
#' Screen a sequence using Blast
#' You provide a reference and a querry and the function compute the percentage of the reference which is covered by the querry
#' @param reference the reference sequence that you want to screen. Fasta file in one or severa sequences
#' @param querry the querry sequence. Fasta file in one or severa sequences
#' @param dir.out the directory of the output
#' @param min.pc.ident
#' @param min.pc.length
#' @return numeric value of the percentage of the reference sequence which is covered by the querry
#' @import GenomicRanges IRanges Biostrings
#' @export
screenBlast <- function (reference, querry,min.pc.ident,min.pc.length)
  try(unlink("temp", recursive = TRUE))
  myarg <- paste0("-in ", reference, " -out temp/dbblast/db -dbtype nucl")
  system2(command = "makeblastdb", args = myarg, stdout = F)

  myarg <- paste0("-query ", querry, " -db temp/dbblast/db -out temp/blast.txt -num_threads 8 -num_alignments 1000 -outfmt \"7 sacc bitscore pident length slen \"")
  system2(command = "blastn", args = myarg)
  blast <- try(read.table("temp/blast.txt", comment.char = "#"), silent = T)

  if (class(blast) == "data.frame")
    sequences <- readDNAStringSet(reference)
    genes <-names(sequences)
    gene.levels <- levels(factor(genes))

    colnames(blast) <- c("subj.access", "bitscore", "pident", "align.length", "subj.len")
    genes <- blast$subj.access
    blast <- data.frame(genes,blast)
    blast$pc.length <- round(100*(blast$align.length/blast$subj.len))
    blast$pc.length[blast$pc.length>100] <- 100

    ngenes <- length(gene.levels)
    toreturn <- character(length =ngenes )
    for(i in 1:ngenes)
      blast.selected <- blast[blast$gene==gene.levels[i],]
      blast.selected <- blast.selected[(blast.selected$pident>min.pc.ident)&(blast.selected$pc.length>min.pc.length),]
        toreturn1 <- unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(blast.selected$subj.access,split=':'),function(x) x[[1]])))
        toreturn1 <- paste(toreturn1[1:min(3,length(toreturn1))],collapse='|')
        blast.selected <- blast.selected[sort.list(blast.selected$bitscore,decreasing=T),]
        blast.selected <- blast.selected[which.max(blast.selected$pc.length),]
        toreturn2  <- paste0('pc.id = ',round(blast.selected$pident),' ; pc.cov = ',blast.selected$pc.length)
        toreturn[i] <- paste(toreturn2,toreturn1,sep=';')
      else{toreturn[i] <- ''}

  else{toreturn <- character(length =ngenes )}
  unlink('temp',recursive = T)
maous1/Syngulon documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 12:39 p.m.