
Defines functions .topNDist .scatterPlot .scatterPlotComplex .cloneDistMarginal .cloneDistHist .vennIntersection .pairwiseComparison .clonotypeAnalysis

Documented in .cloneDistHist .cloneDistMarginal .clonotypeAnalysis .pairwiseComparison .scatterPlot .scatterPlotComplex .topNDist .vennIntersection

#' Title Clonotype table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import grDevices
#' @param dataframes list type. List of dataframes.
#' @param sampleNames vector type. vector of strings representing sample
#' names should have one-to-one correspondence with dataframes
#' @param top int type. Top N clonotypes to plot
#' @return None
.topNDist <- function(dataframes, sampleNames, top = 10) {
    nsamples <- length(dataframes)

    if (nsamples != length(sampleNames)) {
        stop("Expected equal number of sample names and dataframes, got ",
             " samples and ",
             nsamples, " dataframes.")

    message("Plotting top ",
            " clonotype distribution for samples ",
            paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

    # --- cleanup & pre-processing ---
    colNames <- c("Clonotype", "Count")
    for (i in seq_len(nsamples)) {
        df <- dataframes[[i]]
        # only need top N, also take the columns we're interested in only
        df <- head(df[colNames], top)
        # append sample name to distinguish data when merged later on
        df$sample <- sampleNames[i]
        # normalize percentage to top N
        df$normPerc <- df$Count / sum(df$Count)
        dataframes[[i]] <- df

    df.union <- do.call("rbind", dataframes)
    # --- done: cleanup & pre-processing ---

    # plot!
    # colour suggestion taken from
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9563711/r-color-palettes-for-many-data-classes/41230685
    # and modified
    palette <- c(
    if (length(unique(df.union$Clonotype)) > 30) {
        warning("Too many unique clonotypes are being plotted",
                " - extrapolating palette for top10 clonotype dist plot.")
        getPalatte <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, 'Accent'))
        palette <- getPalatte(length(unique(df.union$Clonotype)))
    g <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = sample, y = normPerc)) +
        geom_bar(stat = 'identity', aes(fill = Clonotype)) +
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.box = "horizontal",
            legend.title = element_blank(),
            legend.text = element_text(size = 7)
        ) +
            title = paste("Top", top, "clonotype across each sample"),
            subtitle = paste(
                "Colour coded clonotypes, distribution of each clonotype is scaled to top",
            x = "Sample",
            y = "Distribution"
        )  +
        scale_fill_manual(values = palette)

#' Title Creates a scatter plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param df1 dataframe for sample 1
#' @param df2 dataframe for sample 2
#' @param name1 string type, Sample 1 name
#' @param name2 string type. Sample 2 name
#' @param cloneClass string type.
#' What region was used to classify clonotypes - appears in title. For example,
#' CDR3 or V region
#' @return ggplot2 object
.scatterPlot <- function(df1, df2, name1, name2, cloneClass) {
    message("Generating scatter plot for ", name1, " and ", name2)

    df.union <-
              by = "Clonotype",
              all.y = TRUE,
              all.x = TRUE)

    # replace NaN with 0
    df.union[is.na(df.union)] <- 0

    # plot!
    gg <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = Count.x, y = Count.y)) +
        geom_point() +
        theme_bw() +
            subtitle = paste(name2, " vs ", name1,
                             " plot based on clonotype counts"),
            y = name2,
            x = name1,
            title = paste("Scatter plot of ", cloneClass, " clonotype counts")

