#' Title
#' Description
#' Details
#' @param snp_data To be completed
#' @param gene_pos To be completed
#' @param kept_markers To be completed
#' @param assignment To be completed
#' @param name_order To be completed
#' @return To be completed
#' @export
#' @examples
genotype_plot <- function(snp_data, gene_pos = NULL,
kept_markers = NULL,
assignment = NULL,
name_order = FALSE) {
# Extracting data from snp_data for easier manipulation
marker_data <- snp_data$Markers
genotype_data <- snp_data$Genotypes@.Data
# Generates a data.frame with one row per marker and one column per individual
genotype_data <- as.data.frame(apply(genotype_data, 1, as.character),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Creating a named (ind. names) character vector of haplotypes
if(!is.null(assignment)) {
# If haplotypes have been assigned, individuals are given their haplotype name
haplotypes <- assignment$haplotype
# The "name" of a non-unambiguously assigned haplotype is "-"
haplotypes[is.na(haplotypes)] <- "-"
names(haplotypes) <- assignment$ind
} else {
# Else individuals are assigned a "haplotype string" concatenated from their genotypes
haplotypes <- apply(genotype_data, 2, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
names(haplotypes) <- names(genotype_data)
# Adding some metadata columns to genotype_data
genotype_data$alleles <- marker_data$alleles
genotype_data$x_pos <- order(marker_data$pos)
genotype_data$rs <- marker_data$rs
# Generating a long-form data.frame, better suited for plotting with ggplot2
# This data.frame will contain one row for each tile to be plotted.
# (This corresponds to the number of individuals * the number of markers)
genotype_data <- reshape2::melt(genotype_data,
id.vars = c("alleles", "rs", "x_pos"),
variable.name = "ind",
value.name = "genotype")
# Haplotypes are retrieved from object "haplotypes" via individual names
genotype_data[["haplotypes"]] <- haplotypes[as.character(genotype_data[["ind"]])]
# Individuals are optionally ordered according to their names or their haplotype strings
# Ordering of the data.frame must occur prior to assigning the y-positions
if(name_order) {
genotype_data <- genotype_data[order(genotype_data$ind, decreasing = TRUE), ]
} else {
genotype_data <- genotype_data[order(genotype_data$haplotypes, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# Adding some metadata columns for plotting purposes
genotype_data[["y_pos"]] <- as.integer(factor(genotype_data[["ind"]], levels = unique(genotype_data[["ind"]])))
genotype_data[["ref"]] <- substring(genotype_data[["alleles"]], 1, 1)
genotype_data[["alt"]] <- substring(genotype_data[["alleles"]], 3, 3)
# There should be an option in case the marker is heterozygous
genotype_data[["allele"]] <- ifelse(genotype_data$genotype == "01", genotype_data[["ref"]],
ifelse(genotype_data$genotype == "03", genotype_data[["alt"]],
ifelse(genotype_data$genotype == "02", "HET", "N")))
# Adding asterisks to selected markers if these are provided as input
if(!is.null(kept_markers)) {
genotype_data[["rs"]] <- ifelse(genotype_data[["rs"]] %in% kept_markers[["rs"]],
paste0(genotype_data[["rs"]], "**"),
# Setting character size depending on the number of individuals or markers
# There might be a better default, but this temporarily does the job
text_size <- ifelse(length(unique(genotype_data[["ind"]])) >= nrow(marker_data),
90 / length(unique(genotype_data[["ind"]])),
90 / nrow(marker_data))
text_size <- min(text_size, 6)
lab_size <- ifelse(length(unique(genotype_data[["ind"]])) >= nrow(marker_data),
450 / length(unique(genotype_data[["ind"]])),
450 / nrow(marker_data))
lab_size <- min(lab_size, 12)
# Creating the graphical object
hplot <-
# Initializing the plot with genotype_data
ggplot2::ggplot(data = genotype_data,
mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x_pos", y = "y_pos")) +
# Every genotype is plotted as a tile according to the marker (x) and individual (y)
ggplot2::geom_tile(mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(fill = "genotype"),
height = 0.9, col = "black") +
# The nucleotide at every position is added at the center of every tile
ggplot2::geom_text(mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(label = "allele"),
size = text_size, vjust = "center") +
# Controlling the display of marker names
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = "Marker",
breaks = unique(genotype_data$x_pos),
labels = unique(genotype_data$rs),
position = "top") +
# Controlling the display of individual names
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Individual",
breaks = unique(genotype_data$y_pos),
labels = unique(genotype_data$ind)) +
# Controlling the color of tiles
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Genotype",
values = c("00" = "red", "01" = "cornflowerblue",
"02" = "pink", "03" = "darkorange"),
labels = c("00" = "Missing", "01" = "Major allele",
"02" = "Heterozygote", "03" = "Minor allele")) +
# Setting a baseline default theme
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
# Making some more adjustements to the theme
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, size = lab_size),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = lab_size), #temporarily removed
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank())
# A red line indicating the central position of the gene is optionally added
if(!is.null(gene_pos)) {
# Rescaling the gene position for plotting the line at the right place
rescaled_pos <- sum(gene_pos > marker_data[["pos"]]) + 0.5
hplot <- hplot + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = rescaled_pos, col = "red")
# The name of the haplotype to which the individual is assigned is optionally added
# TO CORRECT : add every label only once per row
if(!is.null(assignment)) {
hplot <-
hplot + ggplot2::geom_text(data = genotype_data[!duplicated(genotype_data$ind), ],
x = max(genotype_data$x_pos) + 0.75,
mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(label = "haplotypes"),
size = text_size, vjust = "center")
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