
Defines functions cohortSim

Documented in cohortSim

#' @title Simulation of a cohort
#' @description \code{cohortSim} simulates a single cohort
#' @param params List of parameters to use in function
#' @param t_incr Value to use a time increment (in years). Defaults to 1.
#' @details \code{params} list should contain the following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{species} Species name
#'   \item \code{growthFun} Name of growth function (e.g. "growth_VB" is the von 
#'   Bertalanffy growth function)
#'   \item \code{amax} Maximum age
#'   \item \code{LWa} Length-weight relationship parameter a (weight~a*length^b)
#'   \item \code{LWb} Length-weight relationship parameter b (weight~a*length^b)
#'   \item \code{M} Natural mortality
#'   \item \code{F} Fishing mortality
#'   \item \code{N0} Number of individuals at time 0
#'   \item \code{matFun} Name of maturity function (e.g. "pmat_w" is a logistic 
#'   function that includes width, w, of quantiles)
#'   \item \code{selectFun} Function to use for gear selection. Determines lengths 
#'   vulnerable to fishing mortality (e.g. "gillnet" and "knife_edge" functions).
#'   \item \code{...} Other parameters for growth, maturity, and selectivity functions.
#' }
#' @return A list
#' @examples
#' data(tilapia)
#' res <- cohortSim(tilapia, t_incr=.1)
#' plot(pcap ~ Lt, res, t="l")
#' plot(Lt ~ t, res, t="l")
#' plot(Wt ~ t, res, t="l")
#' plot(Bt ~ t, res, t="l")
#' lines(SBt ~ t, res, col=2)
#' plot(Bt ~ Lt, res, t="l")
#' lines(SBt ~ Lt, res, col=2)
#' plot(Yt ~ t, res, t="l")
#' plot(Nt ~ t, res, t="l", log="y")
#' lines(Nt.noF ~ t, res, col=2, lty=2)
#' @export
cohortSim <- function(params, t_incr=1){
  res <- params
  if(is.null(res$amax)) res$amax <- with(res, ceiling(log(-(0.95* Linf)/Linf + 1) / -K + t0))
  # Ages
  t <- seq(0, res$amax, t_incr)
  res$t <- t
  # Growth  
  args.incl <- which(names(res) %in% names(formals(get(res$growthFun))))
  Lt <- do.call(get(res$growthFun), res[args.incl])
  res$Lt <- Lt
  Wt <- with(res, LWa*Lt^LWb)
  # Maturity
  args.incl <- which(names(res) %in% names(formals(get(res$matFun))))
  pmat <- do.call(get(res$matFun), res[args.incl])
  # Prob. of capture
  args.incl <- which(names(res) %in% names(formals(get(res$selectFun))))
  pcap <- do.call(get(res$selectFun), res[args.incl])
  # Numbers
  N0 <- res$N0; M <- res$M; F <- res$F
  Nt.noF <- N0 * exp(-M*t)
  Nt <- 0*t
  Nt[1] <- N0
  Ct <- 0*t
  Nt[1] <- N0
  for(i in 2:length(t)){
    Nt[i] <- Nt[i-1] * exp(-(M + F*pcap[i]) * (t[i]-t[i-1]))
    Ct[i-1] <- ((F*pcap[i])/(M + F*pcap[i])) * (Nt[i-1] * (1 - exp(-(M + F*pcap[i]) * (t[i]-t[i-1])))) # Baranov catch equation
  Yt <- Ct * Wt
  #Population weight
  Bt <- Nt * Wt
  Bt.noF <- Nt.noF * Wt
  #Spawning pop biomass and fecundity
  SBt <- Bt*pmat
    args.incl <- which(names(res) %in% names(formals(get(res$fecFun))))
    res$Neggst <- do.call(get(res$fecFun), args=c(res[args.incl], list(Wt=Wt)))
  #Optimal length
  Lopt <- Lt[which.max(Bt.noF)]
  Lopt.plus_minus_10 <- c(Lopt-Lopt*0.1, Lopt+Lopt*0.1)
  Lt.in.Lopt <- Lt >= Lopt.plus_minus_10[1] & Lt <= Lopt.plus_minus_10[2]
  Lt.in.mega <- Lt >= Lopt.plus_minus_10[2]
  SB <- sum(SBt) / t_incr
  Y <- sum(Yt, na.rm=TRUE)
  Ftot <- sum(Yt/Bt, na.rm=TRUE) / res$amax  
  fracC.mat <- sum(Ct * pmat, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(Ct, na.rm=TRUE)
  fracC.Lopt <- sum(Ct * Lt.in.Lopt, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(Ct, na.rm=TRUE)
  fracN.mega <- sum(Nt * Lt.in.mega, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(Nt, na.rm=TRUE)
  fracC.mega <- sum(Ct * Lt.in.mega, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(Ct, na.rm=TRUE)
  # Out
  res2 <- list(
    Nt=Nt, Nt.noF=Nt.noF, Bt=Bt,
    pmat=pmat, pcap=pcap,
    Ct=Ct, SBt=SBt, Yt=Yt,
    SB=SB, Y=Y,
    fracC.mat=fracC.mat, fracC.Lopt=fracC.Lopt,
    fracN.mega=fracN.mega, fracC.mega=fracC.mega
  return(c(res, res2))  
marchtaylor/fishdynr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:27 a.m.