#' Creates a complex scatter plot
#' @import ggplot2 gridExtra grid stats
#' @include util.R
#' @param df.union a 'lossless' dataframe created by intersecting sample1 and
#' sample2's dataframes. It should contain NAs where clones that appear in one
#' sample doesn't appear in the other. For example:
#' +-------------------------------------------------+
#' | Clonotype | prop.x | prop.y | Count.x | Count.y |
#' +-------------------------------------------------+
#' | ABCDEF       NA       0.01      NA        210   |
#' | ......                                          |
#' +-------------------------------------------------+
#' @param df1 dataframe for sample 1
#' @param df2 dataframe for sample 2
#' @param name1 string type, Sample 1 name
#' @param name2 string type. Sample 2 name
#' @param cloneClass string type.
#' What region was used to classify clonotypes - appears in title. For example,
#' CDR3 or V region
#' this plotting techique was
#' shamelessly plagarised from
#' https://github.com/mikessh/vdjtools/blob/master/src/main/resources/rscripts/intersect_pair_scatter.r
#' (VDJTools) with minor modifications
#' @return ggplot2 object
.scatterPlotComplex <-
             cloneClass) {
        message("Generating scatter plot for ", name1, " and ", name2)

        # find what the smallest percentage is so we know what to use as the
        # minimum (since log10(0) wont cut it)
        smallestPercentage <- min(df1$prop, df2$prop)

        # log10 scale the proportions (-inf, 0)
        df.union$prop.x <- log10(df.union$prop.x)
        df.union$prop.y <- log10(df.union$prop.y)
        df1$prop <- log10(df1$prop)
        df2$prop <- log10(df2$prop)

        intersectingClones <-
            df.union[complete.cases(df.union), "Clonotype"]

        # convert NAs to x and y intercept values
        df.union[is.na(df.union)] <- log10(smallestPercentage * 5e-1)

        xmin <- min(df.union$prop.x)
        ymin <- min(df.union$prop.y)

        sample1.margin <-
            .cloneDistMarginal(df1, intersectingClones, xmin, flip = FALSE)
        sample2.margin <-
            .cloneDistMarginal(df2, intersectingClones, ymin, flip = TRUE)

        g <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = prop.x, y = prop.y)) +
            theme_bw() +
                aes(size = (prop.x + prop.y / 2)),
                color = "black",
                alpha = 0.4,
                pch = 21,
                fill = BLUEHEX
            ) +
            scale_size_continuous(guide = "none", range = c(1, 10)) +
            scale_x_continuous(limits = c(xmin, 0), expand = c(0, 0.1)) +
            scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin, 0), expand = c(0, 0.1)) +
            # geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = TRUE, fullrange = TRUE) +
            # stat_smooth(data = df.union, aes(prop.x, prop.y,
            #                                  weight = 10^((prop.x + prop.y) / 2)),
            #             color = "blue", method = "lm", fullrange = TRUE, se = TRUE) +
            labs(y = name2, x = name1)
            ncol = 2,
            nrow = 2,
            widths = c(4, 1),
            heights = c(1, 4),
            top = paste(
                "Scatter plot of",
                "clonotype frequencies\n",

#' Marginal density graph of clonotypes (blue for shared, grey for total, purple
#' for exclusive clones)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param df.original dataframe with all clones
#' @param otherClones clones from the other dataframe
#' @param lim.min x-axis minimum limit
#' @param flip logical type
#' @return ggplot2 object
.cloneDistMarginal <-
    function(df.original, otherClones, lim.min, flip) {
        mask <- df.original$Clonotype %in% otherClones
        # clones that are shared between df.original and the other sample
        df.shared <- df.original[mask,]
        # clones that are not shared with the other sample
        df.exclusive <- df.original[!mask,]
        # grey, BLUHEX, purplish blue
        g <- ggplot() +
                data = df.original,
                aes(x = prop, y = ..scaled..),
                fill = "#808080",
                alpha = 0.4,
                adjust = 1,
                size = 0.1,
                color = "black"
            ) +
                data = df.shared,
                aes(x = prop, y = ..scaled..),
                fill = BLUEHEX,
                alpha = 0.4,
                adjust = 1,
                size = 0.1,
                color = "black"
            ) +
                data = df.exclusive,
                aes(x = prop, y = ..scaled..),
                fill = "#e0ccff",
                alpha = 0.4,
                adjust = 1,
                size = 0.1,
                color = "black"
            ) +
            scale_x_continuous(limits = c(lim.min, 0), expand = c(0, 0.25)) +
            theme_bw() +
                legend.position = "none",
                axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                axis.title.y = element_blank(),
                panel.grid = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank()
        if (flip) {
            g <- g + coord_flip()

