of numeric-like characters
#' to convert. Default \code{c("scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide",
#' "", "e", ",", "\%", "$", "_")}, of which "e", ",", "\%", "$" , "_" are short for
#' "scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", respectively. If you don't
#' want to apply any conversion, set \code{type=""}.
#' @return Numeric values as in the same strcture as \code{x}. Non-numeric-like
#' values will be coerced to NA.
#' @export
#' @aliases to_num
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_replace_all
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vec <- c("_84%", "32.9%", "33", "a", " -5", "0.3e2", "1,200", "$67")
#' to_num(vec) # return
#' # [1] NA 0.329 33.000 NA -5.000 30.000 1200.000 67.000
#' to_num(vec, strict=FALSE) # return
#' # [1] 0.840 0.329 33.000 NA -5.000 30.000 1200.000 67.000
#' to_num('about 56 pounds', strict=FALSE) # return
#' # [1] 56
#' to_num(matrix(vec, nrow=2)) # return
#' # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#' # [1,] NA 33 -5 1200
#' # [2,] 0.329 NA 30 67
#' to_num(list(list("56%"), list())) # return
#' }
convChar2Num <- function(x, strict=TRUE, type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...)
UseMethod(".toNum", x)
#' @export
.toNum.vector <- function(x, strict=TRUE, type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
out <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(x)))
strict <- if (strict) "strict" else "unstrict"
PTN <- if (any(c("scientific", "e") %in% type)) pkgenv$CHAR2NUM_SCI else
if (! is.character(x)) return(x)
# -----replace natrual numbers-----
# replacd wide char
if (any(c("wide", "_") %in% type)){
x <- vapply(x, function(chr){
chr_ <- unlist(strsplit(chr, ""))
chr <- pkgenv$WIDE_NUMCHAR[chr_]
chr[is.na(chr)] <- chr_[is.na(chr)]
paste(chr, collapse="")
}, FUN.VALUE=character(length=1))
# remove decimal separators
if (any(c("comma", ",") %in% type)){
idx1 <- vapply(x, function(xx) str_detect(xx, PTN$comma[[strict]]$find),
FUN.VALUE=logical(length=1)) %>% which
x[idx1] <- str_replace_all(x[idx1], PTN$comma[[strict]]$patn,
# scientific --> num
if (any(c("scientific", "e") %in% type)){
idx2 <- vapply(x, function(xx) str_detect(xx, PTN$scientific[[strict]]$find),
FUN.VALUE=logical(length=1)) %>% which
x[idx2] <- str_replace_all(
x[idx2], PTN$scientific[[strict]]$patn, PTN$scientific[[strict]]$repl)
# -----replace unnatural numbers-----
# percent --> num
if (any(c("percent", "%") %in% type)){
idx3 <- vapply(x, function(xx) str_detect(xx, PTN$percent[[strict]]$find),
FUN.VALUE=logical(length=1)) %>% which
out[idx3] <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(
x[idx3], PTN$percent[[strict]]$patn, PTN$percent[[strict]]$repl))/100
# currency --> num
if (any(c("currency", "$") %in% type)){
idx4 <- vapply(x, function(xx) str_detect(xx, PTN$currency_prfx[[strict]]$find),
FUN.VALUE=logical(length=1)) %>% which
out[idx4] <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(
x[idx4], PTN$currency_prfx[[strict]]$patn, PTN$currency_prfx[[strict]]$repl))
idx5 <- vapply(x, function(xx) str_detect(xx, PTN$currency_sufx[[strict]]$find),
FUN.VALUE=logical(length=1)) %>% which
out[idx5] <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(
x[idx5], PTN$currency_sufx[[strict]]$patn, PTN$currency_sufx[[strict]]$repl))
supp_conv <- intersect(which(is.na(out)), which(! is.na(as.numeric(x))))
out[supp_conv] <- as.numeric(x)[supp_conv]
#' @export
.toNum.list <- function(x, strict=TRUE, type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
lapply(x, function(lst){
if (is.list(lst)) lst <- .toNum.list(lst, strict=strict, ...)
else lst <- to_num(lst, strict=strict, ...)
#' @export
.toNum.matrix <- function(x, strict=TRUE, type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
attr_x <- attributes(x)
o <- apply(x, 2, .toNum.vector, strict=strict, ...)
attributes(o) <- attr_x
#' @export
.toNum.data.frame <- function(x, strict=TRUE, type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
as.data.frame(.toNum.list(x, strict=strict, ...), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' @export
.toNum.default <- .toNum.vector
#' @export
#' @rdname convChar2Num
to_num <- convChar2Num
get_char2num_pattern <- function(type=c(
"scientific", "comma", "percent", "currency", "wide", "", "e", ",", "%", "$", "_"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
o <- list()
# scientific
if (any(c("scientific", "e") %in% type)){
ptnNum <- "\\s*((\\d+\\.*\\d*)([Ee]\\-*\\d+)*)"
ptnNum <- "\\s*(\\d+\\.*\\d*)"
o$scientific <- list(
strict=list(find=paste0("^\\s*(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "$"), repl="\\1\\2"),
unstrict=list(find=paste0("\\D*?(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "[^%]*$"), repl="\\1\\2")
# percentage
o$percent <- list(
strict=list(find=paste0("^\\s*(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "%$"), repl="\\1\\2"),
unstrict=list(find=paste0("\\D*?(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "%.*$"), repl="\\1\\2")
# currency
curPref <- c("\u060b", "\u20b3", "\u0e3f", "\u20bf", "\u20b5", "\uffe0",
"\u20a1", "\u20a2", "\u20ab", "\u20af", "\u058f", "\u20a0",
"\u20ac", "\u0192", "\u20a3", "\u20b2", "\u20b4", "\u20ad",
"\u20ba", "\u20be", "\u20bc", "\u2133", "\u20a5", "\u20a6",
"\u20a7", "\u20b1", "\u20b0", "\uffe1", "\ufdfc", "\u17db",
"\u20bd", "\u20b9", "\u20a8", "\u20aa", "\u09f3", "\u20b8",
"\u20ae", "\u20a9", "\uffe5", "\uff04", "\\$")
curSuff <- c("\u5186", "\u5143", "\u5706")
o$currency_prfx <- list(
strict=list(find=paste0("^\\s*(-*)\\s*[", paste(curPref, collapse=""), "]", ptnNum, "\\s*$"),
unstrict=list(find=paste0("\\D*?(-*)\\s*[", paste(curPref, collapse=""), "]", ptnNum, "\\s*.*$"),
o$currency_sufx <- list(
strict=list(find=paste0("^\\s*(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "[", paste(curSuff, collapse=""), "]\\s*$"),
unstrict=list(find=paste0("\\D*?(-*)\\s*", ptnNum, "[", paste(curSuff, collapse=""), "]\\s*.*$"),
"percent", "scientific", "currency_prfx", "currency_sufx"), function(nm){
o[[nm]]$strict$patn <<- o[[nm]]$strict$find
o[[nm]]$unstrict$patn <<- o[[nm]]$unstrict$find
o$comma <- list()
o$comma$strict <- o$comma$unstrict <- list(
find="\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})+\\.*\\d*", patn=",(\\d{3})", repl="\\1")
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