
Defines functions PP_gpcm

Documented in PP_gpcm

#' Estimate Person Parameters for the GPCM
#' Compute person parameters for the GPCM and choose between five common estimation techniques: ML, WL, MAP, EAP and a robust estimation. All item parameters are treated as fixed.
#' Please note, that \code{robust} estimation with (Huber ability estimate) polytomous items is still experimental!
#' The probability choosing the k-th category is as follows:
#'\deqn{P(x_{ij} = k | \hat \alpha_i, \hat\beta_{iv}, \theta_j) = \frac{exp(\sum_{v=0}^{(k-1)}\hat \alpha_{i}(\theta_j - \hat \beta_{iv}))}{\,\sum_{c=0}^{m_i - 1}exp(\sum_{v=0}^{c}\hat \alpha_{i}(\theta_j - \hat \beta_{iv})))}}
#'In our case \eqn{\theta} is to be estimated. The item parameters are assumed as fixed (usually these are estimates of a former scaling procedure).
#'The model simplifies to the Partial Credit Model by setting \eqn{\alpha_{i} = 1, \forall i}.
#'@param respm An integer matrix, which contains the examinees responses. A persons x items matrix is expected.
#'@param thres A numeric matrix which contains the threshold parameter for each item. If the first row of the matrix is not set to zero (only zeroes in the first row) - then a row-vector with zeroes is added by default.
#'@param slopes A numeric vector, which contains the slope parameters for each item - one parameter per item is expected.
#'@param theta_start A vector which contains a starting value for each person. If NULL is submitted, the starting values are set automatically. If a scalar is submitted, this start value is used for each person.
#'@param mu A numeric vector of location parameters for each person in case of MAP or EAP estimation. If nothing is submitted this is set to 0 for each person for MAP estimation.
#'@param sigma2 A numeric vector of variance parameters for each person in case of MAP  or EAP estimation. If nothing is submitted this is set to 1 for each person for MAP estimation.
#'@param type Which maximization should be applied? There are five valid entries possible: "mle", "wle", "map", "eap" and "robust". To choose between the methods, or just to get a deeper understanding the papers mentioned below are quite helpful. The default is \code{"wle"} which is a good choice in many cases.
#'@param maxsteps The maximum number of steps the NR Algorithm will take. Default = 100.
#'@param exac How accurate are the estimates supposed to be? Default is 0.001.
#'@param H In case \code{type = "robust"} a Huber ability estimate is performed, and \code{H} modulates how fast the downweighting takes place (for more Details read Schuster & Yuan 2011).
#'@param ctrl more controls
#' \item \code{killdupli}: Should duplicated response pattern be removed for estimation (estimation is faster)? This is especially resonable in case of a large number of examinees and a small number of items.  Use this option with caution (for map and eap), because persons with different \code{mu} and \code{sigma2} will have different ability estimates despite they responded identically. Default value is \code{FALSE}.
#'\item \code{skipcheck}: Default = FALSE. If TRUE data matrix and arguments are not checked - this saves time e.g. when you use this function for simulations.
#'@template resulttemplate
#' @seealso \link{PPass}, \link{PPall}, \link{PP_4pl}, \link{JKpp}, \link{PV}
#'@author Manuel Reif
#'@references Baker, Frank B., and Kim, Seock-Ho (2004). Item Response Theory - Parameter Estimation Techniques. CRC-Press.
#'Masters, G. N. (1982). A Rasch model for partial credit scoring. Psychometrika, 47(2), 149-174.
#'Muraki, Eiji (1992). A Generalized Partial Credit Model: Application of an EM Algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 16, 159-176.
#'Muraki, Eiji (1993). Information Functions of the Generalized Partial Credit Model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 17, 351-363.
#'Samejima, Fumiko (1993). The bias function of the maximum likelihood estimate of ability for the dichotomous response level. Psychometrika,  58, 195-209.
#'Samejima, Fumiko (1993). An approximation of the bias function of the maximum likelihood estimate of a latent variable for the general case where the item responses are discrete. Psychometrika,  58, 119-138.
#' Schuster, C., & Yuan, K. H. (2011). Robust estimation of latent ability in item response models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36(6), 720-735.
#'Wang, S. and Wang, T. (2001). Precision of Warm's Weighted Likelihood Estimates for a Polytomous Model in Computerized Adaptive Testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 25, 317-331.
#'Warm, Thomas A. (1989). Weighted Likelihood Estimation Of Ability In Item Response Theory. Psychometrika, 54, 427-450.