#' Marginal histogram of clonotypes (blue for shared, grey for total). The y
#' axis is scaled by sqrt (but it doesn't really matter anyway, since we're
#' stripping away the y-ticks)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param df.original dataframe with all clones
#' @param otherClones clones from the other dataframe
#' @param lim.min x-axis minimum limit
#' @param flip logical type
#' @return ggplot2 object
.cloneDistHist <-
    function(df.original, otherClones, lim.min, flip) {
        df.filtered <- df.original[df.original$Clonotype %in% otherClones,]
        g <- ggplot() +
                data = df.original,
                aes(x = prop,
                    y = sqrt(..count.. / sum(..count..))),
                fill = "#808080",
                alpha = 0.4
            ) +
                data = df.filtered,
                aes(x = prop,
                    y = sqrt(..count.. / sum(..count..))),
                fill = BLUEHEX,
                alpha = 0.4
            ) +
            scale_x_continuous(limits = c(lim.min, 0), expand = c(0, 0.25)) +
            theme_bw() +
                legend.position = "none",
                axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                axis.title.y = element_blank(),
                panel.grid = element_blank()
        if (flip) {
            g <- g + coord_flip()

#' Title Creates Venndiagram for clonotype intersection
#' @import VennDiagram grDevices
#' @param dataframes list type. List of sample dataframes. Only accepts 2 - 5
#' samples. Warning message will be generated for anything outside of the range
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with dataframes
#' @param outFile string type. Filename to be saved as
#' @param top int type. Top N cutoff, defaults to ALL clones if not specified
#' @return Nothing
.vennIntersection <-
    function(dataframes, sampleNames, outFile, top = Inf) {
        nsample <- length(dataframes)

        if (nsample != length(sampleNames)) {
            stop("Expected equal number of sample names and dataframes, got ",
                 " samples and ",
                 nsample, " dataframes.")

        if (nsample >= 2 && nsample <= 5) {
            # output
            message("Creating Venn diagram for samples ",
                    paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))
                filename = outFile,
                width = 8,
                height = 7,
                units = "in",
                res = 300

            # Get the top N clonotypes if specified, and only use the 2 columns
            # specified below
            colNames <- c("Clonotype", "Count")
            dataframes <- lapply(dataframes, function(df) {
                head(df[colNames], top)

            # merge all dataframes
            df.union <- merge(
                by = "Clonotype",
                all.y = TRUE,
                all.x = TRUE
            colnames(df.union) <-
                c("Clonotype", sampleNames[1], sampleNames[2])
            df.union[is.na(df.union)] <- 0

            # check if there's more
            if (nsample > 2) {
                for (i in 3:nsample) {
                    oldColNames <- colnames(df.union)
                    df.union <-
                            by = "Clonotype",
                            all.y = TRUE,
                            all.x = TRUE
                    colnames(df.union) <- c(oldColNames, sampleNames[i])
                    df.union[is.na(df.union)] <- 0

