calcMixR: Various Humidity Related Values

View source: R/calcHumidity.R

calcMixRR Documentation

Various Humidity Related Values


This set of functions calculates different humidity related values based on the given entities.


calcDewp(ta, rh)

calcEnth(ta, rh, pb)

calcHumx(ta, rh)

calcMixR(ta, rh, pb)

calcRH(ta, mr, pb)


calcVP(ta, mr, pb)

calcVapourpressure(ta, rh)



a numeric value or vector presenting air temperature in [degree C].


a numeric value or vector presenting relative humidity in [%], except for calcVapourpressure, where it must be in decimal (e.g. 0.5).


a numeric value or vector presenting barometric pressure in [torr].


a numeric value or vector presenting the mixIng ratio in [g/kg.


The length of the arguments must be either the same or they must have the length one and one common second length.


calcDewp returns the dew point temperature in [degree C]

calcEnth returns a single value or a vector of values of enthalpy in [J]

calcHumx returns a single value or a vector of values of the humidex of air [ ]

calcMixR returns a single value or a vector of mixIng ratio in [g/kg]

calcRH returns a single value or a vector of relative humidities in [%]

calcSVP returns a single value or a vector of saturation vapor pressure in [kpa]

calcVP returns a single value or a vector of vapor pressure in [kpa]

calcVapourpressure returns a single value or a vector of vapor pressure in [kpa]


Michael Kleber (code and documentation), Marcel Schweiker (documentation).


Ranaa, Kusya, Jurdaka, Wallb & Hua (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.04.019>

Masterton & Richardson (1979) Humidex a method of quantifying humandiscomfort due to excessive heat and humidity, clI 1-79. Downsview, Ont: Environment Canada. Atmosheric Environment Service.


## Calc single value of absolute humidity
ta <- 25
rh <- 50
calcMixR(ta, rh, 760)
## Calc set of values of absolute humidity
ta <- 25:30
rh <- 50
calcMixR(ta, rh, 760)
## Calculating dew point temperature with single values for ta and rh
calcDewp(25, 50)
## Calculating dew point temperature with a vector of values for ta and a single value for rh
calcDewp(25:29, 50)
## Calc single value of enthalpy
ta <- 25
rh <- 50
calcEnth(ta, rh, 760)
## Calc set of values of enthalpy
ta <- 25:30
rh <- 50
calcEnth(ta, rh, 760)

marcelschweiker/comfort_R documentation built on Dec. 22, 2024, 4:14 p.m.