#'@example ./R/.examples_gpcm.R
#'@keywords Person Parameters GPCM
#'@rdname PP_gpcm

PP_gpcm <- function(respm, thres, slopes, theta_start=NULL,
                    mu = NULL, sigma2 = NULL, type="wle", maxsteps=100, exac=0.001,H=1,ctrl=list())
  call <- match.call()  
  attr(call, "date") <- date() 
  attr(call,"version") <- packageVersion("PP")
  ## --------- user controls
  cont <- list(killdupli=FALSE,skipcheck=FALSE)
  user_ctrlI <- match(names(ctrl),names(cont))
    notex <- names(ctrl)[is.na(user_ctrlI)]
    warning("The following options in ctrl do not exist: ", paste(notex,collapse=", "))
    ctrl       <- ctrl[!is.na(user_ctrlI)]
    user_ctrlI <- user_ctrlI[!is.na(user_ctrlI)]
  cont[user_ctrlI] <- ctrl


## --------- threshold matrix

# If the user did not add a row with zeroes only
  if(any(thres[1,] != 0))
      thres <- rbind(0,thres)
  # compute the maximal score per item
  maxsc <- apply(thres,2,function(x)(length(x) - sum(is.na(x)))-1)
  ## starting values
  thresv <- apply(thres[2,,drop=FALSE],2, function(tr) mean(tr,na.rm=TRUE))
  theta_start <- apply(respm, 1, function(st)
  } else if(length(theta_start) == 1)
      theta_start <- rep(theta_start, nrow(respm))  

if(!cont$skipcheck) # to save time e.g. when running simulations
## --------- check user inputs
checkINP(respm, thres, slopes, theta_start, lowerA=NULL, upperA=NULL, type)
# -----------------------------------------------------  

# in case map is chosen and no mu and/or sigma2 is/are submitted.
if( (any(is.null(mu)) | any(is.null(sigma2))))
    mu <- rep(0,nrow(respm))
    if(type %in% c("map","eap")) warning("all mu's are set to 0! \n")
    sigma2 <- rep(1,nrow(respm))
    if(type %in% c("map","eap")) warning("all sigma2's are set to 1! \n")

# ----- ----- -------------#

# add NA and Inf in case of mle estimation and full oder 0 score
if(type=="mle"| type=="robust")
  resPPx <- ansol(respm,maxsc)  
  respm <- respm[!is.na(resPPx[,2]),,drop=FALSE]

# ----- remove duplicated -------------# 

  dupvec <- make_dup(respm)
  respm <- respm[dupvec$ndpat,,drop=FALSE]

cat("Estimating: GPCM ... \n")
cat("type =",type,"\n")

if(type %in% c("mle","wle","map"))
    # ----- estimation procedure -------------# 
    resPP <- NR_GPCM(respm,thres,slopes,theta_start,type,maxsteps,exac,mu,sigma2,H=H) 
    resPP$resPP[,2] <- sqrt(resPP$resPP[,2])
  } else if(type == "robust")
    warning("Robust estimation for GPCM is still very experimental! \n")
    resPP <- NR_GPCM(respm,thres,slopes,theta_start,type,maxsteps,exac,mu,sigma2,H=H) 
    resPP$resPP[,2] <- sqrt(resPP$resPP[,2])
    } else if(type == "eap")
        resPP <- list()
        resPP$resPP <- eap_gpcm(respm, thres, slopes,
                                mu = mu, sigma2 = sigma2)
        resPP$nsteps <- 0    

  ### result preperation --------------------------
  # add duplicated values
      # expanding up the matrix
      resPP$resPP <- resPP$resPP[dupvec$posvec,]
  # add Inf and -Inf 
  if(type=="mle" | type=="robust")
      resPPx[!is.na(resPPx[,2]),] <- resPP$resPP
      resPP$resPP <- resPPx
  colnames(resPP$resPP) <- c("estimate","SE")

  ipar <- list(respm=respm,thres=thres,slopes=slopes,theta_start=theta_start,mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,cont=cont,H=H)
      ipar$dupvec <- dupvec 

  ## ---------------------------------------------
  cat("Estimation finished!\n")
  rescall <- list(resPP=resPP,call=call,type=type,ipar=ipar)
  class(rescall) <- c("gpcm","ppeo")

manuelreif/PP documentation built on May 31, 2021, 11:23 p.m.