            # plot!
            area1 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0)
            area2 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0)
            area12 <-
                sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0)
            if (nsample == 2) {
                    category = c(sampleNames[1], sampleNames[2]),
                    cat.fontface = "bold",
                    cex = 1.7,
                    fill = 2:3,
                    alpha = 0.5,
                    filename = NULL
            } else {
                area3 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0)
                area13 <-
                    sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0)
                area23 <-
                    sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0)
                area123 <-
                    sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                            df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0)
                if (nsample == 3) {
                        area1 = area1,
                        area2 = area2,
                        area3 = area3,
                        n12 = area12,
                        n13 = area13,
                        n23 = area23,
                        n123 = area123,
                        category = c(sampleNames[1], sampleNames[2], sampleNames[3]),
                        cat.fontface = "bold",
                        cex = 1.7,
                        fill = 2:4,
                        alpha = 0.5,
                        filename = NULL
                } else {
                    area4 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area14 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area24 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area34 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area124 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area134 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area234 <-
                        sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    area1234 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                        df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                        df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                        df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0)
                    if (nsample == 4) {
                            area1 = area1,
                            area2 = area2,
                            area3 = area3,
                            area4 = area4,
                            n12 = area12,
                            n13 = area13,
                            n14 = area14,
                            n23 = area23,
                            n24 = area24,
                            n34 = area34,
                            n123 = area123,
                            n124 = area124,
                            n134 = area134,
                            n234 = area234,
                            n1234 = area1234,
                            category = c(
                            cat.fontface = "bold",
                            cex = 1.7,
                            fill = 2:5,
                            alpha = 0.5,
                            filename = NULL
                    } else {
                        # quuntuple plot
                        area5 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area15 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area25 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area35 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area45 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area125 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area135 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area145 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area235 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area245 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area345 <-
                            sum(df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                    df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 & df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area1235 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area1245 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area1345 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area2345 <- sum(df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 &
                                            df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0)
                        area12345 <- sum(
                            df.union[sampleNames[1]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[2]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[3]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[4]] > 0 &
                                df.union[sampleNames[5]] > 0
                            area1 = area1,
                            area2 = area2,
                            area3 = area3,
                            area4 = area4,
                            area5 = area5,
                            n12 = area12,
                            n13 = area13,
                            n14 = area14,
                            n15 = area15,
                            n23 = area23,
                            n24 = area24,
                            n25 = area25,
                            n34 = area34,
                            n35 = area35,
                            n45 = area45,
                            n123 = area123,
                            n124 = area124,
                            n125 = area125,
                            n134 = area134,
                            n135 = area135,
                            n145 = area145,
                            n234 = area234,
                            n235 = area235,
                            n245 = area245,
                            n345 = area345,
                            n1234 = area1234,
                            n1235 = area1235,
                            n1245 = area1245,
                            n1345 = area1345,
                            n2345 = area2345,
                            n12345 = area12345,
                            category = c(
                            cat.fontface = "bold",
                            cex = 1.7,
                            fill = 2:6,
                            alpha = 0.5,
                            filename = NULL
        } else {
            # TODO: use heatmap when samples > 5 (calculate similarity distance)
            warning("Skipping venn diagram plot for ",
                    paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "),
                    ". Venn diagrams are not supported for comaprisons of ",
                    "more than 5 samples.")

#' Conduct all vs all pairwise comparison analyses
#' @include util.R
#' @include statistics.R
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggdendro
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import ggcorrplot
#' @import reshape2
#' @import stats
#' @import grDevices
#' @param dataframes list of dataframes
#' @param sampleNames 1-1 vector corresponding to dataframes
#' @param outputPath string
#' @param .save logical
#' @return nothing
.pairwiseComparison <-
             .save = TRUE) {
        stopifnot(length(dataframes) == length(sampleNames))
        # TODO: depending on memory consumption and CPU usage, can parallelize this.
        df <-
            do.call("rbind", lapply(head(seq_along(dataframes), n = -1), function(i) {
                do.call("rbind", lapply((i + 1):length(dataframes), function(j) {
                    df.union <- merge(
                        by = "Clonotype",
                        all.y = TRUE,
                        all.x = TRUE

                    # --- clonotype scatter plot ---
                    saveName <- file.path(
                    # square plot to get a evenly scaled scatter plot on both the x and y axis
                        width = V_WIDTH,
                        height = V_WIDTH,
                        units = "in",
                        res = 500,
                        pointsize = 10
                    # too large to save, skip this!
                    # .saveAs(.save, saveName, p)

                    # make all NAs 0 before conducting distance / similarity analyses
                    df.union <- replace(df.union, is.na(df.union), 0)

                    # --- pearson correlation of clonotype frequencies ---
                    correlations <-

                    # --- Morisita Horn, Jaccard, and Dice distance scores ---
                    distance <- .distanceMeasure(df.union)

                        from = sampleNames[i],
                        to = sampleNames[j],
                        morisita.horn = distance$morisita.horn,
                        jaccard = distance$jaccard,
                        bray.curtis = distance$bray.curtis,
                        pearson = correlations$pearson,
                        pearson.p = correlations$pearson.p,
                        spearman = correlations$spearman,
                        spearman.p = correlations$spearman.p
        # what df should loop like now: length(sampleNames) Choose 2 rows
        # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # |from | to | morisita.horn | jaccard | bray.curtis | pearson | pearson.p | spearman | spearman.p |
        # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # | ...                                                                                            |
        # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # step 1. save the dataframe as a TSV file
        # NOTE: this saves the dataframe in a unidirectional format. That is,
        # from - to pairings will not repeat (since to - from will have the exact
        # same row values). Hence, to reload this table as a symmetric matrix,
        # more work will have to be done (need to reflect matrix on the diag).
        # The diagnoal must be defined during load too. (see .loadMatrixFromDF)
            file = file.path(outputPath, "distance_indices.tsv"),
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            sep = "\t"

        # step 2. plot and save the correlograms
        lapply(c("pearson", "spearman"), function(method) {
            mat <- .loadMatrixFromDF(df, value.var = method, diag = 1)
            mat.pval <-
                                  value.var = paste0(method, ".p"),
                                  diag = 0)
            p <- ggcorrplot(
                lab = TRUE,
                ggtheme = theme_bw,
                p.mat = mat.pval,
                title = paste(.capitalize(method), "correlation"),
                hc.order = TRUE,
                type = "lower",
                outline.color = "white",
                colors = c("#053061", "#F7F7F7", "#67001F") # see brewer.pal(11, "RdBu")
            saveName <- file.path(outputPath, paste0(method, ".png"))
                   plot = p,
                   width = V_WIDTH,
                   height = V_HEIGHT)
            .saveAs(.save, saveName, p)

        # step 3. plot sand save the hierarchical dendrograms
        lapply(c("morisita.horn", "jaccard", "bray.curtis"), function(method) {
            mat <- .loadMatrixFromDF(df, value.var = method, diag = 0)
            g <-
                ggdendro::ggdendrogram(hclust(as.dist(mat), method = "complete"),
                                       rotate = TRUE) +
                labs(title = paste(.capitalize(sub(
                    ".", " ", method, fixed = TRUE
                "hierarchical dendrogram")) +
                theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
                      panel.grid = element_blank())

            saveName <- file.path(outputPath,
                                  paste0(sub(".", "_", method, fixed = TRUE),
                   plot = g,
                   width = V_WIDTH,
                   height = V_HEIGHT)
            .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)


#' Comprehensive clonotype analyses
#' @include util.R
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param diversityDirectories list type. List of directories to diversity dir
#' @param clonotypeOut string type. Output directory
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with diversityDirectories
#' @param mashedNames string type. Prefix for ooutput files using "mashed-up"
#' @param .save logical type. Save ggplot object?
#' @return Nothing
.clonotypeAnalysis <- function(diversityDirectories,
                               .save = TRUE) {

    message("Starting clonotype analysis on samples ",
            paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

    cdr3ClonesFile <- .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                                        pattern = ".*_cdr3_clonotypes_.*_over\\.csv(\\.gz)?$")
    if (length(cdr3ClonesFile) == length(sampleNames)) {
        dataframes <- lapply(cdr3ClonesFile, function(fname) {
            df <- read.csv(fname, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            df$prop <- df$Count / sum(df$Count)
            return(df[, c("Count", "Clonotype", "prop")])

        # all vs all comparisons (scatter plot, similarity, etc ...)
        .pairwiseComparison(dataframes, sampleNames, clonotypeOut, .save = .save)

        # venn diagram
        .vennIntersection(dataframes, sampleNames,
        # top 10 barplot
        g <- .topNDist(dataframes, sampleNames)
        saveName <- file.path(clonotypeOut,
                              paste0(mashedNames, "_top10Clonotypes.png"))
               plot = g,
               width = V_WIDTH_L,
               height = V_HEIGHT_L)
        .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)
    } else {
        warning("Skipping clonotype analysis for ",
                paste(sampleNames, collpse = ", "),
                ", can't find required CSVs, expected ",
                " but got ",
                " instead.")
malhamdoosh/abseqR documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:36 a.m.